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Demo Demo is offline
Default   #49  
Demo was glad that the question seemed to divert her thoughts from what had seemed to suddenly trouble her. "Well then you would enjoy seeing my library. It is built around a grand tree. With many book cases on the wall. Also artifacts I have found on my travels around my land." He also addressed her other comment. "If anyone was to cause the breaking point then the one who caused it shall get their rightful consequence for doing such a thing."
[Proud Ascent Arco of Light.]

White thinks... That this signature is too sexy for its shirt. <3
~Neirra is my trisphee lil sis.~

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Old Posted 07-22-2011, 02:59 AM  
Default   #50   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
She smiled and looked to him “I enjoy trees, there song is harmonious and shows things as it should be everything living in perfect harmony with one another” she say her eyes closing as a content smile appeared on her lips “I have a library too, though likely nothing compared to your own, but then again I can't get to it as often as I would like” she confess her eyes opening once more “Normally I do not like people touching me, that is more than enough to cause me insult...” she start, she wasn't ashamed of her statement it was just the way she was “But you make me feel at ease and so no insult was given” she would finish her voice as soft as when the had first met
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 07-22-2011, 03:10 AM  
Demo Demo is offline
Default   #51  
"As do I, Nature is what guides us and controls us. Not the other way around as some today feel." He smiled taking comfort in one with similar ideals. "Oh that is quite a shame since my library is where I take comfort in the most." He observed her as she recited the last statement. "Ah well then, I am honored that you feel that way, truly. It is very meaningful for anyone to take comfort in the presence of another."
[Proud Ascent Arco of Light.]

White thinks... That this signature is too sexy for its shirt. <3
~Neirra is my trisphee lil sis.~

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I'm a jerk so deal with it.
Old Posted 07-22-2011, 03:17 AM  
Default   #52   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
She listened to him and tilted her head a little her hand coming to her mouth as she chuckled a little, it was a bit funny to her that the one person that came to speak to her had the same idea's as she did. Removing her face she looked to him "I completely agree with what you have just said, it is foolish to try and control nature..." she began her eyes going to the moon "Those who reach for such a star are insane, as such a tall feat will lead to their downfall" she say her voice showing how serious she was on the matter, she took some comfort knowing that there was another who shared her ideals on such a topic

She listened to how it was his library that gave him comfort when he needed it "I do not have time anymore to study really, my will is 'his' if he says train I train, if he says go I go... my will left me two years ago" she say with a sigh her head lowering as she looked at the marble floor.

Hearing his next words she smiled faintly and nodded "I understand what you are saying" she then look at him closing her eyes "Who needs a masquerade ball, so many people wear mask everyday... what makes this so special other than a reason to get the silks out" she would ask him it was both a playful and a serious subject.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 07-22-2011, 06:20 AM  
Demo Demo is offline
Default   #53  
Demo listened to her well though out replies. He was fascinated with the way she spoke, very knowing and not full of misconceptions or cliches. "Well there is always the dancing, though your not fond of music so I wouldn't suggest that." He said thinking to himself. "I truly do not know, maybe the thought of having an ability to wear a mask and become someone your not is enticing to most." He said removing his own mask. "The mask has no affect on me since I am true to myself always." He smiled at this playfully simple comment.
[Proud Ascent Arco of Light.]

White thinks... That this signature is too sexy for its shirt. <3
~Neirra is my trisphee lil sis.~

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I'm a jerk so deal with it.
Old Posted 07-22-2011, 10:37 AM  
Default   #54   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
She looked to him as he spoke of dancing and smiled “Not all music is hurtful to my ears, the natural worlds music, the music of the spirit and the music of the elements are all very calming and good to dance to” her words where soft almost like a gentle summer breeze “Many people live their lives wearing masks, pretending to be whom they are not... perhaps for a change they should remove the masks and be who they are...” she paused for a second and watched as he removed his mask , a light blush coming to her pale cheeks “In-- instead of placing another on” she say her voice shaking just a little as she examined him once again “I do not wear a mask other than the one I am forced normally to wear by the one I serve” she say her voice was low as she looked out the window
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 07-22-2011, 10:53 AM  
Demo Demo is offline
Default   #55  
Demo smiled as he looked out the window too. "I understand why you wear your mask. You have a reason to and you do not let it affect your judgement." He gazed at the stars and waited to see if they would mystically disappear. "You are here for a reason are you not. I hardly believe that is to talk with me. I've selfishly kept you here when you could be elsewhere if you wanted." He could conclude that from the hints she had disclosed throughout their conversation.
[Proud Ascent Arco of Light.]

White thinks... That this signature is too sexy for its shirt. <3
~Neirra is my trisphee lil sis.~

Check out my Shop and my Quest Thread.
I'm a jerk so deal with it.
Old Posted 07-22-2011, 11:00 AM  
Default   #56   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
She looked down from the night sky and to him once more “No one should have to wear a mask, reason or otherwise” she would say her hand clenching just slightly on the subject but eased once more “Why should I let it effect my judgement? I am who I was back then... just less foolish...” she closed her eyes “To tell the truth until meeting you I always wished that who interfered with my death hadn't done so” she say very quietly, now revealing what race she was from “I know my life is going to be nothing but a struggle, in eternal servitude to one I may never see... I live by his grace alone and that is no way to live” she say opening her eyes “But meeting you and gaining your friendship has meant a lot to me, even if it is only a fleeting happiness” she would say her hand resting on his arm.

Hearing his question she smiled “I am here because I was sent here, I do not know why and I am not about to question it either” she lean her head back a little looking at the ceiling “They really need to get better decorators” she would say her voice showing distaste to the way the ceiling was decorated “You are not keeping me from any task at the moment, if you where I would have left by now” she say in honesty her eyes going back to him as she lowered her head once more “I would rather be no where else than with a friend” she say standing holding out her hand “May I dance with you?” she say her eyes glowing brighter as a gentle breeze past them
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 07-22-2011, 11:12 AM  
Demo Demo is offline
Default   #57  
Demo let out a small laugh when she talked about the decor. It was very unorthodox in his opinion but so was this vile castle in all honesty. He regained his though process when she asked him to dance. "It would be a pleasure Ariiana." He smiled and took her hand leading her to the center of the large hall. Sunlight started to lighten the horizon fading out the stars of the sky. "I would like nothing better than to dance with a friend." He said leading the simple slow twirling dance. Making sure not to step on any toes or hit anything or her with his tail and wings. "Whatever your purpose, I do believe it will be made clear soon." He spun her gently another time. "I do fear though, a foreboding calm has descended upon this area. That can only mean one thing." His eyes and tone very serious. "Trouble."
[Proud Ascent Arco of Light.]

White thinks... That this signature is too sexy for its shirt. <3
~Neirra is my trisphee lil sis.~

Check out my Shop and my Quest Thread.
I'm a jerk so deal with it.
Old Posted 07-22-2011, 11:21 AM  
Default   #58   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
She looked at him and somehow knew he was thinking like she was when it came to how the castle was decorated, she let out a small shudder “Terrible things have happened here, I don't know what they are or when they have been done... I... I just feel it” she say in a very low tone knowing walls had ears and something like this shouldn't really be heard, but it was her natural senses being attuned to death and misery she had a sort of six sense when it came to such things. Watching him stand and take her hand as if it was a fragile flower she smiled walking with him to the center of the overly large corridor “this is so wide you would think her majesty was wanting to hold a party here” she would say in jest to her friend.

Before the dance had began she raised her hand to her chest like she had every other time and bowed forward once more slightly as a thanks to his acceptance, her eyes went out side and smiled “Twilight, a neutral area in time where it is neither light, nor dark... it is just the universe in it's truest beauty” she would say in a gently tone to Demo, her voice showing some passion in those words, smiling she allowed herself to be twirled in such a graceful movement, it was almost like she was born to do such things, moving back to him she placed her left hand on his shoulder as they danced the slow waltz her eyes glowing a little, she never fought for lead allowing him to show her the path as she hummed the music she heard from the growing day, though his words disrupted it for a moment as he said about the calm “I agree, this is the calm before the storm... it seems far to peaceful...” she closed her eyes continuing to dance “but for now lets leave such things in the hands of fate and enjoy this time for what it is” she say before humming the melody once more
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 07-22-2011, 11:38 AM  
Demo Demo is offline
Default   #59  
Demo halted the dancing as a sleepy Richard awoke with a rumble from his tiny belly. His tiny eyes blinked sleepily as he was trying to figure out where in the world he was. Demo looked at the sleepy dragon on his shoulder. "Well well, good morning Richard." The tiny dragon looking at his master with a confused look and then another confused look as he looked to the stranger his master was with.
[Proud Ascent Arco of Light.]

White thinks... That this signature is too sexy for its shirt. <3
~Neirra is my trisphee lil sis.~

Check out my Shop and my Quest Thread.
I'm a jerk so deal with it.
Old Posted 07-22-2011, 04:00 PM  
Default   #60   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
She would stop as he did her hand going to her chest as to bow once more politely and quietly for the dance “You dance divinely” she muttered her glowing blue eyes going to where she heard the gentle rumble and blinked “Did you sleep well Richard?” she would ask bowing to the dragon on Demo's shoulder slightly before lowering her hand. Placing it into her sash she would bring out a small piece of cooked meat and held it out to the dragon “I always come prepared because of my companion” she say gently
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 07-22-2011, 04:06 PM  
Demo Demo is offline
Default   #61  
Richard ogled the meat with sheer pleasure. "Richard what do you say to the nice woman?" Demo said to Richard as he gave a respectful bow in return. Richard looked to Demo and then to Ariiana and said, "Thank you for the food miss." He did a tiny bow and gently took the meat from her hand. Richard scurried to the floor as not to soil his master's clothing. In turn Demo said, "Ariiana, care to explain that last statement by chance?"
[Proud Ascent Arco of Light.]

White thinks... That this signature is too sexy for its shirt. <3
~Neirra is my trisphee lil sis.~

Check out my Shop and my Quest Thread.
I'm a jerk so deal with it.
Old Posted 07-22-2011, 04:18 PM  
Default   #62   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
She smiled contently to the dragon “Please think nothing of it” she say with a smile as she allowed the meat to be taken from her hand, it had been delicately spiced only enough to enhance the flavor of the meat that she had, her hand moving to her chest once more as she returned the small dragon's bow, her eyes watching as he scurried off Demo's shoulder to the floor to eat. Though as she was addressed her eyes moved to Demo once again “I have a companion a hound to be exact, called Shade, he is my companion throughout the life I now live” she say smiling happily “If he bites someone his saliva will start turning his victim into stone” she say moving back to the couch she had originally sat on “I always carry food for him, it is as much my duty to look after him as it is his to look after me, just like anything else within this existence there is always push and pull, give and take” she say as if it was just as simple as that
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 07-22-2011, 04:27 PM  
Maikan Maikan is offline
Lord of the House of Esthial
Default   #63  
Maikan's attention was taken a moment from the woman he was interroga--err, speaking to by the arrival of a loud clumping noise passing them going towards the refreshment table. He turned and blinked, eyes widening as they took in a male...a male..?? clumping by on rather high heels. Maikan watched him for a moment, partially fascinated, partially confused, but when the male took off his shoes and padded around in his bare stockings, Maikan's nostrils flared as he made a disgusted face. How uncouth!

But it wasn't until he saw the male's catlike ears and tail that he felt personally offended. The male was a Feryxonis! And here he was behaving like a commoner in a barn, how revolting! Maikan may have great pride in his Kingdom and Queen and undying pride in his lineage and family House but he held an almost obsessive pride in his race -- they were brothers with the sophisticated, elegant Athiyk, they were supposed to behave better than the...Valyarins.

His lip curled and he turned from the woman he had been speaking with and fairly stomped over to the black-haired, heel-wearing cat, stopping in front of him and standing haughtily. "Excuse me, sir. What," he hissed through teeth, "do you think you are doing??"
Old Posted 07-22-2011, 07:09 PM  
Default   #64   Demo Demo is offline
Demo quizzically looked around to find said shadow hound. "Well if he is your companion why is he not following you... or wait, he is hidden and keeps watch from the shadows am I correct?" He said putting his arm down for Richard to climb back up to his shoulder. He also made his way back tot the chair he had been in earlier.
[Proud Ascent Arco of Light.]

White thinks... That this signature is too sexy for its shirt. <3
~Neirra is my trisphee lil sis.~

Check out my Shop and my Quest Thread.
I'm a jerk so deal with it.
Old Posted 07-22-2011, 07:55 PM  

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