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M e w 12-15-2010 10:09 PM

Rp search [Wants new rps. :3]
Hello there.
Ok so I have a number of rps going on but I'm not sure if they are continuing because I've been inactive on Tris for several months.
I haven't been writing much lately but I'm sure I can get back into a nice groove if I just start up some rps. ^^
Ummm, if you have an rp with me from a while back, please let me know if you want to continue it or just drop it. D:

I am pretty open to just about anything, so don't be afraid to ask unless I list it as something I will not do.

• Only interested in 1x1 rps really, but a small group such as three people is not out of the question.
○ Good literacy is required. Doesn't have to be perfect, but if you don't have a decent understanding of grammar and spelling I'll be completely turn-off by the rp. D:
• I need something to reply to. If you don't write enough for a good reply you're most likely not going to get one.
○ Only interested in OC rps. The setting doesn't have to be, meaning we could have an rp that takes place in a world such as.... Pokemon, but I won't rp as the characters from that fandom.
• An rp based around romance is fine, but one devoid of romance is fine as well.
○ I am open to most genres but I prefer sci-fi/fantasy. Doesn't mean I will only do sci-fi/fantasy though.
• I will play any gender character, as well as do any sort of pairing. MalexFemale, MalexMale, FemalexFemale.
○ I will most likely want to play more than one character and would like my partner to play more than one character. Sometimes there can be only one major character for each of us but it all depends on the plot and setting.

•• This may not list everything that I will or will not do. Just suggest some things and I will tell you if I'm willing to do it or not. :3


Here is where I will have any plots, stories, or ideas I have for rps. Even if there isn't something you wanna do listed, tell me what it is you are wanting to do. More than likely I will be interested.

Your suggestions and ideas are more than welcome for plots/settings. I am open to doing just about anything so just suggest something and I will probably at least give it a shot. :]

• Post-apocalyptic roleplay. No specific plot ideas in mind atm but we could bounce ideas off each other? One thing about this one though; I am thinking of a pretty dark and violent rp, so if you can't handle that then don't bother asking about it. This would have a mature warning basically. ;3
• Pokemon roleplay. Setting would be in the Pokemon world. Not playing as the characters from the games or anime. OCs would be used. Yet again, I have no specific plot ideas in mind.

M e w 12-15-2010 10:09 PM

Looking to rp - 1x1 OC only [Craving specific rp - read inside]

This post is under construction.

Juneberry 12-15-2010 10:16 PM

Hi there, Mew (if I may just call you that for simplicity)! I'd love to do a one on one OC with you. I prefer playing female, but can play male depending on the story, and I am happy with basically any gender pairing. I much prefer romance than without myself.

Sci-fi and fantasy are always fun. I can give general ideas, but it depends on any particular cravings. Maybe I should ask about the characters you wanted to use instead?

I will do my best to make you happy in the RP. It's for fun we do this after all, no?

M e w 12-15-2010 10:29 PM

Yay that was fast! xD

Well.... I actually don't have any ONE character or plot I wanna do right now, but I can give you a few things and see what you might be interested in.

Well first, I have to tell you this general story idea for the sake of it being connected somehow. xD
Basically there are these beasts/creatures/monsters/what have you, and they are controlled by people who... are given/born? the ability to do so. They mainly run around killing regular humans and plain terrorizing innocents. Typical kinds of evil things. xD
[Though not all of the controllers are necessarily bad and evil]
Then there are hunters who are trained to hunt and kill the beasts and whoever controlls them to stop the mayhem. That's the basic gist of it.
Now I have a few characters I have involved in this story, two guys and a girl. Setting is a sort of urban fantasy feel. If you're interested in this sort of thing at all, I can write out brief discriptions of them, if not, that's ok too. xD;;

Another thing I just thought of today, so it's very vague, but I just have two girl characters thought out. Two sisters.
The younger sister is blind and needs to be taken care of by the older sister who does hard work and if not for meager pay would be considered a slave. Set in more of an old timey/renaissance time. Again, VERY vague as any idea of it just came to me today. xD

Ya so, those are just some things in my head right now. The story wouldn't have to revolve completely around them, like you don't have to make your characters involved in the first idea, such as them being a controller or hunter or whatever. :O

Umm ya, so you don't have to do either of those if you don't want to. If you don't then throw some of your ideas at me and I'll probably be fine with them. xD
EDIT :: Sorry for wall of text. OTL

Juneberry 12-15-2010 10:54 PM

I find both interesting, though between the two I like the first one more in general. It sounds generally interesting. In a way it somewhat reminds me of this video game I like, Crystal Monsters. Some people can see the monsters, others can't, and there's a group of people trying to destroy the ones who can. o_o; More info please? If it doesn't work I will give ideas too.

M e w 12-15-2010 11:26 PM

Oh yay, I'm glad you like it. ^^

Well the whole idea isn't completely finished, I'm not very good at getting full plots together yet. xD;
So you can throw some ideas out there if you want. ^^
But all three characters I would use are hunters pretty much.
The Hunters pretty much just see the Controllers as evil and that they must be destroyed no matter what. The Hunters have headquaters all over and typically are put into groups who go after leads that could take them to a controller and their beast.
Even though the Controllers are technically human, as are the Hunters, the Hunters don't see them that way and won't reason with any of them.

And my characters I have for this...

Lily Shear :
Age : 19
Ethnicity - White 75% Venezuelan - 25% [American]
Appearance - She has a pretty pale complexion, stands about 5'7", weighs about 120 pounds, has long black hair to the middle of her back, and has grey eyes. Thin but athletic build with a bit of an exotic face.
Personality & background - Tends to be quiet and serious and is a blunt person. She has a good heart and is very kind but can also be rude, tempermental, and sometimes even violent to someone who ticks her off.
She is just nineteen but has been living on her own for a few years. No dad. Has issues with her mom. Gets involved with Hunters when a distant cousin is killed by a Controller and a Hunter comes to investigate. Lily finds out about what happened to her cousin and becomes part of the Hunters after a series of events.

Jack Noble :
Age : 22
Ethnicity : White/European disent [American]
Appearance : Light complexion but not pale. Height of about 6"-6"1', weighs about 165 pounds, has wild/mussed short black hair with a small braid to his shoulder behind his left ear. Green eyes. Has an athletic, lean build and a strong jaw, chin, and brow.
Personality & background : Likes to joke around and enjoy himself, but can be very serious and a leader when the time calls for it. Tends to act like an older brother figure to somewhat weaker characters, even if they are older than him. Even though he's only twenty-two he is a leader of a group of Hunters and is very good at his role. Has family but has been seperated from them for most of his life.

Ummm, there's two, since this post will be crazy long already I'll post my last OC on the next post? :O
Figured I'd post my main OCs for this just so you can have their discriptions since you're interested in this idea. ^^

Juneberry 12-15-2010 11:58 PM

I can't decide if I'd want to play a controller or just a bystander... It just seems interesting to me! ;-; But it may be hard to have romance in a controller versus hunter one huh? And both of your characters are very interesting to me. I can't wait to see the third one!

M e w 12-16-2010 12:18 AM

Oh well not necessarily, like I said in a post above not all of the controllers are bad and evil. ;]
Of course the ones who don't want to take part in the killing would be harmed themselves so there's some conflict there.
Oh and now onto my last main character.

Desmond Kinsler :
Age : 18
Ethnicity : White [American]
Appearance : Lightly tanned complexion, has a height of about 5"9'-5"10', and weighs about 180 pounds. Has very short hair, almost a buzz-cut, which is a sandy blonde color and has copper-colored eyes. Stocky, muscular build and has a little bit of a baby face.
Personality & background : VERY paranoid. This comes from a couple years ago when he was institutionalized after experiences after first becoming a Hunter. Wasn't actually crazy but being put in the hospital kind of made him quite crazy until after he was busted out by Jack. From his experiences he has become paranoid and has little twitches such as running his hand over his head, tapping his fingers/feet, etc. Even though he has these setbacks he became a very good fighter and works closely under Jack. Jack is his mentor and like an older brother to him; has been since he first brought him into the life of the Hunters.
Orphaned at a fairly young age and had been in foster homes until he ran off and wound up as a Hunter. He is very independent and likes to be alone except when it comes to Jack and a few other select people.

Ummm, I think that's it. His background and personality info is longer because I find him very interesting. xD

Juneberry 12-16-2010 12:50 AM

I agree, he is very interesting. Sounds like fun to work with too! 8D Hm... I must decide a character myself though no matter who you choose! This may be hard...

EDIT: Can I play someone who often gets attacked by the monsters sorta? :3

M e w 12-16-2010 01:01 AM

Ok sorry, had to go get a shower. :]

So just a regular person?
Well what do you mean always gets attacked? o u o
Oh and who would you want out of my three characters as the main interactor with yours? If you want to do romance.
Jack and Lily are paired up in my story idea for this but you can disregard that and choose whoever you want for a romantic relationship if you wish to do that. :]

Juneberry 12-16-2010 01:03 AM

You said the monsters are sometimes dangerous and cause havoc, right? It was a random idea I came up with at the top of my head. Person seems to draw in trouble (and monster attacks) like a magnet. -nods-

And... I rather like all of them, so it's hard to choose. I like Jack, but Lily and Desmond are both also interesting so it's hard to decide between the three!

M e w 12-16-2010 01:09 AM

They pretty much always are going around attacking people, killing them, etc. yes. xD
Hmm well that's fine but the Controllers and creatures they controll aren't known about in the normal world or anything. :]
Typically they will either kill the person/people who see them or the person who sees it isn't going to be taken seriously of course. :O

Well, any of them are fine by me. xD

Shenandoah 12-16-2010 02:16 PM

I have a few questions:

How many characters do you feel comfortable playing at once? I prefer at least two as it allows for more flexibility.

What genres do you like to do? I like to do combinations of things, like action/adventure/romance, etc.

What are you craving at the moment? I can usually adapt so long as it interests me.

Juneberry 12-16-2010 04:57 PM

Mew: Ah okay. See, I didn't know about that. Maybe I should just play a controller then. xD Which of the hunters do you think would make most sense for a controller to work with?

M e w 12-16-2010 06:44 PM

• • Shenandoah :: Ya I can play more than one no problem. :]
I would much rather play more than one really, it would be missing a little depth if each person was only playing one character. :O

I think I will pretty much do whatever... I just prefer to have some sort of fantasy type element to it, but ya I like that kind of combination. The action/adventure/romance thing.

Mmmm well I'm not really particularly craving any specific thing. Are you?

Juneberry :: Haha sure. Well... any of them really. I mean at first all of them would be adverse to you know, not killing them, but depending on the plot all three of them would end up working with a Controller, as long as they aren't evil of course. xD • •

Juneberry 12-16-2010 07:30 PM

Eh? They would work with the controller? I had no idea! Apparently I was more confused then I thought.

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