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Conversation Between Viridis Aureus and littl3chocobo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    05-21-2013 04:34 AM
  2. 's Avatar
    05-10-2013 03:50 AM
    Viridis Aureus
    I'm good. I'm a bit distracted by games right now, but I'm still definitely good XD.
  3. 's Avatar
    05-10-2013 02:45 AM
    good, you?
  4. 's Avatar
    05-10-2013 02:38 AM
    Viridis Aureus
    I totally forgot to reply to this! Thanks! How are you?
  5. 's Avatar
    05-09-2013 06:16 AM
    hay darlin' nice avi
  6. 's Avatar
    05-08-2013 12:22 AM
    Viridis Aureus
    I know, it's really stupid. That and there was some weird stuff going on while I was trying to duel with someone on Pottermore for PS3.
  7. 's Avatar
    05-07-2013 07:57 PM
  8. 's Avatar
    05-07-2013 07:46 PM
    Viridis Aureus
    I'm alright. Just annoyed at people on games at the moment XD. I was playing a trivia game with someone and they left because I was beating them. They even said that was why o.o
  9. 's Avatar
    05-07-2013 07:44 PM
    sore and tired, how are you pet?
  10. 's Avatar
    05-07-2013 07:42 PM
    Viridis Aureus
    *poke!* how are you today XD?
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