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Fizzyology Fizzyology is offline
The only Prof. of Fizzyology
Lightbulb We Are the Gray [Open~]   #1  

Welcome, traveler, to the guild of of the Gray~

Have a seat, listen to our stories and enjoy you're stay


"Why I made this?" Fizzyology raised an eyebrow, passing a glass of a strange amber liquid to a traveler, who nodded in curiosity.

"It's simple really. I have friends on both sides of the coin of morals; Pandora Rangers and the Knights of Chaos." Fizzyology shrugged, wiping at a spot on the varnished bar that refused to be removed. "Needless to say it's hard to hold a conversation with a member from each side at the same time." She laughed.

"I knew I couldn't be the only one in my situation so I decided that I would make a place where others like me, members of the Pandora Rangers and the Knights of Chaos could all put their differences aside and enjoy themselves. All of the members of this guild all believe in the same principles." She said, pointing a thumb at a wooden plaque above the center of the bar.

'We are the Middle Ground, the Gray
We are the line between Black and White,
The balance
we do not choose sides
but simply listen'


Last edited by Fizzyology; 11-18-2010 at 03:25 PM.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 12:39 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Fizzyology Fizzyology is offline
The only Prof. of Fizzyology

<These are 'guidelines' we recommend you follow>

1] Obey the TOS of Trisphee
2] Respect all who post here, members or no
3] Please be literate and understandable in your posts
4] If you are a official member of the Gray, please post in any of the Gray colours
5] If you are not a member, please do not post in Gray
6] I as leader of the Gray, hold the right to change/remove/add rules as I see fit.
7] All pictures and works of art in these posts are mind, and are created by me. Please do not steal or use any without permission
8] Do not, in anyway shape or form partake in the eating of anyone's limbs or other body parts while in this thread. That means YOU, Poggio.


How To Join:

It's simple, fill out the below and put our link picture anywhere in your signature:

PHP Code:
Title] (Please be reasonable with your titleMay or may not be accepted)
Weapon of Choice] (only I can have a hammer because I'm that obsessed lol)
Class] (Pick which class you'
d preferClericBlack MageWhite MageElementalistRouge etc.)
Quote] (Be reasonable and no serious bad language)[/B
Last edited by Fizzyology; 11-18-2010 at 10:54 PM.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 12:40 PM Reply With Quote  
Fizzyology Fizzyology is offline
The only Prof. of Fizzyology
Default   #3  

<These are the proud members of the Gray>


<Most Trusted of the Gray, treat them with utmost respect>

<Fellow believers and members>







Last edited by Fizzyology; 04-30-2011 at 06:23 PM.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 12:42 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Fizzyology Fizzyology is offline
The only Prof. of Fizzyology

<The White List>


<Black List, Hope it stays blank>


<Our Signature Link. Members, please add to your Signature>

PHP Code:
Last edited by Fizzyology; 04-30-2011 at 06:24 PM.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 12:43 PM Reply With Quote  
Fizzyology Fizzyology is offline
The only Prof. of Fizzyology
Default   #5  

~Doors open wide and light floods in~

Welcome all travelers, The Gray Guild is now open~
Last edited by Fizzyology; 11-18-2010 at 03:24 PM.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 12:43 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Sadrain Sadrain is offline
Resident ghost caracal
While I am not sure if this will be my permanent home or I will wander away on my own quests and journeys, soon or eventually, I shall join this Guild of Gray. I even accidentally dressed up for the cause.

Now I do need to leave to feast, but I shall fill the form soon.
~ Hello, I am Sadrain, a ghost Caracal, but you can call me Rainy.
Nice to meet you. =^-^= ~
~Questing: Yearlies, RIGs, Lot of MIs, RUNES (always), Aurum
Shop: Selling MOST EIs | NOT updated buying thread ~

|~ Status:
Questing so much things I don't know where to start ~|

~Manning Crow's Nest on Haunted Galleon under Captain Lawtan's rule ~
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 03:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Fizzyology Fizzyology is offline
The only Prof. of Fizzyology
Default   #7  
(laughs) Well you can always come and go as you please. :3 and you don't have to wear gray to be a member either (laugh)

I look forward to your application.

(Gosh I feel so formal lol)

Click to go to Quest Thread ---v

Member since Nov. 4th 2010
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 03:39 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Sadrain Sadrain is offline
Resident ghost caracal

Username] Sadrain
Title] The Ghost Cloud Rider
Class] Cloud rider and tamer, partly an elementalist
Quote] “What I dream of is an art of balance, of purity and serenity devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter - a soothing, calming influence on the mind, rather like a good armchair which provides relaxation from physical fatigue.” Henri Matisse

Yes, I am used to my nomad ways, so who knows... But it's good to know that I am not to be chained here.
And I do know that, it just happened on accident, I changed my avatar right before I saw this thread.

(And, yea, it does. XD But oh well. P= We will get over this)
(I was not sure if the quote meant a quote of our own or a quote we wanted to share/found as appropriate)
~ Hello, I am Sadrain, a ghost Caracal, but you can call me Rainy.
Nice to meet you. =^-^= ~
~Questing: Yearlies, RIGs, Lot of MIs, RUNES (always), Aurum
Shop: Selling MOST EIs | NOT updated buying thread ~

|~ Status:
Questing so much things I don't know where to start ~|

~Manning Crow's Nest on Haunted Galleon under Captain Lawtan's rule ~
Last edited by Sadrain; 11-18-2010 at 04:13 PM.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 04:06 PM Reply With Quote  
Fizzyology Fizzyology is offline
The only Prof. of Fizzyology
Default   #9  
(it's sort of like this is also a role play XD)

Application is accepted, however because your Title is The Ghost Cloud Rider, your class(s) will just be Cloud Tamer and Elementalist in Training, if that's ok?

Click to go to Quest Thread ---v

Member since Nov. 4th 2010
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 04:13 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Sadrain Sadrain is offline
Resident ghost caracal
(It indeed is, and I find it fun. C: I do still enjoy a good role play... Heh, I kinda wish there was a Knights of Chaos/Guild of Gray/Power Ranger and generally Trisphee themed role play x3)

I thank you. And if you so chose to be, Leader, I shall not protest. I am not really selectively training my powers, it is left to when I have free time between my travels and the duties I have.
~ Hello, I am Sadrain, a ghost Caracal, but you can call me Rainy.
Nice to meet you. =^-^= ~
~Questing: Yearlies, RIGs, Lot of MIs, RUNES (always), Aurum
Shop: Selling MOST EIs | NOT updated buying thread ~

|~ Status:
Questing so much things I don't know where to start ~|

~Manning Crow's Nest on Haunted Galleon under Captain Lawtan's rule ~
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 04:16 PM Reply With Quote  
Sadrain Sadrain is offline
Resident ghost caracal
Default   #11  
I fear that I might not have a place to add the link image in my signature, but I would not mind adding a link on its own. And do I always have to post in gray in all threads?
~ Hello, I am Sadrain, a ghost Caracal, but you can call me Rainy.
Nice to meet you. =^-^= ~
~Questing: Yearlies, RIGs, Lot of MIs, RUNES (always), Aurum
Shop: Selling MOST EIs | NOT updated buying thread ~

|~ Status:
Questing so much things I don't know where to start ~|

~Manning Crow's Nest on Haunted Galleon under Captain Lawtan's rule ~
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 04:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Fizzyology Fizzyology is offline
The only Prof. of Fizzyology
(lol Imagine how many people would post there if there was,there'd be no way to keep up with it lol)

I'm tempted to title you as Elemental Junior (laughs) oh and forgive me, but I forgot to add in the form what your weapon of choice was, so if you could tell me what I should put there for you I'd be delighted.

Click to go to Quest Thread ---v

Member since Nov. 4th 2010
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 04:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Fizzyology Fizzyology is offline
The only Prof. of Fizzyology
Default   #13  
(didn't notice your response sorry ^-^)

You could just have a link if you want. You only have to post in gray in this thread. As you can see in my other threads, I post in purple. (laughs)

Click to go to Quest Thread ---v

Member since Nov. 4th 2010
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 04:21 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Sadrain Sadrain is offline
Resident ghost caracal
(Well, if they were split up in sections, like a Guild of Gray quest, it wouldn't be so bad and... as a secret that must stay just between the two of us... Many of the Rangers have become quiet and absent, so the number from their sides wouldn't be as large.
But I was just musing out loud, actually. x3 I don't really RP much anymore.)

Oh, I prefer to throw bits of clouds at people, to see their reaction. C: And if I do need to use real weapons, then I like to use bow and arrows, or generally ranged weapons, but that requires me to achieve human form and it can be troublesome... So, magic is often the other choice.
Ahah, well, especially if there is chances to grow out of the Junior part, I would be able to live with such a title. -nods-

EDIT: Oh, I see. That's good. ^^
~ Hello, I am Sadrain, a ghost Caracal, but you can call me Rainy.
Nice to meet you. =^-^= ~
~Questing: Yearlies, RIGs, Lot of MIs, RUNES (always), Aurum
Shop: Selling MOST EIs | NOT updated buying thread ~

|~ Status:
Questing so much things I don't know where to start ~|

~Manning Crow's Nest on Haunted Galleon under Captain Lawtan's rule ~
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 04:26 PM Reply With Quote  
Fizzyology Fizzyology is offline
The only Prof. of Fizzyology
Default   #15  
(Really? :O aw I wonder why they're not being talkative :/ the Knights of Chaos would take over XD I haven't rped in a good year or so D:)

(laughs)I suppose that 'cloud bits' can be a weapon. I'll go ahead and change it to 'junior' for now then, and once you feel you're no long a junior, I'll remove it.

Click to go to Quest Thread ---v

Member since Nov. 4th 2010
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 04:29 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Sadrain Sadrain is offline
Resident ghost caracal
(I am hoping some of the rangers will return with the event. D:
And, yeah, me, too. Good ol' times. x3)

Wonderful! Then all is settled.
I have done my part as of adding the link to my signature as well and now.. we just wait for other neutrals to come and join us, yes? Or do you have other plans in mind?
~ Hello, I am Sadrain, a ghost Caracal, but you can call me Rainy.
Nice to meet you. =^-^= ~
~Questing: Yearlies, RIGs, Lot of MIs, RUNES (always), Aurum
Shop: Selling MOST EIs | NOT updated buying thread ~

|~ Status:
Questing so much things I don't know where to start ~|

~Manning Crow's Nest on Haunted Galleon under Captain Lawtan's rule ~
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 04:32 PM Reply With Quote  

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