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Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #737  
Mizuki smirked at that. Yes it was true they did say no titles and here he was using one. "You are completely right..." Mizuki said as Thalion said he was nothing more hen a blacksmith. Mizuki remembered the time when he demanded a title from the male before him. This was back when they first met and Mizuki was sure that the male had a different title then the simple one that he gave. He was proved right in the long run with out even knowing it.

Mizuki couldnt help the growl the escaped his lips as he tilted his head back as the bite reached his neck. Then those lips kissed away the little sting of pain that rested there but he was not complaining. The heat of the area combined with the actions Thalion started doing it was getting to him and Mizuki had no choice but to give into the male before him. Soft kisses and firm touches were his greeting through everything and Mizuki couldnt help his words "My blacksmith..." as they continued.

It was not until they stood where they were breathing heavy that Mizuki decided it was time to move. Lifting his head from the males shoulder he rested it on the wall behind him as he looked to Thalion. "Hmmm I would say not a worrie in the world rests with me right now...besides sleep" He said with a yawn and a little stretch. The trip was long and the actions after did not help even if they were needed to Mizuki and the male before him.

Getting the male to move he leaned in before and gave a quick kiss before he did pull back and away. After that Mizuki went about and did some things and going through the clothes that were packed for him he found something he didnt like. There were no robes or pants to be found though once he reached another bag he pulled out a letter and reading it he frowned "You have got to be kidding me..." He said. Though as Thalion asked him what he passed the male the note.

"Dear papa!
We took the chance to broaden your style,
Not only that but where you are going is to hot for robes.
So take the clothes that are packed and suck it up!
We love you two!
The kids"

Mizuki frowned as he held up the supposed clothes that he was supposed to where. It was a simple shirt that was bound together at the waist by a tie that flowed long and light. Thin shorts were made to cut off just above his knee and he frowned. Digging in the back more he found more clothes but he smiled at them. Hearing the little laughter from the male behind him he turned and threw some clothes at him "I wouldnt laugh to hard" He said with a smirk.

It seems that the kids also packed different clothes for Thalion ranging from sleeveless shirts to shorts as well. At the males scowl he gave a little laugh. Though he couldnt help but frown "This is hardly fair!" Mizuki said as he pouted though he didnt stop as he removed his robes and already the heat difference made him sigh a little.

Changing to the shorts he didnt bother with a shirt as he said screw it before moving away an climbing into the bed. He was looking forward to the vacation with the male but the one thing that would take time in getting used to was heat. In the back of his mind he wondered how long he would last in the steam before over heating. Though with that came another thought. How many spells of ice did he know? Shaking his head lightly he sighed a little "Come to bed babie..." He said with a yawn as he laid there.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 05-03-2013, 01:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #738   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
He was stretching a little as Mizuki went to unpack the clothes he was guess or change for starters. Though the other seemed to pause as he moved a little asking what was up. With that Mizuki handed him a little note that he glanced over. Hrm... he knew that they should have done some packing of their own.

Though at the same time the kids had a point, they were use to a cooler area. Not only that but Mizuki wouldn't admit to being too hot if his life depended on it just for the fact of being stubborn and not wanting to wear anything besides the robes he normally wore. Though it seemed the kids didn't forget about their dad. Even if he wasn't affected by the heat they probably did it so Mizuki didn't feel like they were torturing him alone.

Either way Mizuki held up what they were expecting him to wear as Thalion laughed a bit finding the faces he was making more then funny. Though that laughing died as Mizuki said he wouldn't laugh too hard and threw some clothes at him. He frowned at what was tossed at him.

His ears dropped a little looking at the shirt alone let alone the excuse for pants, well shorts. "Really... " He sighed knowing he had little choice in things now. Well this wasn't going to be as relaxing as he thought. Oh well, he guessed it was fair in a way. If they were going to make Mizuki wear something different by not torture them both in one go.

Either way he sighed a little not looking forward to this trip much more. The only good thing was that they both got time together. Maybe they could hide here for most of the trip to avoid going out in these clothes. He doubted Mizuki would be happy staying here though. Never the less he changed clothes though he was hardly happy, on his mind him and that shirt would fight in the morning... though something told him Bel had something to do with that shirt..

Though Mizuki spoke up causing him to get pulled from his thoughts as he moved to walk over to the bed and join the other before pulling him close for a moment. "Not sure how you'll sleep.. you already feel warm." Though Mizuki seemed to ignore that and curled against Thalion as he normally did. Though that didn't last too long as sometime through the night Mizuki had rolled away, probably too hot finally.

Morning came around and Mizuki still seemed to be fast asleep. Though Thalion had given up on sleeping by now. He could count how many times he felt Mizuki roll over or stir, probably trying to find a cool spot. Never the less he was up for the day. IT was weird almost to not have Ryza breathing down his neck that he slept too long or that he needed to train.

Stretching a little he got up to figure out something to do. Though his first task was that shirt... oh yes him and Bel were going to have a talk. He knew she was behind it because of the style it was. Either way he had little choice in it now as he put the sleeveless shirt on and rolled his eyes as soon as that was through. Well Mizuki might not mind, yep Bel was behind this, none of the others would dare to put form fitting clothes. It wasn't that he looked bad in them but he rather liked the looser shirts he normally wore. This was going to take getting use to.

Though he got a idea about that time. They had no servants or anyone waiting on them. Whatever reason this made him thrilled suddenly as he went to see what exactly they did have here. Seemed supplies for whatever they could possibly think of. Perfect was his thought as he got to work right away.

It wasn't that he really enjoyed cooking but after not having to or rather not being able to for so long it was a nice change. Let alone Mizuki will be happy to know that nothing spicy was cooked. Ah yes.. this was more relaxing then anyone would ever know. He hated not doing simple things over the years when he had grown use to doing them himself.
Old Posted 05-03-2013, 02:13 PM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #739  
As Thalion came to the bed and spoke Mizuki sighed a little. It was true he himself didn't know howblong he would last but he wanted to try as he took his place pike always and snuggled into Thalions side. As the night went on though he became to hot and even though he didnt want to Mizuki ended up moving away from Thalion. Even tyough he was away from the male the heat got him throughout the night and he found himself tossing and turning in an attempt to find a cooler place to sleep. It worked for awhile but soon enough Mizuki gave up and sighed as he rolled over though he frowned as he didn't feel Thalion.

Opening his eyes Mizuki sat up and giving a stretch he yawned before moving and getting out of the bed. Walking over to Thalion he gave the male a kiss on the back of the neck as the male cooked "morning..." Mizuki said with a yawn before he moved away and sat in one of the two chairs. Mizuki was hot and sweaty and he felt like iy. His hair was frizzy and hardly made his braid a sight to see "I think Okay have to do something else with my hair..." He said with a frown as he pulled it over his shoulder and looked at it "this heat is not my friend" he said with a little laugh as he looked to Thalion.

"Also I was thinking that we could go see those forges soon" he said with a smile "don't even say that you dont want to" Mizuki said with a smile to Thalion "I know you dear and I know how you felt the reaction when we were told we could go see them" Mizuki said with a smirk "you can't hide from me remember" he said with a smile as he crossed his legs and leaned back in the chair.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 05-03-2013, 04:23 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #740   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
"Well.. it's more of afternoon but either way." He shrugged a little though he could tell Mizuki was miserable. It was expected though, woodelves were not use to heat as it was let alone being forced to stay somewhere that was humid at all times. For once he didn't mind being a fire user seeing as heat never bothered him. Well so far, there was probably a limit to it somewhere.

Though Thalion had to laugh listening to the other complain about his hair and that he had to do something else with it. "And you wonder why I keep mine short.. I'm sure you'll figure something out." It was Mizuki and it had to do with his hair. He'd figure something out before the days end.

Mizuki started talking again about the time Thalion set a plate in front of him. Though he was about to say he didn't really want to go as Mizuki reminded him he couldn't hide that he did. "Heh... yeah I remember, hard to forget." He sighed a little before setting the second plate down and taking the other chair. "Honestly I hate being this close to the element in its pure form like this..." He seemed a little annoyed at the thought. "It made it hard to focus on sleep."

Pure forms of elements normally called to the ones who wielded their power, so Thalion had never been near any source of this size so of course it was hard to keep focus as he wanted to. "Besides.." He started remembering part of the conversation from yesterday. "I think you'd rather go look at those herbs even if you melt in the process of it. We're here for a week, pretty sure the forges aren't going anywhere." Anything to get out of going near them, he wanted to but not at the same time.

Though he did frown a little after a moment. "Least its eatable.. " He sighed a moment later thinking on it. "Right.. heat difference here.. didn't count on that. It'll be better tomorrow."
Old Posted 05-03-2013, 05:01 PM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #741  
As Thalion spoke about his pure element Mizuki smiled. Yes it was true that it was harsh for at times. Though it was getting to Mizuki the most. Even though he had a talent in the use of all elements his main focus was frost and ice. So least to say it was different was an understatement. Though as Thalion spoke of sleep Mizuki looked to him "You had trouble sleeping..." He said lightly "I swear im freezing that room before bed..." He said though he sighed "K...maybe not that extreme...but you get my point."

The next part Thalion spoke of was true enough. The region had some herbs that he could only get here not to mention the fact that traders go through these parts as often as the dragonkin that live here. "Well you know we can do both...though I do want some time with just you" He said with a smirk as the foot on his crossed leg rubbed up Thalions with a smile.

After that he began to eat and he smiled as Thalion said it was eatable "Its perfect" Mizuki said with a smile "I missed your cooking" Mizuki smiled before continuing to eat. After that was over he went and put his dishes away before he looked to Thalion "Okay im going to have a bath and...do something with this friz I call hair" He said with a pout as he walked over. Bending down he gave Thalion a kiss before heading to the bathroom.

After awhile he came out dressed with his hair done on the top of his head in a bun made of three different braids. It was loose and kept off his neck so he was happy. The shirt or lack there of was sleeveless and the v in the front showed most of his chest. Shorts cut off to just above pale knees and Mizuki stood there with a blush on his cheeks "This...is not okay" He said with a groan "I hardly look flattering" He said with a pout as he crossed his arms.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 05-04-2013, 02:37 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #742   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Thalion smirked a little as Mizuki said he was freezing the bed. "Go for it, you turned and tossed most of the night. Not sure Luna and the others took into account how not use to hotter areas you are." He was a wood elf why would he be use to them? "Maybe then you can stay close even if you have to freeze me in the process." He said teasing a little.

"true.." He said towards they could do both. Though he was at a bit of a cross roads of not wanting to be that close to the forges, let alone dragons. They made him feel uneasy even if he hid it well. Plus this area had fully grown dragons and thus far the only one he had dealt with that were that old was the Elder one and the rogue that nearly killed him as a child.

Though he looked back towards Mizuki as the other said he wanted some alone time. "Oh I'm sure we'll get alone time. They did drop us off in the middle of no where.." He smirked a little at the thought. "Might want to be careful though, don't want you to pass out from overheating now do we?" He was just teasing or so he thought, though it was a valid point.

"Perfect? As if... I've done better." He sighed a little as Mizuki said it was perfect, though the other went on to say he missed his cooking. "I think I'm going to kick our kitchen staff out once in a while ... I oddly miss it, not having to give someone a damned order of what to fix." Silly simple things he missed. He always would so long as they were in the positions they were in.

After Mizuki got up and left to fix his hair or try to Thalion went about cleaning the dishes and waiting for the other to finish that war. Though soon enough Mizuki finally walked out and spoke as Thalion turned to look at him. The blush and everything was perfect if you asked him though Mizuki said he hardly looked flattering. "Is that what you think?"

He said before walking over to the other and kissing him. "I beg to differ, I like it. Unless you were trying to get one of these dragonkins to pay attention to you on this trip." Though he wasn't being serious about that. "Besides I think we're both stuck in clothing we don't want to be in so we'll just have to suffer together." He paused a moment before enjoying another thought. "Or take them off.. either way."
Old Posted 05-04-2013, 12:04 PM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #743  
As Mizuki stood there with his head turned down as he fiddled with the clothe belt that hung at his waist. He was hardly a fan of the new clothes the kids seemed to think he woul look good in. Mizuki kept with his robes for a reason. His skin was pale and do to lack of bulked muscle he looked a little frail at times. Yes he did have muscle and alot was defined but not as much as it could of been.

However his thoughts ended there as he heard Thalion speak about what he thought. "Its true!" Mizuki said in a huff as he stood there. Though this was when he heard Thalion walk over before the male brought him him and kissing him spoke "I beg to differ, I like it. Unless you were trying to get one of these dragonkins to pay attention to you on this trip." Okay that earned Thalion a glare before he sighed some "Not even close..." He said in a groan.

"Besides I think we're both stuck in clothing we don't want to be in so we'll just have to suffer together." However at those words Mizuki growled a little "Easier for you to say!" He said to him "You at least have your chest covered!" Mizuki spoke as he tightened his arms across his almost bare chest. "If I was not worried of over heating I would so be wearing and washing those robes everyday" He said in sigh.

Though as Thalion said they could either suck it up or take them off he smirked "Oh really now..." He said with a smile as he placed a hand on Thalions chest "We could do something like that" He said before he trailed his hand over that chest with his finger lightly grazing the underside of a nipple with a smirk before it was pulled back "Then again why bother taking them off...we hardly have anything on as it is!" He said with a growl and a another pout as his ears dipped back.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 05-04-2013, 12:28 PM Reply With Quote  

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