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Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default [M] Not Always Black and White   #1  
To say that Evan was a bit travel-dazed would be a massive understatement. For some reason, he had trailed Sam and Dean all the way to the Ozarks, back through the Mississippi Delta, down the coast to Florida, and now they were on their way to Oregon in the Impala. That poor car had seen enough shit to turn it white, and yet it was still chugging along. Why was he on this ride again? Oh yeah. Because Dean said so. Well, it was less the whole 'saying so' part, and more the 'demanding with wild gestures and threats of "exorcising your ass" that got the job done. Evan was not a happy camper, and they had been camping a few times. He was a pretty terrible camper, actually. Making s'mores was the extent of his outdoorsy-type knowledge, and even then he'd managed to fry his marshmallow to a crisp the first two times.

Castiel popped in and out. Like he had a tendency to do at any annoying-ass time he damn well felt. Last time, he had been in the shower in a hotel room washing off the road-smell when the stupid angel had poofed himself right into the shower with him. ... Sometimes the things Evan's human body did fascinated him no end - like hitting a high-C with a scream that woke up the neighbors. Castiel generally tended to avoid shower-time now, thanks to that fiasco. Granted, Evan would really prefer he avoided coming around all-together, since he and the angel never really did get to have that 'man-to-man' chat Sam kept on about, and opposites never attract. Never. Seriously.

"So what are we doing on the way to Oregon again? And when are we freaking going to hit a damn Waffle House?! I'm starving!"

Sam was off in his own world, or asleep, Evan couldn't tell from the back seat. Dean was obviously not, as he was driving, and answered his question with his usual bright, cheery, sunny manner.

"Shut the hell up. You're not here to sight-see. You want me to put you in the safe-room? Because that's where you're headed if you keep opening your damn mouth."

That did, in fact, shut him up. He'd been locked into the special safe-room once or twice before, and didn't care to do it again. The fact that he was even here meant that Sam or Dean had suspicions about his loyalties... again. It was the only reason he was ever allowed on these trips. To 'keep an eye' on him. It rankled somewhere deep in his soul that he couldn't quite reach. Well.. both their souls. The other Evan just tended to be a little bit more shy, and quite a bit less vocal. Which would explain why his usually-sea-blue eyes were black to the sclera right now. The petulant, 'irritated teen' look, however - that was a bit on the out of place side.

The other Winchester stirred after Dean's outburst, and stretched, his arms behind the seat. Evan batted at them with a deadpan expression. "Hungry." he complained. "Hungry. And thirsty. And I need to take a piss."

Dean grumbled something along the lines of 'goddamn demons' under his breath, and turned the wheel to the side, hopping off the highway, and up a ramp toward a town that said Salt Lake City. Fantastic. Evan had been here before, but not often. Also not real welcome. It had been a demon-type bender. Lots of alcohol. Lots of drugs. Lots of very scantily-clad underage men. ... Suffice it to say it had been a wilder time in his life.

They pulled into a Waffle House that was alongside the exit, and Sam got out of the car, standing around with his hands in his pockets. Dean put the car into park, turned off the gas, and turned around. "Okay, look. This is gonna be a long drive. So you're going to eat here, take a piss, and shut your mouth for the rest of the ride, or I WILL call Cas to come cart your ass home, you understand?"

The meek, mild part of Evan... was not at home today. "Yeah, whatever." he muttered, blowing his black bangs out of his face. "Let's just get some fucking food already, yeah?"

Dean shot him a 'watching you' gesture, and got out of the car, Evan following. The place was a dump... but for a dump it seemed pretty lively. There were already several patrons inside, chatting with the servers as they broke eggs and grilled hashbrowns. Just the very idea of a hashbrown pile smothered, covered, and country made his stomach start to growl. Not to mention his bill was being footed by Sam and Dean, so he was going to order whatever he fucking wanted. They had the big bucks.

"I'll get us a table." Sam said quietly, starting inside.

Before Evan could follow, Dean put a hand on Evan's shoulder. "No magic tricks. No... mumbo jumbo, whatever you demons do. No damn hypnosis or whatever. You play by the rules, or I call Cas."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Evan said, shrugging off his hand, and headed into the place to sit with Sam, licking his lips. "Three words." he said as he slid into the booth. "Hash. Brown. Bowl."

"That's two words, dipshit." Dean grumbled, sitting beside Sam on the other side. "This place is... cozy." Dean talk for 'a dump'. Honestly, Evan had to kind of agree.
Old Posted 11-07-2016, 02:40 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
The black of its soul permeated the room before it even stepped into sight.

Without so much as looking up from his half eaten plate, he knew the moment that the demon set foot in the building. It was a change in the air. A change that, to no surprise, no one but him could feel. Humans were always oblivious to the heavy, twisted energy that he felt so keenly. He didn't need to look, but he did. Lifting a glass of juice to his lips, his bright, unmatching eyes slid to the door where the demon stood.

Dark haired and unintimidating, its vessel looked more boy than man, a look that was in no small part because of the way it carried itself. The fact that it was in the company of the Winchesters was interesting, but not as much of a surprise as it might have been in years past.

No. It was no real surprise at all. As the reputation of the brothers had grown, so had the variety of 'allies' they would tolerate. If anything, it seemed that demons the hunters encountered had a better chance of survival than other beasts.

He had come to the area for an upsurge in witches, but this? A demon walking straight into his lap?

Winchesters be damned. He was ready for his hunt.

Old Posted 11-08-2016, 06:37 AM Reply With Quote  
Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default   #3  
Whatever the meal was called, two words or three, Evan went about ordering it - adding a slice of pie and a glass of milk. Sam had a straight melt with water, and Dean had eggs and bacon with toast and an orange juice. Of course, as soon as he ordered, Evan removed himself from the seat to go use the restroom. On the way back, he paused and stopped to look at the old-timey Jukebox they had set up in here, as well as browse the Patrons seated at various places around the establishment. His senses caught the angel immediately, and the smallish part of him that still had a cringe-reaction to the presence of them did a bit of a shimmy back toward the jukebox. Scared? Naw. Intrigued? Possibly. Only, Evan wasn't actually good enough as a demon to pinpoint which one was the angel. It could have been literally anyone - from the old lady sitting at the window sipping coffee, to the young man reading the paper by the door, to the 'sk8ter boi' at the counter, to one of the servers. He had no idea.

Part of that explained why he turned back to the table without arguing when Dean called him. The other part was simply the fact that he was damned hungry. Food arrived in short order. It usually did, in places like this, and he scarfed down his meal without a second thought for manners or polite conversation. It almost took him off-guard when he realized he'd been spacing out on food, and Sam had actually been speaking to him.

"... Evan? I asked if you wanted to chill here for a couple of hours while Dean and I look into these witch sightings." He gestured toward the paper on the table that had gotten there sometime when Evan was stuffing his face. "There's a Hunter down the road about twenty miles or so that would k-... be glad to have you, while we take care of this. It's going to be pretty boring. A lot of legwork."

Using his tongue and a napkin in equal portions to clean his lips, Evan looked up, and quirked a brow at both brothers. "What, you're trusting me alone, with another Hunter? This is a change. Wait, am I dying or something? Is that why?"

Sam and Dean exchanged looks. "Well, no." Sam said. "At least, we don't think so. But your... stuff, your energy, what makes you up? It's leaking. We noticed it back when you were in the safe-room."

"Cas noticed it." Dean corrected, holding up a finger to the server. When she arrived, he ordered a melt. "When you were all rage-mode after we cornered you. Something about your... stuff. Going haywire."

Evan deadpanned at the both of them. "So you didn't just take me on this trip to stop me from following, you have an ulterior motive. Why am I not the least bit fucking surprised."

The younger Winchester held up a hand. "Now wait a moment, before you start getting defensive. This was Cas' idea. The Hunter we're talking about is a sort of... doctor... for your kind."

"My kind?" Evan narrowed black-on-black eyes at Sam. "You mean, demons? Monsters? Things that go bump in the motherfucking night? Because that's what you actually mean. You don't say it, but you mean it. Look, I have no damn choice." He 'set' down his fork as gingerly as a five-ton elephant on a couch, making a large clatter, then a hollow 'crack' as the plate split in two. Anger had never really been Evan's friend. Indignant, righteous, well-deserved, or other.

Dean's voice grew very quiet. "Don't give me that shit. You're a demon, and that's that. We shouldn't have taken you in, we shouldn't have helped you, and I'm going to be damned if you sit here and throw that in our faces. Cas has been nothing but helpful. Ditch the attitude, got it 'Fido'?"

Evan's voice was dark when he answered. "Don't. Ever. Call me that." he snarled, eyes glowing for a split-second. "I have no choice. I'll go along with you, but if you call me that fucking nickname again, I will rip that goddamn car apart, and torch this whole joint. You hear me?"

Sam sighed, and put one hand toward his brother, and other toward Evan. "Alright, that's enough you two. Look, Cas wanted to see if this doctor-person could find out what was wrong with you so we could fix it. There is no ulterior motive here other than making sure you don't die. And yes, by 'you' I obviously mean both of you. Now cool it. Dean, you promised you wouldn't go ape over this."

The elder Winchester stabbed his fork Evan-ward. "I wouldn't have to if the whiny emo brat didn't decide to open up his mouth every five damn minutes." At which point, he went back to angrily eating the rest of his eggs.

"This is going to be a long-ass trip." Evan grumbled under his breath, stabbing the remainder of his hash-browns. "Sam, can I get a melt?"

The dismissive gesture of the younger Winchester was good enough for him, and he ordered one to be delivered with his pie.
Old Posted 11-13-2016, 12:03 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
Something put the demon on edge.

Considering how close it had gotten as it passed β€” close enough for him to catch the scent of grease and leather, of soap and weaponry, of the human it had taken and those it traveled with β€” there was little doubt that his own presence was what had made the thing wary.

There was, he supposed, a chance that it was the sort that was more... tolerable than others. Though, it was more likely that the demon was with the Winchesters because it had something important to them, not because of any merit in its behavior. It wouldn't hurt to get more information.

That decided, he made quick work of paying for his meal.

The plan worked itself out in his mind as he ran his fingers back through his hair. Red and platinum locks mingled as he swept his hair off to one side, then back, giving himself a more disheveled look when everything fell back into place just above his shoulders. A couple practiced motions had bangs falling into his face, tucked towards the prominent splash of white surrounding his right eye.

Nervous. Excited. Concerned. They were nothing he hadn't played before, and he started the instant he rose from his seat.

The man stepped away from his table and pat his hands against the pockets of his jeans. When his keys jingled, he pushed his chair in under the table, hesitated, then fixed it so the back of the chair was even with the edge of the table.

He glanced unsubtly over to where the brothers and their pet sat. He raised a hand, tucked hair behind his ear, only to seemingly rethink it and smooth his fingers over it again.

When he walked, he made it halfway across the room, then paused once more. A hand smoothed over his shirt. He looked away from the group, shifted his weight, then glanced over just once more. His hand clenched into a fist and he turned to the door instead, leaving the Waffle House entirely.

Another pause. A glance back towards the door, then to the windows, in the direction he knew their table to be.

He shook his head and started crossing the parking lot, quick eyes seeking out their vehicle almost instantly. His body showed it a few seconds later when he stopped, turned towards it, looked around, and finally approached it. He eyed the trunk, a hand clenched in the fabric of his shirt as he walked around to the driver's side.

Another look towards the building. Then, he stooped and peered inside the car.

Old Posted 11-13-2016, 12:55 AM Reply With Quote  
Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default   #5  
Sam noticed the young man striding toward their car in a rather furtive fashion. He knew enough about inner-city kids to know exactly where this was headed. "Dean." He pointed out the window to the Impala. He made as if to get out of the booth to go handle it, but Evan barred his way.

"Hang on. Have the lady put those peanut-butter morsel things on my pie slice. I'll handle this whackjob." he snipped, pushing out of the booth before either brother could stop him, and shoving the door open with considerable force. Enough to slam the weighted door against the side wall. "Hey! You!" he called, marching over to the car. The feel of 'angel' overwhelmed him when he got within eight feet of the car, resulting in his bravado becoming a little pathetic as he started weaving on his feet. Suddenly dizzy, he reached out for the closest thing to keep his balance - someone else's car... whiiiich started going off.

"Fuck!" Evan bit off a long string of curses, and looked around in a panicked way, seeking somewhere to hide. Then, the owner of the car - a nice, white BMW with flame detailing - exited the Waffle House. The guy was huge, obviously a biker, and had spiked everything on, as well as a long and grizzled beard. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. He did it!" He called toward the guy, pointing his finger at what he knew at this point to be the angel he'd sensed. "He'll deny it to fucking hell, but he did it!"
Old Posted 11-13-2016, 01:13 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop

The demon was an idiot.

"W-what?" he stammered, his eyes wide as he both backed away from the Impala and let his gaze dart around the lot. "I didn't- I wasn't-"

Just as he thought would be the case, his act only made the biker redirect his anger from the demon. A few steps away from the cars was all he took before the biker caught him by the arm. He 'tried' to yank it away, pleading his innocence as that bearded face loomed over him. A quick touch to the biker's head, hidden from those still inside the building, had him quickly calming down as the man explained the situation.

He'd just been looking for his car when his 'friend' had bumped into the white vehicle.

Anything would have taken, but the believable lie was far better for listening ears. The biker, still visibly irritated but no longer about to pound anyone's face in, grumbled as he walked away, but not without a warning glare in both his own and the demon's directions.

That left the angel standing there in the middle of the lot, his heart pounding and breath racing with a fear he didn't feel, as his gaze found the demon once more.

Old Posted 11-13-2016, 01:46 AM Reply With Quote  
Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default   #7  
Evan was attempting to check in the windows of the Impala to see if the angel had broken anything - inadvertently or not. Sam and Dean were watching from the window, so he had better prove he had his shit together. He crossed his arms and stood, watching the biker drive off, and giving the angel the glare of death.

"What are you doing here, Wingz?" he asked, using a nickname. After all, he didn't exactly know the guy's actual name. Plus, it was fun to see angels squirm sometimes. He wasn't going to hurt him.. her... it. Just screw around a bit.

The Impala stood passively by while there was a staredown between Sam, Dean, and the demon who wasn't paying attention to the brothers. Evan was in his own little world - a world mostly inhabited by this angel right now, and.... dayum was he hot. Being the demonic part of this boy, his mouth had a tendency to run off with him. The other Evan tended to be a bit more... tactful.

"That is a FINE ass, Wingz. What you doin' later?"
Old Posted 11-13-2016, 02:31 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
"Later...?" he asked, putting on his best disbelieving tone. A little unsure, a little offended, and a lot of curiosity. The way the demon looked at his vessel was neither subtle nor unwarranted by any means. While the discoloration it bore in some places was questionable to some human tastes, he kept his borrowed body in appropriate shape. Clothes could hide most signs of his body's strength well enough, but the rear it had been blessed with even before he'd done his work... well, it rarely went unnoticed.

Just a beat or two after the demon's question had been asked, he let blood rush to his face, turning his cheeks a bright red. "Are- are you kidding!? You just tried to get me killed!"

Old Posted 11-13-2016, 02:46 AM Reply With Quote  
Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default   #9  
Evan snorted, and uncrossed his arms, shifting his weight to his left foot. "Yeah, right. Killed? You could have erased his eyes with one of those holy blast things." he said, making a rude gesture. "Fuck off with that whole 'almost got me killed' shit. Nobody's buying it. Well... they might." He jerked his thumb back to the restaurant, where Dean and Sam were paying for the meal, and bagging up what else Evan had ordered. The server even put an extra scoop of morsels on the pie as she packed it. Nice lady.

Grinning, the demon leaned closer to the angel, and his expression turned gleefully mischievous. "Yeah. Later. Like, as in a date. Date-date. None of this coffee-and-a-smooch shit, either. I can't check out your ass if it ain't shakin'." His eyebrows wiggled suggestively. Internally, he heard the other Evan starting up a dialogue. With another roll of his eyes - he seemed to be doing that quite a lot today, he let the boy take over without even telling him. Just to fuck with him.

Suddenly, his eyes shot to dark gray-blue, very human, and his voice had a wholly different tone to it. ... He was also mid-sentence that he had been yapping at the demon.

"-and I don't see how going out on a date with an Angel is being safe, secure, or keeping out of trouble? Like Sam and Dean TOLD us to do after... oh..." The new Evan licked his lips nervously.

This new one carried himself far differently. Demure in both posture and voice, he exuded two main emotions just at present. Annoyance... and terror. "H-hi... Um.... don't.... eat me, okay?"
Old Posted 11-13-2016, 03:01 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
Not about to be pulled out of his persona that easily, he only furrowed his brows at the demon's remarks. The small frown on his lips only deepened as it went on about a date that wasn't going to happen.

Then, it changed.

It changed, and the true soul returned.

For a brief second or two, the surprise in the man's eyes was all too real, but it didn't last.

He took a step back from the trapped soul. "What the hell is this? I wasn't doing anything to you. Stop fucking with me, man."

Old Posted 11-13-2016, 03:14 AM Reply With Quote  
Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default   #11  
"Ummm... ummm..." Evan's hands came up, and he started twining his fingers with each other, and essentially fiddling with them. "I'm.. um... sorry for the other me. Um, he's... kinda rude sometimes. He's tired, so... so he doesn't... um... have a good mouth right now."

"You mean ever." That was Dean, coming up behind the two, and crossing his arms in a 'completely and totally not amused' way. "Start talking. Which one are you. Cas didn't mention us being followed, but there's a first time for everything." His eyes narrowed. "Whether or not you mean harm, step away from the boy." The Winchester's tone brokered no argument... but that didn't tend to stop most of what they went up against, to be brutally honest. Words rarely did.

The Evan-formerly-known-as-demon lifted a hand to his mouth, and then sprang forward, putting himself in-between the angel and the sneaky little gun that Sam had been drawing. "D-don't! Violence is never the answer, you know that! Don't shoot him, or you'll have to shoot me first!"

Inside his head, the demon snorted. ~Umm, he's a Winchester, sport. He'll shoot you whether or not you beg him not to. It's not like we're important or anything.~

Tears started to form, and he spoke back to the demon, without anyone else having been privy to the conversation. "Th-that's not fair! We are too important! We're Sam and Dean's friends!"
Old Posted 11-13-2016, 03:26 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
He mouthed a silent 'what' as he looked between the trapped soul and the two brothers. "I... I was just- Oh man," he paused to run a hand back through his hair, "is your, uh, friend here okay?" His gaze, though still shifting between all three of the men, lingered on the brothers. "I wasn't trying to, to make a scene or anything, I just... I mean, you're the Winchester's, right? I didn't know, uh, how toβ€”" He waved his hand vaguely, only to notice a hair stuck to it. His eyes fell immediately as he picked it off of his skin. "I heard there are witches around here causing trouble... I thought you might be here for that?"

Old Posted 11-13-2016, 04:01 AM Reply With Quote  
Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default   #13  
Well, enough was enough. Evan's features went slack for a moment, and his eyes shot to black again. "Honestly? Are you buying this shit? Sam, Dean, this one's an angel." He jerked a thumb at the other as he meandered around, and slipped in beside Sam. "I promise. Straight up. Demon's honor. Fuckin' angel. Hot one, too."

Dean's stance didn't relax, and Sam's hand gripped the gun at his side a bit more tightly. The brothers didn't necessarily have the best track-record with those of the holy light. The older Winchester fixed an un-moving gaze in front of him, solely focused on the blonde. "Alright, spill. Don't bullshit your way out of this." Those eyes narrowed even further. "This demon's telling the truth. Trust me, I've known him long enough to sniff out a lie, and this ain't it. What are you doing here, and how did you find us."

The demon gave Dean a sideways glance and sighed. "Doubt that's gonna work. These guys are pathological liars, yanno. At least us demons are honest. We'll TELL you we're gonna peel your fucking skin off. This thing will maintain that he's a poor, suffering, weak little human until the day that vessel dies. Then just jump into a new one. That's how it works with them. You can't trust an angel. Which makes it stupid that you're taking orders from one."
Old Posted 11-13-2016, 08:09 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
"You can't be serious," he said, half to himself as he rubbed a hand over half of his face. "I run into the Winchesters on a hunt, and they're not even hunting it, too? Did you guys even notice what's going on in the area, or were you just- just gonna have breakfast and ditch?"

Old Posted 11-13-2016, 01:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default   #15  
"Actually, we were planning on dropping Evan off with a Hunter here, then headed off to investigate a slew of murders that seem to be done by witches." Sam explained, relaxing a bit, and letting the gun slide back into the holster. Evan inched behind him and hid there as he stepped forward toward the angel. "You apparently know who we are, but that's not a surprise. What do you know about these killings?"

Dean clicked his tongue, and moved behind his brother to drag the demon out by the arm, making him stand next to them rather than behind them. "And I don't suppose you know where to find this Hunter that claims to be a doctor for demons and shit. Goes by the name McKinney. Aston McKinney."
Old Posted 11-13-2016, 08:34 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
"Oh, alright. So... you want to talk to me now?" the man asked, sweeping an arm out towards the rest of the lot. It was about as public as public could get, without heading straight into the nearest city and taking a stroll down main street. "Get real. Is this how you always treat people?"

Old Posted 11-13-2016, 08:55 PM Reply With Quote  

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