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Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #5569  
Lol. Custard (though they have taken longer than I intended) isn't really the problem project here (but I'm still gonna stick by that deadline!). The big problem plushie is the custom fox I started for someone like...3 or 4 years ago probably. And because they said "take your time, no rush, etc" and never really checked up on me, I let myself get distracted by other projects and forgot about it. All it needs though is 1 leg, which I might have already made, and a couple of extra tails made (not sure I can attach them all, but did agree to try).

ALL THE YARN! Dug out some more yarn, most just partial skeins of previously claimed colors but also 2 jumbo skeins (of a thin-ish worsted weight) of some bright pastels. And there was another rainbow variegated, which based on your exclusion of the other one, I'll not send as it's slightly different, but still similar to the other.
Old Posted 09-08-2021, 02:56 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #5570   Den Den is offline
Tattooed & foul-mouthed
I mean, if you need to offload the rainbow yarns, I'd gladly take 'em off your hands.
I use She/Her and They/Them pronouns.

Originally Posted by Gallagher
i'm not being biased, den just speaks my language
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Old Posted 09-08-2021, 06:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #5571  
They are all yours!
Old Posted 09-08-2021, 08:16 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #5572   Tam I am Tam I am is offline
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LMBO! I was going to say, rainbow is for Den. Which isn't totally logical, but how the autism makes me think. Bright pastels sound lovely. :D

I got one of the vintage commercial patterns I bought printed out today, and already have a body made, stuffed, and the head tied on. The body is purple, the doll head has red hair. XD
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Old Posted 09-08-2021, 10:23 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #5573  
Yay! Make the thing!
Purple with red hair sounds cute.

Ugh. I had planned to get a lot done today but between my general energy levels and my brain, I got so little done. Idk what was up with me today. Like my energy was a little low, but that's nothing new, but I just could not focus on much for very long. Ex: made coffee...took me nearly 7 hours to drink the first cup because I kept getting distracted.
Was gonna work on a scarf for my neighbor today. Got as far as opening the closet to grab it before getting distracted by something else I wanted to check/test.
All I have done today is play video games and take the crystal sphere out of my old wizard staff to see if it will fit in my new dragon "staff" (it's so short it barely deserves to be called a cane tbh, let alone a staff) which I'm hoping I can modify (most likely cut most of the staff off and replace with probably a long dowel or something to make it a proper staff size) to add to my Halloween costume. Good news, it might fit, but I gotta figure out how to get the current sphere (plastic filled with liquid and some sort of red shimmery powder/pigment) out of the new staff. It seems to be VERY well attached and I'm trying to figure out a way to remove it without making a giant mess and having to struggle too much.
Old Posted 09-09-2021, 10:16 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #5574   KittyBeary KittyBeary is offline
I also had planned to get two masks done yesterday, ended up not even finishing one. ;_; But they're for personal use though I hope to have them done by the weekend.

EDIT: Got one done and started on the other. I feel more productive today. XD

ty bluebird for the art! :D
Last edited by KittyBeary; 09-10-2021 at 06:45 AM.
Old Posted 09-09-2021, 11:43 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #5575  
Guys, guess what?
My alphabetizing skills are library approved! 8D
Old Posted 09-10-2021, 05:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #5576   Tam I am Tam I am is offline
I Am Tam
Down days happen. *hug*

W00t for library approved skills!

I got more work done on redhead in purple. I'm not sure I didn' her legs right. But it might just be the fact that I'm using a different style of head that makes things look slightly off. The pattern said to make her arms striped like her legs, but I decided to make them solid colour and make them match her upper body.

This is the head and hands I'm using. https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/2295...ead-and-hands?
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Old Posted 09-10-2021, 10:27 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #5577  
I suspect that at least part of it was just being overwhelmed by everything going on tbh. What with training at the library this week plus work plus the holiday weekend. I actually had 2 days off in a row for the first time in a while and my friend took me over to a laundromat so I could do laundry since I don't trust the app-operated ones the previous landlords had put in (because the app only has like a 1.3 star rating on the app store and nothing but negative comments from landlords and tenants alike) so I did get something done at least.
And I'm gonna try to be productive again tomorrow and get some more housework done because I need to change the sheets on my bed pretty badly and also have some sorting to do for the eventual next batch of laundry. And also projects to work on.

Should have brought a notebook to work today so I could sort out a list and prioritize things. But didn't want to bring too much to work today as it's my last day at the museum and I figured that way I can't be potentially accused of stealing anything (not that I think anyone would do that, but just to be safe...)

Haha, yeah. The alphabetizing thing was pretty funny tbh. The gentleman training me yesterday kept emphasizing that it wasn't that they didn't trust me, they have to test everyone on shelving books before they let them do it on their own. So it was really just, I had to put the books on the shelves with the spines facing up so he could see them and then after a bit, he would go through what I had done to make sure that I had them in the right spots. Basically just testing me to make sure I knew the way to shelve books (alphabetically first by author, then by title). There was only really 1 book that I wasn't too sure on, but I passed the test with flying colors so am (as far as I know) able to shelve books, on the main floor, on my own. If I get to shelve books on the second floor they may have to test me again as that's where the non-fiction section is so the dewey decimal system is in play to complicate things.
Also, I am pretty pro at checking books in by now, though I need to pay a little closer attention to checking for damages before checking them in and am getting more comfortable with checking books out. But am gonna be struggling with answering the phone for a while probably as I still don't know a lot of answers to the questions being asked. But did decently at that on Friday. Though it was a slow day and I only had to get it a few times.
Old Posted 09-11-2021, 12:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #5578   Tam I am Tam I am is offline
I Am Tam
Aww. That makes sense. I was busy proposing deals between vendors and selling stuff for people who haven't hired me at the market today again. I had last weekend and this weekend off, so I found other jobs to do. I have all week off, I don't really need weekends off. Tomorrow I'm scheduled to show a young couple at the market the art of crochet. Yes, the young man wants to learn. His wife is a knitter and needs to know how to crochet around the edge of a knitted project.
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Old Posted 09-11-2021, 09:39 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #5579  
Yay! I love when people (regardless of gender) want to learn yarn-crafts! Hope the teaching goes/went well!

I did good today! Haven't made any visibly obvious progress with stuff, but have pulled fabric and sorted out patterns and started cutting pieces for a bag, but I kinda need to find either a rotary cutter or my fabric scissors if I want to cut out the rest as the little scissors I was trying to use are just not ideal. And might check my machine's tension to make sure it's ready to go for when the bag is ready to assemble. Just gotta find a little more room for the rest of my fabric, which is currently sitting on my bed, and I can call it quits if I want.
Old Posted 09-12-2021, 04:51 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #5580   Tam I am Tam I am is offline
I Am Tam
We had to find some bigger yarn stuff than the inexpensive acrylic yarn he'd brought (his hook was too big for it too), got some knitting ribbon and he took off and made out like a bandit with it.

I got part of a dishcloth and part of some petals for a doll dress done. And realized that I have a waiting list for mushrooms. O_O

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Old Posted 09-12-2021, 09:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #5581  
Didn't get any crafting done but did get all (well, like 99.9%) of my fabric moved out of storage and onto my storage carts where I can access them better. And did manage to find one of my rotary cutters so I cut a couple non-curved bag pieces out so they'll be ready if I decide to work on it later in the week.
And did put away some of the laundry that I didn't quite get put away last weekend (mainly because I don't have a dresser and had run out of hangers in my closet) so all that's left is some tights and leggings and a butt-ton of socks that may or may not have matches.

And did make a list of things to do, buy, and make this week, which hopefully will be manageable as I'm prone to over-estimating my time and energy for doing stuff. But I tried to make my list as easy as possible (stuff to do = minor housework and stuff like taking showers through the week etc, stuff to make = 3 hopefully easy projects to work on and maybe finish, things to buy = non-grocery items that I'm gonna need in the near future)

Anyway, I'm glad things went well! Hopefully he keeps up with it and makes some nice stuff!

Awwww time to make more mushies! But also don't overdo it and burn out on making them either.
Old Posted 09-12-2021, 11:47 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #5582   Tam I am Tam I am is offline
I Am Tam
I'll take it easy with them. I've got to do laundry coming up here. Running out of foundation garments, and my shoes... both pairs stink. I'm running out of room for yarn, too, since I got to take some home as well as being provided with yarn for four... five of the shroomies and one fat sheep.
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Old Posted 09-13-2021, 12:55 AM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #5583  
Lol. Better make more room for yarn fast! Custard may be bringing you some soon! XD
Though not for a bit yet (hopefully less than 2 weeks, but we'll see). I need to get off my lazy butt tonight/tomorrow and finally transfer the patterns off my phone so I can access them. Or delete a game from my phone to reinstall a pdf reader (can't have both because my phone is older and has less storage than most newer phones and also has too much bloatware so I have to pick and choose what apps are most important)...one or the other.
Also am mentally planning a lot of stuff I need to do tomorrow so idk how much time for crafting I'll have, but hopefully a decent amount. I'll have to make a list and prioritize my errands. What needs done now? What can wait until after payday?
Old Posted 09-15-2021, 02:51 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #5584   Tam I am Tam I am is offline
I Am Tam
LOL. Well, it'll come in a box or mailing bag, so that'll be a start! *sends hugs to Custard baby, looking forward to meeting her* Tell Custard she got another new sister today. I'll post pictures when I can see straight again. Speed crocheting for two days, and then going out in a strong wind= recipe for a Tam who walks sideways, staggers slightly, and can't see straight.

Ugh, bloatware. Forgot that was a thing. *eyes the new phone, which is Android*

Prioritizing. ... I wonder if the number of times it took me to spell that right says anything about my ability to do the activity myself right now?
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Old Posted 09-15-2021, 09:07 PM Reply With Quote  

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