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Hermes Hermes is offline
Trisphee Kensai
Default   #225  
I say an order of some sort, but I don't mind either way...
<--Trisphee Kensai-->
Old Posted 02-20-2011, 06:30 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #226   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
I don't mind either way, what ever make you happy ^^
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 02-21-2011, 04:29 AM Reply With Quote  
Hermes Hermes is offline
Trisphee Kensai
Default   #227  
I prefer the order ^^;
<--Trisphee Kensai-->
Old Posted 02-21-2011, 08:38 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #228   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
then order it is if mew is okay with it ^^
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 02-22-2011, 01:48 AM Reply With Quote  
M e w M e w is offline
Local Weirdo
Default   #229  
Blarg, I have been gone for so long. Dx

So ya, I think I would like to start up some new roleplays... no idea of what I would like to do really so feel free to throw whatever at me.

To anyone I have an existing rp with :: please let me know if you want to continue them or just drop them. But if you wish to continue it could take me a little while to get back into the story since it's been so long. >:
Old Posted 06-01-2011, 02:46 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #230   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
This is entirely a stolen idea on a book that probably didn't sell well but ready for it? Bascially this alien race dressed in full clad armor but definitely humanoid in appear on Earth. It happens instantly. All the adults are gone and white towers spread out across the land emmiting a strange light. All the kids are rounded up and raised into fighting machines...or rather scraps to make them. When they're old enough they are either modified into a warrior (with their consciousness suppressed) or sent to a chop shop for material to modify other kids who will become said warrior. All the while these human children develop individual powers due to the nature of those towers.

Mysteriously, the overlords know nothing about this. Goes to show how involved they were with their creations that the fodder. Creations which they used in their own Game of war. Anyway kids sometimes manage to escape before their 13th birthday. Sometimes finding their way to a computer AI named Shade who cares for the children in a broken submarine. They all care for each other, and he sends them on mission to collect information to try and combat the overlords. There are also no adults here for some reason. So either they all die at some mission eventually or the towers wisk them off to some far off place at some point.

What do you think of my stolen RP idea? xD;
Old Posted 06-04-2011, 10:02 PM Reply With Quote  
M e w M e w is offline
Local Weirdo
Default   #231  
Sounds interesting. xD
I've always got a few questions though so here I go haha.

So you said the warriors fight machines? What do you mean exactly? Like why do the aliens have them do that exactly?
Since it's based off of something published, I feel like maybe we should change any names, like the AI's name for instance. Probably not a big deal but for some reason it bugs my lol.
Also, where would you plan on starting this off at?

I'm thinking it would be interesting to play one of the warrior characters... like maybe one of the kids who escaped would run into one. I'm guessing if the warriors' minds are all messed with (by the aliens right?) then they would be set to attack or capture any escapees they find?
So perhaps said warrior would have some sort of flaw in that mind wipe and wouldn't attack the other kid they run into. I think it would be fun to make him/her kind of dull and rough... since they would still not have their right personality.

Ummm, I might not have gotten the idea right, if there's anything I messed up just tell me. Or if we can change it up a bit then say so as well. xD
Old Posted 06-05-2011, 01:27 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #232   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
Hmm only thing you got wrong (Maybe?) was the warriors fighting machines. The overlords...like a good game of RTS (Real Time Strategy, you can look up what that is). But instead of using video games they have to enslave children and turn them into husks lacking any of their former selves. Built to suit the needs of some kind of military unit in their twisted and bloody game.

A glitch in the memory suppression is possible. And in fact did happen in one point of the book. The "child" could remember everything and begged to die. It was a rather disturbing scene. We can go our own way of course, and I do like your idea. If you're willing to play that warrior.

Do you plan to double up on characters? Or maybe in a twist of fate you end up helping my escape, like they couldn't hunt me down like they should have. And so we pair up, eventually stumbling about the AI or "his children".
Old Posted 06-05-2011, 01:45 AM Reply With Quote  
M e w M e w is offline
Local Weirdo
Default   #233  
Hmmm, so you mean the overlords just wipe their minds (basically) and use them as a child army?

I think the only thing I'm wondering about the overlords is what are they doing on Earth? Do they just go around enslaving planets for control?
What exactly do they use the children for? Just an army doesn't really make sense... like what is their exact purpose of the warriors?
Also, does it ever say why the adults are gone? Were they just all killed? Perhaps that was easier because younger minds are easier to control? So they don't want adults being able to break the hold easily and take over?

Ya I was thinking not so extreme though? Like it would just falter to where he/she would not do what they are supposed to do when they find the escaped kid. But he/she, I'm thinking a guy at this point actually, would still be questioning why they are not doing what the overlords wish. Very confused heh.
Oh and yes I would very much want to play him. I think I can have fun with him heh. Hopefully provide some humor with him since I see him being very blunt and not being able to have much emotion like the other kids would have.

I don't mind doubling up, but I'm not sure if I would want to double up at the beginning or wait to introduce a character later.
Oh and would you prefer that? I was actually thinking more like one of the... rebels? I think I wanna call them that heh.
So one of them, your character I guess, would be on some mission like you said they go on, and would stumble across my character doing whatever the warriors do heh. He/she'd probably think they were done for and either try to talk him into not killing/taking them or just be thinking it's over.
- shrug -
But tell me which you prefer. O:

Oh and sorry for so many questions. I just like to get everything cleared up before we start, so there are less questions while were actually rping. :3
Old Posted 06-05-2011, 02:00 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #234   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
No, it's suppression. Knowledge the kids have before being physically changed it still there but their personality and anything that makes them...themselves is shoved under rather than re-teaching a shell.

As for the unmentioneds and the loop-holes: they are never explained. Do the rebels need to really be concerned with the grand scope of your first question? As for the purpose, like I said it's a game. The overlords aren't exactly all in it together. They compete for tactical supremecy with their different class of warriors under their control of the battlefield (which is pretty much all of Earth).

Yeah book never says what happens. The disappearance was literally over-night. Somehow there was even a child born during the "rapture" so to speak who had golden eyes. I like your reasoning though so let's roll with that?

I agree not so extreme as begging for death ^^;
Though I kind of wanted us to be more in it together when joining the Rebels. My character being a recent escapee being foudn first by your guy then soon after the rebels who instinctively start to attack you before my stepping in.

Yup...there are lots of holes and really I'm stealing. So fill which ever gaps you want how you want bascially. Does the idea still sound good or kind going "meh" now?
Old Posted 06-05-2011, 02:09 AM Reply With Quote  
M e w M e w is offline
Local Weirdo
Default   #235  
Ya, I know that but I put "mind sweep" for some reason. xD
I understand though. ^^

Ahhhh ok. So they're just this psychopathic race of beings who like to conquer less advanced worlds and make their children play war games to take over each other's territories and try to claim the biggest one? Sounds very evil haha.
So the rebel leader is an AI... sounds kinda weird really. But I guess he would be very advanced? Since he would have to be to want to take care of the children and take back the planet from the overlords.
But I can just go with that haha. Not a big deal really. o n o

That's fine then. :]
Oh and I guess my character could just be guarding some border or something, on the lookout for "enemy" warriors.
Just a couple more questions haha.
You said the rebels are in a broken submarine. Just for reference when our characters are making their way to it and such (by the way how do they know where to go?) where would it be? Like how far away and what sort of landscape...
Ok, hopefully this is the last one. The whole warrior modification and stuff. What all do they do? There's the memory suppressant of course but what else do the overlords do to "modify" them?

No the idea is fine with me. Already getting my character thought up. xD
Like I say in my first post, I'm pretty much game for anything. Usually there won't be something that sounds so awful to me that I won't give it a go. And sci-fi stuff is always good with me. 8D
Old Posted 06-05-2011, 02:27 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #236   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
hehe well if this flops, or we both want more, I have a sci-fi plot that's been bouncing around in my head for weeks. Inspired by several fictions, but it is at least my own.

Okay =)I realized I sound condescending there too, sorry. >.<
Yup they are a twisted people heh. They have been under watch, cut off, and no doubt the overlords do not know where the base is. So they do not know, they'll be found. And it'll probably be sticking up awkwardly on a dock or some beach. You can decide specifics. I don't care. Though obviously much of civilization will be reclaimed by nature and/or destroyed from the battles. How much depends on how much time we want passed.

Don't think of warriors so strictly. How about soldiers? Each one fulfilling different needs on a battlefield but to an extent humans normally can't. Be creative do whatever you want with what makes some sense, which I can tell you naturally aim for ;D

heh the AIs appearance was weird too. There was the scientist who was working on advanced AIs. This one was not entirely of human make, it does originate from a nearby lab but became what it is now due to the energies of the towers when they activated. It makes sense that it found a place to relocate itself. But yeah let me know if you have a nifty idea for it. As for a name...something fatherly or motherly sounding would be good. I am already partial towards male since Shade in the book was male...so how about Newton? xD;

Hopefully I answered all current questions? ^^;
Old Posted 06-05-2011, 02:39 AM Reply With Quote  
M e w M e w is offline
Local Weirdo
Default   #237  
Sounds good to me. :]

Haha no it's fine.
Hmm but the overlords do know about there being children who escape before they can be used right? Or maybe not at first but I was thinking the time it could take place could be maybe a couple/few years after the initial takeover? I'm thinking I'd like my character to be more around 15 or 16. He's been a warrior for a while now and subconsciously he has been fighting against the hold over his head and that's why he's able to cause some sort of damage in it to be able to break the hold a bit.
Just tell me if that sounds too far ahead or not.

Haha alright. I was actually thinking he would be more on the front lines, since he's been part of it for some time now. As for what I was imagining his "modifications" to be... perhaps he can think ahead faster than a normal human being would be able to, as to be able to fight against "enemy" warriors better. Nothing too extreme though, I don't want it to be all over the top like he's invincible or anything.
Maybe a little extra strength or something, and a nice little weapon I guess. Did they have weapons in the original thing?

Haha sounds good to me. xD
So would you be playing him? Just like when he's actually talking to the rebels and such. :O
I wouldn't want to get him wrong.

Ya pretty much, just one last thing. Sorry if I'm getting annoying lol.
So the powers... I'm sure I can guess but be a little more specific with that. What are some examples of what they would have?
And did you say ALL the children develop these or just the rebel ones?
Old Posted 06-05-2011, 02:56 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #238   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
They probably know about escapees. Humanity by nature were never meant to be confined in any way. They will always find a way, but there is also a particular class of soldiers who are like scouts or hunters and will track these kids down. The chance of one surviving is slim but through either insane luck or intervention of the rebels they are caught and treated just as they would have been before, if only a little worse for wear. In our case though my guy's gonna get his heiny saved by one of the things he fears.

Yeah that sounds fine to me. So it's been like 4-5 years?
Well I can't remember at all what weapons were used xD; I remember two of the whatever number of soldiers that existed though. There were the hulking warrior-types. Strong and absorbed a lot a damage. And the skinny hunters with supieror agility, hearing, smell, and sight. Like any specimen though their degree of proficiency in each area will vary.

Powers are at their strongest the closer they are to the towers. But they are somewhat limited still. For example Golden-eyes could see the future but not by will. Drum had telekensis, but even tying a rope across a gap made him so exhausted he almost couldn't escape. Rach could create items from nothingness, and Gabrielle could read minds. Powers are kind of typical and under-developed but they creatively used them with positive results. Like at the base of a tower Golden-eyes could actually send his mind in current time somewhere else to see his friends and they in turn saw him. Whether soldiers could do this idk. Maybe they can, but also couldn't so long as their human selves were suppressed.

I'll play Newton if that's okay with you. ^^

wow that was long....and mew try not to think too much on how the book was. I just stole the set up, but I don't intend to follow its story. =)
Old Posted 06-05-2011, 03:13 AM Reply With Quote  
M e w M e w is offline
Local Weirdo
Default   #239  
- nods -

Ya I think that about covers everything. The only further questions I should have would just be later down if we get stuck on the plot or where the story's going. c:

And just so you know about what I'm planning with my character.
So I'm thinking like 16 I guess. He'll be fairly tall and muscular I guess so he'd be one of the more physical types. Though not so much hulking. Perhaps a bit faster than a typical beefy warrior type that absorbs a lot of damage. But not near as fast as those others you mentioned, and of course that means he can't just take a bunch of damage and keep going like nothing happened. A bit more balanced but more on the "warrior" side than the other.
As for a weapon I'm imagining him with a sword-esque sort of one. Not exactly a sword though... maybe not so much a blade as some form of energy? If that doesn't sound too crazy. xD
And then for developing powers, if that's the case then maybe he can start getting them as he breaks his hold on the mind control stuff. I'm thinking something similar to his weapon where he can release some sort of energy? He'd continue to use his sword so that would help him to control the powers. He's very much an offensive type of character and fighter.
That all sound ok to you?

PHEW! I think we've got it all covered.
I would like to wait until tomorrow to actually start, when I'm good and rested heh, but would you want to go ahead and post character profiles and such tonight?
If you'd like to wait for everything until tomorrow that's fine too.
Old Posted 06-05-2011, 03:26 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #240   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
Okies, your character sounds all good to me. You can crate your profile now if you want. I have the thread made already. However I'm not sure on my character at all yet so I will be doing all that tomorrow (or technically today anyways). Trying to think what ability would compliment yours and build around that.

Good night I guess? I want to read some more before signing off.
Old Posted 06-05-2011, 03:34 AM Reply With Quote  

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