Conversation Between littl3chocobo and Kmuney Samuto
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I know right? Freakin' stupid people.
Yeah, I mean they even got my name wrong when they saw me. I was like: "No, my name is Gloria. I'm the one you asked to come in at 9am."
not going to lie, it sounds like they would have been horrible employers
Exactly. They could have and they never did. :/
Thanks, it's okay though. I mean, the people clearly are unprofessional. If they wanted to cancel they could have emailed me. I always check my email.
that is really crappy x_____x i am sorry
I think it's the second one. They told me they filled up all the spots but would call me back if someone didn't show up.
the fuck?? did it get rescheduled or were they just being jerks and not keeping up with things?