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Echo-chan713 Echo-chan713 is offline
The Lord of Mushrooms
Exclamation Addiction   #1  
There's been a grayscale on what is an addiction? Most shows like interventiion claim over and over that addiction is a disease. South Park has an episode based on what is an addiction.

Here's the full episode based on Addiction: http://www.southparkstudios.com/full...14-bloody-mary

Do you think Addiction is a disease or is it something else? I'll talk to you guys about it, it's not a problem with me I don't have an addiction to anything other than yaoi.

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Old Posted 04-22-2011, 06:49 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Fizzyology Fizzyology is offline
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That's a good question really. It depends on what it is that one is 'addicted' to.

I personally think an addiction is really only a 'disease' if it's harmful to the 'addicted' or anyone else, like when people have literally killed because their stupid WoW account was deleted.

But if it's something like say "I'm addicted to watching movies" it's not hurting someone unless their neglecting themselves or someone else.

It's only a disease if they let it take over their lives.

I'm quite obsessed with games myself, but when oh say Fallout New Vegas decides to crash on me (Often does D: ) I don't go cussing like a sailor and throw the controller at the wall or some other silly thing like that. Sure I get annoyed, but I simply sigh, and either restart the PS3 or go take a break and do something else.

It's mostly the lack of self control that makes an addiction to something dangerous.

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Old Posted 04-22-2011, 08:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Fey Fey is offline
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Well, first we ask Websters to define this(cause I like definitions, but some people don't so I hid 'em)

Then a handy one by dictionary.com

If we're talking about the first then no, it's not a disease. The same thing goes when someone say 'Oh, I'm addicted to [insert activity, action or object] they probably don't mean that they're truely addicted by the other definitions. It's not compulsive and they have no control over it.

However, if it's a compulsion that they can't control, yeah that's bad. A disease? I dunno, really, I mean, I firmly beleive that if you want to stop something you can. Will it suck? Probably. I was addicted to caffeine, the actual compulsive, psychologically damaging, etc version of addiction. I beat that addiction and it sucked. Do I think I had a disease? No, just a problem.

I will admit, I sometimes think people use the 'disease' card to get out of being held responsible for how they acted or behaved. I know that not everyone can beat an addiction on their own, and I fully support people that fight to curb one, but I'm not going to give them the easy out of 'oh you're [sick]'.
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Old Posted 04-22-2011, 08:56 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Yoshiya Yoshiya is offline
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I don't think addiction is a disease, it's more of a habit.
In your case it seems more like an interest/hobby. xD
Old Posted 04-22-2011, 08:59 PM Reply With Quote  
Echo-chan713 Echo-chan713 is offline
The Lord of Mushrooms
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In my psychology class in both college and High School kept saying that addiction is a disease, I fought tooth and nail over it . I had to stand myself up everytime when it's brough up saying that to me addiction is a form of habit you created, lets say cocaine.

When you first take cocain,e it was the best high; then when you take it more and more like a habit, then your body starts to become dependent on that drug so your body is telling your mind "I need this." And you can get off of it, it'll be hard, but it can happen when you put the time and effort to it.

The only time when I call something a disease is when you already had it in you before you take it, like a biological disease such as sickle cell anemia.

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Old Posted 04-22-2011, 10:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Echo-chan713 Echo-chan713 is offline
The Lord of Mushrooms
I would like everyone else's opinions PLEASE

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Old Posted 05-03-2011, 08:34 PM Reply With Quote  
princeofrose princeofrose is offline
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I think an addiction becomes a "disease" when it takes over ones life completely and they can't stop thinking about it and suffer from such powerful urges to do whatever they are doing that they never leave the house, forget to eat and drink water. When it becomes THAT Much of an addiction I think it should be classified as a disease.

Edit: However its not a disease like physically like with your health. More like a mental addiction where you can't stop thinking about it and constantly need to have it, like a drug-but it can be from things to jacking off while watching porn to stuffing your face with food and constantly eating.
Old Posted 05-03-2011, 11:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   CupcakeDolly CupcakeDolly is offline
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I took a cue from Fey and decided to ask dear old Webster about a "disease":

1: obsolete : trouble
2: a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms : sickness, malady
3: a harmful development (as in a social institution)
— disĀ·eased

The third definition seems to most support people's idea of addiction being a disease. However, I'm of the belief that people are born with an addictive personality rather than a particular addiction - the idea of anyone being born specifically with an addiction to alcohol or drugs seems absurd to me. An addiction is really something that you develop because you enjoy the effect of whatever you're using. When I used to drink liquor or get high on cough syrup, I didn't do it because they tasted yummy - because they certainly did NOT - I did it because it made me feel like I was on a constant roller coaster ride. The habit formed from using these things over and over is not a disease; it's a habit. It's not something that's infected you, it's something that you've done to yourself. Even people who are born with addictive personalities are also born with the ability to step away early on before their habits become harmful.
Old Posted 05-03-2011, 11:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Calendros Calendros is offline
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I don't necessarily think an addiction is a disease so much as a mental state of mind. If your brain "thinks" you need something, it tells your body it needs it. I would classify it more as a disorder, but not a disease. A disease I think would imply that it is an infection in your body that needs to be purged. An addiction is (usually) a self inflicted dependancy on something. I can't say I've been addicted to anything in my life, but I do know a fair share of people who've had problems. My uncle was an alcoholic, so you could say he was addicted to drinking. When he had a heart attack at 35, he realized he needed to stop, and fast, and with that mentality curbed the addiction and now lives an (almost) alcohol free life, drinking only socially, one or two drinks at gatherings. I think it'd be safer to say if an addiction was a disease it could not be cured without medication, and many people can throw addictions without medicine or aid, just sheer will power.
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Old Posted 05-12-2011, 10:55 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Sarah Sarah is offline
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I don't think there is a thing such as addiction, people choose their own actions. umm, perhaps being addictingly attached to someone, like how I am with my boyfriend. I know i have had a bad habbit of biting my nails since i was little little bitty, so have tryed to stop. it's very hard. I use to bite them down to the nub, now i just kinda chew on them but don't bite them off really but end up kinda picking some off a tad bit. >.< They look very great compared to before though.. I don't think i'm doing as great as i was before though. I need to start trying to polish my nails. they will look pretty...so it will make me less tempted and make me say, no to myself..

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Old Posted 05-18-2011, 01:51 AM Reply With Quote  
Batty Batty is offline
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My honest opinion? Addiction isn't REALLY a disease. I used to watch intervention ALL the time. People CHOOSE to be addicted to whatever it is they're addicted to. They weren't born with a crack spoon in their hand, a bottle of vodka, etc etc.

As Mitch Hedberg once joked about. xD;

"Alcoholism is a disease, but it's the only one you can get yelled at for having. Goddamn it Otto, you are an alcoholic! Goddamn it Otto, you have Lupus! One of those two doesn't sound right. "
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Old Posted 05-19-2011, 11:42 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   regine regine is offline
I think addiction is a disease.. Im addicted in some avatar sites and gambling in games and in real life... I dunno but my father is also addicted in gambling... >.< maybe i get this from him..
Old Posted 05-20-2011, 04:46 AM Reply With Quote  
Sunako Sunako is offline
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It varies on what the addiction is.

If, it doesn't harm others or yourself then it probably wouldn't be a disease, but if wrecks ones life then yeah it would be a disease. And, a horrible one at that too.

For example addiction coffee or junk food wouldn't be a disease I don't think, but addiction to illegal substances would be a disease or atleast it has become a disease.
Old Posted 05-20-2011, 08:23 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Nanka Nanka is offline
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As somebody who suffers from addiction and is in recovery from drug addiction, yes I would say it is a disease.

Not everyone is born with cancer, but they can still get it from life experiences. When you suffer from a drug addiction, it completely takes over your mind, body, and soul. To chase that high that you can never get again is hard to deal with when you will never get better. Getting into recovery, now that is a different story. Once you find that hope, you made the decision to go back out again.
Old Posted 05-20-2011, 02:32 PM Reply With Quote  
MissiePanda MissiePanda is offline
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I grew up with an alcoholic mom and a crackhead dad. Seeing what they went through, yes, I honestly believe it is an addiction. If you honestly, 100%, TRULY ADDICTED. Not that "oh I'm so addicted to pocky teehee~" kinda thing. If it's hurting you, your life, and the ones around you- you're addicted and yes, it is a disease. It's something you generally need help with- whether it's counseling, physical therapy, medicine, etc. I don't think alcohol and drugs are the only true addictions, though. If you're so addicted to video games you're neglecting your life, your friends, your family, your priorities then it is still harming you.

But me, for example, being addicted to pandas is just something I joke about. It isn't harming me and those around me (just my FINANCES) so I wouldn't consider that a disease.
Old Posted 05-22-2011, 11:10 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Kotomi Kotomi is offline
Hakuna matata
I don't consider it a disease
It is out of habit or if the stuff they use has anything that causes it addicting
however, originally I think it was used so people could have an excuse for it
as well as try to get help
hmm from the definitions posted though I can see where people are coming from saying it is a disease
with it making life conditions worse, so there are the actual diseases that we can't control and the man-made ones that some don't want to control and instead of changing life styles they claim it is the disease making it... which to some people, is just an excuse not to change...
there could be other reasons mental state of mind and something that is in it making it addicting maybe even plain laziness to do anything to make changes

still doesn't consider it a disease however, some diseases could be causing it,
sometimes things aren't noticed by people/doctors, I know someone who had an organ that ruptured and it wasn't found for 2 years and people thought it was other reasons until the person was opened up... luckily he lived
Old Posted 06-02-2011, 07:36 AM Reply With Quote  

addiction, echo, life

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