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ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
Default   #97  
"Oh...Now I just feel silly for thinking we're eating some kind of goo." She blushes a bit as she admits this. Then watches Jade curiously before getting up and following her.

"I don't know why we need to call dibs on anything? There's plenty of room here for everyone to be able to find a place they like." Looking around Agate tries to find something to her liking and spots the rafters. "Is there something that humans have for resting that I can hang up there?"

Old Posted 01-09-2015, 12:02 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #98   Witchchylde Witchchylde is offline
Blithely oblivious to the question regarding the 'necessity' for calling dibs -- because that would take the fun right out of the whole thing -- Jade called back, "They make hammocks, they're kind of like a swing you sleep in!"
Finding a nice little nook that was fairly close to the center of the stronghold, Jade set about transmuting some of the rubble into comfy furniture and such things as draperies and curtains in festive reds and golds. After all, she wanted to be the greenest thing in the room, at least to start with. Actually, it was beginning to look quite a bit like a Bedouin bazaar stall, with multicolored wall hangings everywhere, lots of them illustrating Gem history as best she could remember it. Portal destinations around the universe, the various tri-Gem monuments like the one the prime Gems maintained. How much was pure history and how much Gem mythology, Jade couldn't say.
Old Posted 01-20-2015, 11:02 AM Reply With Quote  
Him Him is offline
Lil' Inkling
Default   #99  
Moonstone looked around the place. It looked like it could use some cleaning up and rewiring.

"Okay gems, let's fix everything up here and get this place rewired. Maybe the rooms will reveal themselves afterwords"
It's me.
Old Posted 01-24-2015, 03:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #100   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
"Now cleaning I can do." Creates a duster with magic then jumps up into the rafters to begin cleaning. She figures that if she let the dust fall to the floor they could just sweep it up and dump it like they did with the slime monster earlier. Jumping from one rafter to another she quickly gets them clean, then turns the duster into a cleaning cloth to get any dirt and grim still on the beams. Next she gets to work cleaning the walls with the cloth, hanging upside down from the rafters as she does so.

Old Posted 01-24-2015, 06:35 PM Reply With Quote  
Witchchylde Witchchylde is offline
Default   #101  
"Rewire, huh? So finding the original wiring would be the first thing to do there, then. Right!" Jade started with looking for an exposed bit of wiring, then while touching the plastic coating, sent a bit of transmutive energy along the inside of the walls to draw magical light tracing the path of wiring beneath them. Well, until there were breaks in the line, but that would prove useful too, showing where the damage was radiating out from the point where she began.
"Okay then, back to scrub-up duty!" she announced as she got busy sorting useful debris from too trashed to use debris.
Old Posted 01-25-2015, 11:11 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #102   Him Him is offline
Lil' Inkling
Moonstone decided to move all the heavier contraptions that were broken to a smaller room in the back until they could repair them. After the wiring was fixed she managed to connect the machinery that controlled the rooms online with the wiring which opened up the rooms.

"Here we go, I got the rooms back up. Looks like there are six chambers for our personal use and then the other rooms are connected as well like the mediation hall, the training facility and the like."

Moonstone finished that up and went to fixing those machineries that were broken down in the small room. Once they were fixed she would know what they were.
It's me.
Old Posted 01-25-2015, 12:22 PM Reply With Quote  
ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
Default   #103  
Finishing up with the dusting, Agate gets down from the rafters and turns her duster into a broom. Sweeping the dust into a pile she makes a dust pan to sweep everything into and then dump it into the trash can in the corner. She made sure to get all the spots where the appliances had been too so that dust wouldn't be there.

"Alright! Time to get mopping!" Using her magic again she turns the broom into a mop and the dust pan into a bucket with soapy water. "Heads up! The floor is going to be wet!"

Old Posted 01-25-2015, 03:55 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #104   Witchchylde Witchchylde is offline
"Awesome!" Jade shouted, strapping wet soapy sponges to her feet so she could 'skate' the wet floors. She zipped by Agate at least a dozen times this way, making sounds of glee with each pass.
"Ha ha!"
Old Posted 01-26-2015, 03:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Him Him is offline
Lil' Inkling
Default   #105  
Moonstone began pushing the machinery around once they were fixed and placed them in their proper area. The final thing that was repaired and replaced was something the humans called a television. Moonstone turned the television on and a show was immediately play. It was a children's show so there were silly animals in a whacky looking home. In this home they played around and caused some harmless shenanigans which allows them to solves their problems while teaching children basic skills.

"How interesting..."
It's me.
Old Posted 01-28-2015, 12:20 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #106   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
With everything all nice and clean now, Agate plops down on the floor next to Moonstone. Watching the television a bit she has a puzzled look on her face, "I have no idea what the point of this is? It all seems kind of silly to me...is it for young humans maybe?" While traveling she had seen things on the television but most of the time she never understood it.

Old Posted 01-28-2015, 12:06 PM Reply With Quote  
Witchchylde Witchchylde is offline
Default   #107  
This was the sound of Jade skidding into a wall. Followed quickly by cackling laughter. The sponges vanished from her boots. Sniffing the air, she decided the carrot cake was still baking and not quite baked yet. Looking over her shoulder, she caught sight of her two compatriots gazing at a television, looking interested (Moonstone) and bemused (Agate). Dashing over to see what the deal was, she spied --
"Cartoons! Cool! Let me see if I know this one... okat no little blue dog and a human boy, so not Blue's Clues, but that's a good one too. Huh."
Old Posted 01-29-2015, 10:47 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #108   Him Him is offline
Lil' Inkling
"Ah yes cartoons...I think these are the ones in the morning that are supposed to teach human children before they go to the teaching facility."

Moonstone lingered once more and then left the television and went over to the control panel and her gem glowed and was registered to it, opening an area on the left side of the room.

"I'm going to work on my room now, I suggest you register to gems now and do that as well."
It's me.
Old Posted 02-01-2015, 02:32 AM Reply With Quote  
ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
Default   #109  
What Jade and Moonstone both said makes some sense to her, though she still found it kind of odd how humans used such a device to teach their children. Its not like the children were experiencing these things first hand or anything, but if it worked for humans then it didn't really matter what her thoughts were.

"Alright, guess its time to get a room then." Walking over to the control panel her gem glows and the wall to the wall opposite her in the right corner opens up to her room. Looking around her room looks like a grove of oak trees with huge trunks and a massive crown of branches as thick as she was wide.

Old Posted 02-01-2015, 09:24 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #110   Witchchylde Witchchylde is offline
Having already gotten a lot of her own room arranged to her liking, with the whole Sultan's tent theme, Jade decided to watch the cartoons a little longer. Soon enough, Steven came to join her, a platter of sliced carrot cake in his hands.
"Oh, hey, it's the kittens! Did I ever tell you about the time I turned all my fingers into cats?" Steven asked with cheerful pride. Jade blinked at him in vague confusion.
"Um, you just did right now?" she answered in what she hoped was a tone of polite interest and not a total freak out.
"Oh, yeah. It was really neat for a little while, but, you know, pets are a big responsibility, and besides, fingers are a lot more useful for getting things done -- things like this!" he shared, grabbing a slice of the carrot cake and shoving it into his mouth. Wow, that's a lot of cake in one bite, she thought but didn't say out loud, instead grinning at Steven and his big enthusiasms.
"Like this?" she answered gently, taking a slice herself and nibbling a piece of it. "Mm, this is very tasty, thank you Steven, The other Gems are working on their rooms, why don't you go share this lovely carrot cake with them too?" she suggested with a grin and proceeded to change the channel to find a local news program.
"Good idea! Be back soon!" Steven promised and then took off running for the room of the nearest Gem.
Old Posted 02-03-2015, 12:06 PM Reply With Quote  
ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
Default   #111  
Agate, having finished setting up a hammock in the trees for herself was about ready to leave her room when she sees Steven standing in the doorway, holding up some kind of...lumpy brown thing covered in something white-ish in color.

"Um...Hi Steven. Can I help you with something?"

"I finished making the carrot cake and came to share with you and Moonstone. Jade already had a piece and seemed to really like it. I also told her about the time I turned my fingers into cats, it was really cool and fun but having a pet is a lot of responsibility. Not to mention its much more fun being able to use my hands for things instead of not being able to because of my fingers being cats." Munching on a piece that she had broken off while Steven was talking, she nearly choked on the piece whiling listening to him.

"Um, glad nothing permanent happened. And I'm glad things worked out in the end for you. Also, this carrot cake is pretty good, not sure how I feel about the sensation of eating yet though. But I like the taste. Why don't you see if Moonstone wants any?"

"Thanks! And you're right, I can't forget about Moonstone!" He waves bye as the door to her room closes.

"He's a nice kid and all, but I have a feeling he's created some interesting situations for Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet."

Old Posted 02-03-2015, 01:38 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #112   Him Him is offline
Lil' Inkling
Moonstone had just finished setting up her room, it was like a european throne room dipped in chrome. There were puddles here and there that lead to the other's rooms and other places within the temple. She was layout a map of beach city and tagging the area where they caught the snail monster. She heard Steven jumping through the puddle in Agate's room into hers. Moonstone set the pen down and turned to the smaller half gem.

"Ah Steven, finished your baking I presume?"

Steven nodded and grinned.

"Yup! I gave the others some cake and didn't want to leave you out! Here have some! It sounded like you never had cake before."

"Yes, as you know we gems do not require eating and sleeping, however we are free to partake in it."

"Haha yeah Amethyst certainly does. Here have a taste I'm sure you'll love it."

The blue silver gem and nodded, she wasn't too fond of eating because of the long and troublesome process it took to digest the food. But how could she say no to that face? Simple, you don't. She smiles uneasily and takes a piece. She takes in a small sample and to her surprise it was very good. She finishes off her piece and nods with approval.

"Not bad Steven. Can't say I've had many sweet but this by far is the best I've sampled."

Steven grinned.

"Thanks! Say, do you wanna play a game?"

Moonstone raised a brow at the young boy.

"A game huh? Well I should be marking down sites where monsters have been...but I suppose there is enough free time to do so. What kind of game are we playing?"

Steven's grinned went from a cheerful one to a sly sneaky one as he poked Moonstone on the shoulder and ran to the closest puddle.

"It's called....STEVEN TAG! Tag! You're it, now you gotta change into me and tag me or someone else!"

Moonstone was confused but once the rules were explained to her, it was game on. She shifted into a form that resembled Steven and yet he was a silvery blue with a serious look on his face. Moonstone ran off to the puddle and jumping in after him. And of she saw someone else, she would dart towards them and tag them too.
It's me.
Old Posted 02-03-2015, 10:37 PM Reply With Quote  

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