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Areishia Areishia is offline
More Magic
Default   #17  
That seems to be the case according to that document I linked to. Frankly I hope it's true because I'm very much looking forward to this series :3.
Old Posted 08-06-2013, 02:04 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   Areishia Areishia is offline
More Magic
Well, I've just finished watching the 3 episodes a few... hours ago ^^;. I'm rather pleased with the series right now and will continue to follow it :3.
Old Posted 08-27-2013, 03:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Default   #19  
Watching it now.... It just seems so off... The pacing, the changing of story elements.
I understand they are trying to introduce the show to new viewers, but it seems like the story is in a weird alternate universe.
That and all of the Chinese words being thrown around annoys the f**k out of me...

It's still OK... But I feel like they screwed up big time.

Old Posted 08-28-2013, 04:29 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   Areishia Areishia is offline
More Magic
Yeah, everything, even the intro, seemed to have been rushed in most of the episodes, I hope the other episodes won't feel as rushed.

Still, I like it, it might be different (understandably due to copyright and all) but it does feel like a continuation to me, even if it really doesn't make sense that Dashi locked-up Wuya again... in a spring non-the-less... I really hope they tell us how it came to that since it does seem to be after the first and 2nd time she was left out of her prison (seeing as Jack and her already knew each other and the same goes for Katnappe and Tubbimura).

I didn't really hear any random Chinese words within any of the episodes (excluding the showdown names and starting phrase which are taken from the old series), aside from that the original show also had quite a lot of Chinese elements within it, even in a showdown (the one between Omi and Jack at the end of the episode "The Apprentice", or whatever the episode when Jack lives with the monks and steals all of their wu is called).

My only real complain is that it can be a bit hard to understand what Ping Pong (I'm happy this isn't the new monk's real name) is saying.
Old Posted 08-29-2013, 02:47 AM Reply With Quote  
Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Default   #21  
I had the hardest time understanding Ping Pong half the time, I have to admit though.. I really hated him in the beginning, but the little gecko is growing on me.
But I hope the pacing gets better as the series moves on, but so many things is amiss it's bothering me. Like how the last episode left off with a grand fight, what happened? Why was all the shen gon wui's powers slightly changed and dumb down? WHY THE ALL IS DOJO GOLDEN COLOR AND NOT GREEN?

I could go on... I understand copyrights but geeezzzzz, why couldn't they simply get the copyrights from Warner Bros?

Old Posted 08-29-2013, 09:16 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   Areishia Areishia is offline
More Magic
The shen gon wu's powers seem to be the same as in the old series (if you're refering to the Shroud of Monster Camo, personally I don't think it's the renamed version of the Shroud of Shadows. The Shroud of Monster Camo makes it's user completely invisible but it's effect can wear off, the Shroud of Shadows, in contrast, makes only the part that is covered by it invisible and it's effect does not randomly shut-off and on again. So I think they're the same as the Eye of Dashi and Thorn of Thunderbolt in the sense that they're 2 different wu that have the exact same power [shooting lightning], I think the Star of Hanabi/Hanabi Star has the same function as well but Kimiko can, so to say, "override" this by infusing it with her element, making it shoot fire instead of lightning).

Yeah, I also had a somewhat hard time understanding Ping Pong, but I think I'll get used to it as the series progresses :), not to mention that I liked his personality almost instantly xD.

As to why Dojo's yellow, I guess it's for the same reason the Temple and Chase Young look different, they managed to get the copyright rights to the character's names and parts of XS story-line (or all of it and just decided to leave out a few things or skip a few things [continuing the story after the other 3 monks had reached the rank of shoku warrior as well making them all be on equal footing instead of one of them being in charge and more powerful then the rest, leaving out Hannibal, etc.).

The only thing which I really hope they elaborate on is... when and how did Wuya get her powers back and how did the monks get Master Dashi to come to their time and trap her again [it's clear that this would be the 2nd-3rd time she's been imprissoned by him/by him providing the means to trap her as Wuya and Jack already knew each other), because I'm not sure if the Sands of Time still existed or was in the possession of the monks, or anyone for that matter, when XS ended. I guess there was more then 1 time traveling wu then *shrugs*.

What do you think about the fact that other xiaolin dragons can also make wu/made wu? I think it's a good thing the creators decided to make it so that Dashi wasn't the sole creator of the wu since it would explain quite a few things such as the Sapphire Dragon and the Heart of Jong/Mala Mala Jong.
Old Posted 08-30-2013, 02:39 AM Reply With Quote  
Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Default   #23  
I honestly don't understand why they changed the plot/story, or simply made it more confusing in general. And I find it silly that they added a similar Shen Gon Wu with similar abilities that are weaker... I mean really, they couldn't think of something different?
I dunno.. It might get better and more balanced as time goes on, but so far the show is bugging me... Especially how the show becomes 3D when they enter a Showdown, originally the land morphed to fit it's surroundings and that everyone could watch them during the match. But now it looks like they cut so many corners...

The show is still decent, but it feels like it went from a A+ rated show to a D+ rated one... But seriously.. THE PACING. IT'S AWFUL. Maybe I should lay back a bit, considering that not all the same people who were working on the show are there anymore... All this tells me is that Canada isn't good at making cartoon shows. xD

Old Posted 08-30-2013, 09:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #24   Areishia Areishia is offline
More Magic
The plot of Chronicles is actually supposed to be a continuation of the one from XS so I don't think the plot is that different, it's just that it's not a direct continuation but one that takes place several years after the ending of XS (which is why the 4 original monks are all shoku warriors now instead of it only being Raymundo). Aside from that, the 3 episodes that were aired one after the other were supposed to be more like 1 big introductory episode to the series, I guess that's one of the reasons why their pacing was so rushed, they just wanted to introduce all the important character and what people could expect from the show in general (the shen gon wu, the characters, the showdowns, who are the bad guys/good guys, etc.), I just hope this means that the other episodes won't be rushes pacing-wise since they won't be about introducing everything within the show as much.

Like I said, them adding a shen gon wu with similar powers to another shen gon wu isn't really that odd seeing as they've already done it before in the old series.

I actually like the 3D showdowns xD; also, I think everyone can still watch them, though Dojo curling up during it until it's over does seem rather odd...
Old Posted 09-01-2013, 12:19 AM Reply With Quote  
Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Default   #25  
The 4th episode was much better, it went back to the old show that I loved, sort of...
The pacing was much better in this episode, and Dojo was that lovable oaf.
But it seems that the whole concept of a showdown is simply a race to the finish now, they sort of scrapped the challenge part of it :/ one of my favorite parts of the show are the challenges but I see that they are now changed for good.
Jack is still Jack, and the old villains lost their touch.. CatNappi used to be a great stand alone villain now it seems that she is just a comic effect for Jack's league of evil.
But there is still this off putting of weirdness in the show, I mean golden bunnies? They have to SEARCH for a new temple? (Which will probably end up being the Golden Bunny temple.) And that a lot of the old Shen Gon Wu are still missing.
Mehh.. I can't decide whether I like this show or not, it keeps giving me mixed feelings. D:

Old Posted 09-17-2013, 09:56 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #26   Areishia Areishia is offline
More Magic
To me the pacing still felt rather rushed. I agree that the whole "golden bunnies" idea is rather lame, but the original show also had such moments (sweet baby among us, ants in the pants, etc.).

I think Catnappi is still the same, it's just that, just as with Jack from season 1 to season 2 of XS, the monks have become better, stronger, more skilled, etc. while Cat herself hasn't changed a lot, even her costume is relatively the same, not to mention that she appears to be missing her fluffy adorable sidekick genetically modified kittens (I guess her parents might have taken them away from her?).

I'm just happy to see that Jack is the way he was in seasons 1-2 of XS instead of how he was at season 3...

I actually hope they make Jack more competent as the series progresses instead of making him either stagnant or useless (as was the case with XS).

I'm also happy to see Clay and Kimiko seemingly getting more screen-time and lines instead of the show seeming to be all about Omi and Raimundo, as it was starting somewhere in season 2 of XS and season 3 of XS especially. Of all the main characters Clay and Kimiko need the attention the most along with Ping Pong (since he's a new character).

Speaking of Ping Pong, while I grew to like him in the first 3 episodes, he seemed a bit Gary Stu-ish in this episode by knowing all that information, especially when you take into account that Dojo should have been able to know at least some information concerning the bunnies, etc. Ping Pong, as a new character, being more or less the only person to know this when he just joined the monks just didn't sit right to me.

But, by the end of the episode he didn't seem as Gary Stu-ish since he didn't solve the dilemma the monks had pertaining to stopping Jack and his team.

Speaking of Jack's team, I do hope they get fleshed out more instead of just simply being there and shouting "Yes we/I CAN" before starting to fight.

I also really miss seeing different transportation vehicles when it comes to Jack T.T, not to mention that I find the van's design rather bland, his old vehicles had a more steampunk-ish feel to them, this one just feel generic.

Then again, I think Jack might have financial problems or at least no longer has access to his parents' funds.

Oh well, the next episode should be today/tomorrow.
Old Posted 09-21-2013, 01:52 AM Reply With Quote  
i saw a fish i saw a fish is offline
Fresh meat :D
Default   #27  
OOoooomg this is really exciting! This was my favorite show as a kid!!! I can't wait. ;u;
"Of all the objects of hatred, a woman once loved is the most hateful." - Max Beerbohm
Old Posted 09-27-2013, 10:48 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #28   Areishia Areishia is offline
More Magic
Originally Posted by i saw a fish View Post
OOoooomg this is really exciting! This was my favorite show as a kid!!! I can't wait. ;u;
The show has already aired and while I wouldn't really call it bad (though I must confess that I haven't watched all of the [current] episodes yet) the pacing seems too rushed and most of the episodes I've seen I think would have been better if they were made up of two instead of one, if only so that the pacing would be better.
Old Posted 01-19-2014, 04:17 AM Reply With Quote  

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