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Sunako Sunako is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #433  
Dear S_____,
Why have I ever done wrong to you personall? Why do you hate me so much, and make me feel like I am nothing and not worth love and understanding. You are nothing but a spoilt brat, and are old enough to treat people with respect, but you don't. The only people you respect are people who are skinny like yourself, and put down those who are overweight like myself. Tell you what, it ain't fair nor should you get away with it. I will make sure you hurt like your hurt me, believe not, I do not care about you anymore. You're a ..... and I can't stand to be around you.

Sincerly M.
Old Posted 07-09-2012, 02:14 AM  
Default   #434   Ginger Ginger is offline
Dear Diary.

Should I just call it quits? It doesn't seem to be getting any easier. No matter what I do to try to make it work, it doesn't help.

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Old Posted 07-10-2012, 06:51 PM  
Meizicht Meizicht is offline
Default   #435  
Dear people of today;

I would like to ask a simple question.

Does the word "bye" not exist in today's vocabulary anymore? Do those three little letters carry a taboo that I don't know about? Will your head explode if you say it? Because as far as I know, that's pretty impossible. So tell me.. is it a lost form of common courtesy? Because that's more believable considering that we're all pretty much digressing back to neanderthal behavior anyway, I just wish someone had notified me.

So because of the.. extinction of the word "bye", I would like to know when exactly is it that conversations end so that I could be in on it when you just drop off the planet while I am talking. So as to not be possibly saying something important while you decide to wander off and do some other piddly little thing you want to do. Like, oh I dunno.. take a nap in the middle of the day. Play a game. Look at facebook. Laughing like a derp at things you see on Tumblr.. Whatever it is, I would be so appreciative if someone would tell me when it is that we know a conversation has been closed, because the world knows you can't be bothered to take five seconds of your time to type three iiiiitsy bitsy little letters in order to let me know.

Some of you, I have your phone numbers. And if this happens to be a fad nowadays, I feel it necessary that I may call you, have a conversation, and then hang up whenever I feel bored or annoyed. Because lol, I'm sorry, you must have thought you were the sun that gives light to the earth and everyone hangs on every word you say, right? Cute.

Here's another pet peeve of mine. A big one. One that turns me into a raging ball of flaming sarcasm that can really be taken as just plain assery if you're easily offended and/or don't know me very well.

When I say something... do you need to respond with "really"? For example..

"I saw a bird."

... Now, if it had been me:

"I saw a bird."
"NNnnaaaaaw, it was a flying car with a beak driven by a zombie smoking a pipe."

What is the point with those "really"s? Can you not contribute to the conversation like... here would be an appropriate response:

"I saw a bird."
"What kind was it?"
"It was a cardinal."
"Oh, I like cardinals. They're red."

And then the conversation would continue on about how freaking derpy cardinals are when they fly repeatedly into the windows of your house at full speed. See? Interesting conversation. Instead of a reenactment of some King of the Hill show where we're all just standing there going "Oh this happened today." "Really?" "Yep." "Yup." "Mhm." <<< DOES THAT SOUND LIKE A LEGITIMATE CONVERSATION? NO. STOP RUINING IT WITH YOUR IDIOT 'REALLY'S, DAMMIT. D<

"Really" should be used like "very". D< IN FRONT OF AN ADJECTIVE. Like "that's really blue" or "this is really annoying" or "this is really fun". It should be banned to use it by itself in a question. It's a conversation murderer and only prolongs the torture of having to deal with people. AARRGGGHHH.


Sincerely, me. e___e
Old Posted 07-12-2012, 01:52 AM  
Default   #436   littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
dear bitch

what the fuck? how can you say you want love and respect when you lie and steal and act like a nasty little child when someone calls you out on your bullshit? i feel bad for your watchers, i feel bad for your poor kid and i feel bad for anyone who believes you. but mostly i want to grab you by the roots of your hair and frog-walk you to the nearest dictionary so you can read for yourself the definition of 'stealing'

one of the five people you blatantly stole from
Old Posted 07-12-2012, 02:25 AM  
Pocket Pocket is offline
Sized Ninja
Default   #437  
Dear myself...

Stop thinking about the cuts... STOP IT! I don't want to fall back into that...

Thanks so much littl3chocobo

Quest thread~http://www.trisphee.com/forums/showt...39#post1503339
Old Posted 07-12-2012, 10:59 AM  
Default   #438   Ginger Ginger is offline
Dear Person.

Stop treating me like crap and humiliating me. It just makes yourself look bad. Sorry but I don't recall anything I've done to you to deserve that kind of treatment. So stop it.

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Old Posted 07-13-2012, 02:34 AM  
Obbiesan Obbiesan is offline
Professional Monster Hunter
Default   #439  
Dear self,

You are fine, everything is fine stop freaking out and relax its your birthday have fun and keep calm. You have been so good dont break down now.

From, Me
Old Posted 07-13-2012, 04:58 AM  
Default   #440   Ginger Ginger is offline
Dear diary.

Why do kids these days have shit handed to them? What happened to hard work pays off? I'm not talking about good grades or helping around the house when they feel it's convenient for them. Hard work is doing both of those things AND having a job, and have them put some away to move out or go to college, or something pertaining to bettering their future for themselves. Here's an idea parents: STOP DOING EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CHILDREN. Let them grow up knowing nice things don't come easy, and they'll work twice as hard and be three times as grateful for everything you hand them; Not just a one-month high of having a brand new car given to them. Some of us actually have decent enough parents who are poor enough to offer a 'congratulations now get a job' for graduating high school. Having shit given to you does not make you successful.

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Old Posted 07-13-2012, 04:03 PM  
Lauv Keiko Lauv Keiko is offline
Silent Scream
Default   #441  
dear you

Whatever, man. Whatever. That was totally freaking mature of you.
I blatantly told you what the problem was and you still didn't get it.
-sighs- Man up, seriously.

^Toxxic art
art by chocobo & honey
Last edited by Lauv Keiko; 07-14-2012 at 01:00 PM.
Old Posted 07-14-2012, 12:56 PM  
Default   #442   Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
Don't ask me to fucking lie for you. I don't like it, I had asked your fucking fiancé to make some thing a certain way, or to wait until i got up to make it. He instead does it all while I am doing shit for you, because I am 'too lazy' to go down there at 7 am when he started on it. I am sorry that I had to pack til midnight last night so I could move out on time because your fiancé won't help me move in or pack up the stuff though he is so excited for me to move out that he has been making comments about what my room will be used for once I leave. I had asked for it to be a certain way for my own ease of use and design, and by doing that he has fucked it up because it will become top heavy once it is in use and fall over. Also I expect him to keep his word and WAIT for me, I had to leave at 10 am and I couldn't get back til 1. Since he refused to do it because 'it isn't his damn house' I had to, no way around it and he is the one who is pissy all day because after seeing how he fucked it up I left to get some alone time with my grandmother. I won't lie and I won't take it with me, I don't like it. I am picky about what is going into my new home and I won't keep something that is going to have to be counter balanced to stay upright when he could have just fucking listened and it would all be fine.
Old Posted 07-25-2012, 07:33 PM  
Gallagher Gallagher is online now
It Won't Stop
Default   #443  

I never meant to start crying. Now I can't seem to stop.

I don't know why I can never seem to treat people right.

I wish trying counted as much as we're taught to believe.

Old Posted 07-27-2012, 10:11 PM  
Default   #444   Kali_Namir Kali_Namir is offline
Dinos go RAWR!!!
Dear everyone...

The past is the past, yet why do I still feel as though I have to watch where I post and to who I talk? Why do I still not feel safe posting here? Why do I keep thinking everyone is judging me based on the past? Why do I feel as though I never really got a chance to meet people on here?


Because I was shunned and scorned and asked to leave a place with NO REAL REASON. I was invited to a thread as a safe place, and then thrown from it like yesterday's garbage. I still feel the need to avoid those places, and the people who run them. I still feel as though I'm going to be asked to leave places simply because no on wants to hear both sides, and no one wants to have faith that I would respect their thread and not start s**t like they assumed.

Thanks for assuming I'm a b**ch!
Last edited by Kali_Namir; 07-30-2012 at 01:01 AM.
Old Posted 07-30-2012, 12:28 AM  
Asami Asami is offline
Rainbow Goddess
Default   #445  
Dear diary

Is it okay to cry? I don't really know

Sincerely yourself

my closet
Dark is my puppyi luff hermes<3
Old Posted 07-30-2012, 11:57 PM  
Default   #446   littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
dear you,

wow, just wow. twice now? i am glad things ended when they did because i would have left on my own by now. i hope you understand that encouraging a thief to steal is as bad as stealing yourself. shame on you for not filtering what comes through, it makes it look as if you are doing it on purpose

-a very ashamed and offended me
Old Posted 07-31-2012, 06:55 PM  
Ultima Ultima is offline
Lurker of Lurkiness
Default   #447  
Dear ... you,

I get that you're happy with her, but ... please stop. Every picture you post of you both, every time you mention her, hell even when you told me "life is great" because I asked how you were doing because I haven't seen you in ages. It hurts. All of it just tears me apart.

I hate it when you say that we're "not meant to be" or that I'll "find someone better." Just stop. I still love you as much as I did when we were going out, and I know you still love me too deep down. So why are you so dead set against us being together?

It hurts to not be with you. I don't even always mean "together" with you. It hurts not even getting to see your face, or hear your voice, or to hug you when I need emotional support. It hurts when you don't text me back, or when you say you're "too busy with work" but yet you find time to hang out with her.

What ever happened to "I'll always be there for you"? And "you're my best friend"? I haven't seen you in weeks. We used to hang out every single day. Am I not important anymore? Am I being replaced?

I'm not joking or exaggerating when I say I will not have anyone but you. You are the only one for me. I just hope you realize soon that I'm the only one for you, too. I just want to spend the rest of my life pleasing you and being there for you and being cute with you and sharing everything with my soulmate, and I hope you will be my husband someday.

-All the love I have in my heart,

PS: Please do not move 1,500 miles away. I can not guarantee what I will or will not do if you do. Please. Just don't.
Old Posted 07-31-2012, 08:17 PM  
Default   #448   Fallen Fallen is offline
Dear Mom & Dad,
I've written and rewritten this this letter at least three times physically; countless times in my head. Ultimately, each version narrowed down to me being fed up with your hypocrisy. Your hypocrisy and your selfishness and your demeaning sense of thought. I. am. done. I thought my break down a couple of weeks ago explained that well enough...

Right now, what holds priority for me is your inability to understand that I am a legal adult. I'm constantly pushed into different states of confusion because of how you react to me. I'm too dependent and childish when I don't do something and I'm too young and ignorant when I do. Ever since I was 7 years old, I've been raised with conflicting reasoning like this.

"No, you're not allowed to walk to the bus for school."

"You're only allowed to look for a job in the neighborhood so you can walk to it."

These statements -both of them!- have been given to me within the last 6 months. I... I can't please you guys. I just can't! One day you will have one train of thought and the next a completely different one. It kills me how you expect me to understand this, especially since no matter how long I live with you and observe you, I will never be able to know how to act and when to act like it.

I can't talk to you guys. I can't rely on you. I can't even try to make you happy. And the absolutely sickening part of all of this is that I want to blame it all on you -trust me, I really do- but each and every time time I try, I'm filled with this overwhelming guilt. Even if I know I have done nothing wrong, I somehow find myself begging for forgiveness from you. I don't even know what there is to forgive...


Maybe I should move out.
- Alex

Dad, your potatoes sucked tonight.
м у ѕ т _к η ι g н т _σ ƒ _¢ н α σ ѕ

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Last edited by Fallen; 07-31-2012 at 09:17 PM.
Old Posted 07-31-2012, 09:12 PM  
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