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Default January DIs Released!   #1  
Long time, no see, Trisphites.

It's been quite the wait, and for that, I personally want to apologize. January's monthlies will be remaining available for a full month despite this late release, and we all thank you for your patience and understanding for this rough start of the year.

That being said! We've got some fun tech gear, whether you're here for the future or just to... reuse some unwanted parts. Either way, Cyberlife Security and Scrapyard Scrapper are bound to have what you need!

You can find the monthlies in Archaic Antiquities for the usual price of 20 Runes each. They'll stay available until Feb 18th, so be sure to pick yours up while they last!

Cyberlife Security

Designs - Glitch
Pixels - Glitch
Recolors - Gallagher
Previews - Gallagher

Scrapyard Scrapper

Designs - Espy
Pixels - Glitch
Recolors - Gallagher
Previews - Gallagher
Old Posted 01-18-2019, 08:05 PM Reply With Quote  

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