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Default Alter (S)aints Rose & Mizzy -- (m)   #1  
The cell was cold which was the only blessing they had afforded her. She curled back away from the only entrance staring with blank eyes at the steel bars of her cell. She hadn't slept in days. Not knowing if it was night or day, or even if days had actually passed. For all she knew it could have been weeks... Time seemed utterly still in this place. Where ever this place was. She was healing slowly... There was to much cement between her and the real ground she was longing for a connection. Whoever these idiots were they knew far to much about her.

She hadn't told anyone, recently, what she was. She was good at playing human. It was the only way t survive most of the time. Death followed those that were different... or powerful. If someone saw her as a threat she would've been dead by now... So what could they want? She hadn't seen any of their faces. All covered cleverly by magic whenever they give her food or water. And the pawns that come to get her to take her to the restroom, or the "lab" are all to brain dead to speak, or maybe that to was magic.

She took a deep breathe and started to count backwards again. Panic attack right on the border of her mind. She needed to think of something less. She closed her eyes and thought of a beautiful meadow. Lush grass on either sides of a stone path that twisted and turned down to the lake. Flowers in full bloom. The sweet scents of nature dancing about in her mind.

700.... 687.... 674.... 661.... and the panic stopped.

It wasn't the counting. It was the image so fresh in her mind that she could feel the pure power radiating from her vision. Her mind trying to reach out to the things that keep her grounded and safe. Pulling something to her that could never be taken away. The only thing she had that kept her sane, and she would never tell them what it was. Never.

Footsteps. Far end of the hall. Before the two double sealed doors, and the guarded check point. This place was more then a prison, but even though she knew as much as she did she couldn't figure out what they wanted. Were the footsteps for her, or was she not alone...? Her eyes still closed she waited. It took four minutes to pass go. Each door then took two minutes each, the walk between them took another four minute, and the final walk to her cell was another three minutes. Fifteen minutes before she would see a faceless man or woman that would take her to the restroom and then drug her, and she would wake up here. Again. All of this was an instant thought. She had timed it until she know for sure how long she had. She had always heard other people in this room with her, but they never responded. Yet every time she woke up... she tried again. She had to.

Curled into a ball at the back of her cell she knew her voice would still ring load in this horrid place, but not loud enough to be overheard from outside. The steps started again heading to the first door. Time was wasting. She tried her voice for the first time since she awoke. Her throat refused to make a sound. She tried once more, and then again. Praying for sound. On the forth try words came from her throat.

"Hello....? Please, if there's someone there... I just want to know I'm not alone..." She hated feeling so helpless. She hated more that she let it sound in her voice. She refused the tears that started to burn at her eyes.

The steps stopped at the second door. Not a sound from the room. Not an increase in a heart beat. Not an increase of breath. She couldn't understand why.... Unless it was her captures playing with her more. She forced her mind to try to recall something from while she was drugged. She always assumed she was awake because of the way her body felt, but she couldn't know of sure. I was all a blank slate. Black and uninviting.

Her heart broke when the final door opened. She heard the creek as it began to swing back and the loud BANG when it hit the wall. Clicks of heels on the ground told her it was a female this time. Couldn't even be a cross-dresser the sound would be different. It was light and crisp. And familiar. She was visited often but whoever this was, and at the memories her stomach gave a violent twist. She pulled her knees closer to her, and prayed that just this once the woman wouldn't come to her. That she would come for someone else. Proving she was not alone, and giving her time to calm herself.

She broke down. Tears falling silently from her eyes as the steps got closer and closer. The steel bars blurred in her vision and she tried to reclaim her peace. The lush grass and open water calling to her... but it was tarnished. The grass was brown and begging for water. The flowers wilted with their colors dulled. The water polluted and nasty. The stone walk cracked and in pieces. Her last paradise... destroyed.

Pain wrenched in her chest and she stood waiting for Bitch No. 1 to show herself. She gave up trying to fight them. All of them seemed to be overly strong... to strong for humans... and this had worried her, once. Now the pain was to much. Her hurt was to deep... She knew that it wasn't even real but that fact that that place was destroyed in her mind... it was an unspeakable offense. If someone had the ability to take her mind from her how would she ever escape....

Just as she thought.... The footsteps stopped in front of her.
"Oh, on your feet to fight today are you?" the smirk on her face could be heard in her words even though she was, as always, faceless.

"Spare me your pleasure, and lets get this over with..." Alice said.

She walked out of the cell and down the hall. Slow but steady and without the help of anyone. Her head held high, and no evidence of tears in her eyes or on her face. She was emotionless. Hardened to protect the value of herself. They would not win this.

Those fifteen minutes back went faster then the wait for the footsteps to come to her. She turned the corner after the check point. Clearly able to pass go on her own as long as she was headed in the right way. All the people she saw there were faceless... and motionless. Like Robots... It was unnerving.

She walked straight to the restroom took her time and washed her face. She looked as she should for someone being held against their will with little food and little water. The harsh light did little to make it better.

Bags under her chaotic green eyes. Greasy reddish-brown hair that would have had a slight wave, or even some curls on a good day. Cracked lips from lack of water, and an all to skinny face. Her Pale skin adding an eerie look to her. Like she were once dead and then brought back, but was fighting with the thought of life. She looked worse very second she looked in that mirror.

She was not unsupervised at all, of course, since she was a captive. Oh the hell that they would pay if she ever found a way out... They couldn't even think of what would happen to them... but she could.

She smiled lightly thinking of ways to kill them slowly. Taking days to end their suffering... Maybe she would keep them alive longer then that. Because she knew, without a doubt, that she would get out of here, and she knew that she would kill them for what they had done.

The woman must have seen the smile and took it the wrong way because just as that last thought ran through her mind Alice felt the needle pierce her skin. The drug took effect in seconds and she fell back against the woman.

"I knew water was your element... they never listen to me... how are we suppose to keep you alive if the one thing everyone needs makes your stronger?!" her voice snapped, harsh and angry. Like it was Alice in the wrong. She sighed heavily and spoke again "Lets just get this over with..."

The drugs were making things time skip. She noticed she was strapped to a table, face down. It wasn't as uncomfortable as it should have been. She felt something on her back as well as murmurs from behind her. A quick slice of pain that the drugs covered and turned to pleasure. Her mind screaming something was wrong. Metal clanking was heard behind her interrupting her thoughts. The voices got louder.

"She can't deal with much more of this today... Why do you always push her so far? Why is she so special?" It was the female again. Her mind told her, but she didn't care. She didn't even care what they said. She wanted to go back to her thoughts...

"She heals faster then the rest. Since we have to give her water. She is my pet project, and I won't let anyone take her from me, and I sure as hell won't let her go." She couldn't tell if it was a man or not but the possessive nature sent off the alarm bells in her mind... until the drugs turn the bells into Mozart... What the hell was going on.... Darkness claimed her.

Something cold was placed against her face and the sensation was amazing. She slept deeply lying on the cement floor of her cell, and dreamed of knives and metal gears, and a beautiful garden far way... With lush grass and a glorious lake.....

She woke with a start her mind buzzing about. She was in the cell. Again....
Old Posted 05-04-2013, 09:25 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Being different meant you had to hide. Otherwise they took you. He had watched it all of his life those who went against the will of the humans. They were human too.. just different. That was what his elder brother always told him. Till.. that day. The day they came for him. His brother was in the military and was well trained at that. His cause of death was written as an accident or rather that he was killed by his younger sibling who was still at large.

He did not kill his brother, his sibling was murdered in cold blood as thy tried to drag him from the house at a young age. The look of betrayal on his brother's face as someone he knew shot him down just to take his little brother was one he never would forget. That day was one of the largest earthquakes in that area ever to be recorded. It was their fault.

Over the years this was forgotten about and Caim had enough of it. He was tired of hiding, he had been running for years and cowering that the humans would find him out. He had had enough! He didn't snap yet he had heard stories of those with too much power snapping and going on some rampage and having to be killed. No he was in control and the nature around this polluted city was about to remind it who was in charge. He stood there atop a hillside as the wind blew lightly and the rustle of the trees gave away far more then just the wind. No the trees rustled more then the wind should make them.

With good cause too as the roots and limbs were slowly moving and growing towards the city, twisting and turning into the buildings before destroying what they managed to connect to. This as well as the ground shaking a little and where there was pure earth it seemed to work in favor of the trees and plants taking the small city over.

Maybe he was proposing a challenge as he stood there with his choppy cut brown hair resting as the wind seemed to die. His forest green eyes scanning everything as the normal humans screamed and tried to flee. How did they like being hunted? They didn't, no one did.

Though this little out burst did not last for long as it seemed the humans had pets of his 'kind' as they put it. Ones that were at their command and stopped his growth. This lead him to fleeing once more only to be found cornered. Seemed they had been tracking him for some time now. They were waiting for him to make himself known again as he found himself cut off from any nature sources in this steel box.

Narrowed eyes watching the pleased male standing there like he had caught some prized animal. "You have avoided us for quite some time..." That was the last thing he remembered before a prick was felt from a small dart and he was out cold.

Though this dart wore off sooner or later as he came to about the time they were dragging him through a set of doors. This place.. it had a feeling to it a aura it was all but cut off from the elements and it made his mind screamed that he needed to fight. He did just that too as he managed to force one of the two carrying his once still body against a wall.

"Restrain him!" Was the barked order from the man who had so proudly stood there in front of that cage from before. Another quick prick seemed to somewhat calm the struggle though he still tried to fight. After a moment or two longer he was in a cell panting as he tried to stand but found himself unable at the moment. "Lets see how long you can keep that spirit up hrm?" Was said before a laugh afterwards as the group walked from the cell.

The door shutting as Caim sat there a moment before lashing a foot out towards the barred door causing a noise to ring out in the sudden silence. This was not his plan but then again maybe he asked for it. None the less he was not going rot here. No he was going to get out and level this damned place. He had leveled a smaller set up like this when he found it before. What was another one. Though this one did seem a bit more organized.
Old Posted 05-04-2013, 10:04 PM Reply With Quote  
Mizeria Mizeria is offline
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Default   #3  
The noise rang clear taking her from her thoughts. She got her hopes up. Someone else maybe? Thats never happened before. She tried not to jump at the chance to talk to someone else. Someone like her. She thought back to what happened... but could only remember the mirror in the rest room and the smirk on her lips.

Panic hit her in such a wave there was nothing she could do. She started to shake. Tears fell from her eyes. Silent sobs left her as she lay there helpless and in pain. Each movement hurt her more. She had to find a way to get out. She couldn't last here anymore... She wished for him... and then wished she hadn't. He had died so many years ago leaving her alone....

Her mind froze on his face, or really just those eyes. She fell into them any time she looked at them. Chocolate brown. Deep and loving. He was her protector... and he had died because of her. She tried to bring herself out of these thoughts. She focused on the panic, but that didn't work. Even with everything the guilt rang true. Panic attacks taking away the past? No way. Just increases the memories ten fold.

Twenty minutes later she lay still. Heart rate back to normal levels. Tears dried on her face. Wounds still fresh and hurting. She took a deep breath and forced herself to move. She stood on her crappy sneakers. Ripped and torn from over use. She was in an oversize white t-shirt and shorts. She couldn't figure out why they had changed her clothes when she first got here... but that was so long ago she couldn't remember what she had been wearing before.

She walked to the bars and looked down the hall. Hers was the very last cell on the left if you were walking towards her end of the hall. The cell across from her was empty. She reached for her voice again praying for some noise. Any courage she could grasp right now would be the best.

"Is someone there? I heard a noise.... Please. If you're there just answer me." Her voice was nearly begging for it to be true. That she was not condemned to this living hell alone anymore. She didn't think she had any tears left to spare but she surprised herself once more. Silent tears slipped down her face. "Please..."
Old Posted 05-04-2013, 11:02 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
His head was killing him as he laid there. Nothing here was natural. Nothing! his mind screamed get out reach focus anything. He breathed out before he heard a voice. Sitting up he questioned if he heard it though it spoke again begging for someone to answer her almost.

Over the years he had not seen too many of his 'kind'. He knew she as one, why else keep her here let alone parted from all natural elements. He laughed slightly at the idea of it. "Not the last then.." He said slightly amused. "It's been a few years when I last heard of any with powers."

Though this was when the doors opened and a pair came in before stopping at the cell they had him in. Though he faked that the drug from before was in effect as one of them entered the cell holding a needle. This backfired quickly as the man was suddenly slammed into the wall and the needle jabbed into him. The other with him pulling him from the cell as the door was slammed and the lock in place before he could get to the door.

"Bastards! You better run, go run back to to your master and tell him I'll get revenge damn it!" He hissed at them as another came through the doors and helped the other carry the man who seemed to be out of it from the needle.

He knew he was making things harder on himself but he was not going to give up so easily. He could hold out for a while. It was the waiting game it seemed. Though now it was back to the silence. Ah yes the silence. He needed to stop wasting energy so he could try to free himself of this place.. hrm and the company he seemed to have.
Old Posted 05-04-2013, 11:26 PM Reply With Quote  
Mizeria Mizeria is offline
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Default   #5  
The angry voice was a surprise to Alice. She hadn't expected it and stepped back away from the bars. No one was ever in here before. He still had some fight left in him. They hadn't broken him yet. This was good, but this also meant he was brand new to this place. Soon enough they would fine a way to break him. Soon enough the good doctor would have another person to test.

Hope swelled in her. She wasn't alone happiness was over whelming. She stepped back up to the bars to see if she could see him. She looked again at the cells. Two over across the way she saw a boy. Face unhidden by magic. Even in the dull light he wasn't hard on the eyes. The fight in him shown right through his green eyes. Pure hate, and that was all he needed to survive a good while in this place. This made her smirk just a little. Hate is all she ever had.

"You're the first person I've ever seen here that wasn't one of them. I almost can't believe my eyes. It must be some trick...." Her shock was evident in her voice.

She was weak, wounded from all the time she has been here. Her body couldn't deal with it very well. Fire, currents, heat, etc. Most of it just drain her energy as she would force herself to heal in order to look normal, but with nothing to spare in this place... she was never at her full potential... Unless they would heal her back to full health..... They didn't seem like the type to care if she lived or died.

Alice looked away from him. Turning her back to the bars. Tears ran down her face. She hated this. The uncertainty. How was she ever going to trust him. No matter what he said or did. He could be the enemy. Her hair fell silently in front of her face. Her shoulders started to shake with the silent sobs. It was getting hard for her to breathe. She wished for the first time in her life to die, and knew in her heart if she spent to many more days here she would have that wish fulfilled.

What was she gonna do...

Her reddish-brown hair needed washing but just the same it held its half wavy half curly look as it always had, and it was still mostly covering her face. She had a nice cut when it was styled right but she was sure she looked like hell so why even bother thinking about her looks. When she turned back to the boy her bright green eyes were piercing in cold dim room and staring straight at the boy. She tried not to show how weak she was. How hurt she was... She was healing herself as much as she could, but she knew she would still look weak when the next person came to get her for more tests.

And as if on cue footsteps entered the hall. Heels. Why was it always heels that came for her.
Her pace was faster then normal as she hurried to the cell. Alice was waiting to see the faceless woman. Waiting for a chance to get more water....

_.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._ (ENTER TIME SKIPY THINGY TO THE PAST!)

"Welcome to Alter (S)aints!" A womans cheery voice called out as he walked through the door. "Did you have an appointment with us today?"

He looked at her and quickly rethought why he was here. He didn't want to work here... He didn't need the money. He needed to find someone... This was the only way. His eyes looked right through her. She wouldn't know anything about this company. She was just the idiot who answered the phone and greeted the new employees.

"Yes, I'm supposed to be starting today. My name is Riley Kian." He smile as best he could... but he was so angry that he was sure it showed. The woman looked down at her paperwork.

"Yep! Right here, Alright we just need to get a few things in order and then I can send you to the next step. Maybe we'll even get to work together sometime." She smiled sweetly ignoring the anger in his deep sapphire eyes and handed him a folder and a pen. "When you're done please come back up and talk to me."

The paperwork was a bunch of bull. Jumping through hoops to get in the back doors. He was posing as a human... Maybe that wouldn't be good enough to get him where he needed to go, but first thing first was just getting in the doors. His little brother was in there somewhere... and he better be alive.

Paperwork finished he returned to the desk. She didn't even look in the folder she just hit a button on the desk and said "You take that with you, I'm not allowed to see the personal files. You're going to room..." she looked at her paper again and clicked her tongue "...A-148. Have a good one." It couldn't have been more of a show unless she popped gum afterward. Maybe they already knew who he was... He nodded his head to her once and walked through the doors.

Thanking people could get you in a lot of trouble if it was the wrong person. The rooms were not in any order at all. What was this place a joke? It went from X-3 to H-9030... How was he ever going to find A-148? He walked around for what seemed like hours until he found the little room.

Pushing open the door he said "Hello?" and noticed that there was only one person in a lab coat sitting behind a table, and as soon as he walked in the man smirked.

"Good of you to join me.... Riley... or should I say Daemon? Which do you prefer these days?"

"The names Riley sir. I was sent here because I'm looking to be hired. I'm not sure who you think I am.. but I've never met a Daemon in my life."

"Sir? Are you military son? Is that who sent you here for a job?" His eyes calculating everything that was just said trying to find the truth.

"Sir, YesSir."

"Hm.. That almost explains it. We don't normally get new people looking for jobs unless we go out and find them ourselves. Give me your file. We thought you might be someone else.. If everything is in order we'll how you say "Read you in" on the job you'll have here."

Riley walked over to the man and handed him the file, and then stood waiting to see what would happen next. The man took his time looking through every single detail. Trying to prove he had been right. When he was done he looked up and sighed.

"Guess you're in the free and clear. So what do you know about us kid?" he said taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes.

"Not much of anything. I'm not sure why the military would send me here. Said you needed someone that could handle ruff problems and keep a cool head if things went south. Other then that I'm in the dark Sir."

"We here at Alter (S)aints, welcome you to our loving family. We are also called A-(S)aints or just (S)aints. We are running lots of.... tests. On different things. Trying to improve life for humans. We may need help with the tests which is where someone like you would come in. With more dangerous tests we would need people capable of keeping things calm so we can get things done without anything bad happening. People like you save lives on and off the battle field. If you choose to accept this job, and I do hope you will, we will pair you with a lab assistant and over time you will be moved up through our experiments. For starters we'll start you on one of the safer things... Until we are sure you can handle yourself around our higher level threats. So, are you willing to become a member of Alter (S)aints?"

"Yes Sir. That's why I'm here." His eyes didn't show how ready he was to kill this man already. He would surely die before Riley left this place for good... As soon as he found his brother...

"Amazing. So we will partner you with... Meiko. She works for Dr. Breon. Anything you see here is Top Secret. I hope you know how to keep your mouth shut. You'll be living in one of our homes...." He pulled out a different folder from the case he had hidden on the floor by his feet. "...Here is all the information on everything you need to know. There are contact numbers if you need to ask questions... Oh! and here's your card to get in and your numbers."

Riley took the folder and the two cards he was being handed.

"The numbers on that card are VERY important. Remember them...." Riley looked down at the numbers. {30/30-0.0 (A-148o2o9)}

"...They will change every time you are able to get into a different area. But only the 0.0. The first number is your starting code. Meaning where you were first hired. It will always remain that 30. The second is your current location. Hence the second 30. The [0.0] is your access level. It will get higher depending on what level of danger we think you can handle, and if we think you can hold your tongue. The levels start at [0.0] and go to [15.0] When your level goes up your access to the outside goes down. I'm Top Level clearance, but I can't leave the building without a few people with me and then a few more tailing us. I'm to much of a liability. Needless to say I don't get out much. Finally the last number is your own I.D. Number. It will never change. And there will not be anyone else with your code. Its not just numbers as you can see. You will in that set of numbers to get in and your I.D. Picture card as well. Meiko will get you settled into your new place..." As he finished his sentence the door opened and a girl walked in. Long black hair, icy blue eyes, model like body, and a smile that could send any man to their knees. "...Ah Meiko, perfect timing as always." She was dressed in street clothes. Tight jeans, a designer shirt, high heels, and accessories to match. Riley couldn't help but smirk.

"Pay must be pretty good... I'm Riley Kian its a pleasure to meet you miss." He held out his hand like a good boy. He wasn't interested in the least, but it didn't hurt to put on a show...
Last edited by Mizeria; 05-05-2013 at 12:03 AM.
Old Posted 05-04-2013, 11:50 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Caim did have fight in him. He always would. These humans always killing things that were different or that scared them. Most with powers didn't harm anyone. But time and time again he saw the humans kill off those who showed they had powers. Even the ones who gave up willingly. He hated it.

After the doors were shut he kicked the barred door again and breathed out sharply in frustration at the fact he knew he was stuck here. He needed to focus.. if he could get to the earth. just a little bit he could get out of here. A small quake he could break the floor and get access to more of the element he needed. This place would crumble and then he could get out.

The girl at the end, she seemed to need to get out more. He could tell she had been here some time. No idea what her element was but it hardly mattered. He wouldn't leave her here. No ... these humans would just take her somewhere else knowing them. They couldn't take the hint to leave well enough alone.

He tried for hours to break the door down or to focus enough energy to find some of his element but he finally gave up after a moment as he sighed heavily. "Damn .. what did you get yourself into here.." He half laughed at the thought he was talking to himself. The girl had been quiet from the time that the two had come and tried to give him a needle. They would have to do a better job next time.

This place drained him. Nothing was here it was all cold metal. He had to get out of here. He'd die here if he stayed too long. He couldn't die here. Not till he got revenge. His brother died in cold blood and because of him. He was going to make the guy who ordered that pay. His brother was a good man, a solider and loyal. Willing to put his life down for this land. Yet they killed him for trying to protect his family.

Resting his head against the wall he lazily slammed a fist against it. He asked for this. He knew they were on to him and tracking him yet he half way leveled a city with plants. He knew better but he lost it wanting to see the humans having a taste of the fear he lived with. Maybe he was losing it. The grasp on what it was to be human.
Old Posted 05-05-2013, 12:45 AM Reply With Quote  
Mizeria Mizeria is offline
It's over 9000!
Default   #7  
Instead the steps slowed before her cage. Stopping in front of the boys.

"You know they have been looking for you a long time. Why did you give up so easily?" Amusement filled her voice. Before he could reply she turned from him and walked to the last cage.

"Alice, don't you like having a little friend with you?" She was having to much fun with this torture. Alice wouldn't reply to that. In fact she didn't move. She just sat against the back wall staring out blankly. She was hoping she would look half dead to get the woman worried. "You don't want to talk today? Fine. Doc wants you. Get up."

Alice didn't move. Her breathing was slow so it looked like she might not be breathing at all. She wanted to make them do something stupid. Like... get water to make sure she heals so she's still alive. The woman unlocked the door. "Alice? Alice get up." Her voice was panicked but still Alice didn't move. She had never heard them use her name so much. These stupid faceless people... "Code 2!" She screamed into a phone she pulled out of her pocket. Two men ran down the hall carrying something and soon appeared in the doorway behind the faceless woman.

"Give me that!" she snapped at them and grabbed the bucket of water. There guys are really efficient ain't they? Having a number to get water to a cell. Alice had to stop herself from laughing let alone anything other sign of life.

She felt cold water fall over her body. She controlled the healing so not of it showed. Inside she was getting stronger the healing going full force but on the outside she looked the same. Her breathing was not increasing. The woman panicked.

"Why aren't you healing you stupid girl!" She shrieked bending down and grabbing Alice's shoulders shaking her a little. When there still was no response she turned to the men behind her. "More water. Now. The doctor will kill me if she dies..."

Couple of minutes later Alice had another bucket of water dropped over her head. Her body fully healed she worked on her outer appearance. For the first time since she got here she could feel the ground below here. The real ground. Not the cement. And she was getting the fuck outta here.

'A huge root smashed through the ground and then through her bars, and then through his. She did what she could for him. To repay the kindness he didn't even know he had done. She knew her way around a good part of this floor... or she could just try to break up and out.... If she ran into anyone she would just end up back here.....' and that's where she stopped. The plan was to flawed. She needed to rethink all of this. She slowed down her thought process. She needed to still look weak. She coughed a little and started breathing a little more. The woman gave a sigh of relief.

She held unto the act of pretending to be weak. When her body was willing to go through hell to see the light of day again. It was the chick... Alice's eyes became wild. Humans were so... breakable.

"You saved me." Alice's voice was softer than velvet. The woman stood and backed away quickly.

"Shoot her! Knock her out!" more panic. This woman really needed a nice long vacation. Before the men got any shots off Alice summoned roots from the ground. They made a wall between her and the men. Trapping the woman without a way out.

"How did you do that?! They said you could only heal. They said no Earth users could reach out to the ground. What are you?"

"Shhhhh. Darlin' you panic to much. After all this time you never knew what you were holding. After all this time a quick death.. that is just to good for you." There was an animal look in her eyes and a smirk on her lips.

The woman pulled out the needle case she had. The one she used when she needed to knock out one of people she needed to take to the doc. As if that would save her. Alice knew she didn't have time to waste. Sadly it would have to be a quick end. With a sigh Alice waved her hand dismissively at the faceless woman and a root shoot right through her heart. Not a sound came from her she just slumped down as the life drained from her. The roots parted as Alice walked toward them and they shot through the men at the entrance of her cage. She was getting out, and no one that got in her way would ever see the light of day again. As she passed the boys cage she pulled the bars off with some roots and continued on her way. Not knowing if he could be trusted she didn't say a word to him. If he was one of her kind she wouldn't let him rot in here. So she took the chance. The chance that they were stupid enough to put another in the same area as her....

Her eyes shining purely predator as she headed to the door. She took the closest badge and walked through the door. Forgetting herself then in what was the happiest day of her life. She was finally almost free.

_.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._ (ENTER ANOTHER PAST TIME SKIPY THINGY)

"So why did you want to join Alter (S)aints Riley?" her voice was pleasant but didn't have the seductive effect she had wanted.

"Trust me, you don't want to know about my life. Don't ask. I'm here now. It's just a job."

"Just a job..." she said it with air quotes and a confusing look. "It's a top secret job. One that has ties with every government system out there. We have so many buildings in so many countries... Just a job doesn't cut it."

"Look, just show me to my room. I'm not in the mood to open up to a stranger. I was told to come here so I did. End of story."

"Oh? So your a good little dog that follows orders?" she waited for a response. Waited for the rage... but nothing happened.

"A better one then you. Which is saying a lot. Now, I'd like to get to my place before I get my first assignment. It's been a long trip. A nap would be nice." He kept the anger at bay and waited. She began to walk away from him and he pictured ripping her head from her body. God this was not a good start to the day.

He was brought to the housing complex right across the street from the building he had entered before, but he got there via underground tunnel. This place had way to much money, and way to much influence. Every country? She had to be kidding. No top secret company would work with every government. It was bad business.

"Number 13, We need you for training tomorrow morning at 6am. Don't be late. Walk back through the tunnel take a right at the end and walk till you find Room - 01" She turned and gave a huff. Seems she was hoping to have some fun with him. Oh well, he wasn't interested.

He set his stuff down and knew the second he walked in the place was bugged. Mics and cameras everywhere. God this was hell....

- enter time skip back to present -

Alarms were going off everywhere. Everyone was running around like crazy. It was a max security break out. Riley had been here three years and had only just been bumped to 14.0. This was insane. He was about ready to blow it all and break out anyone he could... He still had no word on his brother. He was beginning to give up hope.

"Yo, Riley?! We need help! Someone just bumped you to 15. Lucky you. Lets go." His higher up, and the one guy that he liked in the whole place motioned for him to come over.

Without thinking he rushed to the group of men waiting in the wings.

"Group Alpha already went down there. The higher ups think that they won't survive. Got me wishing I was a lower level..." He smirked. "Not scared are you Riley?"

"No sir, not scared. What kinda monsters we dealing with?"

"Cut the sir crap already Riley. I've told you enough, the name is Adam. Monsters? Yeah, well the only two in the area down stairs right now are a freakin' psycho girl. She doesn't seem to care much if she lives or dies. And the second... well we don't know much about yet. Doc didn't get to see him yet..." the man tried not to show everyone how worried he was... but he was pretty spooked.

"You scared of a girl Sir?" Riley ignored the request to use his name, again. He would not care enough about anyone here to use there names. He was here for his brother. Nothing else.
Old Posted 05-05-2013, 03:54 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Caim rolled his eyes a little as the woman spoke to him. Yeah yeah long time. He was sure they had. He had been on the run and laying low for years. It was all he could do after all. Avoid using your powers unless you wanted to lose it. Lack of interaction made you lose it to your powers. They could take over and he had seen another earth user turn into a tree once. Not a pretty sight as he could not turn back becoming one once more with the power he ha controlled.

He'd rather walk and talk and be able to have the chance on revenge. To teach these humans a lesson. Though it seemed the woman had other plans then to stand there and taunt him. Give up easily.. He had taken out a city before they caught him and that was because he wasn't watching himself. Think about if he had been trying. He kept his tongue tied as she walked off. Waste of energy and breath.

Though it seemed that the other in here was not doing well. He was going to end up like her wasn't he? Within moments there were more staff that rushed in with water buckets. Hrm a water user was it? That was rare. They were known for their healing and were hard to kill. Probably why she was still alive after who knew how long she had been here.

They kept bringing bucket after bucket. He was amused. He sat there to see what was going to take place out of all of this. Surely they were not that stupid. Oh but it seemed they were. Feeding a user its element no matter how beat up they were... surely they knew what she was doing. What game she played at. Maybe they knew too late.

After a moment or two roots seemed to burst and rip through the floor like nothing and the bars on both cells. He sat up a bit more shocked at this. He had tried everything to call roots or earth to him. What was going on? She was a water user so this wasn't something he knew of as normal. Either way he wasn't about to question things. Though he did wait to see what was going to become of the girl. Just in case she needed help seeing as she provided a closer source of his element...

Though she seemed to take on a different persona compared to the scared one he had met before. This could prove entertaining was his main thought. After she had walked past and cleared the bars in the process he moved to follow after her. Not that he thought she needed the help it seemed she was very able to protect herself. When as his last chance to fight along side someone like himself?

A small group of what seemed to be armed men started down the hall though the girl seemed ready to stop them. "you broke the cell bars.. I think i got this at the least." He said almost in a cocky way before waving his hand in front of him Through the floor the roots he had caused to follow under the flooring burst through and quickly disposed of each of the men in front of them. He wasn't trying to impress her or anything but helping get out of here might be his best bet before he could level this place.

Besides that he knew how those with powers were. They didn't trust anyone. Even one another. It had to be earned and he wasn't about to try to get on her bad side. Not when it seemed she could use different elements. No this was playing it safe and he was content with this.

He did have a fear though. Her eyes.. they were like that of the ones he had seen lose themselves. He had been at this game for quite some time. Most of his life in fact and he had seen those eyes enough times. Please don't say that this was all for nothing. As much as he was thrilled with getting out himself he was enjoying the thought more that there were still others out there. It had been years when he last saw any.
Old Posted 05-05-2013, 04:54 PM Reply With Quote  
Mizeria Mizeria is offline
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When they reached that hallway Alice knew they were in trouble. It was the last hallway she ever saw before they drugged her to go see the doc. Now there was something else blocking their way. Fire. The idiots had set up a fire trap knowing it would do some serious damage to her and even worse that Fire was screaming magic. She knew it would take a while to burn out, and she also knew that it would take even longer if it was someone on the other side fueling it. Unless this kid was a double, but she knew how rare that was this day and age. So instead of trying to bust out that way she decided to stock up a little more on power. Reaching those roots took a toll on her. It should have been impossible. Maybe it was because she was so close to another Earth user. Maybe it was fate. Whatever it was drained her so much that even at this distance from the fire she was getting burned.

The Doc wouldn't let us leave... Something told her that in the back of her mind... The way he had been so... possessive... She didn't think they would make it out.

Seven doors down on the right she walked into a little room, much like the one she always visited. Maybe it was the same one for all she knew. She walked over to the sink and turned on the water. She didn't care if he had followed her or not. Right now she wasn't paying attention to anything but the healing. Placing her hands in the water her body started to glow faintly a light blue-ish tint. She stayed like that for a while.. maybe around eight minutes. She was lost in the water. None of her senses were working. She was purely defenseless, and somewhere in the back of her mind she prayed that the boy would keep her safe. She didn't want to end up back in a cell...

Alice saw that pretty little lake again. The one in her dreams, and she saw him sitting there beside it. The two things she loved in this world. Both that had been ripped from her. Tears ran down her face while the glow started to fade. She had another two or so minutes but she felt her voice start to come back. The silent sobs turned low crying. She was having trouble breathing. She didn't want to face that panic attack now. She had to much to worry about. Yet she saw his face... burned. He was gone. Forever. And it was all her fault. How would she ever forgive herself. What would she do when she got out of here? There was nothing left for her on the outside... She was worthless. Helpless. Broken. Her knees buckled under her weight, which wasn't much considering she hadn't had much to eat or drink in a long time, and she rested her head against the sink. Her hands still touching the water enough to heal her for the next minute or so. Then she would be perfect.... only not really.

_.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._.:~*~:._ (OTHER SIDE OF FIRE <3)

"Cal. You know we can get to them now. You're the only one that can withstand the heat." Adam said with a frown

The fires were to much for any of them to stand. They were a group of ten just waiting for the fires to run their course. Riley had seen them. Two max levels. Impressive. The girl looked better then just some crazy girl. She looked like it was her first day here, and that she was just here for a visit minus those eyes. The guy looked built and ready for a fight. Riley was smiling to himself as he watched the fire.

"What are you crazy? Back your ass up or you'll get burned Riley!" It was Adam but Riley didn't care. It had been so long sense his body had felt magic. Only Max levels had magic users. So he was never around this "Cal" character. It made him sick to know that he was working against there kind. He suddenly would give anything to be on the other side of that hall helping those two escape. As well as any other gifted he could break out. He wanted to save his brother... But didn't even know if he was alive anymore.

"Sorry Sir. Better idea." He turned towards his unit and smirked. "I hope you can forgive me..." and he disappeared..... Only to reappear on the other side of the hall.
Old Posted 05-05-2013, 05:49 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
She didn't talk, she didn't even really seem to be there completely. The only thing she seemed sure of was the fact that she knew where she was going. With that alone he had little choice but to follow her. Not like he knew this place. He was dragged in here and he woke half way through the hall. This one wasn't one of the buildings he had planned a route to get in and out of. No this one was built differently. It seemed larger and housed more then just the pair of them. Or that it could anyway he had no idea if it did or not.

None the less she seemed to avoid the fire as she went to the sink. He did follow her but he let her have the space she wanted as well. At the least between the two of them they could probably get out. She looked kind of young as she started healing fully but he wasn't sure on that. She was a water user right? He had heard stories of those types living to be far older then most. Though water users seemed to be calm compared to some of the other elements. Normally fire and wind were the two to go crazy first.

Earth wasn't much better depending on the area you were in. Either way he thought it was better to let her do her thing. The fire seemed to be hindering them and doing them a favor at the same time. It kept the men at bay being unable to cross it but it was keeping them limited to certain areas.

He hated being in here though. It was cut off from the world outside and the other earth he could get to was what she had somehow forced here. he had been keeping it under the flooring but that took energy. It was a good thing he wasn't new to tricks like this. He heard a slight noise where the girl had been near the sink but only glanced at her.

She seemed to be on the floor with her hand still in the water. How long had she been here? Let alone what untold things did they do to her? He had been through one of these places before. He was younger back then and it was shortly after his brother was murdered. What could a child do? After his outburst they had captured him and they did a number of things he would never wish on his worse enemy. A number of scars were from them, though faded over the years. The tattoos did not. He had a number of them littering his body.

Patterns and markings on different sections. They looked like runes almost with how they were done up. They were trying to figure out where the power drew from and what parts of the body it affected. They found out first hand what it could affect with that place being the first building he leveled that held his kind captive as lab rats.

Shaking his head he looked back towards the fire in the hall as he heard a sudden commotion. Though as someone appeared on this side of the flame he took the defensive A root quickly shoot through the floor in front of him as a blade of sorts formed and he grabbed it standing there. "Better hurry it up lassie!" He warned her as he stood there. His accent finally kicking back in after all of these years. Though he normally did a good job of hiding that as well.

If was his goal to hide everything that he was. It was safer that way. He knew the humans kept pets of his kind. He feared this might be one such pet. "Friend or foe, speak your claim now." He had gotten use to asking that whenever he was near another user. Most were burnt at the end of their ropes or were controlled by humans. This girl was the first free one he had seen from back when he met that poor sob who ended up as a tree.
Old Posted 05-05-2013, 06:51 PM Reply With Quote  
Mizeria Mizeria is offline
It's over 9000!
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Though dressed in standard (S)aint wear Riley sure as hell wasn't one of them at heart. "Friend. I've been uncover looking for my brother. I want to help you." His hands were up to show it was of no harm to him and the girl. The fire raged on stronger behind him as he fought with the other user Cal for control of the flames. "I swear to you I wish no more harm to come of either of you. In the Max section was there a boy. He would look 8 or 9... I hadn't gotten high enough in the ranks to look at the records yet..." His voice trailed off. He normally wasn't this open with strangers but he had some hope. A silent sob stuck in his throat and kept him from talking anymore for the moment.

Alice opened her eyes at the sound of the boys voice. She pulled herself up from the floor and stared at the mirror for a second and turned to the door. She had heard the conversation. He would know a way out. Thats all she cared about right now.

"I didn't see any others. Today was the first time I've seen anyone in all of the time I've been here. We need a way out. Now would be preferred. If you are on our side find us one." Her voice was no harsh but commanding. She didn't seem weak or broken anymore. Back to her old self. Brought up in a high class family and then after they were found as one of the leaders in the silent war. Not that these people knew any of that about her. How valuable she really was. None of that mattered to them. Only what she was... how she was what she was.

Thoughts of the doctor slipped in her mind. "He won't let us leave..." it was a whisper not meant for anyone else's ears. Just a nightmare that would haunt her.

"There is one other way we might escape, but it will be a risk... Normally this hall is the only way out of here." Riley pointed behind him at the blazing hall. "If you are up for the fight I'd say take the chance with these humans and their pets. The vents we would be cornered and easily trapped. It is up to the both of you. A water user, an earth user and a fire user... We could probably overpower them...." He waited for their choice.
Old Posted 05-05-2013, 07:15 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Caim stood there and listened to the other's claim. A fire user. Hrm this was turning into a strange little party it seemed. None the less he lowered the crafted blade as it seemed to fall apart. in his hand. Hearing the male before he frowned a little. So thats what it was then. He shook his head a little to answer him as far as if he had seen anyone. "If that is the section back there.. no It was just the two pf us."

He knew what the other must be thinking or going through. He had lost a sibling to this. His brother had no powers though oddly. He was human he was normal but they killed him anyway. There was a face he remembered that he kept fighting to find again to get revenge on his brothers slayer.

Though about that time the girl seemed to join in the conversation finally as she said he had been the first she had seen. Though she seemed to command a way out. A bit harsh after telling the poor guy the odds his brother was alive was slim to none. But she had a point they could not stay here.

Though the option given to fight made Caim smirk as he shrugged. "I think we got good odds. I use to pair up with a fire user.. er.. till never mind that." He said quickly shaking his head. "So lets say we go teach these normals a lesson and see about getting information on your sibling?" The girl might not care but he did. He had a weak hope the boy was somewhere else or in another building maybe transferred. A fools hope just like the one he had that someday he would see his elder sibling walking towards him with that jack ass of a grin he always held.

"Either way.. we're about to have company." He said pointing out the flame seemed to be dying out, maybe the cause of the other fire user. Vents might be the safer bet but fighting for sure got them to an exit. The vents could be a maze system knowing places like this. Though he had a bit of a idea as he smirked and pulled the roots back to him that he had used on the sword a moment ago. This time having them shaped into long spikes before they fired forward taking out a few of the men on the other side of the diminishing flame wall.

"did I forget to mention certain elements work well together?" He laughed a little seeing as the spears that went through the flame caught on fire and impaled their targets. it was hard to work out such attacks though, most users avoided one another for personal reasons.
Old Posted 05-05-2013, 09:14 PM Reply With Quote  
Mizeria Mizeria is offline
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"I agree with our Earth user friend. Fighting would be better. Vents would make us easy pests to trap." Alice spoke quietly as the other got ready to fight.

"Can you do anything useful girl? I've never met any water users." Riley asked and the flames in the hall spiked again. Cal really could hold his own. Surprising. Normally lesser users would turn (S)aint so they could survive. He was trying to hold the hall until they had a plan.

"I can hold my own. That is all you need to know." She refused to give details to someone in that uniform. He had not earned her trust yet.

"Fine. Then it will just be the two of us taking the lead. I hope you can hold your own kid. There's one team out there. So count on at least fifteen. Another team is probably waiting for us. If they are smart they will shut down the elevator, but so far I'm not sure if they have a plan if any of us ever escaped. I've never heard of anything like this happening. People topside might not know this is even happening yet. One floor up on the elevator there is a floor nearly mirroring this one. We will have to get off there and get in a second elevator... The floor plan is a maze. 15 floors. 15 levels of threat. We are on the bottom now. Level 15 is the most dangerous of us.. How would you like to do this?"

"How did they get this passed? What if there was a fire? How would the humans get out?" Alice knew they held humans above anyone that was different. That their lives would be important.

"We all signed a contract... Well several contracts. Each level we gain access to we get more rules we must follow therefore another contract to be signed. We have cut ourselves off from the world with every level we gain. Top levels never EVER leave this building. No one would know if any of us died. Minus the staff topside. None of them have clearance for the area that leads to the first elevator down. I know of about 30 others of us in the building trapped... and there are about 20 lesser users on the payroll that I know about. Though I just met Cal today so I might not know everybody.... " The fire was almost out now. Riley could hear Adam calling for everyone to get ready to charge.

"Can we talk after we kill them? Please." Alice almost begged because all of this talking was honestly driving her insane. She didn't care about this place. She just wanted out.
Old Posted 05-05-2013, 10:27 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Boy, right did he look that young? He was only able to do the few things at the moment due to the limitation he had at the moment. Above ground things would be another story. He wouldn't have even been caught if he didn't let them in the first place. He was hunting for the one who destroyed what life he once had. Not that these two had to know any of that nor did they care. As users it was normally out for yourself. Everyone else came second.

Well he had to admit he was a bit flattered that they shoved him down here. Well placed really, most users were found when they were children and kept away from the element they could control so they never got the chances to develop their powers. Caim had lived most of his life without such bonds so maybe he was a threat. If anything he was more of a threat to himself then the humans. Normally he left them alone until the urge to watch them scatter like insects seemed to over run his thoughts.

Either way it was going to be a task and a half to get out of this place. "Let me guess you want to save all of the lesser users on our way out?" He said rolling his eyes a little at the thought. Though he did figure that the guy did want to search for his brother. There might be the odds that he was alive. Doubtful depending on how long he had been kept here and what they put him through but still.

The only thing Caim hated was where they were, he was a weak link being this far down where the separation between the element he could use was the greatest. He needed to work on that. Any material the humans used was or use to be part of the earth. Logic says he should have a way to call to it or control it. Though he hadn't heard any such stories on users being able to. Though he didn't hear many stories in general on feats users managed to pull off.

A moment or two later the fire that had divided the hall seemed to finally die and the ones under Adam's orders charged forward. Three, two, one.. He counted in his head before root spikes came through the floor and impaling a few of the ones charging. "Tsk.. this sucks." He said aloud knowing he couldn't do much else besides a few tricks. Not that these said tricks didn't work well enough. Normal humans just had guns and the drugs to fight against the ones with powers.
Old Posted 05-07-2013, 12:50 PM Reply With Quote  

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