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Kotomi Kotomi is offline
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Default Kitty with a fever   #1  
I brought my kitty, named Kotomi to the vet yesterday...
because she was acting oddly...
at first I had people say don't worry kitties sometimes vomit to cough up hairballs but, however it wasn't so simple
she had that happen 3 days in a row and the 4th day she wasn't eating and found this odd clear and partly murky slime in her area

separated kitties to find out which one was having the problem...

but anyway, when I brought her home she ate a little bit and I was told to give her half of this one kind of pill...

was worried about her only way I found to calm her is to have her right by me, but can't do that when I'm out of the house or have things to work on... fell asleep with kitty on bed for an hour, but kitty mewed and woke me...

the vet didn't really know what it was caused from really hoping kitty is alright and will get better soon
I'm hoping her sister isn't coming down with something as well since she isn't eating much either...
wishes appointments didn't cost so much for kitties... only has enough money for one kitty to go again... hopefully without a ton of charges... but it makes it harder for me to get things done... with being limited on cash until I get another job (job I had is only open during school year so no summer job with it...)

**was told not to give the canned cat food, but what are other things that I could give the kitties that might be softer on their tummies than the hard food
and if any one knows any way to help the kitties feel better, things to do for them that might help, that would be helpful!?
Old Posted 07-09-2011, 03:23 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Taiania Taiania is offline
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Just make sure they have lots of fresh water and comfortable places to sleep. 'hugs' I hope they feel better soon.

Old Posted 07-09-2011, 03:27 AM Reply With Quote  
Kotomi Kotomi is offline
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I got some towels and blankets out for them, they mess them up sometimes... actually only has 2 left at the moment, will have to do some cleaning later today after I sleep and wake up again... so they can have stuff to replace what they mess up
nods and I have plenty of water out for them, but the other problem is I haven't seen them drinking it... maybe the go ninja cat on me and drink while I'm not watching but they haven't been drinking much... yesterday is the first day for that though hopes I find they get something before I get up later in the morning, if I can sleep that is... worried feeling makes it hard to sleep... ...
Old Posted 07-09-2011, 03:48 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Fey Fey is offline
M'kay, good stuff for kitty tummies:
~Unflavoured/vanilla flavoured yogurt
~Canned and/or baby food in pumpkin
~Overcooked white rice
~Scrambled eggs

Start with the yogurt, it'll aid in rebuilding healthy cultures for digestion in their stomach. It's also mildly sweet so they should like it. Move onto the pumpkin, it's got lots of vitamins and proteins so if they're not eating enough it'll help.

Snuggle them often and feel their nose and ears. The ears should be mildly warm to the touch, not hot. The nose should be warm and dry, not wet. If push comes to shove talk to your vet about payments, but get them both in. Also, if you know one might be the 'carrier' maybe separate her/him from the rest until you have their symptoms under control.
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Old Posted 07-09-2011, 09:25 AM Reply With Quote  
Kotomi Kotomi is offline
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thanks Fey, (makes a list of things to get at the store)
luckily my sister's kitty, Leia, seems to be eating again, I had got gummy fur-ball stuff and after giving her some, she must of felt better ate half of the food I left her last night
leia doesn't feel warm like her sister did... (gave her some more today Leia loves them ^-^, however seems Kotomi isn't interested in it...)

Kotomi is feeling about the same as Leia now, not hot, I had her with me for a while last night and cuddled with her for a while, until I found that I fell asleep for an hour and kitty meowed in my ear
when I woke up she was no longer burning up but she was cooler this morning she was also feeling cool and not burning up,

hopefully she doesn't get the fever again, but there is that chance

this morning she was a little anti-social since I had to give her the other half of the pill...

she hasn't touched her food either, it looks like she also barely touched her water, if she even touched it at all... keeping her away from the other kitties, in case the others could get it and to monitor if she is eating or not

hopefully trying what you said will help, thanks
Old Posted 07-09-2011, 10:56 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   gremlin gremlin is offline
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I think you should take her to a second vet for a second opinion, get x-rays if you can afford it, then you can make sure that nothing is wrong inside of her... just to be sure.
My dog began to suddenly vomit every day, then she refused food. We changed her brand of food, she refused, tried cat food and she still refused. She even refused treats and human food. She also excessively drank water. She also became slightly anti-social and spent most of her time on the cold kitchen floor sleeping.

Is your kitten doing any of this?

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Old Posted 07-09-2011, 01:06 PM Reply With Quote  
Kotomi Kotomi is offline
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Neirra: does have fund problems...
vet told me to try to get some chicken for her,is going out in a bit to get some to cook for her
didn't change her food yet or anything
she is nibbling every so often on one or 2 little pieces of food then goes back the the box I set up for her, she is friendly and cuddly in her box but really doesn't want anyone to pick her up, she was like that before but it is a bit worse now since it took around a half an hour to even get her take her medicine without spitting it back out...
she is barely touching her water.. and just wants to cuddle in the box with new fluffy washcloths
Old Posted 07-09-2011, 05:10 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Fey Fey is offline
How old is your kitty? I should have asked this first, as it can tell us what MAY be wrong. Also, is she spayed? up to date on shots? Indoor or outdoor mostly? a catcher of mice? what food do you normally feed her?

I've worked/lived with animals all my life, so I find that getting as much info as I can helps a lot. Also, if you've not given her the chicken yet, hold off. If it's a food issue she might actually be allergic and that's why she's not eating. Most cat foods are chicken based, and if she's not able to digest it that may be why she's avoiding it.
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Old Posted 07-09-2011, 10:40 PM Reply With Quote  
Kotomi Kotomi is offline
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How old is your kitty? 1 year 2 months

is she spayed? just got fixed 3 weeks ago, she might of had a low immune system after that or something

up to date on shots? yes every shot even got kitties tested for leukemia, since they were born outside and the first 2 weeks of their lives they lived outside with their mom...
(neighbor kicked the mother cat out of her house... couldn't take her in our house, since she was afraid of humans...)
shots were done a few months before she was fixed since they couldn't get the girls in until later

Indoor or outdoor mostly? indoor

a catcher of mice? she is a cricket catcher, I don't think she has even met a mouse yet

what food do you normally feed her? Meow Mix original (mostly)
sometimes canned cat food of canned she has had mostly turkey, then chicken, salmon, and beef (beef was least favorite for kitty)

I noticed after getting her the chicken she only would eat a few small slivers of it and then munched on two pieces of the dry food, she drank some water, around 1/4 of the bowl of water while I was down there, so at least she is drinking, I had to break up her food because she was having a hard time chewing, she also ate one of the chewable hairball formula treats, she seemed to like that, but even the soft chewable, she had a hard time trying to chew it until I broke it for her...

her sister Leia luckily seems to be doing a lot better she had also stopped eating but after I gave her the hairball treats she started eating a lot more so wonders if Kotomi may also have an upset tummy from hair... the vet wasn't sure if it was from a hairball or something, they weren't sure
her having a hard time chewing and her keep dropping food like she was, dropped it five times until I broke it up for her, makes me wonder if something else is also wrong...

edit: went to check on her again, she seems to be doing a little better... she would sniff and lick, not eat the chicken and then would lean over and snatch some dry food, did that twice, before she went back to her bed, while I was there
Last edited by Kotomi; 07-10-2011 at 12:03 AM.
Old Posted 07-09-2011, 11:46 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Fey Fey is offline
m'kay, so I don't think she's having a reaction to the spaying, that would have been right after the surgery. It could be hairballs, but usually they'd be making horrible hacking noises to get rid of it, you'd notice.

Just a heads up, the food you're feeding, doesn't matter what they say the flavour is, it's alllllll chicken based. They just flavour it differently. Most cats don't seem to like beef flavour so I'm not surprised she's turned her nose up at it.

I'd say definately give her yogurt and a bit of pumpkin(the giant cans of puree are like two dollars, and the rest can be used to make delicious pumpkin bread for you!). If she's trying to pass hair, or has just an upset system both will help re-set it to normal.

The drinking of water is good, just make sure she isn't drinking and excessive amount(like a full bowl) then having pottying issues. This can be a sign of a bladder or kidney infection.
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Old Posted 07-09-2011, 11:54 PM Reply With Quote  
Ashy Ashy is offline
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although its almost impossible to get outside of australia, boiled kangaroo meat will help most cats stomach problems(smells horrible though) but apparantly you can get the same effect with some venison
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Old Posted 07-10-2011, 12:05 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Fey Fey is offline
actually if you have a specialty market around you can find those, and the reason they're good for the tummy is that they're a non-allergenic protein.
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Old Posted 07-10-2011, 12:17 AM Reply With Quote  
Kotomi Kotomi is offline
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only before the first time she vomited, she made the hacking sounds, I think I was in bed asleep the other times she did it
since it wasn't there before I went to bed but found it after I woke up
she might have a sore throat from that

is going to get yogurt tomorrow, or rather later today since it is 12
but tried the pumpkin thing already, had some of that in the house already... she didn't touch it, her sister only had a few licks of it and after that they'd just sniff it, look up and stare at me then would walk off from it... went out for chicken after that... place I went to didn't have plain yogurt, and bf told me I should get it from walmart
however, since I don't have a car myself and parents were off at grandparents for hours and wouldn't get me till everyone was extremely tired
I could only go to places I could walk to today...
luckily family goes to walmart on sundays hopefully they will still have what I need

okay will watch how much she drinks, though I think the reason she might of been drinking because she didn't like the taste of the pill

uhhh only venison I know of around here would be at my uncle's... not sure if they still have any
they haven't had it for normal meals for a while, so they more likely don't but I guess it won't hurt to ask

the specialty market's around here don't have things like that last few times I went to them they only had a big section of beef and some chicken and turkey...
Old Posted 07-10-2011, 12:37 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Kotomi Kotomi is offline
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Kotomi seemed really happy this morning and sort of was begging for more chicken as she was rolling around on my lap and was meowing at the food bowl
bf after cooking it for me, told me she might be spoiled after this
is hopeful she stays happy like that ^-^ yay chicken ^-^

Leia seemed a little off though so will have to keep an eye on her, didn't give her the medicine like her sister since she didn't go to the vet, but had been giving her the hairball formula treat might have to bring her in to see if she has the same problem her sister had...

also thank you everyone who commented on this, it was very helpful
is going to still get some yogurt since it might help kitties some, and they might find it a yummy treat
Old Posted 07-10-2011, 08:22 AM Reply With Quote  
Ladyduet Ladyduet is offline
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I'd be careful about giving them too much yogurt though considering how old they are. Most cats after one year of age are lactose intolerant so it could make it worse. So if you give them the yogurt watch to make sure they dont get the runs. My moms friend is a vet and told me to warn you of that.
Old Posted 07-14-2011, 03:35 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Fallen Fallen is offline
In addition to Ladyduet's comment, I would be careful about giving them anything concerning sugar at all. Lately I've been visiting the vet because of my own cat's health. During our first visit, my mother and I told one of the assistants –who also works with the animals treated– that we occasionally gave our cats small amounts of milk or melted ice cream as a treat. She told us that wasn't the best idea since "sugar is toxic" to them.
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Last edited by Fallen; 07-14-2011 at 04:47 PM.
Old Posted 07-14-2011, 04:38 PM Reply With Quote  

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