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Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
Default   #49  
He pushed his way through the dark opening, scanning the room. He noted the quick pause in the general conversation before they realized he was not a threat. Weaving through the crowds, Ezra ended up at a table that was close to a window. He lazily looked out as he heard the thick footsteps of a person stop and loom just above him. A smile slipped on to his lips. “You idiot pup.” the person said.

“Hello Cassidy, where’s butch?” He laughed at the joke he lamely said to often to the girl, unable to keep a full grin off his face. She swatted at the lid of his cap temporarily making him blind. “You really are a fool” She took the seat across from him waving her hand to call over a waitress. “Breakfast is on me.” He smiled at his red headed friend. As of late she was the only one he could trust. Even though an eye patch handicapped her, her altered genetics made more then a formidable foe. She was one of the few were wolf breed humanoids.

When Ezra sedated his hunger he was able to think about the task at hand. Cassidy looked around the room before speaking. The small talk of weather immediately turned to something dangerous. “I can still smell them… why didn’t you get rid of them.”

“Shit hit the fan, besides he never showed up. I waited an entire day”

“You have to get rid of that fast.” She said in-between munching on a bone “Its hot property, if I can smell it you can bet they can, it’s only a matter of time before some one looses self-control.” She was of course referring to praxis. It was a blood substitute drug invented with the vain hopes of trying to tame the vampire populations of Shane. When the drug was first introduced many thought it worked. It stopped cravings in many vampires. However the drug had been untested for a prolonged period of time. It was soon discovered that many vampires found it as addicting as heroin and made them twice as likely to kill more humans. It was soon labeled catnip for vampires, going underground like most illegal drugs. Which also made it a pretty profitable career.

He knew anything she was telling him it was for his own good yet he was inclined give off a cool air. “I have a plan, the plan was to give you 20 percent.”
“No dice, I don’t think I have a buyer that’s willing to touch the stuff since …” Ezra had never seen Cassidy visually shake before. It immediately set off more alarms then her warning. He was watching his plan go into ashes. She shook her head. “I might have some one that knows some one, I hate sending any one to him." She gazed at him with eyes full of worry. She knew the desperate times that Ezra’s life led him through. “I think your tough enough, but please don’t be stupid.”
Last edited by Poggio; 10-30-2010 at 04:07 AM.
Old Posted 10-30-2010, 03:49 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #50   Eshandist Eshandist is offline
Tikno watched Rail as he walked away. Once Rail was out of sight, he turned his attention to the child who's hand he held. Tikno knelt in front of the child.

"Don't be afraid, this wont hurt, ok?" He spoke softly. The child looked at him fearfully, but nodded. Tikno placed one hand on the childs chest and the other on his back, then closed his eyes and concentrated. Underneath the childs skin he could feel the muscles, feel the tension from fear bind those muscles. Slowly, ever so slowly, Tikno spread very low flames from his hands through the muscles over the childs body. The fire was just hot enough to relax the muscles, easing them out once more to their unclenched, natural state. To the onlookers, the childs skin glowed with a warm light, which spread from Tikno's hands throughout the childs body. Once it had reached every muscle, Tikno retracted the flames back into his hands, then opened his eyes. The childs face was no longer distrusting, no longer fearful, but content. Tikno stood once more, and looked around.

"Who's child is this?" He asked calmly. A woman stepped from the crowd, looking up at the man who was shot with tearful eyes. She glared at Tikno, then snatched the childs hand away.

"How dare you touch my child! How dare you!" The woman screamed at Tikno. Tikno watched her with calm eyes, then turned away. The childs face had been reward enough. The womans screech cut off in a strangled exclamation as she realized he wasnt listening. Tikno went to each person that was wounded, and asked if they would like healing. Some turned him away, some even tried hitting him for offering, but others accepted, and for those that did Tikno repeated the process. For those who were cut, Tikno also cauterized the wound and sealed it shut with heat, so that they would heal quicker. For those who were burned, the charred skin still smoking, Tikno placed his hands on the burns, and reversed the flow, so that all that was left was the dead skin. Once everyone was taken care of, Tikno turned his back on the crowd and walked away. He had a job to do. He had to find this man with a large pack. He decided to go look in the nicer part of town. A large pack seemed to indicate a trader, maybe he could find something in the market place.

Upon reached the market, Tikno put his hands in his pockets and started walking around. He kept his head down, but his eyes didnt miss anything. He stopped by each vendor, and asked after the man, but most wouldnt say anything. Either they didn't know or they weren't telling, so Tikno would move on to the next vendor. After hours of searching, he was getting no where. He sighed, and began looking for a place to rest.
Old Posted 10-30-2010, 07:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Sir_Odin Sir_Odin is offline
Anu's knight
Default   #51  
Rail sighed he had slipped through the darkness. Now he stood on the railing looking down as the sun began to disappear over the horizon.He lit another cig taking a deep breath in. A smile luring onto his face.
"You may be able to hide behind bricks and cement but that smell is ever so clear."
Rail leaned forward and fell off he let the wind take him the night was beginning to be his it was at the peak of it hour. He could feel the moonlight pulse through his blood.
"Hold it for a bit longer I'll gladly pay handsomely."
Right before hitting the ground he seemed to burst into the darkness. Bats flying out from a near by gutter.
Odin's closet (updated 08/11

Status: not sure
What am i?:I am the plague knight and Odin himself Norse god
sex:yes lots please(m)
Old Posted 10-30-2010, 11:27 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #52   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
Cassidy motioned for two drinks. She slowly got up from where they were setting and disappeared to an unknown location. He sipped the drink leisurely wondering just how deep he had dug his grave. By the time Cassidy returned the ice in her drink had melted into water. She looked as though she had broken out into a cold sweat. She downed her drink in one giant gulp before looking at Ezra.

“Alright Kiddo Ricardo is willing to buy everything from you, you name the price he’ll have it. Get in give him the drugs get out… don’t try anything funny and he won’t try anything… “ Ezra nodded he was about to take a sip of his drink when she threw something at him along with a set of keys. “Put that on and don’t take it off, and I’ll take 2 percent.” He held up a strange little collar giving Cassidy a curious glance. She rolled her eyes. “It has my scent, it will make you and your cargo smell less like fresh meat.“ He nodded in understanding. “Where can I find him?”

“The industrial district. He owns a warehouse that he uses for laundering, Warehouse 692 level three. Ask for Ricardo.” She gave him a hardy pat on the back slipping a few dollars into his coat pocket as well. “I’d understand if you chicken out. Here’s some hold over funds in case you do.” She waved bye as she left the tavern. Ezra let out a sigh as he debated about what he wanted to do, exactly how desperate he was for money. Finally he left the Tavern making his way to the industrial district.
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 03:32 AM Reply With Quote  
Anurah Loveheart Anurah Loveheart is offline
Peace <3
Default   #53  
Anurah woke up in the middle of the night a bad dream had coursed through her head she sat up quickly and realized how cold the night had become. Her skin more human then not was now causing her to shake she let out a sigh and stood up rubbing her arms.

Shelter she thought but then realized that the only shelter would of course be the small town she just half massacred. Being as that was she knew she would have to stay there for the night and freeze. She let out a small sigh and lit a cig. Watching as the cherry lit up and out made her think she blew some smoke out. moving her hand over her cig she felt the small heat radiating from it she moved her hand closer and winced as she burn't her palm.

Anurah grinned a little that her skin slowly started healing again. A flash back hit her the smell of smoke and coffee as well as machinery and her father sitting back in his huge chair Anurah running up age five wondering what he was doing and seeing him smoking. her father turned to her his hair was just now graying and he had a wise and kind hearted look to him she shook her head snapping out of it.
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 09:36 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #54   Corovignh Corovignh is offline
R-Rated Fortune Cookie
Sand. Everywhere there was sand. It went up her nose, got stuck in her fur, eventually ending up in her hairballs unless she shifted for a smooth shower. Though the latter was occurring less and less. Three towns, four countrysides, and one shower in-between it all. It was driving Cha crazy. But luckily she had been finding shelter to cover her from the sweltering days, saving her energy for the night travels. Sometimes trucks would roll by and if they slowed down enough, she could leap and hitch a ride unnoticed with them. The same went for food. Though sometimes if a person spotted her, they'd set out cream and slices of steak for her. She couldn't understand why, but she wasn't picky in the least.

However, this was one of her more unfortunate moments. No signs of anyone heading in either direction and even less evidence of non-rabid wildlife available. She growled in frustration and curled up more under the leafy hedge she'd found. The city was only a few kilometers away, but that would be enough for her to possibly pass out from dehydration. Unless she waited for night again. And it seemed to be taking forever for the sun to set. Stay and wait or take her chances? If anything, she might not even make it until tonight, so indeed it was now or never. Now sounded better. A hiss-turned-roar and she bolted, trying to run in a straight enough line to hit all the shaded spots along the way.

-Seme of Poggio-|*Ixtab*|-Coro's Closet-

No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.

Last edited by Corovignh; 10-31-2010 at 01:02 PM.
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 12:53 PM Reply With Quote  
Sir_Odin Sir_Odin is offline
Anu's knight
Default   #55  
{{ mmmm I will keep the time of day up on the tittle from now on....hopefully people will already know its open.}}

{{{ its night by the way...or at least starting.}}
Odin's closet (updated 08/11

Status: not sure
What am i?:I am the plague knight and Odin himself Norse god
sex:yes lots please(m)
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 04:04 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #56   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
(( Swah my character just woke up a few post ago XD, okay -goes to think of something niffy.- ))
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 04:13 PM Reply With Quote  
Sir_Odin Sir_Odin is offline
Anu's knight
Default   #57  
{{ yeah people are posting diff times of the day/night so I thought this would help

but indeed there are maybe areas that time maybe different}}
Odin's closet (updated 08/11

Status: not sure
What am i?:I am the plague knight and Odin himself Norse god
sex:yes lots please(m)
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 04:14 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #58   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
(( So this what time of day is the main city in? Also where is your and Liow's Character? ))
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 04:19 PM Reply With Quote  
Sir_Odin Sir_Odin is offline
Anu's knight
Default   #59  
{{ who...and night}}
Odin's closet (updated 08/11

Status: not sure
What am i?:I am the plague knight and Odin himself Norse god
sex:yes lots please(m)
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 04:22 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #60   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
(( Love is our weapon, the girl your character has been helping. I think I got pretty confuzed after the fight scene and if you guys teleported some place I don't know where. I also don't know where Tiko is except a city))
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 04:24 PM Reply With Quote  
Sir_Odin Sir_Odin is offline
Anu's knight
Default   #61  
He's hes going after you I believe he's a great tracker btw...Love I don't know where she is any more..as for me...I'm in the moonlight sort of speaking lol..and where are you...I have to interact with you soon}}
Odin's closet (updated 08/11

Status: not sure
What am i?:I am the plague knight and Odin himself Norse god
sex:yes lots please(m)
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 04:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #62   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
(( my character is going back to his house as of right now and since its night time hes going to take a nap xD))
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 04:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
Default   #63  
(( Okay and Why does Tiko want to find my character? ))

Along the way he decided he would make a stop to his little bungalow. Getting to it was like a maze but once you were there it provided a great view of the urban sprawl. When you actually looked inside his home it was more like a spacious tool shed that he had commandeered for himself when he was young. He had grown attached to the dwelling adding aspects as he needed it. He unlocked the door to his home, groping around the darkness for the light switch. For all the advances that mankind had made, Ezra was forced to live pretty primitively. In one corner there was an early electric stove, powered by a rechargeable generator that he had stolen. It provided enough heat to keep him from freezing to death in the harshest of winters. 5 paces from his kitchen was his bed room. The lump of cotton he called his bed was the hardest to get into his home. He dropped his cargo in corner along with the rest of his items. Letting his eyes drift off into sleep.
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 04:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #64   Sir_Odin Sir_Odin is offline
Anu's knight
{{ well he doesn't not any more lol...and it was for me though...I am half vamp I want my product that you have}}

Ezra's bed creaked a bit soon after the lights were turned on. the sound of a zippo lighter was heard and then a deep intake of breath.
"You know you are harder to find when you have that girls scent on you."

Rail blew out smoke and pointed at the cargo that leaned against the wall.
"I'm running low and almost to regular cigs, your precious cargo there.."
Rail stood.
"I would like half of it and I am willing to pay handsomely."
Rail hoped he would not get attacked he was on the edge at the moment his fix was low and he wound on his cheek strangely had not healed yet and the smell of another vampire especially a girls had him on edge.
"So how about it?"
Odin's closet (updated 08/11

Status: not sure
What am i?:I am the plague knight and Odin himself Norse god
sex:yes lots please(m)
Old Posted 10-31-2010, 04:49 PM Reply With Quote  

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