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Heir of Darkness
Default The Front Lines - RP Thread   #1  
-The Front Lines-
Free-for-all Battle RP Thread

To some, this is hell. To others, this is the epitome of paradise.


Asura, aloft with her beating wings, surveyed the surging riot from the sky. There was fighting as far as the eyes could see, stretching towards the horizons on either side. The figures on the ground seemed like ants from her viewpoint, but the vicious clang of sparking blades and the furious whirl of magic belied the insignificance, for below, the Loyalists and Rebels fought each other.

"This entire war is pointless," she hissed as she dropped lower and people began to notice. Neither side appeared to recognize her as arrows and spells from both ally and foe were hurled at her direction. "Why did I have to listen to that senile old worm? ... But there is no point in just watching, is there?"

An arrow whistled towards her that would have struck true, but she moved to the side and caught the arrow mid-air instead. A small smile curved on her face as she flipped the arrow and hurled it down like a knife to strike the back of a particularly troublesome magician who had attacked her earlier.

The cry that burst forth from the man's lips only heightened her amusement as she landed on the ground. She drew her swords, her eyes opened to show sharp shards of vermilion, and pointed them towards the Loyalists who had begun to surround her. "So... who's first?"

Before anyone could answer, her blades were already buried hilt-deep into the chest of her nearest enemy.


Open for posting. Beware of confusion, it's war after all.

Fight each other or fight a random foe, do try to respect each other even while in character.
Old Posted 08-01-2011, 03:33 PM  
Default   #2   Hermes Hermes is offline
Trisphee Kensai
The being apparated behind Asura, careful as not to disturb her. He waved a hand behind her head, and the whispering started with a roar, a cacophony of voices. He chanted, and behind her, a Lantern shone. As she slaughtered those around her, he would collect, and guide.
<--Trisphee Kensai-->
Old Posted 08-01-2011, 03:55 PM  
Asura Asura is offline
Heir of Darkness
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Asura smiled up coyly, the very image of a shy young girl, at the dying man's face as he stared down at her in shock. Blood burst forth from his mouth in the same viscous manner as what flowed from the twin stab wounds on his chest.

"You did not search for Death," she said in a disappointed purr and leaned closer until she was eye-level to the man. "And yet he came for you anyway. You were not ready to abandon your life, and yet he reaches out his wretched hand and arrests your heart anyway. What an unkind acquaintance he is!"

Her gentle smile grew cold as she pulled both blades from her victim's chest and allowed him to fall to the ground in a dull thump. She flicked both swords to the side, splattering the already crimson ground with another layer. "Send Death my regards, fool. I look forward to having tea with him soon."

That said, she turned to her heel and was off like a quicksilver light through the labyrinth of war. She had many more messages to send to Death tonight.
Old Posted 08-01-2011, 11:13 PM  
Default   #4   Hermes Hermes is offline
Trisphee Kensai
((And now I will be playing as Thran-Paul, my Lightning-mage/Tehcnosavant.))

Thran burst ont othe field of battle, levitating with Electic light and bolts pulsing around him, carrying him to the front lines. His eyes glowed bright orange and blue, and his face turned int oa deep scowl as he saw a man swing a lance at him. He sent a bolt through the man, and watched as he seized and crumpled tothe floor once it hit his heart. He saw something like smoke come from the man and fly behind a strange looking woman wielding two red swords. There was a peculiar lantern floating behind her, and the smoke seemed to be flooding into it from all around her, and it was as if she didn't see it.

He moved forward to investigate further.

He came up from behind her, simply because her back was to him, and called out.

"Oy! Hey, what's with the lantern...?"
<--Trisphee Kensai-->
Old Posted 08-01-2011, 11:17 PM  
Asura Asura is offline
Heir of Darkness
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Asura skidded to a stop when she heard someone address her. She pivoted sharply, swiped her left blade to cut deep into the throat of a very large Feryxonis who blocked her path, and jumped back as her victim crumpled to the ground. She slowly turned around to view another man, dressed in alien clothes, who held no weapons in his hands. Instead, she felt the sharp crackling of the static that charged the air about him.

A mage? Asura thought with annoyance. There are no enemies I despise fighting more than mages. "What sort of idiot would have a lantern lit in the midst of battle, fool? Only those who are trying to make a target of themselves would do something so ludicrous."
Old Posted 08-01-2011, 11:31 PM  
Default   #6   Hermes Hermes is offline
Trisphee Kensai
Thran pointed to the lantern that seemed to be following the back of her head. He couldn't help but snicker at the sight. A blood-soaked woman dressed in white, with blood red swords and wings of black, the very image of war- with a funny little lantern behind her head that she was unaware of. It was just too good.

"Pfft there's a friggin lantern. Right there. I mean, seriously, RIGHT behind you." o.O
<--Trisphee Kensai-->
Old Posted 08-01-2011, 11:33 PM  
Asura Asura is offline
Heir of Darkness
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Asura glared once again at the idiocy of the situation. She open her mouth to release a particularly scathing reply, but she was stopped by a eerie fog that appeared to rise from the fresh Feryxonis corpse before her. "What in Braen's--"

The fog rose higher before turning into a thin stream that was quickly trapped by a brilliant light that Asura could now see shining over her head. She turned her face up to see what phenomenon was happening and grit her teeth in utter rage.

Old Posted 08-01-2011, 11:51 PM  
Default   #8   Hermes Hermes is offline
Trisphee Kensai
Thran thought back, to the Taskal war, and remembered a being that had told him to call him Ever-Light. He laughed again, holding his chest, light and sparks fading as he lowered himself to the ground to be at base with the woman, and he was suddenly realizing that she was taller than him. Then again, 4'11" isn't very tall for a man, either...

"It looks like you were marked with an Ever-Light. No harm to you, but this should be fun. It just means that he thinks you're the most effective war machine out here, haha~ But seriously, what the hell is a girl like you doingout he-Oh holy hell." o.o

It finally occurred to him who she reminded him of.

"Shit, are you...Azura? Er whatever? Asuroo? No...was it Azeil? Yeah, that's your name! Right?"
<--Trisphee Kensai-->
Old Posted 08-01-2011, 11:55 PM  
Asura Asura is offline
Heir of Darkness
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Is this fool serious? wondered Asura as she felt her hackles rise at the butchery of her name and the mention of Azeil's. She stepped to the side as a female Loyalist tried to sneak up on her from behind. With a quick movement, she twisted her body and tripped the woman to fall over the corpse before them.

"I'm afraid you may have the wrong person, sir," said Asura as her eyes once again closed and her smile widened. She leaped on the struggling woman's back and slammed the hilt of her left blade viciously down upon the back of the woman's neck, shattering bones and nerves. When the woman grew limp and the same fog rose again, Asura continued to address the man. "I am merely taking a stroll down this field of flowers."
Old Posted 08-02-2011, 12:07 AM  
Default   #10   Hermes Hermes is offline
Trisphee Kensai
He laughed, loudly, and smiled at the woman.

"Yep, you are DEFINITELY Asura~ It is a true pleasure to meet you."
<--Trisphee Kensai-->
Old Posted 08-02-2011, 12:10 AM  
Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
Default   #11  
Walked into the battlefield taking down her mask, with a sigh "No matter where the hell I go there are people slaughtering one another" she looked up to the sky "Are you trying to prove a point to me?" she growl as if talking to a higher power but sight shaking her head as she felt the movements of someone coming towards her and lowered her head quickly "fool" she say with a sigh watching as an Ascent male of the flame came running towards her

She looked to his shadow for a moment and watched as it took a different pose to the man making him stop in his tracks. remaining still for a moment she moved forward, coiling around him like he was her pray "I am not sure if today is your lucky day or the worst day of your life" she whisper into the man's ear as she continued to play with him like a worm at the end of a hook.

"Yes you are indeed lucky, others of my kind would take great pleasure in not giving you a swift death" she whisper to him quietly as she walked away his shadow making his hand move his own army as if by it's own. she heard the man calling out as he tried to get the movements to stop Pausing for a moment "You die of your own blade not of mine, feel fortunate" with that she walked off once more as she now heard the gargled scream of the man that seemed to others to have committed suicide in the middle of the battlefield "When will all the senseless killing end" she say silently, it was more like she was questioning herself
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 08-02-2011, 12:10 AM  
Default   #12   Asura Asura is offline
Heir of Darkness
Yes, most definitely insane. Asura cocked her head to the side in confusion, but her grip on her swords only tightened. Her quiet voice was frigid as she stood up over the two corpses of her own doing. "I suppose there is no hiding it. But only fools and demons would willingly cross my path. And now that you have found me, what do you want?"

In the background, she heard a man scream but paid little attention.
Old Posted 08-02-2011, 12:17 AM  
Hermes Hermes is offline
Trisphee Kensai
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He pondered this for a moment, gauging what would get the best response. He got it~

He spread his arms wide, and grinned like an idiot, holding back laughter.

"I can have a hug?" ;W;
<--Trisphee Kensai-->
Old Posted 08-02-2011, 12:24 AM  
Default   #14   Asura Asura is offline
Heir of Darkness
Asura's posture turned rigid as she stepped off the two corpses with a glacial expression. She took one glance at the man before hefting both the dead woman and the dead Feryxonis with her hands, raising them over her head.

"Gladly," she said with a laugh in her voice, but her expression remained bitterly cold and unamused. "Here, have a girl's hug... I even have a furry animal's hug to double your pleasure. Have fun with them."

She tossed both corpses towards Thran with a demonic snarl.
Old Posted 08-02-2011, 12:29 AM  
Hermes Hermes is offline
Trisphee Kensai
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He caught the bodies mid-flight with some lightning, then lifted his left hand that had a large gauntlet, with 8 shining orbs on it. The orange one began to glow, and pulse, and suddenly the bodies were ablaze, and soon turned to ash.
"Love the smell of corpses in the morning~"
<--Trisphee Kensai-->
Old Posted 08-02-2011, 12:31 AM  
Default   #16   Asura Asura is offline
Heir of Darkness
Asura's left hand surrendered the kodachi it was holding to the right hand, allowing it rise and rub her aching temples. "This man is more insane than I originally thought. First lanterns, now burning corpses. I knew agreeing with the old man's deal was a mistake."

She turned on her heel and started to walk away, absently slashing those who tried to charge at her. "Well, have fun with your corpses, sir. I must break for tea."

Slowly, she raised a bloody hand in farewell before leaping into the air and taking to the skies.

Old Posted 08-02-2011, 12:37 AM  

free-for-all, role play, war

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