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Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Default   #801  
Kimiko had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach the sounds of the city were Different than usuall the people walking around the city had withered down to almost nothing.. What was going on, She knew this meant there was trouble. She walked about the park listening around hoping that she could hear something from conversations that would give her an idea of the sudden change in the town.

It was after walking around the park for a small amount of time that Kim stopped in mid walk frozen as if something had caught her attention. A small wicked smirk formed across her face she had that feeling again that small feeling she had when he was around the last time she had met him.. Vinny.. On there last encounter he had set of a sort of vibe from his body that made Kim's skin crawl when ever she was near him. She found a tall thick tree in the park and made her way into it covering her self behind the leaves and branches. Why are you following me vinny..
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Last edited by Natsunaine; 09-26-2012 at 07:47 PM.
Old Posted 09-26-2012, 05:25 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #802   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll

Advent looked up his hand going to scratch the back of his head “To be honest you are the first person to step foot in my home.” he smiled nervously about that fact, Bringing his hand down as she spoke about what she heard his head turning away “Matray is my birth name, please don't use it outside this house or I will set your toaster on you.” he said bluntly as he went back to eating his soup “Thank you, I cook everything from scratch my father will not eat anything else.” he said he had been cooking doe as long as he could remember for both his parents “I can bring some over for you all if you like.” he said before eating some more though listened “he knew that she was holding something back but wasn't about to ask what it was as she would tell him in her own time.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 09-26-2012, 05:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #803  
"I feel honored," Chloe takes another sip from the spoon, "It is a nice name, Advent, you shouldn't feel dishonored to let people know the real you. And thank you for the offer but I would feel bad taking food from you and your father through maybe we can arrange for you both to come over and have a meal with us? Jayden does make up quite a few British meals from scratch when he gets the time off, your father might actually enjoy a change of pace, it can't be easy just the two of you here day in and out."
Old Posted 09-26-2012, 06:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #804   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Vincent ignored what ever Kenji had said moved on quickly leaving the Candy Skull area, hitting the last roof top, creating a huge dent in almost having it cave in on it self then leaped over the edge hitting the ground with a loud heavy thud with a deep imprint of his landing into the ground. "My teeth will be fine Kenji. . ." he growled some at the other he was already in a foul it didn't need to be made worse with small banter such as that. Standing up still holding on the Violin case in his other hand.

Moving from his spot he head off into the park area to try and find Kimiko looking about seeing how their where so many people out and about. Just as he thought it was not as safe as he thought it would be but he ignored everything that was going on so he could settle one matter at a time.


Zaki laughed a little, "I was told that a bit, really I wanted to be chef but I could never get any where that would take me with the lack of money so I found I had another talent and that was making things it was like cooking. . . .so I used it to help me be a Tech." he smiled some and listened on to what Jay had to say. "Wait someone broken in and took things?" he said blinking some this made the worry he felt even more worse.

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 09-26-2012, 07:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Default   #805  
Kimiko held her breathe as she saw Vincent walk past her tree, she was being still and quite. It wasn't that she was afraid of Vincent nor the fact that she wanted to hide, She just despised being followed and at this point she knew thats what Vincent was doing..Come on just give up already your not going to.. The branch beneath her Feet began to crack the sound echoed through the desolate park.Shit.. I hope he didn't hear that.
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Old Posted 09-26-2012, 07:46 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #806   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Reaching into his pocket in flash he pulled out one of the many butterfly knives threw it into the the tree hitting the branch she was on with enough force for it to make the crack worse in it. "Just come out so I can move on with my day, I have things I need to take care of, if you think I am here following you, you're very wrong, I could care less of some of the things you do. But what I hear has made me rather upset so come out and we can get this sorted out." he said calmly, while waiting for her, then shifted his gaze to Kenji who was not to far from him.

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 09-26-2012, 07:57 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
Default   #807  

“Don't feel honoured, it was just simply easier for me with what was going on and what I had to do.” he said before taking another spoonful of his lunch “Thanks, but I just rather not it be used when outside as it's safer for myself and my father.” he said he kept what he done outside a secret from his father. He slammed his spoon down “I do not feel dishonoured about anything Chloe, prevent things about myself from being public for a damn reason!” he said coldly feeling around for his spoon “thank you for the offer but no.” he said gently “I cook and clean so it's fine” he knew his father would never go for it and that his two worlds may collide “I mean my father doesn't even know I have friends.” he just went back to eating quietly.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 09-26-2012, 08:04 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #808   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Finishing up the breakfast, Jayden pulled a cigarette out and lite it, "You could of found a job willing to send you for training but as long as your happy with things, than you made the right choice." he frowned, "Yea, I'm afraid so. Could of been worse I guess, just be thankful Chloe or Avalon weren't in the flat when the files were being stolen."

Chloe frowns, watching Advent feel around again for his spoon, "If you say so. And your father can't stop you from using it nor having friends." she pauses, "Why don't you take your bandana off instead of feeling around for the spoon?"

"What do you mean by what's going on?" she leaves the spoon resting in the bowl and stares at Advent, her eyes turning icy.
Last edited by Dawn; 09-26-2012 at 08:23 PM.
Old Posted 09-26-2012, 08:12 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
Default   #809  

Kenji had kept up from rooftop to rooftop he took not of where they moved and where the borderline was “I think this section in neutral” he said landing on the next roof “Yes I know they will be, but it's not good to grind and you know know it.” he said jumping following him towards the park “Any ideas where in this place she'll be?” he asked removing his ninjato from his back to his side continuing to walk through the park keeping his distance to a bare minimum watching Vincent's movements as they got to a tree he took a knee once more realizing they had reached their destination his head bowed allowing Vincent to deal with the goings on within the faction.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 09-26-2012, 08:26 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #810   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll

Advent turned to look at Chloe his head tilting head to the side “My father doesn't stop me from using my real name I do.” he stated bluntly “It's to protect me and my father from hunters and other people who would want to harm us.” he stated as if it was a true fact and in his mind it was considering what was happening. “Friends? I made my first friend at the age of thirteen... before that I had no friends I had never been out side to tell the truth.” he lowered his head “Taking my blindfold off will do little to nothing for me I would still have to feel for my spoon... I'm blind Chloe.” he said gently. “Earlier I seen some messages that disturbed me Chloe.”
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 09-26-2012, 08:46 PM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #811  
"That makes sense, I suppose." Chloe quietly sits the bowl down, "Your.. blind." she couldn't help but stare at him, "But you don't act like someone who is blind." Not wanting to say anything that would hurt Advent, she remains quiet a few minutes, "What sort of messages, Advent?"
Old Posted 09-26-2012, 08:56 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #812   Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Damn, I almost had it..Kimiko jumped carefully from the branch with a small cut along her leg from where the throwing knifes had cutt it open. She fell to her knee for a second from the pain of the cutt ripping open more, She stood staring down the man who had been following her.

"What the hell do you wan't and why have you been following me Vinny, Do i have to flip you again?" She snarled following up a with a insane like smirk as she reminded him of the previous night. "You and your lap dog may be part of the faction but, I do not appreciate being followed.." Kimiko wasn't even whatching her mouth at this point she was to angry, She had done nothing wrong and yet she was being treated like this.
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Old Posted 09-26-2012, 11:28 PM Reply With Quote  
NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Default   #813  
"Allow me to correct you, I am not following you, I came here to have a small discussion with you about how you think you can change rules with in this faction, that is the only reason I am even here. What ever clause you think of not harming any one is unheard of with in this group and you say we have none is very obsured on many levels." he said her. His gaze shifting to the other, eyes narrowed some. "I have been here far to long for someone to suddenly come in and change the life style of this faction and to change how we as a group are." placing his free hand back into his pocket, then looking away from Kimiko. "You are Ryuujin yes, but changing something with out my consent is not how we work. . . ."

As he was being calm about all this he had a slight distaste for the other and now it was getting worse by the second. He was fine but now with how she doesn't listen was starting to become headache for the vampire.

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 12:34 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #814   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll

Sickly amber eyes moved up as he seen the other Ryuujin jump from the tree, on first impression alone he wondered how the hell she had managed to get the position but more to the fact how she managed to survive so long as she didn't seem to know what the definition of follow was "Watch who you call a lap dog bitch or you will be a dead one." he growled from his knelt position his eyes slightly narrowed at the moment but moved to Vincent. "I'm sorry Vincent, you know me and my temper." his head lowering some more as he felt silent listening to the conversation as it continued.

"Someone needs to teach your ass the definition of follow." he sighed looking to kimiko "To go or come after a person or thing proceeding ahead. For instance 'To go after someone in order to observe or monitor. As you can see we are doing neither." he said coldly "Going by your terminology of the word follow if you live in the same house go to the same school or work at the same place as another you are following your family, colleagues, classmates" he sighed once again falling silent letting Vincent handle things.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Last edited by Kaguya; 09-27-2012 at 01:28 AM.
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 01:12 AM Reply With Quote  
Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
Default   #815  

“Though it rarely seems like it there is always method in the things that I do Chloe, you need to trust me on that.” he placed his bowl down as she repeated what he just said and nodded “Yes, didn't you hear all those clicks on your way to the bathroom and to my room?” he said tilting his head “I know I don't I have adapted it's the only way you can do things besides how do you think the others would feel if they knew they where being lead by someone who is blind?” he asked seriously he turned his head towards the floor, he wanted to tell her more but some things where just private and hurt him even now like the previous days comment about the darkness, when he said that comment he was talking about himself though never really wanted to get into it. “There was some strange communications between hunters this morning and a strange message between a school and the police station which is on lock down.” he stated
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 09-27-2012, 01:47 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #816   Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
A fake innocent smirk flew across kimiko's face as the man explained to her about how he thought she was changing the rules. "Whatever do you mean? I haven't changed any rules at all, Seems like whoever gives you your information is beginning to slack a bit." The smirk quickly turned into an angry like look of malice, She knew what Vincent was talking about what she had told Mizuki earlier the day before to lighten her mood, The story and false dream that had come to her mind.

Kimiko placed her hand at her waist looking steadily at them both. "I may not be the Top Ryuujin, But I will not be treated as if I am at the bottom of the food chain like some." Kimiko's eyes became reddened in hate and disgust. "I tried being civil and nice to you to show you that I could be easy to work with, But i refuse to be looked down upon and if that means i must fight my way to respect i will."
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 04:32 AM Reply With Quote  

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