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Lynx Rufus
Default Pengore's Demands   #1  
The demon crashing our party is currently holding the very users lives in their hands. The more demands you complete the longer they will let us live and the sleepier they will get until they are satisfied with our offerings and leaves us alive to return to their sleep. It is up to you my dear users! I am just the translator!

The Demands List

Pengore currently would like users to send in video of them doing the Chicken Dance, in return they agree to not steal all your left socks and use them as mittens. Doing this task once will extend the event by a day. This is a repeatable event

Pengore is hungry and would like you to steal food from the Beast, but it must be something that it likes… You need to screenshot or link the post of you stealing said food. This must be done 5 times or Pengore will invade your bedroom while you're asleep and scribble quadratics on your face. Once it has been completed five times Pengore will extend this event by a day.

Pengore would like you to read them a bedtime story as they are feeling sleepy, but you must create your own and post it here. If you do so they will agree to not put peanut butter all over your feet and give you to a pack of dogs. Doing this once will extend the event by a day.

Pengore is cold and wishes for a new sweater, if you wish for it to not be made of your innards you will need three people to submit sweaters to the Ugly Sweater contest. After all they are a growing demon, but once completed and warm Pengore will let you live for another day.

Pengore is lonely, they want friends. The first four users to create threads and submit them here will not be slain when the event ends but simply trapped in an avalanche. Doing so will extend the event by a day.

After taking a nap Pengore awakens slowly their stomach grumbling, they are still hungry and this puts them in a bad mood. If you dont send them the completed Gift in Presents Galore they will take Chocolate bonbons and fill them with not chocolate. You dont want to know what the Not Chocolate is…..

Pengore is also looking for a certain someone, if you can find pictures of the man carrying a big sack that they are looking for to prove he exists they will extend your doom by a day.

Pengore requests that you bring them a warm drink made with cinnamon and cloves and served at festivals. Be aware that if you bring the wrong drink they will throw it back at you. So dont make it too hot.

Pengore has observed yet another silly tradition these humans enjoy: Caroling! However it turns out they have no sense of music and a bad short term memory, so every song they sing ends up mangled beyond recognition. If five different people volunteer to march along with Pengore, he promises not to tie all your shoelaces together into a treble clef but just a double knot. You must bring your own song. Put your favorite christmas carol into Google translate or a similar service, push it through at least four different languages and back to English. Post the result here and pray Pengore likes it.
Doing this will extend the event for another day.

Pengore thinks back to the last time they awoke and wonders if this tradition still stands "Tell me 10 New Years Resolutions to stop me from destroying your lands."

Pengore is currently unsure of what else to demand at this time, complete some demands and more will appear.

Pengore is currently Unsatisfied with their offerings, the event will last Until Jan 5th. At which point we will all be killed due to their displeasure.
Old Posted 12-23-2018, 12:16 AM  
Default   #2   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
A Bedtime Story for Pengore

Long ago in the far away hills of the west lived a beautiful snake. She was graceful and clean and dazzled in the light like a shiny ribbon of steel. But she was very very shy. She wanted to be a famous singer, but she did not have a voice to sing with.
So, the snake went to find a voice.
She traveled in search of a voice, listening to the other creatures sing around her. The songs of the frogs and crickets at night were very festive and admirable. The songs of the birds during the day were a lot feircer and made the snake a bit uncomfortable, but nevertheless, she appreciated the songs sung around her.
One day, in her travels, she came across another snake. He was strange and brown and seemed asleep. She curiously watched in a brush, before venturing out to speak to him. She cautiously approached him, wondering why he was so lifeless and where his head was. Before she could react, suddenly a squirrel darted it's head up from beneath the ground.
The squirrel, frightened at the sight of the beautiful snake, begged her to spare his life and in exchange, he would give her anything she wanted. The snake, delighted at the offer, wondered if the squirrel could give her a voice. She motioned at her throat and flicked her tongue, shaking her head and pointing over at a bird tweeting away above them in the sky. The squirrel tried giving her a bottlecap, and then a flower, but the snake refused them, trying to tell the squirrel her wish. Eventually the squirrel understood, and promised her a voice in which she could sing with. He quickly darted away past some fallen branches of a tree and came back with the voice in his paws. The snake was given the voice, which she carefully swallowed.
At last, the snake tried out her new voice and thanked the squirrel as he burrowed back into the ground and fled. She turned back at the snake, only to learn he was actually a rope. She slithered over to the fallen branches to find a sleeping maiden in a pit with flowers adorning her body. The snake looked at the enormous cavernous pit and didn't think twice to slither down into it and get some shade.
She coiled up and began to sing a sweet song with her voice. Her dream was realized at last.
Suddenly, a mound of warm dirt fell into the pit and startled the snake. She slithered from under the dirt and looked up to see the pit was being filled by an enormous monster. She yelped and shouted up at it. "Leave me be! Stop covering me in that dirt!"
At this, the monster hollered in fear and stopped pouring the dirt down into the pit, fleeing seemingly for good. The snake wanted to run and hide, in case the monster came back. She tried climbing out of the pit, but it was just too high and the dirt crumbled under her shimmering belly. The snake worriedly tried again and again, but could not escape. She heard large footsteps coming back above her, and quickly slithered under the sleeping maiden's neck to hide.
A voice spoke from above the pit. "Now, there's nothing to be afraid of. Look." The strong voice said. "Hello down there?" The snake wondered if they were talking to her. She used her voice to reply. "Please, leave me alone!" she cried. "See? I told you!" another voice said, quaking in fear and astonishment. "It's a devil! It stole her body!" "Why are you burying me?" the snake whimpered. The braver voice above answered her. "So you can rest." "I don't want to rest, I want to sing." the snake returned. "But I'm scared, and I can't get out of this hole." she told it. "I'm afraid..." "Don't be afraid." the voice told her. "What is your name?" The snake thought for a moment. "Name?"
"You have a name miss?" The snake curiously and shyly slithered out of her hiding spot to look up above. She saw two men, a young one and an old one, peering down into the pit. "Yeek! A snake! A sign of Satan!" the old man bleated. The young man hushed him, watching the beautfiul snake coil up into a ball, frightened. "Don't scare it. It's trapped." "Please don't hit me with any more dirt." The snake spoke up to him, hiding her head in her coils. The young man was astonished to see the snake speak to him. "It talks!" the old man yelped, bounding away. "If I can get you out of there, will you promise not to bite or run away?" the young man asked, smiling down kindly at the snake. The snake nervously tried to respond. "I won't hurt you." he assured her. "I promise." The snake decided to trust him, as he was her only means of leaving the large pit. She just nodded, watching as the young man dissappeared and came back with a basket on the same rope that she had mistaken for a snake earlier. "Here. Don't be afraid. Climb into this." he said slowly lowering the basket down into the pit, and the snake slithered in, staying in the corner. The young man pulled her up carefully and slowly, as to not startle to poor snake and lifted the basket, holding it in his arms and taking a closer look at her. His face was handsome but sad and rather tired looking, but patient. The snake, coiled up quietly, did her best not to strike at him in fear. "Will you sing for me?" he asked her. The snake nervously slithered out of the basket and looked down at the ground and his arm and hand. "Ah, no running away." he reminded her. "You promised." "I'm sorry...you're just so tall and strange to me." The snake replied. The young man sat down beside a rock and held her in the basket. "I'm not going to hurt you." he assured. "I want to hear you sing. Please sing me a song."
The snake paused before taking a deep breath and concentrating. She sang a beautiful song with her voice the squirrel had given her not too long ago, from the depths of her heart. She sang a lovely, lonely and dulcet song for the young man, noticing that as she sang, he was crying. She stopped singing and looked up at him worried. "Why are you crying?" she asked. "Oh, it's just...it's just that your voice," the young man sniffled, drying his eyes. "It's just that your voice sounds like my dear wife's. And your song is the same as the one she sang to me." he told the snake. "Your wife must be a lovely singer." The snake complimented. "She was." the young man replied. "If you don't mind, I'd like to...I'd like to hear more of your songs." he kindly smiled down at her, offering his finger to her. The snake climbed shyly up and around his hand as he lifted her above the basket in his lap. "I know the world must be so frightening and dangerous for you...I was never afraid of snakes." he told her. "Neither was my wife, Aria. I miss her so very much...when she died of the fever I didn't think I would ever hear her voice again, or her song. Thanks to you, her song lives on, when she has not. I couldn't bear it if your singing were to be taken elsewhere or silenced. I'd like to keep you safe and sound with me in my home. I would see to it that you wouldn't have to worry about anything again." he told her. The snake wasn't sure wether to flee or to stay and rested in his hand, in thought. "You are not my wife, but, I will treat you gently as I treated her, and let you sing as you please, Lyre." "Lyre?" "Yes. Your name." The young man smiled. "Do you like it?" The snake flicked her tongue, smiling and nodding shyly at him. "Well? What do you say Lyre?" he queitly asked, petting her scales. "As long as I can sing, I'm happy to." she accepted.
And with that the young man held the snake in his hands caringly and carefully, taking her inside his home. He kept her warm and gave her plenty of places to hide and water to drink. He let her eat with him and sleep in safety, listening to her sing everyday. And they lived happily together in his home for the rest of his years.

The End.

^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^

Old Posted 12-23-2018, 04:14 AM  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #3  
<The Ice Bar's open. I'm okay with being trapped in an avalanche. What's a few more years under ice after you've been deactivated for a century or two?>

Old Posted 12-23-2018, 04:50 AM  
Default   #4   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Submitted for approval and perusal, A caroling hangout!..or something. <-<; I'd rather be cold and trapped than slain...I'm already a skelly-tin but I like being spared..

^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^

Old Posted 12-23-2018, 05:21 AM  
XoGizmooX XoGizmooX is offline
Default   #5  
Originally Posted by Panda View Post
I wish there's an item that is a mountain of shit XD
Originally Posted by Espy View Post
are we bankrupting gizzie

Gizzie, s Questie-->>https://www.trisphee.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22149
ART SHOP-->> https://www.trisphee.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22211Artwork By Glitch
Old Posted 12-23-2018, 11:04 AM  
Default   #6   mdom mdom is offline
My thread is the 4th! Please, Pengore extend one more day! I'm gonna be traveling!!!
Old Posted 12-23-2018, 11:08 AM  
Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
Default   #7  
Pengore hides the peanut butter and instead slathers it on a sandwich for a midnight snack while listening to Merskelly tell their story. This Satisfies them somewhat and they agree to extend the event 2 more days.

The Event will now end Dec 31st!

After taking a nap Pengore awakens slowly their stomach grumbling, they are still hungry and this puts them in a bad mood. If you dont send them the completed Gift in Presents Galore they will take Chocolate bonbons and fill them with not chocolate. You dont want to know what the Not Chocolate is…..

Pengore is also looking for a certain someone, if you can find pictures of the man carrying a big sack that they are looking for to prove he exists they will extend your doom by a day.
Old Posted 12-23-2018, 08:08 PM  
Default   #8   Den Den is offline
Tattooed & foul-mouthed
Den brings forth this image as proof:
I use She/Her and They/Them pronouns.

Originally Posted by Gallagher
i'm not being biased, den just speaks my language
Roll4It Dice RP Server | Buy me a Ko-Fi? | Make a Nerd's Christmas?
Old Posted 12-23-2018, 08:57 PM  
Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
Default   #9  
Pengore stomps their hooves grumbling and shaking their head. "I should replace your ice-cream with spoiled frozen Yogurt. This is not the man with the sack I asked for. He is Too red!"
Old Posted 12-23-2018, 09:30 PM  
Default   #10   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
I find the man! :D
The image is a bit blurry, but you can see a figure in the snow there, and he has what looks like a sack that he's carrying on his back. >8. Could this be proof that he exists?!

^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^

Old Posted 12-23-2018, 09:37 PM  
Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
Default   #11  
Pengore roars with rage "This is not the man with the bag that I want! Where is my Man with a bag? Do you not have naughty children here to punish?" It their displeasure they do not immediately notice Death approaching with their three news sweaters but after their temper tantrum is over are more than happy to wear one on each leg and the other over their horns. How that keeps them warm I have no clue but Pengore seems satisfied with it.

After some thought Pengore believes that they should have a drink to warm their insides as well as their outsides. Pengore requests that you bring them a warm drink made with cinnamon and cloves and served at festivals. Be aware that if you bring the wrong drink they will throw it back at you. So dont make it too hot.
Old Posted 12-23-2018, 10:36 PM  
Default   #12   XoGizmooX XoGizmooX is offline
Originally Posted by Tiva View Post
Pengore stomps their hooves grumbling and shaking their head. "I should replace your ice-cream with spoiled frozen Yogurt. This is not the man with the sack I asked for. He is Too red!"
If not red let's try green
Originally Posted by Panda View Post
I wish there's an item that is a mountain of shit XD
Originally Posted by Espy View Post
are we bankrupting gizzie

Gizzie, s Questie-->>https://www.trisphee.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22149
ART SHOP-->> https://www.trisphee.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22211Artwork By Glitch
Old Posted 12-23-2018, 11:40 PM  
Witchchylde Witchchylde is offline
Default   #13  
I think maybe I've found him..
Old Posted 12-24-2018, 12:19 AM  
Default   #14   XoGizmooX XoGizmooX is offline
Yes Krampus ...... Or maybe the Grinch is my next guess
Originally Posted by Panda View Post
I wish there's an item that is a mountain of shit XD
Originally Posted by Espy View Post
are we bankrupting gizzie

Gizzie, s Questie-->>https://www.trisphee.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22149
ART SHOP-->> https://www.trisphee.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22211Artwork By Glitch
Old Posted 12-24-2018, 01:33 AM  
Biomecha Biomecha is online now
Don't Go Into The Light
Default   #15  
Would Pengore be interested in some hot apple cider?

Old Posted 12-24-2018, 02:12 AM  
Default   #16   Veshora Veshora is offline
The Magic Number
Or maybe mulled wine? *adds some ice cubes to cool the drink down and opens her pretty dotted umbrella just in case*

Death's mule librarian. The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little while longer.
Old Posted 12-24-2018, 07:29 AM  

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