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Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
Default [Jadey & Juju] School of Arcane Arts   #1  

Not the most creative title considering that is the main setting for this story...you see many human generations ago the elves, ever the talented race with magic, decided they wanted to learn of other cultures. Namely the color culture of humans. However leaving their own lands and going into the human towns was and always will be a tough venture and only those who were determined would truely last in such a place. That is why the school was established. Right on the border of the elf lands it was still in relative comfort but close enough to a human capital to allow humans in with ease.

At this school there is a lone elf. A young boy well on his way to being a "man" so to speak (the humans language has its limits) will start a new year at the school. And along with many other new students comes a drow. They have a reputation for being...err evil. However their paths are fated to cross....that's all I got. End narration =P
Old Posted 09-26-2010, 11:36 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
My Character

Name: Xul'Bryn Zaurae
Age: 15
Appearance: link
Bio: Xul'Bryn, or just Bryn for short is one of the feared drow. He keeps information about his past brief but it appears he does not have much liking for them. The young Drow grew up in the harsh and unforgiving underworld and has little tolerance for complainers...
Magic: Natural at manipulating darkness and illusion
Favorite Classes/Teachers: undecided
Hated Classes/Teachers: Geography teacher, Mrs. Yllethya

((meh I got lazy and used a picture instead of thinking about his appearance as in my head. He had lots of depth but it vanished when I started typing =p)
Last edited by Jurinjo; 09-27-2010 at 01:48 AM.
Old Posted 09-26-2010, 11:38 PM Reply With Quote  
((___jade___))> ((___jade___))> is offline
The Rainbow Elephant
Default   #3  
Name: Kyriel Ba'Anthuur
Age: 15
Appearance: Kyriel's hair is a rich, honey-like brunette, falling down his back with a nice, tousled texture, with very slight curl at the ends. He keeps it pulled back out of his face most of the time, though when he especially feels alone because of his looks, he tries to hide behind it. When it is pulled back, it reveals a very beautiful face with delicate features, one that looks rather feminine. His jawline is the most masculine-looking thing about his face, being sharp and angular, though still thin. His features seem to be perfectly even and proportioned, with a thin, straight nose, cupid's-bow, slightly plump lips, and pretty, slanted, deep-brown eyes. His skin is tanned, almost enough to be considered bronze, but just a shade short.
Kyriel's build is very slight, making him seem younger than he actually is. This also adds to the mistake that he is a girl, though his posture helps to lead away from that, as well as his obvious lack of breasts. His frame is small and his hands thin and graceful, and he even has a rather curvy figure for a boy. He is slightly athletic, though his muscles are far less than most Elven boys his age.
Bio: Kyriel is the son of a wealthy, powerful Elven mage and a wise, absolutely gorgeous healer. It was always expected that any child of theirs would certainly be inclined toward magic, considering that both of his parents practiced it, and well. However, they were not really counting on his appearance being what it was when he was born.
His appearance only caused trouble throughout his childhood. He was given very special attention, some overly religious people believing him to be some sort of god incarnate. Because of this, he was very spoiled early on, and yet very pursued by religious fanatics, perverts, and commoners alike. They managed to keep him away from all such types, though his mother worried for him none the less.
Once he was about eight, they decided that it was time to get away from the city for their son's sake. They moved out into the middle of the woods, hoping to get some peace there. It worked for a few years, though soon enough, they were discovered by a band of insane priests who decided to take him to "better care" for him. They succeeded, adding two years of pure trauma to the boy's life, at the end of which they tried to "free him from his earthly body". His parents, thankfully, found him before it was too late and his father, with a display of great magic, was able to save him. This also resulted in Kyriel finding out a bit about his own powers, though it was far too powerful for him. Even between that and the lunatics trying to kill him, his mother's healing powers were more powerful yet.
Soon enough, his father decided that it was time to get him somewhere more sheltered and safe. He had already been teaching him to use his magic, but they were constantly harassed even still. Once he found out about the school, he was desperate to get him signed up, hoping that his son could make a name for himself in his magical abilities rather than his appearance.
Magic: Some healing skill inherited from his mother; etc. (Idk yet though even he does not know much of his abilities yet)
Favorite Classes/Teachers: Languages and Art; the Half-Elven, somewhat eccentric Art teacher, Mr. Tsorvzovac
Hated Classes/Teachers: Math and History; the strict, Elven Geography teacher, Mrs. Yllethya (a.k.a. Mrs. Dragonfire)
Old Posted 09-27-2010, 12:18 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
((this will be sucky but I'll live, I hope you do too xD))

It was a long and rather uneventful trip to the "magic school" as his travel guide liked to put it. The tone of us voice told Xul'Bryn how much of a joke he thought it was. And if he didn't need that guide's help to finding the school he'd have done something to shut him up. Through four full days of...him. Hopefully no one with their head full of prejudice would be stupid enough to cross his path. He thanked his ancestors for finally brining his new home into sight.

Most people didn't seem to entertain that idea in the first place. Their skittishness around him held a secret delight for Bryn.
Old Posted 09-27-2010, 02:18 AM Reply With Quote  
((___jade___))> ((___jade___))> is offline
The Rainbow Elephant
Default   #5  
{{~*Ish okeee~ x3
Wow, this ended up being longer than I expected. o,o*~}}

School was about to be back in, and today was the day for everyone to move back into the dorms. Or, in the case of some, move into their new dorms. The place was full of wandering people, some of them finding their old friends, some of them just trying to find their way around or being led by guides, some of which were students and some teachers, some even not from the school at all.

Not far away from the river of people was the edge of the forest, and in one of the trees on the very edge of the forest was a small being, watching the scene from behind a veil of silky hair. His legs were pulled up to his chest, pointed chin resting on the top of his knees. His position was precarious, his bare feet hardly keeping their hold on the branch. Although he had been going to this school for a year now, he had yet to find a friend to be looking for in the crowd, to hug and laugh with like the rest of the kids.

Without warning, the branch began to shake violently, almost throwing Kyriel out of the tree. Grabbing onto the branch tightly, he let out a little yip before trying to locate the problem. There was nothing at the base of the branch, but it was no surprise to him. This was a magic school, after all...

Finally, he located the foe. A well-built human boy stood at the base of the tree, hand raised as he was obviously the cause of the branch's violent shaking. "What's a girl like you doing up in a tree?" He sneered, chuckling a bit. "Or are you just looking for flowers to pick?" The boy continued, now joined by two more snickering teens. Kyriel knew these three. They had been the main negative thing about his first year in this school. The leader was Grylle. Grylle was one of the most athletic people in the whole school, and he let it go to his head. The other two basically were friends with him just for protection from him. They were also rather good students when it came to P.E., so they had a way in.

"Come on down, little girl, we won't hurt you..." One of the lackeys hissed. That one was an Elf, one of his own kin. Kyriel disliked that even more than he disliked Grylle's cruelty.

Though not because of the request, Kyriel turned to find himself a good spot to land. It was a rather long fall, probably at least fifteen feet. Letting go with his feet, he let his legs dangle in the air for a moment before dropping. He hit the ground hard, his legs crumpling under his weight, as slight as it was. The branch stopped moving, the three boys moving in. Kyriel had a good head start though, and he got to his feet and took off running toward the people before they could get to him.

Now Kyriel wished there were more people out in the yard. It would be hard to lose himself when there were so few. However, it was his best chance, so he began weaving through the crowd, turning his head back to see their progress every so often. They were closing in...

It was during one of these check-ups that Kyriel slammed into someone. His first thought was not to apologize to the person, but to see if that spelled his capture by the pursuers. He looked back again from his new spot on the ground, only to find that they were gone. He thought that might have been them disappearing at high speeds around the corner, even. 'What was that about...?'

Once Kyriel turned around to finally apologize to the person he'd plowed into, he thought he figured out why they had run. At first he suspected that perhaps it had been the principal, but now he saw that it was actually a student. At least he supposed the boy was a student. He looked the right age, though Kyriel had not known that the school was open to Drows. There had not been any Drows enrolled last year...

So awed he was by the appearance of the person, that Kyriel could not even form the words of apology on his lips, nor could he even pull himself up off of the ground. This caused for a rather rude stare, though he was hardly even conscious of it so taken he was in his study of the Drow's dark skin, snowy hair, and muscular figure.

{{~*I is horrible at insults. XD*~}}
Last edited by ((___jade___))>; 09-27-2010 at 04:27 AM. Reason: iz so long o__o;;
Old Posted 09-27-2010, 03:56 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
((lol the insults were good enough for kid bullies Jadey ^^
Although Poor Kyriel. Bryn is going to snap at him..but I didn't have it in me to really be mean. I have too many reasons to be happy right now. Like my acne is so low I can actualy see my face. It's amazing! I haven't seen my face since 8th grade at least!))

Bryn didn't pay much attention to the other students. To him they were nothing, except maybe a few he could find to further his own goals. Besides all of them cleared a path anyway. When someone came slamming into him he was caught off guard. Taking it as an assault he immediately lifted the offender and glared right at him. "Idiot! Who do you think you are?" Bryn reflexively flex his free hand to hit the girl. Gender didn't matter to him and it was the females who held superiority where he came from anyway. To beat one would be immensely rewarding. Dark elf or not....

Bryn's scowl formed into a smirk. This girl had beauty many would envy but what became so funny was this was actually a boy! He laughed amused at this. "Damn you're feminine. Transvestite?" By now he released his victim feeling thankful for having a good laugh. "I may just keep you around." He took a step then turned back on him. "If you can amuse me. By the way I'm Xul'Bryn."
Old Posted 09-27-2010, 12:50 PM Reply With Quote  
((___jade___))> ((___jade___))> is offline
The Rainbow Elephant
Default   #7  
{{~*Lol oh no, you're gonna make him cryyy~ ;P
Nice! :D That's certainly a reason to be happy... ow o Even if I don't suffer that badly from acne, I know what a pain in the rear it can be...*~}}

As the Drow grabbed him, all Kyriel could do was tense up in fear. What was going to happen now? Was he going to hurt him? Was he even really a student there? Heck, what if he tried to kill him?

Wide, brown eyes were stuck staring at the dark fist now. It was not that Kyriel was not used to seeing a fist raised at him, but he did like to know where the blow was going to come from. It helped a bit. If he knew that, he could even move a little bit so that it would hit the soft part of his cheek rather than a bone or his eye. That always hurt less. The thought of getting hurt added to the sudden shock combination of ramming into someone and finding out that the someone was a Drow only caused a great confusion in his whole being. It was bringing up emotions that he tried his very hardest to keep back when out in public, seeing as it was only cause the teasing to continue. It all happened so fast that he could not really stop it though. His lip quivered before he could bite down on it, eyes welling up with tears. The more he looked at the fist, the worse it got, so he tried looking elsewhere. That only brought him to the other boy's face, which was actually even worse than the fist; he had to look at that smirk. He saw a similar look on people's faces almost daily, and to see it on the black, cruel face of someone such as a Drow only made it ten times worse.

Glad when he was released, Kyriel now just wanted to continue running. Maybe until he got to his room. Or even go running down the walkway up to the school in hopes that he could catch up with his father who had left just an hour ago. All he knew was that he wanted to get away from this guy, and fast. The emotion trembling through him would not allow for muscle movement though, the words still coming from the Drow's mouth only concreting that fact. Not only was he laughing at him like everyone else, but he wanted to "keep him around" just so that he could laugh at him? That was just plain evil.

Although Kyriel had never been a very violent person by nature, a very strong urge to give the boy a hard kick in the groin was coming over him. He did not especially want to get in trouble, but it would feel so good! Just one, good kick...

Not wanting to make the Drow think that he was girly and dumb, Kyriel decided to at least respond to what he was saying. "I'm not a transvestite..." He growled, though the tear-stained face accompanying it was not very mean-looking. "I don't care what your name is! You're just another bully who finds pleasure in hurting people just because you don't have any friends!" It was certainly not the best comeback, but Kyriel could not really think of anything better. Finding that he could finally move his legs again, he turned on his heel to leave, not wanting to so much as look at the Drow anymore. It made him feel a little better that he could walk away in a dignified manner rather than run like the coward the other boys constantly reminded him that he was. Though even still, he was planning on taking off into a sprint once he was around the corner. Even as he thought about it, he realized that Grylle and his friends were probably right around the corner waiting for him, ready to torture him some more. At least he was used to them doing it. At least they (at least two of them) were human and he could survive human beatings. Drows were a different story. A very different story...
Last edited by ((___jade___))>; 09-27-2010 at 10:12 PM.
Old Posted 09-27-2010, 10:06 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
((For a moment I wanted to hug him but then my OC's personality came though and I laughed xD; ))

The young drow's smirk never changed. Not at his declaration, not at the insult to his self-security. Bryn still wanted to mess with the kid but he felt a spark of respect for him. "You got guts kid." he said despite they probably the same age. 'I hope I can find him during lunch...' he contemplated that to himself when he realized he didn't know where any of his classes were.

A glint appeared in his eye. He silently trailed the girly boy. Putting his control of shadows to use he pulled them closer and became a part of it. If one looked just slightly closer to the trees they would've realized a body shaped shadow. Bryn didn't feel it was important to try not being seen. If that sad excuse of an elf noticed him maybe his red eyes would send chills down his spine. That however was far from Bryn's actual goals.
Old Posted 09-27-2010, 11:43 PM Reply With Quote  
((___jade___))> ((___jade___))> is offline
The Rainbow Elephant
Default   #9  
{{~*XD Hehe*~}}

Rounding the corner, Kyriel was relieved to see that Grylle and his gang were not right there waiting. That was good, though they were likely nearby. He could not fully relax quite yet.

After plodding a few more paces he stopped, panting and looking back behind him. The Drow apparently was not following, though Kyriel would not help but get the feeling that he had no reason to relax yet on that either. Letting out a soft, whimpery sigh, he continued. At this point, he was not really sure where he was going. He had a few options, and none of them really looked that great. He could go back to his room, but his roommate would probably be there by now. No matter who that was, he did not want them to see him like this. Another option was to return to a tree to perch in. It was likely that he would be spotted up there just as before. The last option he came up with was just to find a place to hide, preferably a place near some teachers. That seemed like a good idea, though he knew not where to find such a place.

Lost in thought, Kyriel just kept running, only to have said thoughts interrupted by a yell. "Hey!" He turned his head quickly to find that It was Dreit, the Elven companion of Grylle. "There she is!" He hissed loudly enough that both Kyriel and Grylle could hear.

Not bothering to see if they were even going to follow him or not, Kyriel took off running again. Would it ever stop? Could this day get any worse? He soon found that the day could get worse since the other boys, being athletic and far better-built than he, had soon caught up to him. Grylle took a leap, pulling Kyriel's legs out from under him. He hit the ground hard, though he managed to keep his head up, at least.

"Gotcha!" He yelled triumphantly, flipping him over so that he could sit on Kyriel's stomach. Wanting to avoid at all costs the punch or spit or whatever he knew was coming his way, Kyriel tried to squirm away. His breath had been taken away by the much heavier body on top of his though, and his arms and legs were soon locked into place by the other boys.

"What are we gonna do with him now?" Dreit was holding down Kyriel's arms, so he could clearly hear the annoying hiss of a question and see the nasty grin he got which made him look like he had fangs. Sometimes Kyriel wondered why nobody called him "Snake". More importantly, he wondered the same thing the snake had just asked him; what did they plan on doing now? It was not often that they got the skinny boy all to themselves all alone like this.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 12:05 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
It was not difficult keeping up with his prey. Unknown to to Kyriel though Bryn saw the trio that had fled earlier around the time that boy accidental crashed into him. They were far less subtle about approaching him, but he was too emotional to notice them before it was too late. The poor elf found himself helpless.

"What are we gonna do with him now?" said the one like a snake. Strange how each of the three bore a resemblance to an animal.

"I don't know it's hard to decide something short of killing him isn't it?" Xul'Bryn's voice was soft but the wind carried it to their ears from the shadow of the trees. The three bullies were still fairly in the open plus there wasn't much shadow. Fear and illusion was his greatest weapon right now. Never mind what he carried in his travel pack. He didn't desire to be expelled for attacking students on his first day. Devil knows the faculty would take any excuse they could.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 12:25 AM Reply With Quote  
((___jade___))> ((___jade___))> is offline
The Rainbow Elephant
Default   #11  
The voice was unexpected for two of the boys, though Grylle was too into what he was doing to notice exactly. He just figured it was from the other human boy, although he was not used to the quiet thing saying much like that. "I know, but it's far more fun to torture him. What the hell would we do if we didn't have this entertainment...?" He grinned, getting his face close to Kyriel's so that he could see the Elf squirm.

The other three on the scene noticed the fact that the voice came from elsewhere. Dreit's head snapped in the right direction, though his eyes were not looking hard enough to notice any oddities. The boy at Kyriel's feet flinched as if the sound was sudden and loud, loosening his grip a little even. Kyriel thought he recognized the voice, though it was too hard to tell. With some quick thinking, he squirmed his knees out of the grip of the boy.

"Oi!" Irfen, as the boy was called, yelped. Not bothering to wait another second, Kyriel began to kick wildly, hoping that it was somehow be fruitful. It did not take long for it to pay off indeed; his toes made that much-wanted contact to the soft spot between the boy's legs, making him double over onto the ground. Using this as a distraction, he gave his arms a quick jerk. Unfortunately, Dreit had iron-strong fingers which only held harder at Kyriel's attempts.

"What's wrong with you guys...?" Grylle snarled, though he did not let the odd reaction interrupt his thoughts of torture. "I think we should string him to a tree and play darts..." He snickered, bouncing a little to better empty the Elf's lungs. All Kyriel could think to dow as shake his head violently, still kicking. The thought to cry for help finally came to his mind, though he found his throat constricted between the lump that was still formed there from crying and the lack of sufficient breath coming up his throat.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 12:40 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
Not letting his first victim take anymore more punishment from the boys Bryn fired 3 weak bursts of dark energy into them. The first one being carefully focused on Grylle. "I didn't think surface-dwellers were so ready for murder. So if I cripple you at least I need to fear being expelled on my first day." he smiled evilly as feel swiftly and easily covered the distance between him and his new targets.
Bryn quickly reached out to grab Grylle by the hair before he could recuperate from it all.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 01:08 AM Reply With Quote  
((___jade___))> ((___jade___))> is offline
The Rainbow Elephant
Default   #13  
The leader of the gang let out a pained cry as the burst hit him, knocking him off of the smaller Elf's torso. Kyriel was glad for the relief, though he was a little freaked out none the less. Even if they were at a magic school and he was quite used to using and seeing other people use magic, it still came as a shock to see it. He had never seen magic like that before.

Dreit had soon let go as well, jerking back as the missile aimed at him hit his arms. Although a little concerned that he was about to be taken out of the frying pan and into the fire, Kyriel took the chance to scramble away from the bullies. The nearest hiding spot was under a flight of stairs leading up to the door of the nearest building, so he took shelter there. This time he did not bother to look back to see if anyone was chasing him until he got under the protection of the wooden steps.

"Hey, let go of me, you moron!" Grylle screeched, clawing at the other boy viciously as he was grabbed by his dirty-blond hair. Although it took a moment for the Elf to get his bearings, Dreit had soon joined the struggle, trying to pull the Drow off of his leader.

"Get off of him, you black scum! Can't you see we were in the middle of something?" Dreit snarled as he tugged the Drow's arm. The final boy was still on the ground, now doubly injured though he was now attempting to crawl away.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 01:22 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
He was hoping for more of an initial shock but since he'd given them enough time to fight back he now had one trying to fight back despite the pain to his follicles. And other yanking at his arm with the occasional jab from his elbow. Thankfully they were being idiots, plus the third wasn't joining in either. So much for being magic students. He pushed the leader down and whirled about on the elf dragging at his arms. This allowed Bryn to break free and all the while using his momentum he created what one could call a monster dirt devil. It didn't have that much push but it threw the dirt in the air and that's what he wanted.

Bryn quickly sent a flurry of weak jabs at that same elf. Hoping of course he was was still being dumb and didn't throw up a shield. For good measure though he put a little electricity behind the jabs to penetrate through or stun his target. If he went down that left the leader for him to take care of. Only he'd have to do with hardly any more aid of his magic.
Last edited by Jurinjo; 09-28-2010 at 01:50 AM.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 01:46 AM Reply With Quote  
((___jade___))> ((___jade___))> is offline
The Rainbow Elephant
Default   #15  
Falling hard against the ground, Grylle let out a deep yelp. Immediately, of course, he tried to get up, but he was still a bit in shock from the magic attack.

Dreit threw his arms up over his face to protect himself from the dirt, causing him to lose his focus on his enemy for a moment. He had just enough time to form a barrier before the jabs started, though he soon saw that he was going to need something stronger if he wanted to protect himself. Not seeing the time for it, he bolted off back the way they came. The third one, Irfen, was already galloping away.

"Get away from me, you cretin!" Grylle yelled at the Drow, not sounding quite so tough or mean anymore. Trying not to hesitate too much, he followed after the other two.

From his spot under the stairs, Kyriel watched the whole fight. Once the three ran off he was relieved, though he soon realized that he was indeed in the fire now. How could he get away from the Drow now? If the boy could do all of that to them, Kyriel did not want to even imagine what he would do to him. He figured that he could try to make himself invisible through magic and make a run for it, but he was not very confident in his skills; it was likely that he would not be able to hold it for that long.

Not knowing what else to do, Kyriel decided to just stay put and hope that he forgot about him. It was unlikely, but it was his best option that he could see.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 02:09 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
"Yeah that's right run you Pansies!" Bryn didn't even say it with any humor. He was serious, and speaking of... "Hey you can come out now." His voice still serious but it was softer- somewhat protective. Turing around the drow searched for the one he just rescued and settled straight ahead where the stairs were.

"Gee, thanks sir for saving my ass." he said mocking a proper response for his saving Kyriel from trouble. Even if the poor...fellow still feared him. Something the beautiful must've known manners.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 02:18 AM Reply With Quote  

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