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Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Default The Alchemist's Den - BL WARNING [Request]   #1  

Hello, Welcome To The Alchemist's Den

{ An Art Request Thread. }
Last edited by Alexander Linden; 09-27-2010 at 10:52 AM.
Old Posted 09-23-2010, 08:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
♚ Announcements
o9.23.1o; Alchemist's Den Opens!
♚ Rules
• Be respectful of me and other people posting in this thread.
• I am only taking IRL requests, so don't ask me to draw for you.
• Please link to specific samples. I don't want to be linked to your gallery.
• DO NOT STEAL THIS ART. Characters belong to ME. I drew the character sheet and the portrait, the rest I received from friends.
• Please read all my wanted/not wanted lists.
• I have made my character very detailed, but please do not be intimidated. It is not necessary to draw all the details.
• Please do NOT PM me your forms. Only PM me if you are interested in doing 18+ art
• I am VERY picky about art
♚ Funds
To be updated
♚ Commissioning List
Gwendlyne - Couple Chibi
Last edited by Alexander Linden; 09-30-2010 at 10:32 PM.
Old Posted 09-23-2010, 08:32 PM Reply With Quote  
Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Default   #3  
♚ Wanted
• High quality art
• Realistic or anime styled
• Portrait
• AMAZING chibis (I usually don't like chibi art)
• A few Waist up art
• Full Body
• Sexy Art (can be 18+, Please PM me)
• Maybe paired with other male characters (Gabe is seme, so it is preferred if he is paired with ukes).

♚ Do Not Want
• Pixel art, unless you made the base and it's absolutely amazing.
• Women drawn with Gabriel or Linden
• Most Chibi art
• Might add

♚ Pose Ideas (for Gabriel Leoncroft)
• Casting a spell (spellbook should be floating in front of him)
• Working in an alchemy lab (think vials, potions, and chemistry)
• Practicing fencing
• Studying
• Reading a book
• Fallen asleep with a book
• Will add more ideas later

♚ Pose Ideas (for couples)
• Dancing, with hands on each other's hips, etc.
• Holding hands
• Studying (Gabriel Rhodes/Toby)
• Cooking together (Gabe Rhodes teaching Toby)
• Playing video games (sitting on a couch, both holding controllers, etc)
• Snuggling
• Feeding each other snacks (chips, popcorn, chocolate, fruits, etc)
This is kinda cute.
• Will add more ideas later

♚ Form
[size=2*][b*]I WANT TO DRAW![/b][/size]
[color=green*]Username:[/color] Your Username
[color=green*]Who I want to Draw:[/color] Alex, Gabriel, Linden, etc.
[color=green*]Samples:[/color] Links please. No big images
[color=green*]Prices:[/color] For Bust, Waist, Knee, Full. Color, mono, sketch?
[color=green*]Estimated Completion:[/color] How long does it take you to finish a commission?
[color=green*]Anything else:[/color] Additional information?
Last edited by Alexander Linden; 08-26-2011 at 11:43 AM.
Old Posted 09-23-2010, 08:32 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
♚ Avatars

^ Click for animated version ^
Preferred to be drawn with cat ears and tail. With or without hat.

Last edited by Alexander Linden; 08-26-2011 at 11:41 AM.
Old Posted 09-23-2010, 08:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Default   #5  
♚ Gabriel Leoncroft
  • This is my Dungeons and Dragons character.

♚ General Information
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Race: Human, Taldoran
Homeland: Taldor (Pathfinder setting country)
Height: 6'1
Weight: 180 Ibs
Hair Color: Medium/Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Class: Wizard(Necromancy), Swashbuckler Pathfinder: Magus
Profession: Alchemist
Deity: Abador, Irori, Shelyn
Languages: Taldane (Common), Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Orc, Kelish, Hallit, Giant
Orientation: Gay, Dominant
♚ Appearance
Weapons: Elven Curve Blade. An elven courtblade is a very long, thin sword curved similarly to a scimitar.

In Pathfinder games, he wields a Falcata. This is a one-handed weapon with a good critical range. It is balanced so that it will hit like an axe. Because it is hard to learn to use, it is categorized as an exotic weapon and requires special training. This blade is also commonly used in Taldor, the country Gabriel is from.

Clothing: Generally fancy clothing involving a lot of dark colors (usually purple, maroon, dark grey, blue-green), flowing fabric and belts. He needs to wear clothing that allows him to move freely, especially since he is a melee fighter, which is odd for a spell caster. He usually wears high fashion coats with a white cravat, a lot of lace, expensive and sometimes gaudy accessories.
♚ References

Gabriel's currently unnamed boyfriend: [x]

♚ Personality
Gabriel is pretty much an elitist bastard. He thinks very highly of himself, and very little of most others around him. It is very hard for him to make attachments, but when he does, he tends to be rather clingy, protective, stubborn and very possessive and the gods help anyone who hurts someone he cares about. He is also a misogynist.

Likes: Intelligence, fine wine, classical music, flowers, pretty/cute things, himself, reading, learning new spells, the ocean (his hometown, Oppara, is on a river, leading right into the ocean), his ghostball (it's his familiar, kinda looks like ghastly)

Dislikes: Women, misbehaving children, immaturity, loud people, ignorance, running out of mana, people that don't like his ghost familiar, very macho manly men, big/loud fighter characters (luckily, our party consists of a male witch, a Conjurer, and a cavalier that thankfully isn't too loud.)
♚ Background
Gabriel was born to a noble family in the country of Taldor (Pathfinder campaign setting country). His father wanted him to study law, history, geography and learn to fence but his mother on the other hand was more interested in the status of their family and wanted him to marry his way to more power.

His father sent him to the best schools in Taldor until one day, when he was about 15, his mother decided that he needed to marry and now. Gabriel did not want to marry and instead asked his father for permission to study magic abroad. His father agreed, and he was sent to a prestigious wizard college, the Arcanamirum (Pathfinder setting Wizard college).

He was one of the top wizards in his class and eventually decided he wanted to put his spells to more practical use, so he decided to travel a bit. His travels led him to a safe town in the demon-infested Worldwound (Pathfinder setting country). This is basically where our campaign started.
Last edited by Alexander Linden; 08-24-2011 at 10:31 PM.
Old Posted 09-23-2010, 08:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔

♚ Alexander Linden
  • A Cat-Boy Vampire

♚ General Information
Full Name: Alexander Michael Linden
Gender: Male
Age: about 1032 years old. Looks 24.
Race: Human Vampire
Birthday: October 15th
Height: 6'2
Weight: 180 Ibs.
Body: Toned
Hair Color: Jet Black
Eye Color: Emerald Green, Red During Blood Lust
Skin Tone: Almost sickly pale
Orientation: Gay, Usually Dominant
♚ Appearance
Blood Lust: The only notable change to his true form is that his eyes glow red, and his nails become more claw-like.

Clothing: Alex prefers to dress in fancier styles. He usually wears clothing befit of a gothic nobleman. His style can usually be described as Elegant Gothic Aristocrat. Sometimes he can be just seen in a plain white button up and dress pants, and less commonly casual-wear. He wears the skull mask on special occasions.
♚ References

♚ Personality
Linden is a quiet individual. He rarely speaks unless spoken to. His speech is brief, and sometimes condescending or sarcastic. He is very observant and a clever tactician. Though he is sometimes impatient and can be easily angered, he rarely shows his anger, and almost never raises his voice. Despite his intimidating demeanor, he has a good sense of humor. He seems to joke sometimes but his humor usually goes unnoticed since he rarely changes his inflection (deadpan sense of humor). He's also very straight forward. He always speaks in monotone (well almost always)

Likes: Cats, archery, discipline, wind, roses, skulls, ghosts, paranormal activity in general, necromancy
Dislikes: loud people, dogs (sometimes likes wolves), ugly things, insects
♚ Background
Alexander Linden was born in Rome in 978. (I am currently looking up history for more accurate background)
♚ Extra
• Linden is sometimes referred to as the "Cat Vampire" or simply "Cat". While he does have the ears and tail of a cat, his mannerisms and movements are very cat-like.
• Alex rarely smiles. One thing to note, if he randomly grins, he's probably angry.
• Alex has always been prone to 'falling in love' easily. Because of this he tends to hide his emotions, hoping that things like that won't happen. He is apparently very sensitive about this sort of thing, and is deeply hurt when he realized he was wrong about the person.
• Crosses, Wooden Stakes, and Holy Water do not affect him. He can also cross running water. He does not turn to ash in the sun, however, he can get a particularly nasty burn with exposure over 10-15 minutes.
• His powers include shape-shifting into a swarm of bats, mist, or a large black cat, similar to a panther. He can also teleport to locations that he can see. He is fast and has incredible eyesight. He can climb up walls similarly to a spider.
Last edited by Alexander Linden; 08-30-2011 at 09:47 AM.
Old Posted 09-23-2010, 08:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Default   #7  
♚ Gabriel Rhodes and Toby Krause

♚ Gabriel Rhodes
  • The nerd

♚ General Information
Full Name: Gabriel Adam Rhodes
Gender: Male
Age: Sometimes 17, early 20s in other rps
Race: Human
Birthday: August 11th
Height: 6'2
Weight: 190 Ibs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Orientation: Gay, Dominant
♚ Appearance

Clothing: Gabriel's clothing style generally consists of button-ups and dress pants, and sometimes sweater vests. It isn't often that he is seen in more casual clothing, but if you catch him around the house, he might be wearing dress pants and a nerdy t-shirt (prints of video game characters, Star Trek/Star Wars sayings etc.).
♚ References

♚ Personality
  • Gabriel is usually a friendly individual, but doesn't usually speak unless spoken too,this is mostly because he is extremely shy and people tend to take it the wrong way thinking that he is cold or just plain rude. If given the right topic, he can go on about it for a long time, he loves to explain things to others, usually assuming they do not know anything about the subject. Though he is brilliant, he seems to have no real common sense and his social skills are rather lacking, making it hard for others to really understand him.


♚ Background
Gabriel was born in Rome (and raised in New York City), to a rather wealthy family with unnaturally high expectations for him. His grades always had to be the highest he could possibly score, so other students at the schools he attended believed him to be some sort of arrogant nerd. This lead to a lot of problems, including heavy teasing up to some more physical force. Eventually, Gabriel decided that this needed to stop, so he started working out. It was then that he discoved his telekinetic abilities. At first he used them as pranks and then to bestow what he thought was some sort of much needed punishment to his bullies (nothing big). Gabriel is half Italian and half German.

Gabriel's father is a cardiologist, while his mother is the dean of medicine at the hospital he works at. Because of this, his parents aren't at home a lot, and his grandmother is usually the one that takes care of him.
♚ Extra
In some settings, Gabriel has the ability to lift, manipulate, control, and command inanimate objects through the use of his mind alone. This includes but is not limited to swordsmanship, rocks, larger items such as furnature or even cars (the size of the object doesn't really matter, but he is limited to his own fatigue etc), and causing items such as highly pressurised canisters filled with liquids or gasses to explode (this involves a change in the state of the contents such as adding air or causing the inside liquid/gas to move/stir).
♚ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♚

♚ Toby Krause
  • The goth

♚ General Information
Full Name: Toby Krause
Gender: Male
Age: 18, sometimes early 20s in other rps
Race: Human
Birthday: October 17th
Height: 5'8 1/2
Weight: 130 Ibs.
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Green
Orientation: Heterosexual (at first at least)
♚ Appearance
Hair: His hair is about shoulder length, usually dyed black and often worn in a pony-tail.

Clothing: His style can be defined as Gothic. He likes to wear dark clothing, and is often seen in make-up, usually eyeliner. He has multiple piercings, most notably his eyebrow and lip piercing, though he has a few on his ears. Toby, like Gabriel, needs glasses. Of course, Toby prefers to wear contacts. He can be drawn in glasses though.
♚ References


♚ Personality
Toby is popular, social, and somewhat gullible. He likes to be the center of attention and loves to flirt. His grades are decent, but certainly not as good as Gabriel's. Though he excels in science, he seems to lack motivation to really do much about his scores in other classes (he's a smart guy too).

♚ Background

♚ Extra
Toby has two younger siblings; Lauren, who is two years his junior, and Eric, four years his junior. Toby is mostly German (easy to tell from his common German surname) and also Romanian and Greek.
Under construction
Last edited by Alexander Linden; 09-28-2010 at 09:59 AM.
Old Posted 09-23-2010, 08:34 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔

♚ Other Characters
My level 12 (Rogue 9/Shadowdancer 3) character for Pathfinder RPG.
A psychic, coming soon.
A Pokemon gijinka. Coming soon.
Last edited by Alexander Linden; 08-26-2011 at 11:45 AM.
Old Posted 09-23-2010, 08:34 PM Reply With Quote  
Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Default   #9  
♚ Spotlight


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Last edited by Alexander Linden; 08-24-2011 at 11:53 AM.
Old Posted 09-23-2010, 08:34 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   DarkWolfrin DarkWolfrin is offline
Master Wolf
Hehe *steal first post*
I need to draw the couple tomorrow!
Old Posted 09-23-2010, 10:46 PM Reply With Quote  
Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Default   #11  
hehe. I'm pretty much done setting up now <3

Mystic Menagerie (Temp Art) | The Alchemist's Den | The Alchemist's Desire | IRL Commissions

♔ Trisphee's one and only Vampire Prince ♔
Currently working on "Dream World Is Mine" art.
Let me catch you in my Dark Void...

Old Posted 09-23-2010, 10:51 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
ohhhh this makes me want to draw but I'm a little scared....

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 09-24-2010, 01:32 AM Reply With Quote  
Corovignh Corovignh is offline
R-Rated Fortune Cookie
Default   #13  
><; I need more male samples... allow me to sketch one to prove I have the abilities to draw masculinity and then another for coloring. x.x;;
Old Posted 09-24-2010, 03:27 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Nikko - I'm sorry if my thread is a little intimidating OTL

Coro - Okay. ^^

Mystic Menagerie (Temp Art) | The Alchemist's Den | The Alchemist's Desire | IRL Commissions

♔ Trisphee's one and only Vampire Prince ♔
Currently working on "Dream World Is Mine" art.
Let me catch you in my Dark Void...

Old Posted 09-24-2010, 10:16 AM Reply With Quote  
Panda Panda is offline
Heavenly Angel
Default   #15  
You're amazing at making thread like this. :3
Old Posted 09-24-2010, 11:33 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
xD Thanks. I actually reused an old layout that I made.

Mystic Menagerie (Temp Art) | The Alchemist's Den | The Alchemist's Desire | IRL Commissions

♔ Trisphee's one and only Vampire Prince ♔
Currently working on "Dream World Is Mine" art.
Let me catch you in my Dark Void...

Old Posted 09-24-2010, 12:49 PM Reply With Quote  

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