This is a semi lit, mature roleplay with a wide variety of factions to join.
I am the god of this roleplay
Cursing is allowed but don't over use it.
This is a mature roleplay but remember to follow the Trisphee ToS
You are welcome to have more then one profile but you can not have more then one "Ryuujin" character. Remember to not take on more characters then you are able to manage
Post your profile in the thread under a "Spoiler" tag.
More rules will be added later.
Join my Roleplay? ~> Espy Wants me for my Eye-patch <~ I am the Lascivious Knight ~Thank You Kaguya, Dawn, Nikko~
:: T H E – Y E A R – 2 2 4 9 ::
Decades of war and disease have left the world scarred, turning it into a wasteland. Humans have built and covered the world in massive cites and within the bustling metropolis of Tokyo's "Old city ruins" a new breed of gangs plague the city with constant crime and other atrocities. Though these gangs are diverse, each extending from their own backgrounds and ways of life – many from broken homes and disturbing pasts – there is an unspoken universal ethic code of honor amongst the various rival gangs.
And while many gangs seek to imitate the revered Skull Gangs, most simply end up in handcuffs with a free road trip to prison, as true Skulls are masters of escape and tactical retreat.
It is, perhaps, their tenacious cunning and resolve which make the Skulls the most feared gangs out there, the realest gangs of Tokyo. Which begs a deeper question. IS there someone pulling the strings of the skull gangs?
The Skulls, while respected, are not particularly liked. They are a public menace and as such, the local police keep a constant vigil on their activities, with one false move often setting the authorities on full alert. To aid their pursuit to wipe the streets clean of the Skulls' riffraff, the police have established a special division devoted to the capture of all Skull Gang members caught violating the law: The Skull Hunters.
To their defense, many of the Skull Gang members have taken to learning and mastering forms of martial arts, and even mystic arts, eventually refining their fighting prowess to certain Methods unique to each gang.
Methods are unique in nature, often incorporating the newest technology, unified fighting styles, and specific arts intrinsic to their gang's theme.
Another fact of the Skull Gangs is their dependency on new vehicular technology, be it a Hoverboard, Air Skates, Motorcycles, et cetera. Skull Gangs will always have something to ride on, with the latest models of skates and boards having the capability to grind on virtually any surface and even vertically scale walls for limited periods or at certain speeds.
Skulls will always have brand new toys to play with, along with insidious weaponry concealed on their person.
Within each gang there lies those with unique skills and traits that boarder line that of gods, The Ryuujin, as they've become known, are called so because of their immensely unique abilities, methods and personalities amongst their ranks.
:: F I R E – S K U L L S ::
The hot-blooded band of ruffians whose Method is to wield the power of flame via small canisters of fuel and igniter devices hidden on their person. And there are even some born with the the ability to create flames out of thin air. Also known to wield bombs and other explosives.
:: T O X I C – S K U L L S ::
Venomous serpents who have a random and unpredictable Method; they conceal syringes filled with various poisons and serums to break down their opponents or enhance themselves. Within the ranking officers there are some that have altered their own dna so their bodies put out toxic fumes.
:: T E C H – S K U L L S ::
Young genius engineers who build and wield amazing technology and gadgets as their Method of choice. Unlike most gangs, they are well organized and use superior tactics to best overwhelming odds.
:: V A M P I R E – S K U L L S ::
Gothic-loving occult fans who've taken their Method to new extremes, their unprecedented stamina and speed is attributed to their love of drinking blood. They offer only a relentless assault, abandoning self-defense in order to destroy their opponents with non-stop attacks.
:: C A N D Y – S K U L L S ::
Beautiful heart-throbs who'll steal your heart away, if they don't rip it out first. Their Method is to use their charms and good looks, along with pheromone perfumes to confuse, enamor, or otherwise infatuate their opponents before hitting them where it hurts most.
:: P U N I S H E R – S K U L L S ::
Battle-hardened hoodlums who rely on their raw passion and desire to reach the top of the Underworld. Their members have inhuman strength. They have the widest array of Methods, incorporating whatever it takes to win. They hold the largest territory.
~Government Officials~
:: T O K Y O - P O L I C E ::
Tokyo's police force is comprised of underpaid, under-maned, and over worked citizens that put their lives on the line to protect its citizens from Gangs and everyday crime.
:: S K U L L - H U N T E R S ::
This black ops unit was established to fight the gangs of Tokyo with whatever means necessary. This group is known to employ tactics that would put the skulls own underhanded tactics to shame. They even go as low as to planting spies within the gangs, kidnapping, and even bombing buildings that may or may not have skull ties. A border lined terrorist group with a badge.
Join my Roleplay? ~> Espy Wants me for my Eye-patch <~ I am the Lascivious Knight ~Thank You Kaguya, Dawn, Nikko~
The Skull gangs have risen to power and their word has become law. The police force of Tokyo in their last desperate act have created a special black ops squad dubbed "The Skull Hunters". Little do they know that the "Skull Hunters" are being controlled by a darker force and the last thing on their mind is peace.
Not only does the hidden hand of the "Skull Hunters" want to rid the city of the gangs, but its people as well. Believing that the city is far to diseased to leave it standing. Now the gangs have begun to make their move but the fabled "Skull Emperor" the one who controls and keeps the balance between the gangs has been missing for 10 years and the gangs are to disorganized and are plagued with territory wars with each other to even put up any real offensive against the "skull hunters" .
What will happen in the cities darkest hour? And what will become of the gangs without their leader?
Join my Roleplay? ~> Espy Wants me for my Eye-patch <~ I am the Lascivious Knight ~Thank You Kaguya, Dawn, Nikko~
Picture/Reference:What I look like.
Fighting style: Shoot Boxing is a combat fighting style that originated in Tokyo, Japan. Shootboxing allows kicks, punches, knees, throws, and standing submissions (chokeholds, armlocks and wristlocks). Also uses Jeet Kune Do.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: Always carries a box of matches and his cigarettes. Prefers not to use any weapons but is forced to carry a standard issued police revolver. Wears a bandanna with a skull, a pair of glasses and a over sized bracelet that he wears on his right wrist. Also has a old photo hidden on his person at all times.
Personality: Roland is a quiet man with a mild temperament. He doesn't put in much effort when he is working but neither is he an under achiever. Yet he is still very loyal to his colleagues and has a near perfect arrest record. Can at times act childish or the fool to throw off enemies and can be very unpredictable when he runs out of cigarettes.
History: Not much is know about Roland's past. Tokyo records only found mention of his first name when he first joined the police force back in his academy days 10 years ago. He always wears a bandanna with a skull on it and everyone is confused by it. Does he wear it as a kind of insult to the Skull gangs or is he really a part of them? No one seems to worried to ask him though or they are to afraid of the answer. Either way Roland is very well liked by shop owners and the children of Old Tokyo district and that seems to be enough to put everyones mind at ease.
Unique Ability: Releases a pheromone from her body. Once anyone around her inhales this pheromone they are instantly effected. Effects include a type of "Love or longing" for her as well as dulling their senses. She also had a punisher Ryuujin's inhuman strength implanted into her body giving her said strength.
Fighting style: Shoot Boxing mixed with her own unique twist.
Personality: Akemi is a sadist. She get physically aroused when someone is suffering in pain.
History: To be shown
~Moonless Midnight~ KIA
Name: Jubeii Lyn
Nickname: Count/JL
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Ryuujin Faction (gang): Vampire-Skulls
Picture/Reference: Blond and white hair that reaches to her chest. She has gold eyes and a pale rose complexion. She wears formal clothes; usually a dress shirt, dress pants, calf boots, victorian frock coat and face scarf
Unique Ability: hightened speed and the power to create illusions for all to see or in her opponent’s mind.
Fighting style: Kali/Eskrima (they’re the same just different name) Primarily uses two sticks or knives/daggers to attack, defend, and disarm but can be used to fight bare handed or use any number of makeshift weapons like pens.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: a set of Kris and a set of Karambit daggers
Personality: Jubeii is usually chill and calm but gets fired up in a fight. She becomes defensive when someone tries to bring up her past. Jubeii is also pretty quiet around strangers or people not close to her. She only becomes talkative around those she trusts.
History: Not much is known about Jubeii. She wasn’t originally from Japan. Tokyo records mention that she was found off the shores of Odaiba close to Tokyo Bay at the age of 15. Police had questioned her at the time as to why she was there, whom her relatives where, and where she lived but she wasn’t able to understand them at the time (only knowing english). After a year it’s reported that police tried yet again to answers from Jubeii but with no result; she would not speak about her past. She answered them with this: “ My past is my own, I don’t owe you any explanations. All that matters is that I now live here. If you try to rattle the skeletons in my closet you may just end up becoming one.”
After Jubeii’s first year living in Tokyo and learning the language she was determined to become stronger honing her martial arts skills and entering the Vampire-Skulls faction. It was the best place for her to get stronger while rising in the ranks. Within her first year of joining the Vamps she learned of her unique power; the power of illusions. After a few months she was able to control her powers and in a year had mastered them.
Name: Maki Kitazawa
Nickname: Blaze/Kitty
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Ryuujin Faction (gang): Flame Skulls
She enjoys wearing clothes that allow her to move freely. She wears anklets with bladed spikes so that her kicks cause the maximum amount of damage. Her gloves are reinforced with a durable metal with a high melting point, and her hairpins are covered in a special resin that creates sparks when she strikes them across any surface.
Unique Ability: Can turn anything into a molten state and control the burning substance as well as fire itself, conjuring flames from even the tiniest spark.
Fighting style: Capoeira, the art of the battle dance. Her movements are graceful and fierce, striking at her opponents from unexpected angles with kicks, punches, slaps, headbutts, and dancing flames. If need be, she will melt an assailant's footwear to the ground to prevent them from escaping before finishing them off.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: Always carries a small handheld taser and a collapsible hoverboard
Personality: She can be downright rude even at the best of times and has a hair trigger temper. May the other world have mercy on you if you ever get on her bad side. However, she is extremely protective of those she deems as friendly and will raze any and all who stand between her and her allies.
History: Maki grew up in the slums of Old Tokyo after being abandoned there when she was six. She would get into fights often, and led a small group of other rag-tag orphans. They would steal from the street vendors for living supplies and were constantly on the move.
Maki came to learn of her unique abilities in a raid where most of her followers were either arrested or killed. Only a handful of her group remained after that day, and she vowed to never let that happen again.
It wasn't long after that when she was scouted and brought into the Flame Skulls, and she quickly rose to the rank of Ryuujin. It's been eleven years since then.
Name: Lillian VonHugh (Never call her this)
Nickname: Edge
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Faction (gang): Punisher Skull
Fighting style: She has no set style. She will do whatever it takes to win in a fight, including play dirty. She always tries to strike vital points instead of trying to wear down her opponents.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: She keeps several knives strapped to her belt. Her combat boots can shift into jet boots for quick escapes, and the blades on her gloves retract when not in use.
Personality: She has no patience for frivolous things. She is prone to being rather blunt with people, but not in a mean way. She despises liars and has been known to cut out the tongues of those she has found spouting falsehoods.
History: Lillian was raised in New Tokyo by her wealthy parents... or, rather, her parents' servants. She grew exceedingly bored of such a sterile lifestyle, though, and ran away from home at the age of fourteen.
Her parents failed to notice she'd been missing for several months. When they did, they had all sorts of missing person reports filed. By that time, though, Lillian had cut her previously princess long hair into a messy tom boy style and acquired several tattoos. She had sold off or thrown away everything she had that could identify her as the daughter of such an upscale family. The only way she could be identified now was the star-shaped birth mark on the sole of her left foot.
She joined the Punisher Skulls not long after her parents began their campaign to find her in order to hide herself. She also admired their no-nonsense way of doing business. They had no hang-ups on protocol or etiquette. They helped her hone her strength and never questioned her reasons for joining.
Name: Vincent Puck Cross
Nickname: Puck
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Ryuujin Faction (gang): Vampire Skulls
Unique Ability: Telekinesis which is used to trick people with by moving items or any kind of objects.
Fighting style: His fighting style is hand to hand combat with knife play. Vincent has no real fighting style, in away its a mess and sloppy but most people can't read it, using his speed and strength he can out do his opponent any time. If the need comes and will, Vincent will take out his two butterfly knives use them as well to has his opponent move away from him. Getting close enough to him a person would lose en eye.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: Two Butterfly knives and a violin. Yes he has one he knows how to play it believe it or not.
Personality: Headstrong, arrogant and rude is what makes Vincent who he is. He can be kind at time but cruel and mean he the kind of person you would go out with once in a blue moon and not many more times if you don't wanna lose eye, finger or any other part of your body. He finds amusement in other pain it bring a wide smiled to his face.
History: Vincent traveled from London to ease his boredom and to get away from the thing that drives him into madness his father Victoir. After the disappearance of his younger sister Vincent lost all sanity in the and joy in the world. She was his world and everything more to him and he couldn't even protect her from the monster they called a father. Being born a pure bred he went off to try and find away to keep him self sane and stable if you could call it that.
After staying and living with in Tokyo for a while he caught wind of gang that was there. His interest sparked he went to look for and join the this so called gang after being with in it he quickly moved through the rank became a Ryuujin filling boredom he has keeping him self entertained with what is happening at hand.
Name: Yamazaki Kido
Nickname: Zaki
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Faction (gang): Tech - Skulls
Fighting style: he studies thearts of the Ling-Sheng Su Style Rod & Kong Style Rod. Being a person who would not do so well in close hand to hand combat Zaki would like to keep him self away from his opponents if can help it. Though he is still learning and not the best he uses his smarts and skills in making things to make something better.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: Bo Staff at all times never know when you will need it. Pair of head phones to keep an ear out on the underground news.
Personality: Zaki is a quiet and keeps to him self kind of person. Kind and willing to be helpful to his friend and gang members at times can be down fall but in the end he will catch him self and gain back his footing, making sure not to lose it again.
History: At a young age Zaki had always the nack for wanting to build and make things. One evening while staying up late to create something for his class to be able to move solid object threw walls, the invention he had made backfired blowing up in the process blinding him in his left eye leaving a dark scar over it. Knowing he could make something to help his sight he leaves it be and works with handy cap. He always got into trouble for the things he made, by the police for it was not right steal peoples auto movitve parts to build a small droid.
As time went he ended up joining the Tech Skull for the enjoyment he could build things for people and never really have to worry about gain all the things he needed to build the bots droids even items for people to use out run the law. As he would say make it bigger, better, and smarter you can do anything you wanna do.
Name: Ashton Hino
Nickname: None
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Faction (gang): Candy Skulls
Fighting style: Basic martial arts, being light and petite Ashton can land a heavy hit on a person. Though she mixes in elegant ballet into it she is how you say light and quick on her feet.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: A hand gun along with locket she keeps close to her.
Personality: Happy go lucky kind of person. With a happy outlook on life and the world. She is upbeat and happy finding joy though the small things in life, from hanging out with friends to winning an awesome fight against another person.
History: Ashton has lived in Tokyo all her life and has always enjoyed. Well not always she worked hard and always did what she could to help out any one she knew. Her looks always got her something no matter what it was, a free meal or free ticket into the movies from someone that wanted to give it to her she took with a smile and polite thank you to follow.
In the end she noticed the world was ugly and needed away to blend in still be her self that was when she deiced that joining the candy skulls would be a way to be her self but also be cute and fluffy cunning to others that didn't like the group.
Name: Tachibana Hayate
Nickname: Van Gogh
Age: 26
Sex: M
Faction (gang): Fire Skulls
Fighting style: When he has some distance, he'll use flamethrowers, smoke bombs, and the occasional grenade when he can get his hands on them. Hayate isn't too strong, and prefers to utilize aikido if he loses his range or runs out of fuel. He usually tries to avoid head-on blows, but may be in serious trouble if the fight drags on for too long.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: A couple canisters of spraypaint, a few fire-breathing torchers, a lighter, and small smoke bombs. At times he'll have a grenade or two. The mask he wears when fighting has a special filter to keep the fumes from his face.
Personality: Hayate would prefer to not get into a fight, and keeps a level mind most of the time. He considers tagging an art and takes seriously (perhaps a bit too seriously) his self-proclaimed duty to beautify the city's walls.
History: A bit of a dreamer, Hayate's obsession with tagging soon caught up with him and got him expelled from high school. That, however, didn't cleanse him of his habits; Tokyo's walls became even more decorated with his "art", and, not content with having to constantly flee officials and the ragtag teams of pestering orphans, he watched the Fire Skulls for a while, learning their techniques before joining the gang.
Name: Kurosawa Keigo (his actual name is Kyd)
Nickname: Kyd, Little Kid (used mostly to tick him off.)
Age: 21
Sex: M
Ryuujin Faction (gang): Toxic Skulls
Unique Ability: Immunity to weak and moderate poisons. Can transfer neurotoxins and irritants via his fingertips.
Fighting style: Kyd would much rather work his poisonous magic via syringes either in close quarters or by throwing them, but if needs be, he'll slip his knife inbetween his opponent's ribs. Getting his hands dirty by pulling a few self-taught streetfighting moves is a last resort.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: Several syringes of poisons and steroids, vials of TTX and amanitas solutions, packets of various pills, and a channeled knife that holds a concentrated TTX solution.
Personality: Kyd leans towards to more sadistic side of the spectrum and is loud, sarcastic, and arrogant. However, he's not likely to underestimate an opponent; rather, his enemies are often surprised to find that the braggart can actually hold true to his claims. He's sneaky, and can easily seem to make friends with a person while slipping a lethal pill into a drink. Kyd is rarely loyal to a person, at least not for long. On his better days, he can be seen insulting every living person; on his worse days, his own less-than-legal "medicines" have reduced him to a raving lunatic who takes a stab at whichever poor soul he might chance across.
History: Born and bred in the inner city slums, Kyd has always refuse to truly cooperate with anyone, ignoring the calls of help from other orphans and instead making a living out of looting the dead bodies he had poisoned earlier. Simple pilfering of wealthy merchants' pockets was too boring, he reasoned. Only a few of his victims have survived or recovered from his poisons, one of them being the former Toxic Skull Ryuujin, whose position at the time hadn't been known to the young killer. It took several confrontations before a confused Kyd could off the Ryuujin, and then take the position for himself.
Name: Claude Resner, "Forz"
Age: 27
Sex: M
Police or Hunter?: Hunter
Fighting style: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Items you carry and/or Weapon: .357 Magnum, PP-2000, flash grenades, butterfly knife, pair of handcuffs. Also carries a small book or folded-up newspapers or magazines. His hat is partially used to disguise him as a policeman.
Personality: Cold, silent, and indifferent; often will completely ignore a person talking to him. Is open to using whatever means possible to get a job done, even cruel methods. He loves reading, but hates being seen with a book.
History: -will fill in later-
True Name: Makoto Okami
Alias: Dal Niente
Police or Hunter?: Hunter
Picture/Reference: (Minus the helmet.)
Fighting style: Rapid Assault Tactics (A type of Martial Art based in Jeet Kune Do concepts. Taught in the military and in many police forces). Also proficient in Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: Makoto’s primary weapon is an H&K MP7 equipped with a red-dot sight attachment and retractable stock. She also carries an H&K USP Compact Tactical as a side arm. She also has a combat knife for close-quarters-combat.
Makoto wears a tactical vest that carries a few ammo clips for her firearms. She also wears hard-knuckled gloves, elbow-pads, knee-pads, and a half-mask to cover her face below the eyes. Has a small first-aid kit which contains some bandages, medical gel, and a photo of her missing adopted twin sisters and her deceased father.
Personality: Makoto is a woman of little words. She only speaks when spoken to, and immediately gets to the point. She rarely keeps a conversation going, especially when she’s on a job. She shows no mercy to her targets, and will resort to torture if she needs to get information out of someone. Although she’s initially cold and serious, she has a protective nature over her comrades.
Makoto prefers to be called by her alias, “Dal Niente”.
History: Born and raised in Okinawa, Japan, Makoto worked in her father’s dojo. She never practiced martial arts, but was fascinated by her adopted sister’s fighting skill. However, one of Makoto’s twin sisters Natsura contracted a mysterious illness and became bedridden. Makoto and her other adopted sister, Ruko, traveled to various parts of the world in search for a cure to Natsura’s illness.
Months pass, and Makoto returns to Okinawa, only to see her home blazing in a fire. Her father died in the fire, and her sisters were nowhere to be seen. All she had left was a photo of her family, which she keeps in her first aid kit.
Makoto left Japan to train under her friend’s wing. She learned various martial arts, and learned how to use firearms. Makoto became a gun-for-hire, working as a bodyguard and going on assassination jobs.
Fighting style: Esmun is the type that prefers long range shooting over close combat. When he does have to face an enemy he is prepared with his weapons though he has no real fighting style. His style is what ever impulsively comes to him in the method of defense. His only real strength his speed aided by the massive amounts of coffee that runs through his system.
Items you carry and/or Weapon:Two Bedlams, A GunA knife with a serrated edge at very best a small long range rifle.
Personality:In a word jittery, a few others include happy go lucky. Esmun is full of that youthful spirit, the one makes him ignore his own mortality for running into a place guns blazing. The glamor of being cop has not worn off on him. He has an uncanny ability to only see things in black and white rather then the shades of grey. The law is his bible. Esmun is merely a saint that righteously does his job.
History: Esmun is an American brat, born on the base in Okinawa. He was raised mostly between the states and Japan earning himself a duel citizen ship. He finally settled on staying in Japan once he graduated from school. A year after he took up a job on the force hoping to do some good against the rabid gang problem plaguing the city. He is still a rookie going through the academy however he has been given status to work on the street as well.
Name: Chloe Alice Johannes
Nickname: Clo
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Faction {Gang}: Tech-Skull
Fighting Style: Tends not to favor any fighting style over any other, Chloe usually opts for the more honorable hand to hand styles of combat such as karate or kendo and prefers not to use any weapons at all.
Items you carry and/or weapon: A laptop mainly to keep up to date with news and to hack when needed
A pair of sais one hidden in each of her boots which she only uses if weapons are bought into the fight
An old flute and a few songbooks through she knows all the songs by heart now
Personality: 99 percent of the time, she appears to be saracistic and ill tempered, often making her seem rude. Chloe will always speak what's on her mind and under that 'her bark is worse than her bite' exterior is a gentle and caring nature whom very little get to see.
History: Chloe is half American/half Japanese, her father met her mother while he was attending college in the States and relocated back to Tokyo shortly before Chloe was born. Chloe's early years were spent learning the basis of karate and other styles of other similar marital arts. During these years, the marriage between her parents begin to fall apart and the breaking point came when her younger sister, Avalon was born with a serious illness. Her father, unable to accept the responsiblities of raising a child who could never be officially healthly, walked out the door.
Over her teenage years, Chloe virtually watched her mother slowly lose grip on all reality till nothing but a ghost of what her mother had been remained. To escape from what was happening, Chloe began to turn to the aid of computers and soon discovered she had the knack of being able to crack into other computer systems.
Chloe joins up with the tech-skulls shortly after her sixteenth birthday after seeing how corrupted the government and other public sectors whom are suppose to be helping those in need, really are. She also hopes with the aid of the other members in other areas of the technology fields, she might be able to find a cure that can officially help her sister, whom Chloe has raised herself, to finally have a normal life.
Name: Jayden "Jay"
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Police or Hunter?: Police
Fighting style: No preferred fighting style. He rather let his revolver do all the talking.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: Revolver, sunglasses which he wears on duty so his
targets can't see his eyes when he corners them, latest copy of playboy {o.o'}
Personality: Jayden has a laid back attitude with a little bit of rebel and party boy mixed in.
While on duty, he likes to crack a joke or two but usually turns serious when the situation
calls for it.
History: Born in London, England, Jayden was giving up for adoption shortly after his birth.
He spent the next 16 years of his life under his birth name, Will traveling between foster homes with a small suitcase that held all his clothes and 'Badge' his teddy bear. After passing his A levels and being released from foster care, Jayden decides then
and there, he wants nothing to do with his birth family and has his name legally changed to Jayden.
Jayden decides to apply for police training and shortly before his 18th birthday, becomes a member of the London Police Force. Two years later, Jayden is transferred to the Tokyo Police Force.
Unique Ability: With various poisons and serums, she has pushed her self to - and over - the borders of a normal human. She can endure much more pain, her mind is much more sharp, she is far more agile and fast and she has gained some immunity to poisons, as well few other small quirks. The price for this, however, is that they are slowly eating away Akemi's inner organs and leaving a lasting impression on her nerve system, causing her pain that she can sometime barely bear, even with her heightened pain endurance. As now nearly a genius at chemistry, she has created various toxins, poisons and serums to aid her self and destroy others and tries to cut down their use, but she realizes she is becoming too addicted to being 'super-human' or simply to these substances them selves...
Fighting style: Akemi does not like direct confrontation, she prefers ranged weapons, such as small arbalet with poisoned arrows, or (poisoned) throwing knives. If confronted directly, however, she will use twin daggers and her knowledge in martial arts. She likes to use various hallucination and/or pain inducing venoms/neurotixns, or things that kill one slowly.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: Depending on the situation, either her arbalet with poisoned arrows or throwing knives, equally poisoned. Various syringes and pills with 'boosts', pain reducers and some antidotes/boost effect reducers. Knive(s), often concealed in her boots or some such.
Personality: Doubtfully ever of fully stable mind, her own experiments with her self as the experiment rabit has made her even more mentally unstable. She is rather haughty, arrogant person, but it is most expressed in her smirk than with words. In fact, Akemi rarely speaks, unless very needed. For her nearly unmoving expression and love to hide within the night and shadows, she has earned the nickname 'Shadow Mask'. She holds little to no value of the lives of men, but will most likely spare women and children. However, she does take care of her clansmen rather well, and in her own twisted way, tends to look after them. Cold and collected, sneaky, controlling, observant, dangerous and unpredictable, but very determined, in fewer words.
History: Akemi lost her parents early to the hungry jungle of Power. With no relatives and legal guardian, she was left alone with servants in their half laboratory, half mansion, with monthly money handed out to the butler. Obsessed with avenging her dearly loved parents, for some half vague reason, she quickly followed in their path of Chemistry magic, which has led to where she is.
She thinks that being a Ryuuin is her best chance achieving her goals, whether they are revenge or something else. She seems to be never really enough... The one before her was simply challenged and defeat in what could be considered 'honest' duel among Skulls.
~Twigg~ MIA
Name: Harlie Mae Finn
Nickname: Her family calls her Mae or Maemae, but the Candy Skulls only know her as Finn.
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Ryuujin Faction (gang): Candy Skulls
Picture/Reference: My avatar, and all the changes it goes through.
Unique Ability: Harlie has the ability to shape shift her physical appearance at will, namely her hair length, style, and color, her eyes, and minor bone structure of her face. She cannot, however, change gender or skin tone.
Fighting style: She doesn’t have a specific fighting style, but she uses her two daggers skillfully. If she were to be disarmed, she is also skilled in common street fighting. She is very agile.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: She carries two ornately decorated daggers at all times, hidden in her socks, shoes, or under her skirt.
Personality: Around her family, she is very sweet and proper. Around everyone else she can sometimes come off as snobby or cold. But after she gets to know a person she is a very nice and loyal friend that will do anything to help. Depending on the closeness of the relationship she can even come off as bubbly. Perhaps that’s why she gets along with Ashton so well. Get on her bad side, and you’ll wish you’d never been born, though.
History: Harlie comes from a very wealthy and socially elite family in the city. She had always liked her cushy lifestyle. She had always gotten everything she wanted: clothes, money, cars, etcetera. But… she wanted something more than material objects. She wanted adventure and excitement.
When she had learned that she had the ability to change her appearance, she took advantage of that and began sneaking out of her house. Eventually she came to learn of the Candy Skulls, and was recruited when she was 18. She quickly rose to the position of Ryuujin. She chose to stay living with her family however. The Candy Skulls and she agreed that knowing people higher up in society can have its advantages.
Unique Ability: Due to the implantation of an augmented eye, he is able to read the electro-magnetic signals of machine information or the information of anyone who has an implant in a similar way to a heads up display.
Fighting style: Not applicable. Advent though intelligent, is unpredictable in his fighting style changing depending on his opponents movements.
Items you carry and/or Weapon: Advent carries a backpack that has three slimline laptops holding different types of information, and a Hoverboard.
Personality:Think Cheshire cat. Very easy going in almost every aspect. Will not under any circumstances start a fight, although when pushed to his limit he can still fight as well as the next person. Extremely flighty by nature. (By that I mean that he will be dead set on one thing, then stop to watch a feather fly by and completely forget what he was doing or why he was doing it in the first place.) It is believed the reason for this is that he has no cares what so ever. He loves to play and experience new things, though if they don’t keep him interested he is prone to make them interesting. Yet as the son of Zeros he is also prone to protect the things he deems worth his time, and does so very well. If he calls you friend then the world could literally be yours, if he calls you enemy you're likely to turn up dead somewhere down the line in a dumpster. Like I said think like a Cheshire cat. If its fun, then do it.
History:Where Advent is care-free and fun loving the one thing he does protect is his past, so not much is known by him including his biological name. The little that is on record is that he was raised in Old Tokyo, took to hacking like a duck takes to water, and believes that technology has a spirit just as any living person does. It is hard for anyone to understand why he does what he does and if he even plans anything, but whatever the reason he has gained the respect of his gang.
Yatama Kenji
Vampire skulls
Fighting style:
Items you carry and/or Weapon:
Kunai, Shikoro, Fukiya, bag of Makibishi, Kaiken, Ninjato
Sadistic, calculating and cold.
Rp to find out.
Saito Mizuki
Candy Skulls
Fighting style:
Mizuki has done several types of martial arts over the years, because of this she is hard to anticipate in a fight. These fighting styles are as follows:
Taekwondo, Jujutsu, Kendo, T'ai chi ch'uan, Wushu and Kung fu
Items you carry and/or Weapon:
Messenger bag, sweets, picture of herself and jay together as kids and Bokken
Unique Ability: hightened speed and the power to create illusions for all to see or in her opponent’s mind.
Talent:She has excellent vision in the dark and is extremely flexible. She was trained since she was young how to survive in the wild if it ever came to it.
She is also verry talented at Parcor.
Fighting style: She uses hand to hand combat but can use weapons if needed she tends to use a normal street fighting style, although she knows some Judo
Items you carry and/or Weapon: Kimiko sports a golden butterfly shaped hair pin in her hair that she is very sensitive of. She carry's a survival knife strapped around her waist.
Personality:She can be cold and dark when provoke but usually she is laid back and calm, during serious situations she can seem creepy.
History:When she was growing up kimiko's originally Kimberely. her mother was a layabout drunk who did nothing for her and her father abandoned Kimiko and her big Brother Lance at an early age growing up she had 2 parental figures her Brother and her Japanese grandmother at the age of 13 her Grandmother died, But before she died her grandmother asked of her to change her name to Kimiko for the sake of her Japanese part of the family to live on.
Upon her death she was given a Gold hair pin in the shape of a butterfly, Which got her the nick name Butterfly from her brother, After that it just caught on. At the age of 16 she was seperated from her older brother in a terrible boating accident that was caused when her and her brother were out on a small boat cruise the boats engine exploded and sent all the passangers off board Kimmy woke up on a large peice of floating debris as if someone had laid her there,, She knew it was her brother but when she got to shore after a rescue helicopter found her she was told he is believed to be dead. After the incident Kimiko joined the skulls and began climbing through the ranks to reach the top and make something of her life.
Name: Lucien Fauxner
Police or Hunter?:Hunter
Fighting style: He is known to only use a sword in combat most of the time though he can fight with his fists it is his weak point to do so, He is also a terrible shot from long distances.
Items you carry and/or Weapon:
Lucien Carries a katana, around the bottom of his wrist he has a hidden Wrist taser that shoots out under his palm. He also has armor around his body that Allows him to handle the intense heat and voltage of Electrical current so that his own weapon cannot be used against him.
He also carries a small 9mm that he barely ever uses, that is strapped to his ankle
Personality: He is sick twisted and creepy, He does not know the meaning of the word mercy, Though he does have respect for his fellow hunters he will not take disrespect well. He has a tattoo on his Neck in the shape of a small dragon that he talks to, Though it does not talk back.(in his mind it does)
History: Not alot is known of Lucien's past, he grew up in a foster home when he was a child learning and practicing several sword techniques, The Hunters took interest into him and recruited him after years of service to the hunters he is well respected among them.
Name: Nishima Sena
Nickname: Spite
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Ryuujin Faction: Toxic Skulls
Unique Ability:
Sena uses a certain toxin on her body, which allows her to create a poison from her saliva when she injects it. This poison is not death triggering, but will cause the victim to experience either intense or paralyzing pain for three minutes, giving her an advantage. She injects the poison either directly through syringes concealed in her jacket, by licking her throwing daggers, lightly coating them with saliva, or if necessary, through a kiss, though this rarely happens, as Sena strongly dislikes this option. The downside though is, the toxin has a harsh toll on her vocal chords rendering her unable to speak.
Fighting style:
Sena has learned Bando Thaing, a martial arts style similar to Judo and Aikaido together, which involves karate like kicking, as well as using throwing knives and are based upon the ‘fighting’ style of animals as well.
Items you carry and/or Weapon:
Sena is skilled with throwing knives, and knows the basics with a katana as well.
Sena is an enigma. Because she does not speak, you can only base your opinion of her off of her actions. However, there is one thing you must know about Sena; she plans things out. Everything she does is done for a reason, but she’ll never tell why.Because Sena cannot speak, she is often looked down upon when people first meet her, as she comes off as quiet and shy, but in reality is assessing each and every action that you make, determining what your weaknesses are. Sena has also learned to express emotions fluidly with facial expressions, so when she's pissed, you know that she's pissed.
Sena was a strange girl from the beginning. She didn’t have any memory of her parents, or where she came from; the earliest memory she had as a child would be waking up at age twelve in the pouring rain surrounded by men leering down at her. They pulled her clothing off of her, and pushed her against a wall, still grinning maniacally. Sena then had nearly been a victim of sexual assault, but by a miracle, managed to escape without losing her virginity or getting too mentally wounded.
After that, she stopped trusting people as much, and distanced herself away from everyone she met. To avoid the same situation happening, Sena started to cross dress as a man at times, scared of what would happen if she came out as a woman.
At eighteen years of age, Sena was assaulted once more, this time by a man. She could not believe that even though she was a man, someone of the same gender had tried to rape her. This time, she threw away her cross dressing habit, and tried a new tactic; self defense. After all, women didn't have anyone to defend them; they could only defend themselves. Sena learned Bando Thaing in order to protect herself, and then used drugs and toxins to alter her body, losing her voice in the process. She joined the Toxic Skulls at the age of nineteen, and quickly rose to the top. Sena still cross dresses as a male, but only because she finds it interesting at times, and because it helps conceal her identity at other times as well.
*Creator’s note: Sena will be referred to as a ‘he’ when cross dressing, and will call ‘himself’ Sei.
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