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Chloe Chloe is offline
Gothic Princess
Default Actively seeking 1x1 or group role plays   #1  
Greetings, I am sure most of the older, active roleplayers knew me under the id of Dawn. I have decided to try to push my boundaries of role playing a little more out of my comfort zone, meaning I want to try my hand at rpging with new people, new settings, more advanced plots -doesn't matter if dark or light, anything that pushes me out of my comfort zone and makes me think before replying would be wonderful- and even rpg ideas that I normally wouldn't dream of doing.

And yes, I am prepared to walk away from the past rpgs in order to do this cause I feel I am not being true to myself anymore and I want to meet new friends and open up new worlds.

Anyway, incase peeps are interested about my background in rpging:

(1) I would classify myself as between semi-lit and lit. I try not to write a wall as well as attempt not to post an one liner unless my character has a notion for delivering one liners or is just an ass. And usually it's the second option cause hey, isn't it funny to give an one liner.. um yea.. let's not get any farther in that.

(2) I have been rpging for around 12 years and probably rpged basically everything safe. I started with Digimon rpgs and moved to Pokemon, Sailor Moon and even started a Gundam Wing rpg with my crazy.. erm.. ex? I joined in different rpgs on here and a site called Zantarni ranging from Medieval times to the future.

(3) Have I mentioned I am completely crazy? Joking, joking. No sending men in white coats please... but yea, the more crazier the rpg, the more interested I am. I have a very low social rate, probably why I don't post that much else where....

(4) I really don't care if it's 1x1 or group. I just want something to come back to after studying or work and get involved in a world different than the real one..

(5) I guess if someone wants a sample of my rpg skills, etc.. I could post links to past rpgs for references. And also, I only speak English. My Spanish is very limited and I don't feel like running to Google to translate posts... so yea..

Hopefully I haven't bored anyone to death with all that..

Sooooooo... on to things I will RPG and such...

-Digimon/Pokemon/Sailor Moon -I want it to be more adult based than kid based-
-Horror/Thriller -Blood, I must have screaming girls getting killed and guys being idiots... and all that good stuff-
-Future Based -I am really open to anything from robots ruling the world to a handful of survivors just trying to survive-
-Zombies -always one of the genres I love doing, involves blood, guts and everything else a normal person screams at. Nom nom nom.. pretty tasty..-
-Claymore anime -pretty much same as Zombies, I have a pretty good knowledge on this anime since I own the box set and the whole Manga series and have always had an interest in doing it from a different view other than Clare's. XD-
-Medieval -Knights, Dragons, Wizards oh my..-
-Anything PG13 or in the rules of Trisphee.. -hehehe.. if I could go R-rated, I totally would.-

-Open to group rpgs -would be happy to rpg with peeps from the past and new peeps if doing group-
-Open to 1x1 -new peeps if possible-

Feel free to shot me ideas, just don't shot me.. I want to live.. If I have any ideas, I'll try to slap them up as well.. if I remember them that is..

now on to some brains.. anyone have mustard?

~In Loving Memory:~
To my sister and best friend since Kindergarten - Jenni
To a beautiful soul - Jessica
My Father, Daniel.
To the wise ass on my first day of College - Conor
To the unique bro in law - Eugene
To the one I never got to really know - John

Old Posted 01-17-2015, 07:15 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
Holy cow, that's a lot to read.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 01-17-2015, 07:20 PM Reply With Quote  
ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
Default   #3  
That is a lot to read, and all that right align text. x.X But that's a lot of stuff. :o I personally try to stay away from show/book/movie themed RPs though because a lot of the ones I've seen want you to play a pre-existing character. Not to mention I'm reluctant to do something that might go against the plot of the actual series unless its mentioned beforehand that its like an alternate universe or that the original characters don't appear in it. Sadly though I haven't really had much chance to do group RPs, they tend to die because others don't have a lot of time for them.

Old Posted 01-18-2015, 08:10 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   wickedlovely wickedlovely is offline
Fresh meat :D
I just joined this site and I'm looking to get a new RP going. Been doing it for about 7 years now. I prefer medieval but I'm up for other ideas as well. Let me know if you're interested.
Old Posted 01-28-2015, 09:43 AM Reply With Quote  
Rhangel Rhangel is offline
Default   #5  
I'll list my attributes to roleplaying after I ask one question.

Do you do other fandoms?
"You're not living your life, you're trying to survive it"
Old Posted 05-15-2015, 02:52 PM Reply With Quote  

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