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littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
Default   #433  
hahaha, i just listen to boring people doing longplays
Old Posted 09-28-2019, 10:58 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #434   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
For some, that helps!
For me, it's space music.

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Old Posted 09-28-2019, 11:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Default   #435  
I've never had those 5 hour energy drinks. But when I was in middle school, I used to drink Rockstars and Monsters. I could drink one at 11pm and still fall sleep by 12am. Although, I usually chose to stay awake all night to roleplay on Gaia. xD

I can't even drink black tea without getting anxious now, though. ;u;
Ahh, the joys of being an adult!

I think with any medication (aside from PRNs) consistency is a huge part in whether or not they will work. I learned that the hard way ;-; Every scheduled medication I've taken, I usually would eventually stop taking and then I would end up in the hospital. >:T

I think this medication I'm on now is helpful because I have to get my blood drawn often. And if I miss more than two doses in a row, firstly, my psychiatrist would be able to tell through my blood draws, an also I would have to start over with blood draws once and week. And that was hell!! ;-;

Oof! I'm glad your periods are getting better, though! I've heard a lot of good things about some birth control options.
My good friend has the nexplanon implant and she loves it. She hasn't had a period in a while.
I kinda like my period, but I've had a weird bought of random bleeding in between my periods and it always made me scared. But it's not doing that anymore. I don't know what changed!
My body is just weird I guess lol
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 09-29-2019, 12:08 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #436   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Yes, thank you Ava. <:/ They were quite dreadful to say the very least.
<.<; The way I saw it, I could either let the next period destroy me and drive me to self-harm/termination, OR I could bite the bullet and see the OB/GYN about it. >~>; My fear of pain was greater than my fear of doctors specializing in gynecology at that point..luckily no testing was needed for me to get my pills. Can't say how relieved I was! <x|
I feel better taking a small pill orally however than having an arm implant like my cousin. >.>; There is something about needles and insertions I just flinch away from...

I am feeling drowsy, and it's likely due to the medical herbs and drugs I've ingested. -U- I hope to sleep well, ignoring my brother's yelling with his friends over a game of UNO online, and hopefully my immune system will have the forces necessary to stomp out the germ as I sleep.

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Old Posted 09-29-2019, 12:54 AM Reply With Quote  
Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
Default   #437  
currently going absolutely feral on main.

i do actually somewhat prefer red bull to the generic energy drinks, and the Monster energy drinks are the highest in the hierarchy of how much i prefer them.

the generics are cheaper, though.
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 09-29-2019, 09:24 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #438   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
My system has stomped out the germ in my sleep. =u= However now, I find it at my body's front porch still trying to get in, upset that now it's got no place to infect, except the inanimate objects I touch. <.<; Now I'm tasked with wiping everything down, and clearing my mess and the mess of others...and likely not having a cup of tea to wind down.

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Old Posted 09-29-2019, 02:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
Default   #439  
i vaguely want to draw but i'm not sure what. i need to get to inktober early so that i don't inevitably end up burning out.
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 09-29-2019, 02:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #440   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
>.>; Oof...I dunno if I could even bring myself to doodle for Inktober..I burnt out so quickly a couple years ago...only lasted about 5 days..I might take the first 5 days off, and just try to finish the WIPs I left behind back then, this time around. Though they were all Halloween themed and Pokémon themed. >u>;

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Old Posted 09-29-2019, 08:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Default   #441  
Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien View Post
Yes, thank you Ava. <:/ They were quite dreadful to say the very least.
<.<; The way I saw it, I could either let the next period destroy me and drive me to self-harm/termination, OR I could bite the bullet and see the OB/GYN about it. >~>; My fear of pain was greater than my fear of doctors specializing in gynecology at that point..luckily no testing was needed for me to get my pills. Can't say how relieved I was! <x|
I feel better taking a small pill orally however than having an arm implant like my cousin. >.>; There is something about needles and insertions I just flinch away from...

I am feeling drowsy, and it's likely due to the medical herbs and drugs I've ingested. -U- I hope to sleep well, ignoring my brother's yelling with his friends over a game of UNO online, and hopefully my immune system will have the forces necessary to stomp out the germ as I sleep.
Oof. Painful periods are the worst!

It's very brave of you to see the OBGYN. My mom has been trying to get me to get a Pap smear, but I'm too scared. It's long overdue too.. I heard they start when you're 21. I'm 24 now. ;-;
I find it's easier to take pills too rather than injections... At least for psychiatric meds, anyway. I've never been on birth control. :o

And I hope those drugs aren't dangerous! ;u;
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 09-29-2019, 08:34 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #442   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
<u< Tbh, you really don't need a pap smear unless you've been sexually active. They say around age 21 is when every woman should get one, because it's an average age that most women have started to be sexually active. >-> But I've never been. And I'm 25. That test is only to test the cells on the cervical wall for abnormalities. It's to screen for cervical cancer, not for any stds. Unless you have a family history of cancer/cervical cancer, you don't really need one. Though it depends on the Gynocologist, most will not give you a pap smear unless you make an appointment for it. I learned that on my visit with my OB/GYN. Though he suggested I should get one the moment I become sexually active, even though, >w> I never plan on doing so...
though I told him I would consider the exam should anything concerning rise up regarding my reproductive health, like abnormal bleeding, pain, or foul discharge. >->; And I was serious. I would go in for testing if anything like that came up. <-< Not worth avoiding deep discomfort for something potentially fatal to get worse.
Anyway, hope that helps. <:/ If you aren't comfortable with a pap smear or a physical examination, you don't have to have one, especially if your periods are healthy. <:] And docs are usually very very empathetic in explaining everything and dispelling common fears.
The doc put me on low dose hormonal meds, as they will usually do, just to gradually get your body used to it, and no side effects will be as strongly present. I haven't noticed any really. :/ But then again, I've only been taking them for a month or two, and haven't had much change other than my periods starting to ease up more and more. :] Which is great.

Hehe, no they were all natural Native American herbs, -u- and some antihistamine in the medicine. >u> Got me drowsier than a Koala bear. <-<; And then the indigestion hit.
But I fell back asleep. >u>
And didn't wake up 'til 10. <.<;
It was nice, and not nice, because the sunlight was just all over the place blinding me awake. >~>
And nice, because I got to stay a bit drowsy and laze around for a bit in peace. <u<

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Old Posted 09-29-2019, 09:36 PM Reply With Quote  
Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Default   #443  
Oh! I thought so. I set up an appointment for a physical a few weeks ago and the person on the phone asked if I wanted a Pap smear and was like, "Noooooo!" But since then my mom's been like, "Hey, Ava, I think you should get the Pap smear done. It's not scary. It doesn't hurt." But I'm like, "noooooo~~~" I told her that I didn't think I needed one because I assumed they were only to check for cancer and I was right. Unfortunately, I am sexually active, but I don't want to go into detail about my sex life. I'm "kinda" sexually active, I'd say. I actually got treated for an STI back in 2015 and I cried in the exam room thing and I've been too nervous to see an OBGYN since.

That definitely helps, though, Merskelly! I'm going to really think hard about whether or not to get the Pap smear. I don't feel like I *need* it, but mom says it'd be good to have one done "just in case". People have told me cancer can happen at any age, so I guess better "safe than sorry".... ;A;
BUT. I'm going to think about it. >3< UGH! The joys of being a woman, right??

Aww! I like that. "Drowsier than a koala bear"! That's cute. C:
Are you still feeling sick? I hope you feel better soon! Did the sleep help you feel any less sick?
Sleeping can be a huge help in recovering from a bad cold!
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 09-29-2019, 11:41 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #444   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Ahh, well, in that case I would get a pap smear to check for irregularities when I feel comfortable and brave enough. <:] Especially since you may be very sensitive and scared about the whole thing. They need a regular healthy testing of cells inside you to compare for if or when there is an irregularity. But again, if you have no history of cancer or cervical cancer, there's no rush. Cervical cancer rarely occurs in the 20s. More women in their late 30s-40s are at risk than in their mid 20s. So, no need to panic about it prematurely. ^-^ The joys of being a woman indeed! >m> </3

I feel more like I am a contaminated vessel with sickness all over me, unable to get into my body. =~=; So just very, "blahh", with minor symptoms. Doesn't help much that I stress more than the average person, and that I'm going to school early tomorrow morning...but this fish has a trick up her sleeve. >w>
I'm gonna get my rest, and I'm going to rid myself of this germ, all while catching up on schoolwork, by keeping myself in the more remote places on campus.
I understand that money and grade points are more important than my well-being,
but I'm learning to be more selfish, >w>
because it's so difficult for me, and it's not who I am entirely.
I don't need to spend an hour discussing the dramatic plots, themes and characters of a play. I need an hour to rest, shut my eyes, keep myself hydrated and fed, medicated, and work out the stress in a quiet, disturbance-free place I'm most comfortable being in. -w-
So that's what I'm gonna do. <3

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Old Posted 09-30-2019, 12:14 AM Reply With Quote  
Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
Default   #445  
we really need to figure out better screening things for people with uteri tbh. afaik, a pap smear is pretty invasive?

i would suggest getting one, ava.
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 09-30-2019, 12:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #446   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Puh! I'm with you on that.
Money should really be going to better medical research and care, so, you know, we can implement better technology into screenings, exams, patient care, etc.
Also, into better schooling to educate others, so there's more understanding and open-mindedness and less fears in the world. >-> *cough* There are way too many people who have little to no knowledge of reproductive health, healthy nutrition and even basic anatomy.

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Old Posted 09-30-2019, 01:07 PM Reply With Quote  
Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
Default   #447  
honestly, yeah.

we don't even get taught how to do safe sex in school. it's awfully stupid, especially since the majority of people will stay in the legal boundaries of the law anyways. age of consent here is sixteen. (that's for teens fricking each other, not for an adult and a teenager to frick unless they're 17/18.)
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 09-30-2019, 03:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #448   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
I told my mom I would consider getting a Pap smear once I've already seen the doctor and am used to them. Unfortunately, since I am on government assistance, it's not likely the doctor I will see will still be there if I come back and get a Pap smear next year...!!! >:(

And I agree with you both!
I think we need better sex education in schools. I also wish we were taught about domestic violence and abuse, how to spot it, and how to get out of it. You know? When I was a teen, sexual abuse was never ever discussed. A lot of people my age at that time had very skewed ideas of what qualified as abuse. Bullying wasn't really discussed either, neither was gender identity...

We've come a long way as a society, though!
I graduated high school in 2013, so I don't know what they are teaching in schools now, but I hope it's gotten better
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 09-30-2019, 04:21 PM Reply With Quote  

*picks nose*, first hangout ever, meh?, merskelly metalien, that weird pond

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