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Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #817  
Chloe remained silent, listening to Advent, remembering the dark comment she had made and feeling like a total asshole about it, "I was sure I heard something but I didn't stop to think or investigate. And oh god, I am so sorry about that comment last night, if I had known I would of never made it." she looks at Advent, "I am unsure of the others feelings on this but this doesn't change anything, you are still the same in my eyes and as long as you show that you are strong and able to make decisions that help the faction, than you being blind is not an issue."

"Communications between the Hunters?" Chloe frowns, before alarm bells went off in her mind at the second part, causing her to jump to her feet, her hands clutched against her side, "A school, which school, Advent? And don't try beat around the bush either. You and Zaki know better than anyone, I don't fuck around when it comes to Avalon." Cause if you don't tell me the truth, I'll just track down Roland and force the information out of him.
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 05:29 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #818   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll

Advent looked down with a faint smile but it was easy enough to see it was fake if you knew him well enough “The worst thing about living in a constant darkness is being afraid of it Chloe...” he moved his head to the side very slightly “You can never know what's coming so can't defend yourself from it, so you live in that constant fear of being harmed” his voice was low as he spoke though kept that fake smile the whole time “I am one who is afraid of the dark, my mother was a very mean drunk and would beat and be little me for no reason at all, but I think the worst one was when she blamed me for being born blind.” he knew that he couldn't have been blamed for but still at the same time because he was blamed over and over again he felt like it was his fault at some level. “As for my father he was never really here and when he was he had all the emotion of a dead fish towards me... to tell the truth he would likely have shown more emotion to the dead fish.” he said his head lowering his head, he was glad for the blindfold he wore as he could how he felt knowing eyes even ones such as his couldn't lie even if a face could. “I wouldn't feel bad over yesterday, I don't let anyone know about my disability or things may be called into question and really that's the last thing we need.” he kept his head down as he spoke.

“Clo, there is always a reason for what I do even if it doesn't make any sense at the time. The techs are my family and just like my father I will protect it that's why I created such rules as 'don't go after hunters' because it puts everyone within our family and their families in danger.” he knew it was cautious but then techs had never been ones to run in foolishly “I ask that you don't tell people that I'm blind there is no need to change things and I really don't want to be treated differently” he said honestly it was the last thing he wanted and needed with the rest of the crap he had on his plate. “I am not exactly one hundred percent blind I had an augmented implant, it has a few nifty abilities but I still have no idea what anyone or anything looks like or even the color of things.” hearing the next part he nodded.

“I am not getting an awful lot of information and what I am getting makes absolutely no sense so I'll have to go do some leg work so to speak, but it's because if the little information that does make sense is why we are going lo-tech until we can find the full picture.” he said tilting his head as she seemed to jump to her feet and spoke about not messing around “Please Clo, Ava is as good as family to me I wouldn't fuck around when she is in danger.” he stood up and moved forward “The school that contacted the police this morning was the one that was in between our territory, the candies and the vamps.” he said and that made him realize that there was only one “Ava is in trouble... the hunters took every student and killed four people.” he said though shook his head “Clo we need to get a plan of action going in half assed isn't going to do anyone any good and possibly make everyone a damn target” he knew the next part was going to be hard for her to do as it was for himself or Zaki “promise me Clo that you will detach for the moment, this can't be personal... that's when careless mistakes are made.” he clenched his hands not liking the situation and it was clearly seen on his face.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 09-27-2012, 09:33 AM Reply With Quote  
NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Default   #819  
"You wont be treated like it, if you only talk with me about and maybe then it would be fine. But throwing around you have title suddenly is not lady like but then again what do you know? How long have you been alive? I have seen far worse then you have. But that is something else of it's own matter, I just want you to understand that this is now how any one works with in this faction, how no harm can be done? You must be daft, you may not live like us, but many of us do live like monster to humans. To do such a think is like not feed your self." he said to her.

"I have no plans on fighting for anything, I could careless, you have all the underlings respect you should be grateful for that. I thought that maybe you would be well on your own and it seems you just being childish with you're sweet looks and then sudden change you are like moon and sun in one day." letting out a soft sigh. "Other then this I have other things to need to tend to soon. And Fix all the damage you have done with in this faction of your no harm clause nonsense." as he looked at Kenji. "Oh Yes Kenji could you please explain to Kimoko of how we gained the information of this nonsense?

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Last edited by NikkoGallarado; 09-27-2012 at 01:04 PM.
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 12:25 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #820   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll

Remained silent his eyes closed his hand on the weapon that was on the ground beside him as the two spoke though he kept focus in case of wayward members of conflicting factions "Respect is earned little girl and you have yet to gain mine or some of the others, and calling people lap dogs isn't going to help your fucking case." he knew for a fact though he didn't hold the title of Ryuujin he was respected within the faction and had earned it by one means or another "Haven't changed the rules, you brought up a code of honour I believe the one rule was a no casualty clause... I think the only faction that has something close to that might be the Techs and even then they will hurt people when needed... A faction which is completely filled with pacifists is doomed to an early death." he stated once more falling silent.

"Nice?" he couldn't help but snicker at that one word "You want to be nice, go join the candies." hearing her continuing to talk made him want to face palm "Look! Fighting for respect means fuck all, just proves you are foolish even in my own insanity I know which fights are just a waste of damn time... and as it stands you would just be wasting ours and there is no respect to be gained from that only your humiliation now watch how you speak to people or the next thing that comes out of that big fucking mouth of yours will be my ninjato." he scolded.

"As you wish Vincent." he said when he was asked to explain how they knew about it. "You where in this park yesterday, one of the other vamps where out on their daily run when you where talking to a girl and I quote 'we have an honor code to abide by, I doubt any of the skulls would break the no casualty rule' the member came to me asking about such a thing and I told him to ignore it until I spoke to Vincent about it as it was something I myself was not aware of, but you have set confusion and disarray in motion within our coven, if we knew no better we may think you where working for another faction or even the hunters..." he paused scowling "You have managed to do something not even those fucking hunters have done congratulations on the accomplishment."
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 09-27-2012, 12:56 PM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #821  
Hearing about Advent's past calmed Chloe down a bit, the anger in her eyes faded and she rested a hand on Advent's shoulder, "No one has the right to hurt you, Advent, it's not your fault that you were born blind." her eyes gaze at the bruise on his cheek, "Your father did that, didn't he? You don't need to be scared to tell me. My father use to slap me across the face if I did anything wrong, back than, I thought it was how fathers showed their love for their children but when he walked out on us, my eyes opened and I realized, what I feared the most, wasn't his love at all."

She sighs, "You know my feelings toward the faction, Advent, I wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt anyone nor their families." Closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again, "I guess I should of tried to get in contact with you last night concerning this but seems some of the information I had at the flat was stolen by a hunter. I had plans to confront her this morning and try to get the information back but it might already be too late."

Letting out another sigh, her fears proven true, "Yes, I know the love you and Zaki both have for Avalon." Wiping away a few tears from her eyes, "Advent, I can promise that I will not do anything rash at the present but if that hunter threatens my home again, there is no promise that I can let it pass as a non personal matter, that flat holds everything dear to me."
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 02:25 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #822   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll

Advent turned his head as to look at Chloe's hand he was confused as to why he was getting touched when there was no reason for it in his mind “You know you don't have to do that, there is no reason.” he said turning his head to look to her and tilted his head “I know it isn't it happens no one knows why but for the longest time when I was a kid I did believe it was my fault... I only found out when I was thirteen it was beyond my control.” he was sincere in his words though he looked confused to the next statement “My father did what?” he sounded as confused as he looked as he had no idea what Chloe was talking about as he had no idea that he was bruised but then at the same time he didn't exactly know what a bruise was. “I know my father doesn't love me, I am kept because I am useful.” he stated sitting down once more “To tell the truth I am surprised I'm not socially awkward considering first time I made a friend I was thirteen, he was the one that told me it wasn't my fault.” his hand went over his mouth as he yawned leaning back on his elbow “Like I said I fell, I am very prone on doing it, I'm kind of glad I'm not allowed things in here.” he said his head swinging back as he thought a little.

“I know you wouldn't Clo and this is why I trust you to protect my family when I have to go out of town.” he brought his head up to look at her a smile on his face “Ahh...” he sat up and grinned in his normal way “I wouldn't be to worried anything that goes on that desktop of yours is encrypted nine ways instantly with three encryptions with in each of them and you mess up anything once the zero sector to access drive deletes meaning the drive is useless.” he said laughing a little as he knew just how sporadic his mind was and each hacker had their own coding kind of like their signature and his was just like him hard to anticipate as it changed “You know the rules of hunters, you would have just got yourself harmed and likely put the techs in danger, but I wouldn't sweat it... my coding is like me an enigma that just never sits still it's intelligent and will attack when threatened.” it was the first time he spoke of his coding and let his secret out about it “I could teach you if you like.” he said looking up to her.

Advent stood up hearing what she said and moved to his wardrobe opening it and started feeling around inside it “Now where the hell is it?” he mumbled but finally came back out with a piece of paper and some keys holding them out for her “I bought a house and was going to use it as a hangout for the techs, but I think it should go to some better use.” a smile on his face as he spoke “And I don't want to here I can't take it... oh yes you can... if for nothing else Clo for Ava's safety, then you can leave that moron Jay in your old place and charge him rent, besides something tells me the hunter getting into your flat was his fault in the first damn place” he said sighing shaking his head “And if you take it now I'll even show you what I look like without my blindfold on.” he laughed.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 09-27-2012, 06:54 PM Reply With Quote  
Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Default   #823  
Kimiko went silent for only a few seconds she took a deep breathe and held her arm over her sides, The stress was causing her addiction to rise she licked her lips her body shook. "That women.. I was simply trying to calm her, Though i am a Vampire that doesn't mean that I am against helping others, I am not a complete monster, You think im ignorant and that i don't know what are Faction does and who the Ryuujin truly is? You don't give me enough credit..." Kimiko looked Vincent dead in the eyes she began to wistle a harmonic tune, she had to find a way to go find her cooler without being followed with increasing stress.

"Look I will deal with the problems I have caused, I am honorable in that sense, But I will not get along with those who do not trust me to do so." It was then it appeared as though a dark shadow engulfed Kimiko's body and scattered away into the sky.(Illusion)


Kimiko made her way to the roof top of which her cooler sat she bent over opening the case with the key once more, Pulling out a small wine glass and pouring another pack of blood into her glass. "My last one... Looks like i need to go on another raid before my addiction gets the best of me.." Kimiko sipped carefully on the blood thinking back to the park and what had happen her grip grew stronger around the glass.. "Why.. Why do I fall to my old ways of kindness so quickly.. Im Supposed to be just like them.. Just like the vamps.." Pictures of her brother spun through her head, her old life flashed before her eyes.. "Am I so Desperatly trying to cling to the past... I promised myself when I joined the Vampires that I would change... Now look at me.. Shunned by the very same faction i am supposed to help lead..."
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Last edited by Natsunaine; 09-27-2012 at 07:04 PM.
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 07:02 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #824   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Not knowing what to say to how lightly Advent brushed off being hurt, Chloe lets a half smile slid on her face, "As tempting as that sounds, I think I would pass. Your coding skills go way past mine, probably why I ask you to encrypt everything on there incase something happened."

She pauses watching Advent move to the wardrobe and pull out a piece of paper and set of keys and hearing him tell her, he refused to hear her say she couldn't accept it, "Advent, are you sure about this?" she snorts, "Yes, it was Jay's fault this time, if his dumb ass stopped crushing on psychos all the time. Oh wait, you said the station was under lock down.." she sighs and pulls out her cell phone, sending a quick text to Jay to let him know what was up, "Just.." she accepts the keys and paper from Advent, looking to see where the house was located, "how am I suppose to move all our possessions from the flat to the house? And would be it okay to ask Zaki to move in as well?"
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 07:39 PM Reply With Quote  
Straywolf Straywolf is offline
A Wandering Soul
Default   #825  
Makoto continued to watch the Hunters secure the school. She thought to herself, thinking about what the Hunters would do to the captives in the special facility. Her phone's vibrations snapped her out of her thoughts. Headquarters is calling me? She flipped open her phone and answered the call.

"Yes? Do you have an update on those files?"
"We're having trouble decrypting a few of the files you gave us. The software protecting the files will wipe the drives if we attempt to hack it with our equipment. If you can get the password, we can give you everything we find."
"Damn. Alright, I'll find that password. Give me some time." I need Chloe. By now, she probably knows I'm a Hunter... She looked up at the school. ...that could work.
"I have an idea. If you found it, please give me Chloe Johannes's phone number, or some way for me to contact her."
"Roger that. I'll send it to you once I grab it."
Makoto hung up the phone, and walked towards the ladder.

She slid down the ladder and back onto the ground. Her phone vibrated again, and a phone number showed up on the screen.

Footsteps approached Makoto. A small boy, staring at Makoto's weapons, appeared behind her. "Excuse me, miss? Do you have any spare change?"

Makoto smiled. Perfect. He's as tall as Avalon. My plan might work. "I can give you some money. I just need some help catching a bad person. Mind helping me out?"
"Sure! What are we going to do?"
"I just need to trick her."
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 08:04 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #826   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll

Advent looked at her as she talked about his coding and shook his head “The only way to get better is to challenge yourself, besides it would be baby steps that I teach you.” he said honestly shrugging a little “Whatever you say, but the offer will always be there.” he said smiling a little knowing his coding style was very unique “I'll get you a new hard drive and code it again if you like.” he nodded to her statement on why she asked him to encrypt everything and knew that it was the mostly likely reason “As you can see however there is no reason to sweat the hard drive being taken as the only person that can decrypt my coding is me. I forgot to tell you the nice booby trap inside my encryptions... as it is an A.I if it feels threatened the encryption turns into a virus that cleans the zero out of the hard drive making it useless and unable to work again ever and will destroy the pc and any pc it's networked to for three days before it dies out, like the encryption it evolves only things that are safe are things like resperators” and of that he was sure of because of how it did evolve and merge within itself.

Advent rolled his eyes under his blindfold “If I wasn't sure about it I wouldn't offer it. The house is five bedrooms in the Tech area of the non conflict zone. The address is on the deed.” he stated giving the rest of the details “Some people are just attracted to trouble I guess he's one of them.” he said scratching the back of his head thoughtfully “Yeah the police station is under lock down has been since that call they received from the school this morning so the hunters have to have had a hand in it somewhere.” he said knowing only they had that kind of power though would need to seek the permission from the government. “There is a van removal service about five minutes walk from here, they are pretty cheap too.” he replied as if it was common knowledge and tilted his head at the last question “It's your house why are you asking me?” he really did sound confused at that question. Moving his hands up to the back of his head he started to fidget with his blindfold and before long he began to remove it bringing his hand down one of them holding onto the material he smiled his eyes opening to reveal two very pale milky jade eyes “So this is what I look like without the material over my eyes.” he said looking down awaiting her criticism.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Last edited by Kaguya; 09-27-2012 at 08:29 PM.
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 08:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #827  
"I know the only way to get better is challenging yourself but I am happy with the skills I got right now, maybe in the future, I'll accept the offer. And yes, of course but I feel I should be the one buying the replacement, I probably have some blame in the old hard drive being stolen as well." Chloe whistles at Advent's description of the virus, "That's just.. a cross between being cool and demented at the same time."

"You mean, the house is mine? I t-thought this was only temporarily til things blew over." Chloe stammers before hugging Advent, "The hunters are behind the Station being on lock down? Don't they need permission to do that?" She nods, "I'll check the place out." Chloe watches as Advent removes his blindfold, "You have really pretty eyes, Advent. And I thought blind people had blue eyes? You could easily pass off not being blind." she says gently, "Anyway, I better get stuff rolling, we can meet up again with Zaki later and start making plans to help the kids. Til than, stop falling and hurting yourself or we will have to change your nickname." she teases, making her way toward the front door and letting herself out.
Last edited by Dawn; 09-27-2012 at 09:05 PM.
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 09:02 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #828   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Vincent felt annoyed knowing she was using a childish little gift he let it go as she ran off to where ever she needed to do go. "She better handle this quickly. . . .if not to many problems will come back to us. . ." he said sighing some as he walked over to the tree to get back his butterfly knife back from with in the tree. "Kenji lets us move on and see if we can find the head of the Flames I need to ask them some questions, I would like to know this ill feeling that is in the air.

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 09-27-2012, 09:40 PM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #829  
Hearing the sound of a text arriving, Jayden pulls out his cell phone and frowns, seeing the text came from Chloe, before opening it, he glances at Zaki, "Just leave the dishes, King Kong usually comes out for his feeding after we leave."

Opening the text and reading it, Jayden lets out a low whistle, "The police station is on lock down?" he sighs, putting the cell back in his pocket, before getting up and looking at Zaki, "Well, I doubt I won't be let off my rounds that easily, I'll catch up with you later, I guess."

Leaving the kitchen to grab the rest of his equipment since he figured once the general public found out what was going on, there was going to be some panic in the streets, and he rather enjoyed doing patrols more than office work. Pulling the front door as shut as the wood would allow it, he puts his hands in his pockets and heads toward his round location.
Old Posted 09-28-2012, 05:20 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #830   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll

Advent looked to her nodding “So longs your happy that's the main thing Clo and if you are wanting to learn in the future then I will be happy enough to teach.” his voice was calm even though he wasn't showing it he was feeling more than a little uncomfortable without his blindfold on “You didn't invite the hunter to your home, nor did you show them to your home that falls all on Jay... I swear that man has Swiss cheese for brains. Do yourself a favour and don't tell him where your moving to or I'll need to buy you another new house no doubt because he bring some other psychotic person to visit.” he said honestly “I'll buy it and encrypted it for you as a house warming present however I'll need to do the encryptions at yours as well my father doesn't allow me to have my laptops or anything electronic in my room.” it did make him sad but at the same time he couldn't exactly argue with his dad and he knew it “Actually it isn't that demented it's just a defence mechanism I built in so unless you are meant to see it you are stupid to even try.” he grinned “The encryptions and virus I use is like me harmless until riled and then its a completely different story.” he said quietly.

Hearing the question he nodded “The moment you took the deed I head over ownership of the house.” he said with a chuckle “I am not putting anything to chance with you, Ava or Zaki Chloe.” he said grinning, though was caught off guard as he was hugged and the surprise was painted clearly on his face "First time you've ever done that Chloe" he stated pulling back as she mentioned his eyes "why what color are mine?" he asked not that it really mattered "I guess it's just like everything about me odd." he laughed the discomfort getting to much for his so covered his eyes. "Okay Chloe." he said walking her to the front door "I'll try thanks for visiting." he said closing the door going back to his room to try and get some sleep before dealing with cleaning.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 09-28-2012, 05:20 AM Reply With Quote  
Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Default   #831  
Kimiko finished the glass in hand and once again put it up, kicking the cooler shut and locking it, She made her way across the roofs to the Vampires Headquaters upon arrival, A grunt walked up to her. "OH! Ryuujin Kimiko Pleasure to see you this even.." Before he could get the sentence out kim Quickly intterupted the man.

"I need you to spread a message to all the Vampire skulls, The confusion of a no Casuality rule was a misunderstanding and the rules have been untouched, and any further Mention of this will be taken up with me got that?"

The man nodded and made his way into the main quarters of the headquarters and just as she came Kimiko left without notice and made her way atop the roofs, She sat down on top of a roof over looking the tree that she had been to the day she met Mizuki, She threw her legs over the side and peered off into space, Going into deep thought about what had happened withing the last two days.
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Old Posted 09-28-2012, 05:53 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #832   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll

Kenji sighed knowing she had used her gift and shook his head “Illusions, really I believe the truth may have been more than she could swallow.” He said with a cold tone “How did she become a Ryuujin again?” he asked standing once walking to his side “It’s obvious that she isn’t ready for it Vincent, if she continues to do this she will need to be eliminated.” He said closing his eyes nodding to what Vincent had said showing he understood “As you say, much damage to the coven has been done that needs to be fixed.” He stated walking to be beside Vincent once more “Why would you believe that the flames would know? Wouldn’t the Tech’s be a better choice?” he stated though at the end of the day he would follow the orders he was given just move with Vincent. “You do realize I do not care if she is a Ryuujin, if she speaks to me like that or insults me like she has again and I will end her miserable existence without a second thought and no even your order will stop me.” He stated before falling silent
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 09-28-2012, 05:54 AM Reply With Quote  

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