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Zika Zika is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
Default [Recruiting] War Game. [M] [OOC]   #1  
I'm still slightly new here, is there anyway I can edit the title? Silly me forgot to add "OOC".

War Games.

In the age before the War Games, the king of Antior and the king of Plyx used to be close friends until they both fell in love with a beautiful young maiden that lived in the small area in between both of the kingdoms, where most farmers worked and sold crops to both kingdoms.
The two men were enraged when they found out the other had also been trying to woo the beautiful maiden and there friendship and alliance was quickly shattered and they started competing for her love, at first with roses, fine wine and the most beautiful dresses made out of the nicest of silk, but the maiden would always send back the gifts and reject both of the kings, for their money could not buy her love.
They came to find that she was in love with a solider of the Antior army, so the king killed his soldier and his ex-best friend demanded war, but they both decided instead, that they would punish the maiden and all the maidens to come, the punishment for denying a king for a mere soldiers and they created battlefields that looked like Chest boards and started sending their soldiers into fight each other, secretly watching their every move, until only one army was left standing and then they would send in the next section of the army no matter the ranks.

These ranks as so:
The Pawn, whom were sent in with few weapons, being newly recruited soldiers.
The Knight, whom were sent in with two swords and another weapon of their choosing.
The Bishop, whom were sent in with heavier armor than the average soldiers.
The Rook, whom were sent in low numbers but with more weapons, mostly experienced and older knights.

As the kings sent in their unknowing soldiers they would chant to the sky,
"Check mate,
There are already blood stains on the chest board,
Keep fighting for air in the tight spaces between the white and black squares,
A wind passes through and shakes all that you’ve ever known but no one will come to save you,
Your king is down,
And blood pours against your fellow pawns,
Check mate,
The war is over."

They would then laugh and shake hands, "May the best army win!" One would say, and the other would add on, "Either the white army or the black army."

♚ - The Kingdom of Antior is known as the Black Kingdom
♔ - The Kingdom of Plyx is known as the White Kingdom
Last edited by Zika; 08-23-2012 at 01:42 PM.
Old Posted 08-23-2012, 03:05 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Zika Zika is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
Rules of the War Games.:
- Even though this is a war based roleplay, keep violence PG/14 and keep to the Trisphee rules.
- Keep cussing PG/13.
- Gore is allowed, just don't go extreme with it.
- Females are allowed in the army.
- Antior soldiers wear black armor, Plyx soldiers wear white armor. No exceptions.
- PM me your character profiles, title the PM "We will fight, but what's the cause?"
- Romance is allowed.
- One liners are a HUGE FREAKING NO. You get one warning, and then you're out! No "if", "and"'s, or "but"'s.
- Minimum post length is three lines. Not sentences. LINES. Paragraphs are preferred.
- There are NO guns/firearms of ANY kind.
- I can add more rules when ever I want.
- I am not your English teacher, but use as close to correct grammar and spelling as you can.
- Your character can have one power as long as it's not OP or stupid, I'll be the judge on each.
- What I say goes, I am the white and the black queen.

♔ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♜ ♝♞ ♟

Character Skeletons.:
Username- {Your username here}
Name- {Your character's name here}
Gender- {Your character's gender here}
Age- {Your character's age here, ages 18+ only}
Personality- {Your character's personality here}
Appearance- {Picture and a short description, or a description}
Background- {Your character's background, five sentences at the least}
Rank- {Pawn, Knight, Bishop or Rook}
Citizenship- {Antior or Plyx}
Weapon- {Weapon here}
Fighting style- {Self-explained}
Other- {Anything else you want to add}

For more information check out the roleplay thread!
Old Posted 08-23-2012, 03:06 AM Reply With Quote  
Zika Zika is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
Default [Recruiting] War Games. [M] [OOC]   #3  
Old Posted 08-23-2012, 01:41 PM Reply With Quote  

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