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Lucid: Lucid: is offline
The ever amazing cap'n obvious
Default   #1409  
well it's good of you to have come back to visit!

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Old Posted 07-26-2011, 10:40 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1410   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Always nice to see a friend come by and say hello.

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 07-26-2011, 01:33 PM Reply With Quote  

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