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NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Default   #113  
Looking from Cu then back to Lucien seeing something was wrong with the other she was about to ask if she could help but it seem the other cut her off saying to stay with the one she had been talking to the whole time. Blinking some she nodded watch the other run off into the woods sword drawn. Moving her gaze back to Cu, looking at him again a question filled the youth's mind. "DO you think he will be okay?" she asked moving closer to Cu reaching up to hold on to his sleeve not sure of the outside world and how scary it is Kanon had no idea what was happening at all.

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 09-07-2012, 11:23 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #114   Ookami-onea-chan91 Ookami-onea-chan91 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Sitting up slowly as she saw the sun was already sinking towards the wet, Mairi knew that she had to get at least some of her work done. Gathering herself up with a sigh, she headed off down the path to where it split three ways. "Hmm... Can't go back to the old town cause brother just raided it... Guess I'll go to the other close one and get more medical supplies. The army is always getting into pitiful squabbles and don't know how to care for themselves." Mumblimg as she headed down the path that would take her northeast a few miles to the next town that was big enough for the supplies she desired.
Old Posted 09-08-2012, 12:01 AM Reply With Quote  
Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
Default   #115  
Slowly, his fingers came to a pause. He had yet to see any humans on his travels and yet suddenly out of no where a young lady broke through the bush, stumbling into the water, ruining any chance of him gathering any more lunch in to his make shift net. His eyes traveled upwards to the young lady as another one seem to have followed the sound of his music as well. He looked between the both of them. Silently he rose from his seated postion, protectively tucking his beloved instrument behind his back. Both dark haired girls looked too young to be traversing the woods alone. His eyes shifted between the both of them. "<... Hello...?>" He tried in the tongue of the orient, the only lanuage he knew. Idly one of his fingers slid along the wooden shaft of his bow ready incase the girls proved to be demons sent by Kali. If there were these girls, then there were possibly others.

One girl talking to herself, left as quickly as she came. Niaz said nothing to that instead he looked to the other girl once more before letting his eyes drift about his surroundings. Blinking, he thought he saw fingers pressed against a tree. Reaching behind him he plucked his bow from its resting place. His fingers searched for a non toxic arrow, quickly retrieving one and drawing it against the string. He let the arrow fly watching it land in the bush. He took another one and aimed it the girl. "<Speak child, unless you are an agent of Kali.>"
Old Posted 09-08-2012, 12:15 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #116   littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
things got hairy fast when the idiot girl started talking out loud and gave herself away though it was the second that angered the musician and quicker than he would have thought a man could he watched the stranger put away his instrument and pull a bow. he was already standing to flee when a large arrow imbedded itself into the ground at his feet. he did not wait to hear what the man had to say
Old Posted 09-08-2012, 12:25 AM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #117  
It had been a matter of minutes between the guy stopping his playing, putting his instrument away and grabbing the bow, firing one arrow before turning another at her and speaking in a tongue that Noelle didn't understand.

"I-i-i was only listening to your song, it-t was beautiful." she stammers, hoping the man could understand English, trying to show the guy that she had no intentions of doing nothing else but listening to his haunting melodies..
Old Posted 09-08-2012, 07:22 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #118   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
It should not have suprised him that the girl nether spoke his tongue or appeared to understand. Her face told him other wise as the ruby lips tried to form words he could not read. He watched the girl and heard her studdering phonics but they were not in the tongue we was used to. His mind wondered if she was all that she appeared to be, that of an innocent girl or if she was one of Kali's succubi here to drain his soul away. Silently he pointed his bow towards the shore of the water, but mostly kept his bow trained on her. He tried the gesture again but this time added some speak. "<Move out of the water you are ruining my catch.>" At the end he gestured at his net, where she was disrupting the natural flow of the river.

Often his eyes shifted to the bush as well wondering what became of his other arrow. Once he dealt with the girl he would go and see if he caught a wild animal.
Old Posted 09-09-2012, 06:00 PM Reply With Quote  
Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Default   #119  
Lucien stumbled around the burned remains of his troops campsite appalled by the slaughter around his feet, He walked to the area of what used to be Mairi's hut. The area that no man of the troop other than Lucien went near without being scolded, Mairi liked her privacy from the other men apparently all the others where to "Smelly" for her to stand. He knelt to examine the charred dirt and gravel that surrounded the old Hut, Now i remember Mairi saying something about a odd looking rock.. It was then that Lucien had discovered a large Stone in the shape of a wolf's fang with a large mound of dirt underneath it.

"Of course, it had to be the one that had something to do with wolves.." Lucien sighed and gently picked the rock up using it as a sort of shovel tool to dig up the mound careful trying not to hurt the contents under it. Sure enough, Mairi had a small amount of bandages and some weird vial of liquid in the mound. Lucien smiled saying out loud to himself "Perfect." He quickly grabbed the items and made his way toward the area where the wounded solider laid in wait.
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Last edited by Natsunaine; 09-09-2012 at 06:38 PM.
Old Posted 09-09-2012, 06:22 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #120   Ookami-onea-chan91 Ookami-onea-chan91 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Mairi curiously peered around the area as she made her way towards the next village. "Hmmm.... I should probably stock up on bandages and get some ingredients to make more medicine." Sighing as she pulled out a little coin pouch and frowned at its meager contents. "Hmph.... I wish brother would let me find some work now and then." Grumbling as she glanced ahead to see a weird group ahead of her. "Eh.... Our soldiers wouldn't have left the camp without Lucien's instruction."
Old Posted 09-09-2012, 06:30 PM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #121  
Seeing the guy doesn't understand English and that he was keeping the arrow pointed at her, through he was gesturing to something and still speaking. Noelle's eyes move to where he's pointing, is that.. a net?

It took a moment for her to realize what the guy was meaning and she stumbles over to the shore, her eyes trained on the guy and his arrow, not wanting to make a move unless he did something to threaten her.
Old Posted 09-09-2012, 06:32 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #122   Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
The Captin rode on horse back riding its way from the burned remains of there last raid with a smile so cold underneath the Bone helmet that held its identity. Soldiers surrounded it in full body armor similar to the Captain's marching in complete step with one another staying completely silent and cold just like the captain that led them

Along the road a girl stepped in there way, Why would a girl be wondering about by herself? Its not unheard of but unusual. The Captain got lost in thought approaching closer and closer to the small girl.

Lucien Stop in silence over the solider who was once fighting to live, It was too late the solider will was not enough he lied dead among Lucien's feet. Lucien felt his heart beat faster and faster as his anger grew he clinched his hand around the vial he had recently found near Mairi's camp sight so tightly it shattered in his hand knicking the side of his hands causing them to bleed.

"Whoever did this.. will pay.. I will make every last drop of blood spill out of there body..." Lucien gritted his teeth and slammed his fist hard into the dirt, it was time to find who did this and it was time for revenge..
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Old Posted 09-09-2012, 07:00 PM Reply With Quote  
Ookami-onea-chan91 Ookami-onea-chan91 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Default   #123  
Mairi stopped and glanced up as she stepped back away from the road to give them enough room to pass her by. She glanced them over and looked away as she worked to not think about how they might match up against her brother. Glancing down the road her eyes caught sight of the hill crest that meant the town wasn't far away. "Meh.... I'm sure there's no trouble..." Murmuring softly, Mairi swallowed and sped up her pace to get to the town. Something told her that she had better hope he was going another direction far from her. "Today is just not a good one..."
Old Posted 09-09-2012, 07:14 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #124   Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
The Captain and her troop made there way quickly past the small girl and towards the thick forest that they had previously seen the lightning spark from.... That had to have been there captain.. I will have the Price on his head.. My master Azrael demands it... The troops made it to the edge they sat in silence for only a brief minute.

The captain brought her pike to a readied stance and threw her arm forward signalling them to move forward, The solders made no noise, they just began marching with the captain following close behind.

Lucien made his way out of the camp toward the nearest town, Hopefully.. Mairi would be there and she would be safe, He quickly bandaged his arm and made his way to the town walking into the local store to the Shop manager. "You, Shop keep have you seen a small girl around the age of 14.. She would be alone possibly wounded?" Lucien's heart dropped as the Shop keeper shook his head no,

They couldn't have killed her.. Her powers would have ... Lucien shook his head rapidly trying to get the thought out of his head, She was surely okay she had to be someone had to take care of Regina when Lucien couldn't right? Tears filled Lucien's eyes he made his way outside and sat down against the wall of the building.
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Old Posted 09-09-2012, 07:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Ookami-onea-chan91 Ookami-onea-chan91 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Default   #125  
Mairi stopped after a moment and tilted her head curiously as she saw the person against the wall. "Hmmm..... Oh it's brother." Mumbling as she was licking the remnants of the honey off her fingers from the sweet bread that she'd been eating while shopping. "What is he up to.....?"

Still licking her fingers as she neared him, she frowned and thought that she needed to stop this habit. Sure sweet things always made her fears go Way, but she'd get fat if she ate to many. Then I wouldn't be able to ride Regina or Kit. Stopping and kicking a little stone to hit Lucien's leg she smiled. "Hey.... Trying to be a lazy bum now?"
Old Posted 09-09-2012, 09:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #126   Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
That voice?... could it be no.. Lucien wiped the tears from his face and looked up with bright eyes and a huge smile quickly pulling Mairi into a hug. "Your.. okay... they didn't get you as well.." Lucien had to hold back tears Mairi had never seen him cry before and he wanted it to be kept that way. It was then he placed his hands on her shoulders and looked at her. "Did they hurt you at all? if they did i swear ill pull every bone from there body..."

Lucien then thought about the earlier incident in the forest and felt like a fool.. those could have been the last worst he said to his "Sister." Someone was giving him a second chance..
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Old Posted 09-09-2012, 09:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Ookami-onea-chan91 Ookami-onea-chan91 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Default   #127  
"Hurt me? Who would have hurt me, the merchants?" She giggled lightly at his reaction and tilted her head as she squirmed in his grasp. "Okay I can't breathe Lucien!" Smiling Mairi squirmed and took a couple steps back. "Ugh.... You smell gross, what the heck have you been in? Another war zone?" Pinching her nose and waving her hand. She stopped and realized what he had asked and frowned for a moment in consideration. "Wait.... On my way here I did see this weird troop with a person on a horse. I thought it was you and the guys at first, but they were dressed weird."
Old Posted 09-09-2012, 09:51 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #128   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
The smell of blood was in the air..

Frowning, Lei doesn't move from the place she was sitting, it was none of her concern. If people wanted to join troops and fight than so be it, she was not wasting her time on healing people hell bent on making the same mistakes twice. She had standards.. she only sold healing remedies to get enough money to afford a bed and a warm meal for the night, other than that, her contact with anything human was limited.

Closing her eyes and resting her hands behind her head, she decides to enjoy the sunlight a little more before moving on to the next town.
Old Posted 09-09-2012, 10:02 PM Reply With Quote  

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