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Default Murder at Scrimshaw Manor Interrogation Thread   #1  

By now you've had some time to catch up on what's going on over in Scrimshaw Manor. The surviving guests are cooperating, for now. Here is your chance to ask them questions. After a time, the questions will be selected and condensed and they will give their statements and answers. This will update as events develop within the story. Just remember that not every character will be telling the truth....

Now the characters do have things to do, so you may only ask Three questions each round. Follow this simple profile:

Who do you ask:

The Question to ask them:
You may....begin!
Last edited by Salone; 10-27-2015 at 12:58 AM.
Old Posted 10-25-2015, 07:33 PM  
Default   #2   Salone Salone is offline
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Dervy Tavish

Originally Posted by Obsidian View Post
Before Treylbach untimely death, he wanted to discuss something about the possibility of businesses not allowed to run rampant. You became heated about this and make an accusation that he was accusing you of something. What did you think he was accusing you of?
Oh aye. Treylbach and a few others don't value businessmen making names for themselves. I started out at the bottom and now I'm on top, but they want to introduce 'regulation' that gives a leg up to people who don't want to really work while keeping the true mavericks, the likes of me, down! I know what he's trying to do, and it could be good for all, but he's just going about it the wrong way. I didn't mean to blow my top with the old codger, rest his soul, but I've had a long day and I've been wearing thin.

Originally Posted by CupcakeDolly View Post
In an earlier interrogation, Alabaster mentioned that a bottle of Brindle's 45 Select had disappeared from the kitchen for a short time while he was preoccupied. Would you happen to know anything about where it went?
What, in this big place? Who the hell knows? I wish I had it now, after...after Giselle. I'm sorry, it's still hitting me. Not going to lie, I am a fan of Brindle's. It's rich nobby stuff, but it's got a distinctive smell and taste that's hard to pass up. Usually it's the cheap stuff for me, like Grizzlebeard's Holdout Gin or Dan Magnum's Steel Reserve Whiskey. Most wine is just fancy vinegar with alcohol and no one wants to admit that they hate the taste. But Brindle's...they know how to make something that doesn't taste like regret, that's for sure. Whoever the killer is would probably have had second thoughts about doing it if they had known we were going to be drinking some real wine tonight.

Originally Posted by CupcakeDolly View Post
Can you describe in detail where you were and what you were doing from the time you arrived at the manor up until Giselle's body was discovered?
Well, Giselle and I arrived rather later than we meant to. We arrived from town and had our carriage drop us off, then wandered up to the front door. Scrimshaw let us in and we pretty much twiddled our thumbs at the dinner table while waiting for the food. We ate after the old butler brought in the dinner, and then old Treylbach died. Igglethorpe went off and played Twenty Questions with us all, and then I, er...had to go to the bathroom. I was still in there when I heard the butler shouting, the old tosser. Came running as soon as I could and that's...that's when I found my poor Gilly. My poor, poor Giselle.

Originally Posted by ml1201 View Post
There's been word going around that you and your wife, Giselle Tavish, have not been getting along as of late. It's been said that she is planning on possibly leaving you, so there are three things I've been wondering.

First, since Mrs. Tavish has been enjoying the high society life, does it seem like she's been wanting more and more from you? You both originally lead simple lives until your business began to grow.

Secondly, if she were to leave you would this affect your affairs in any way? Meaning, would you loose some of your assets to her during the divorce process?

Lastly, is there anyone besides your late wife that can vouch that you were in the dinning hall the entire time? Between the time of your arrival and the time dinner was served an hour had past.
Really? She's not even cold yet and you want to go there? Alright, fine. Yes. My dear Gilly had been wanting more from me, but that's only natural. Every girl's dream is to grow up to be a princess, and Giselle wanted to live that life. And believe me, we may have had differences but I wanted to give that to her. It made her happy. And if she was happy, I was happy.

And yes, if she left me, there would be...difficulties, in the business. She would get technically half of all that I owned, which would include portions of the farms as well as assets and wealth. Which is why I have been working to repair and tend to our relationship. She means a lot to me, and I wanted us to enjoy our wealth together.

And yes, both Giselle and I were entertained by The Lady Scrimshaw and the other guests after we arrived. Once we were welcomed through the front door, we were in the presence of everyone else until dinner was served, save for Alabaster.

Originally Posted by CupcakeDolly View Post
When, exactly, did you buy your last bottle of laudanum? What do you take it for, and how often?
Oh, you know, couple of days ago. Take about a spoonful for, er...to put it bluntly, 'bowel trouble'. Is good for the digestion, it is. Just kind of take it as I need it, really.

Originally Posted by Lawtan View Post
Do you have an alibi for when the Lady Molatto was slain?
Yeah I do! I was crying over me poor wife! What the hell is that supposed to mean? I ain't the one who stabbed her if that's what you're trying to say!

Originally Posted by ml1201 View Post

Where were you after Captain Commander Igglethorpe Bosney left the group and returned to the library until the discovery of Lady Isabelle Molatto being dead?
Everyone left the cellar, I er, stayed behind with my wife. I'm still broken up about all of this! It wasn't me!
Last edited by Salone; 11-11-2015 at 08:54 PM.
Old Posted 10-25-2015, 07:35 PM  
Salone Salone is offline
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Lady Agatha Scrimshaw

Originally Posted by Lawtan View Post
Would you care to describe the character of your servant, Alabaster? What is your relationship to him?
Alabaster? He has been my manservant for years now. He is a trusted confidant and has served me faithfully. Recently though his performance in his duties has been...less than exemplary. I fear his conditions are finally becoming too much for him. He would never admit it, but he is getting on in his age and it is beginning to show. But no, he has always been a stalwart companion, and has stood by me when others have failed or shown their true colors. I would trust him with my life, even if I can hardly trust him with keeping a dinner appointment.

Originally Posted by Illusion View Post
If you suspected anyone of being the killer as of right now. Who would it be?
How should I know? If anything, I think it would point to Molatto, although don't tell that old tart that I said as such. I can't see Dervy killing his own wife, and killing Treylbach right when there is so much pressure between them would be so brazen that even he wouldn't attempt that, no matter how much of a brutish dolt he is. Igglethorpe couldn't hurt a fly, even if he tried. And Alabaster, well...I trust Alabaster with my life. Barring being fed on time, I believe anyone else could do the same.

Originally Posted by CupcakeDolly View Post
The meal you ate at dinner was different from everyone else's, and Alabaster seemed flustered about serving you the wrong dish, and you were very nearly given a plate of poisoned food. Were you the only one who ate that particular dish, and if so, why were you so insistent upon it?

Ahem, well, if you must know...you dare not breathe it to a single soul, but my metabolism is simply not what it used to be. I have spoken to several doctors while Alabaster is away on business for me, and I have been recommended a much leaner diet. A much leaner diet. I cannot say I am happy about it, as I am used to enjoying as much as I wish, but I also have my figure and standards to consider.

As to why Alabaster would proffer it to me, well...where Lord Treylbach was seated was where I would usually sit at the dinner table while entertaining guests. However, tonight I decided I would proffer the seat to him as my guest of honor, as he is...I'm sorry, was a respected member of our community. This most likely confused Alabaster. The man has become so distracted that he has made a model setup of the seating arrangement in the kitchen so he could plan out where each meal would go, but it would not have taken in to account the seating change for tonight. Hence, why he offered me those...thick, juicy cuts of meat. Oh, yes. I'm sorry, I was rather distracted. But yes, I have recently been cutting back and have had to remind Alabaster somewhat bluntly about my restrictions. And as to the others' meals, they were all served the same meal. The leaner cuts were, sadly, just for me.

Originally Posted by ml1201 View Post
What is you opinion of Lord Consul Gunther Helkonan-Oscar-Seclassi Treylbach and his plans to regulate the mercantile businesses?
My word, you said his full name. I commend you. As far as Treylbach goes, he was as long winded as his name. However, he was a decent man who did mean well, even if it were done in all the wrong ways. It was always his fanciful notion that the common peasant could live somehow equal to the likes of us. Then again, it also did wonders for his popularity with them.

As far as his plans for regulation, well...he would need the support of the nobles, specifically me. Without me, there is no way he would be able to rally the rest to help him. I don't mean to brag, but I'm sure he saw me as the key to his success, and many others most likely saw the same. I do think he meant to attempt to gain my support tonight over dinner, although any polite person knows that you do not discuss business over a pleasurable meal. Now that he's gone, I'm sure the matter will evaporate though. It's almost a shame really. He did keep the peasants away from our affairs, even if he was annoying. A necessary nuisance, if you will.

Originally Posted by Demonskid View Post
Was Captain Commander Igglethorpe Bosney with you the entire time from when you left the dinning hall till Alabaster Manstrode informed everyone of Giselle Tavish's death?
Well, no. After showing Commander Bosney to the library, I left for my room to freshen up and recompose myself. If I had to put a time on it, oh I'm terrible at keeping track of time...twenty minutes he was in the library, perhaps?

Originally Posted by CupcakeDolly View Post
When Dervy and Giselle first arrived, you smelled wine on Dervy. Is there any chance you would be able to recognize what sort of wine it was?
Why...yes. Yes I think so. It was a strong scent of blackberry and muscadine, a signature berry scent. Brindle's 45 Select, if I know my wine, which I do.

Originally Posted by ml1201 View Post
Where were you after Captain Commander Igglethorpe Bosney left the group and returned to the library until the discovery of Lady Isabelle Molatto being dead?
I returned to my room to compose myself and to calm my nerves. Alabaster assisted me back to my chambers, as I have felt ill since all of this...this mess of an evening.
Last edited by Salone; 11-11-2015 at 08:55 PM.
Old Posted 10-25-2015, 07:39 PM  
Default   #4   Salone Salone is offline
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Captain Commander Igglethorpe Bosney

Originally Posted by CupcakeDolly View Post
As an officer of the law, what are your thoughts on the murder, and who do you most heavily suspect?
Right now? I'd almost suspect myself, if I knew I didn't already know that I didn't do it. Tavish would have the most obvious reason for wanting him dead, but he knows it and even he isn't brazen enough to murder him in front of everyone. I don't know if Treylbach had history with Isabelle, but if he does then I wouldn't put it by her. And Giselle? Who knows? Does she do her husband's dirty work? Bit of a floozy to me. And would Scrimshaw want him dead? I can't think of why they would be at odds so much as to kill over...and even then, would old Manstrode go along with it? Of course he would. He waits on her hand and foot. I'm just not seeing a clear motive. I need time and I don't have any. But someone is lying, and I intend to find out who.

Originally Posted by Lawtan View Post
I hate to seem rude, but may I ask as for what reason Lady Scrimshaw invited you or Isabelle? It seems odd to me.
Son, I wonder that myself. I mean it's not required that she does, but I am the Captain Commander of the Watch and am a decorated veteran. It's always good to keep the police on your good side. Although for some reason, I doubt that's why. As for Isabelle, who knows? That old cat still has claws, and I can't see Scrimshaw and Molatto taking in the opera together and giggling over some prat singing about his dead dog in a language they can't understand for three hours. Perhaps she wanted to discuss or already has business dealings with her? It seems as if she's got a lot of those going with multiple people. Just like Isabelle, really. I would not put a single thing over that woman. She's pretty, but she'll kill you. I've seen her do it. She's the only woman who can stab you in the back while in front of you.

Originally Posted by Lawtan View Post
I know it is a sensitive subject, but before her death, it was rumored that Lady Isabella Molatto was well involved with the business of Dervy Tavish. As an officer and former lover of Isabella, would you have any knowledge of what that involved??
We haven't spoken recently, but I did hear the rumors. Dervy has had alibis for all of the things we've been looking in to, but Isabelle...well, she was known for getting her hands dirty for money. It wouldn't be below her to have her boys roughing someone up or causing an 'accident' for a spot of cash. I had meant to ask her tonight, if it came up. I guess I never will now though.
Last edited by Salone; 11-10-2015 at 10:39 PM.
Old Posted 10-25-2015, 07:40 PM  
Salone Salone is offline
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Lady Isabelle Molatto

Originally Posted by CupcakeDolly View Post
Everyone at this dinner has a bottle of laudanum on their person, but yours is the only one that's nearly empty. What do you take the medicine for, and why is most of yours gone?
Well if you must know, I have a very...distinguished history. I am a veteran you know. I've seen more battlefields than Iggy over there. What's better, I haven't ran away from them. But you get to my age and are still alive, you pick up your share of nicks and scrapes and interestingly shaped scars. Sometimes you...you need a bit of a pick me up. I've been needing more and more to keep the pain away. I'm not as spry as I used to be, but the Laudanum keeps me moving. If you can't put two and two together, I've been on it rather heavily today. I know it's not good for me, but at this point I don't care.

Originally Posted by Illusion View Post
Lady Scrimshaw seems very assure of Alabaster's loyalty, do you have any reason not to trust Alabaster? He was the first one to have found Giselle.
Up until tonight, I have had very little personal dealings with the man. I have seen him about town doing the shopping for Scrimshaw, but he pretty much keeps to himself. I don't know what his motive would be to kill off Treylbach, unless he's such a bumbling oaf that he gave him a plate that he meant to give to someone else. Now Giselle, well...if we're being blunt, we all know that Scrimshaw hated Giselle. Scrimshaw herself would never dirty her own hands, but Alabaster would do anything for her. He's spry and quiet for an old man. The girl sneaks off, starts drinking the private stock, a little shove at the top of the stairs and who is to say that they can prove what happened? Stairs have killed many a commoner and king, with dreams of succession for someone else at the bottom. Just saying, if it is him. I personally don't think it is, but I'm not going to stake my life on it. The people you trust are generally the ones putting knives in your back when they go in to hug you. That's why I don't trust anyone these days. Leads to a lonely life, but at least you get to keep that life.

Originally Posted by Lawtan View Post
As the last person to have seen Giselle alive, do you remember any details that could help with the investigation? Anything out of place, or anyone you ran into shortly thereafter?
Not particularly. The girl seemed...skittish, squirmy. Most likely just nerves though, she saw a man die halfway through her dinner, and I know her kind. Anything that stops them from eating scares them, her soul still remembered not being able to eat every night, or sometimes at all. That kind of fear never leaves a person. But yes, she was rather skittish now that I think about it. Very high strung. Other than that, nothing sticks out...well, except maybe her collar bone. I'm sorry, that was in poor taste. I never know what to say during times like these.

Originally Posted by Demonskid View Post
What is your opinion about Lord Consul Gunther Helkonan-Oscar-Seclassi Treylbach and his proposal for controlling the mercantile business?
My my, the second person to accomplish that. His name is tiring, and so was he. It doesn't affect me or my business dealings, so I haven't really given it much thought. Personally I don't think that there should be any meddling in to private business, but following that would lead to complete anarchy. He meant well I guess, but he could have been more subtle about it. That's how he wound up dead.

Originally Posted by Demonskid View Post
Have you heard anything about Lady Agatha Scrimchaw's health? Her meal did seem unusually light during dinner.
Yeah I have, I've heard she's got too much of it. Laying around the house staring forlornly out the window all day, and big spreads in the evenings? I hear she was beginning to get quite porky. She's trying to slim down, or at least keep herself where she is, but this is the most work she's ever had to do in her life and I can tell it's affecting her already sour mood. She's probably not lying about the leaner sweet meats being specifically for her.

Originally Posted by AutobotDen View Post
Forgive my impudence, but it's been implied that you and Bosney had a relationship at one point... and it's well known that you've both had military experience in some way, shape, or form. Would you happen to know anything about a particular incident concerning Bosney and apparent dereliction of duty?
Oh yes. Yes, I know all about that. However, that particular time between us is a very private and complicated affair of mine, and until I am held at knife point on it, I wish to remain discreet on the matter. Besides, I fail to see how that could affect anything going on tonight.

Originally Posted by Hero View Post
Where did you go after you left Giselle in tears?

As you finish the question, there is a swirl of color as your words become power manifest. They disappear from you, riding backwards along the currents of time. You wait a brief moment before there is a rushing torrent of sound, the only acknowledgement of the fabric of space and time ripped asunder to float in tatters on the wind of change. Your words twist around and carry forward once more, bringing with them an answer.

It sounds so cruel when you put it like that. I went for a stroll around the manor. No, I do not have an alibi. When I want to not be found, I am not found. However, as much as I detest Giselle's lifestyle, I would not murder her. Poor thing had enough sorrow to look forward to in life.
Last edited by Salone; 11-09-2015 at 11:02 PM.
Old Posted 10-25-2015, 07:41 PM  
Default   #6   Salone Salone is offline
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Lord Consul Gunther Helkonan-Oscar-Seclassi Treylbach

Questions for, er...Lord Treylbach will go here!

However, they can't because he is DEAD!
Last edited by Salone; 10-29-2015 at 04:16 PM.
Old Posted 10-25-2015, 07:42 PM  
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Giselle Tavish

Originally Posted by CupcakeDolly View Post
You seemed to be very quiet during the dinner. What are your thoughts on what happened, and how are you feeling now?
Hm? Me? I am simply here to support my husband. Now though, I wish I had stayed behind. To be honest, most social engagements are, well, rather dull. But I would prefer dull over this. I feel faint, and at the risk of sounding like one of the common peasants, I do need a drink. This is too much. Dinner is not supposed to go like this!

(You can no longer question Giselle Tavish because she is DEAD!)
Last edited by Salone; 10-31-2015 at 03:31 PM.
Old Posted 10-25-2015, 07:43 PM  
Default   #8   Salone Salone is offline
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Alabaster Manstrode

Originally Posted by Lawtan View Post
You mentioned problems in the cooking process - possibly a distraction of some sort - along with missing your medication. Would you detail precisely what happened at that time? Anything odd stick out?
Oh, well, as you know something always goes wrong in the kitchen. Whether it be the soufflé turns out underdone or the ham is, in fact, a turkey. I had a wonderful bottle of Brindle's 45 Select already, well, selected, and had gone to remove the ham, which was not turkey, from the oven. After planning the meal out and making the cuts for each plate, I realized that I had forgotten where I had placed the bottle. I went to replace it, and after returning with a bottle of Atherton Whitlow's Exclusive I realized I had somehow just overlooked the Brindle's on the counter. Can happen to anyone, in the heat of the kitchen. And as far as my medication, well, I am such a fuzzlenugget when it comes to remembering where I put it. I'm always losing bottles and finding them in strange places. I keep quite a few spare on hand in my room just in case, but I do try to keep at least one with me. Not as spry as I used to be, sadly.

Originally Posted by Lawtan View Post
As the first person to find the now departed Lady Tavish, would you describe in detail the scene when you first beheld this tragedy? Any stray clue could aid our look for the murderer.
Why yes, yes of course. I had wheeled the cart back in to the kitchen, and had come under incredible pain. I went to my quarters to retrieve another dose of medicine, and realized I was nearly empty and have forgot to visit a chemist for more. I came back to the kitchen to see if I could find the bottle that I had misplaced, and noticed broken glass and a spill on the steps leading down in to the wine cellar. I proceeded down the steps and found Giselle Tavish lying unresponsive on the floor, with several wounds about her body. I attempted to rouse her to no avail, and that is when I went to find the rest of the dinner party. 'Tis a shame, really. The poor girl seems to have drank herself under the table rather quickly and then slipped and fell down the stairs. Or, perhaps she was pushed. This evening has turned rather dreadful I'm afraid, and my personal health is not faring much better.

Originally Posted by Illusion View Post
You have served Lady Scrimshaw for quite some time, have you or Lady Scrimshaw have any knowledge in the field of medicine?

Of course, The Lady Scrimshaw received a wonderful education in many fields while growing up. Her library contains a plethora of books that cover the fields of medicinal remedies and alchemy, as well as compounding. I've poured over a few myself to assist her when she has been sick, to keep her from the prying eyes of the common doctors of Finch's Hollow. However, my knowledge is only basic at best. I do have a lot of experience with the, er, drug of the night, but only from personal use. Too much of it can really cause adverse affects, even death. I hate to say it, but it's one of the reasons I am so, well, shoddy with my current attentions to The Lady Scrimshaw. I would say the both of us have passable, general knowledge on the subject of medicines.

Originally Posted by ml1201 View Post
Who all knows about the medicine you take, such as those who know the amounts and those who just know you take it. Well, that you know of that know about it.
Oh, I'm sure the entire town of Finch's Hollow knows, if anyone even cares to. As far as the amounts, any of the physicians in town would know that. And I'm sure anyone that asked them would know the same. I wish there was some way to keep them from blathering on about personal information to others. It's one of the reasons that the Lady Scrimshaw is so private, she doesn't trust these so called men of medicine to keep shut about her. I don't know who all would know, but I can assure you that it would be incredibly easy to find out.

Originally Posted by AutobotDen View Post
Do you have any suspicions on who the responsible party or parties may be? I only ask because every possibility should be considered, and it may be some detail that someone noticed but didn't realize was significant that solves this tragedy.
Oh, I have suspicions yes, but they may be entirely unfounded. Just from knowledge of their past and skills alone, the Lady Molatto could be a prime candidate. She was a soldier after all, and has a history of quiet disappearances and indirect, er...adjustments of people's lives. Not to mention a temper that tends to flare. As far as anything pointing to her, there are rumors that she has done work for Tavish. But, I've also heard rumors that she is a vampire, werewolf, some sort of ghoul, so rumor is not to be a substitute for fact here. Mr. Tavish could have done it, although I do not believe he would kill his most hated political enemy at a table surrounded by other people, including the head of the Watch. That man plays simple, but he is a cunning one, I must admit. I admire his business dealings. As far as Bosney goes, well...I don't know if you know this, but Bosney doesn't exactly have a spotless history himself. He supposedly went missing during a battle once, and it ended up being a catastrophic loss for his side. Some of his comrades claim that it was desertion, and Treylbach had been making quiet inquiries in to the matter. Not that quiet mind you, if even I know about them. So there is that to consider. Why he would want to murder Giselle though, I couldn't tell you. And that is if he is the murderer!

Obviously, I have full confidence that my Lady Scrimshaw is not the murderer you seek, but you must know that of course I would say that. At this point, I almost wonder if I am somehow the unwitting murderer. I must say, a lot of the evidence does point at me. I would have complete control over the meals, I could have easily lied about stepping away from the kitchen. I'm afraid to say I really don't have much of an alibi to clear me of the crime. This must be absolutely dreadful for you. I'm sorry that I couldn't be of more assistance.

Originally Posted by Demonskid View Post
Where were you between the time you left the dinning hall after Lord Consul Gunther Helkonan-Oscar-Seclassi Treylbach's death and discovering Giselle Tavish's body?
I commend you on pronouncing his entire name! Well, let's see...I wheeled the cart back in to the kitchen, as I was planning to serve the next course of the dinner. Although now in hindsight, I realize that that was most likely in poor taste. Ah, no pun intended! If that was a pun. Forgive me, I am terrible at humor.

I was in the process of getting things ready when I began experiencing chest pains. I took one of the service halls to my quarters to pick up more medicine, and spent quite a time rather tearing my room apart looking for the rest. Apparently I've forgot to replace my usual stock. I came back to the kitchen to double check if I had overlooked my bottle, and that's when I noticed the broken bottle and spilled wine on the staircase, which led me to poor Giselle. I hope it was quick for the poor girl, I feel just dreadful about this whole evening.

Originally Posted by Demonskid View Post
What did you do with the bottle of Atherton Whitlow's Exclusive?
I served it with the meal, of course. It was still chilled, and I thought it would make a better pairing with the meal than the previous selection. Personally I find it has a sharper taste that compliments the more higher class taste buds, and is an excellent compliment to tonight's servings. It's not as sweet as Brindle's, but I personally think it is a much more refined wine. It's a treat of a spiced flavoring, and the aroma is particularly catching, not like the sweet berry scent of Brindle's. Besides, I believe the quality and service of Brindle's has gone rather downhill recently, as when I was restocking the Brindle's, I noticed it was a few ounces shorter than their previous offerings. It's a shame that they think they can short such a class of customer.

Originally Posted by CupcakeDolly View Post
Earlier, you mentioned using a service hall to reach your room. Can you describe the layout of these halls? Who would know about them and have access to them?
Oh, they're a maze really. All throughout the place, let's one get around to assist guests and visitors without being seen by them. You can find them going back and forth right outside the doors to most of the larger rooms of the estate. As far as access, well, they're not exactly locked. Quite easy to navigate if you know where you want to go, they're all clearly labeled for when temporary staff must be hired for an occasion. You have to spell out everything for those kinds. I'm sad to say that it is hard to find good help these days.

Originally Posted by AutobotDen View Post
Does anyone else know the layout of the service halls?
As far as having it memorized? I suppose the Lady Scrimshaw would, as she does own the estate. However it is clearly labeled and has multiple sections with directions all about to help new hires navigate, so even a complete stranger could find their way around with ease if they wished.
Last edited by Salone; 11-10-2015 at 09:05 PM.
Old Posted 10-25-2015, 07:43 PM  
Obsidian Obsidian is offline
Black Mistress of Purple
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Who do you ask: Dervy Tavish

The Question to ask them: Before Treylbach untimely death, he wanted to discuss something about the possibility of businesses not allowed to run rampant. You became heated about this and make an accusation that he was accusing you of something. What did you think he was accusing you of?
My DeviantART
I get distracted easily, Private Message me for faster responses.
Old Posted 10-26-2015, 12:33 AM  
Default   #10   Lawtan Lawtan is offline
Dragon Storm
Who do you ask: Alabaster Manstrode

The Question to ask them: You mentioned problems in the cooking process - possibly a distraction of some sort - along with missing your medication. Would you detail precisely what happened at that time? Anything odd stick out?
Lawtan: A chaotic dragoness with issues.

��s ofer�ode, �isses sw� m�g.


Science, horror, folklore, and cuteness incoming!
Last edited by Lawtan; 10-26-2015 at 03:54 PM.
Old Posted 10-26-2015, 03:49 PM  
Salone Salone is offline
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Updated! Doing good so far all, asking decent questions!
Old Posted 10-26-2015, 07:01 PM  
Default   #12   CupcakeDolly CupcakeDolly is offline
Wayward Victorian Doll
Who do you ask: Lady Isabelle Molatto

The Question to ask them: Everyone at this dinner has a bottle of laudanum on their person, but yours is the only one that's nearly empty. What do you take the medicine for, and why is most of yours gone?
Old Posted 10-26-2015, 11:54 PM  
Salone Salone is offline
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Updated for Dolly!
Old Posted 10-27-2015, 12:13 AM  
Default   #14   Lawtan Lawtan is offline
Dragon Storm
Who do you ask: Lady Agatha Scrimshaw

The Question you ask them: Would you care to describe the character of your servant, Alabaster? What is your relationship to him?
Lawtan: A chaotic dragoness with issues.

��s ofer�ode, �isses sw� m�g.


Science, horror, folklore, and cuteness incoming!
Old Posted 10-27-2015, 02:01 PM  
CupcakeDolly CupcakeDolly is offline
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Since this round is nearly over, I'm using up my last two questions:

Who do you ask: Captain Commander Igglethorpe Bosney

The Question to ask them: As an officer of the law, what are your thoughts on the murder, and who do you most heavily suspect?

Who do you ask: Giselle Tavish

The Question to ask them: You seemed to be very quiet during the dinner. What are your thoughts on what happened, and how are you feeling now?
Old Posted 10-29-2015, 02:26 AM  
Default   #16   Salone Salone is offline
Problem to the Solution
Updated! Chapter 3 launches tonight, and everyone's question limits will be reset!
Last edited by Salone; 10-29-2015 at 05:16 PM.
Old Posted 10-29-2015, 04:20 PM  
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