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Rem Rem is offline
draws the naughty bits
Default   #33  

The curtains covering the archway behind the bar pushed open and Rem poked his head out, having heard the tinkling bell over the door that indicated customers. "'Allo?" He saw a drenched fellow shivering on the threshhold and grabbed some towels folded behind the bar, hurrying over to him. "'allo sir, welcome to the Sisters - 'ere, lets get yeh dried an 'eated up b'fore yeh catch yehr deaf..." He busied himself patting the gentleman's hair, draping the towels over him and jogged over to pull a stool up to the fireplace, banking the fire so the coals glowed and gave off more heat. "'Ave a seat 'ere near the 'earth an' I'll return shortly wiv a warm drink, or soup, if yeh'd prefer--"

Just then the door swung open, a woman entering wordlessly, taking a seat in the corner. He eyed the new patron, and then stepped closer to her. "'Allo miss - would yeh be needin' any service t'noight?"

Old Posted 11-22-2010, 02:46 AM  
Default   #34   Espy Espy is offline
"I'm....fine," Espy replied in barely more than a whisper. "Although...a pint of tonic would be welcome," she added, handing over a silver token with one gloved hand.

Old Posted 11-22-2010, 02:53 AM  
Michael Michael is offline
Default   #35  
Michael shuddered and nodded, jerking his head about as he watched the man busy himself, like a real bumblebee at his task. It was like being suddenly accousted by a very friendly tornado, or a wave with a funny accent. ...Alright so he wasn't one to really complain about accents, not with his odd garbled english/japanese/chinese/make believe accent, but hey...had to have something to judge, right? ..Naw.

"Hey thanks. If y'wouldn' mind a cup 'a coffee 'er somethin'? I think I got enough for a couple nights too..I mean if y'really are an inn 'n stuff. Shouldn' 'a gone outside when I figured it smelled like rain." He complained the last, taking his jacket off so reveal the sopping wet clothes beneath as he scooted himself as close to the fire as he could stand. He probably looked like a drowned rat. Great~
Old Posted 11-22-2010, 02:55 AM  
Default   #36   Rem Rem is offline
draws the naughty bits

Rem eyed the woman, not quite believing her claim, but didn't push into her business, merely taking the coin and bowing respectfully. "As y'wish miss, I'll bring that roight out."

He pocketed the coin and went to pick up the sopping towels dropped behind the shivering male like breadcrumbs. "I b'lieve I've a few bags left of fresh beans...I'll 'ave those ground f'yeh soon enough." He smiled at the other, taking his discarded coat too, glancing back at the trail of puddles, making note to get a mop as well. "This's an inn, yehr roight. I'll run yehr a tab so's yeh c'n stay the noight an we'll settle up after." He paused a moment, thinking...if the guy had gone outside into the rain, why hadn't he simply gone back inside instead of making what appeared to be a long trek in the downpour? That is, if he had an inside to -really- go back to...

He cleared his throat and leaned in a little to murmur more quietly. "An if yehr needin' more'n a couple noights stay, we can make an arrangement of sorts I'm sure." He stepped back, gathering up the clothes and went to get his customer's orders.

Old Posted 11-22-2010, 03:04 AM  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #37  
....I must look suspicious again, thought Espy, as she unfastened her scarf and cloak. Taking a deep breath, she allowed herself to relax.

Old Posted 11-22-2010, 03:14 AM  
Default   #38   Rem Rem is offline
draws the naughty bits

Coming in from the back room with a sack of coffee and a mop, he set the crystals to brew, the smell of coffee soon permeating the room. After a moment fiddling behind the bar, he brought the drink to the woman on a tray, including a small loaf of bread, warmed, as complimentary, just in case she was hungry as well. "'ere yeh are miss," he smiled and set the items down. "I'm Rem, if yeh need anyfing else. Don' 'esitate t'ask." And he returned to the bar, grabbing the mop and began to clean up the puddles as the coffee brewed.

Last edited by Rem; 11-22-2010 at 03:31 AM.
Old Posted 11-22-2010, 03:23 AM  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #39  
A ghost of a smile flickered across Espy's features.
"...Thank you," she replied.
Looking around at the slippery floor, she asked, "Do you need any help with-" she gestured at the mops "-this?"

Old Posted 11-22-2010, 03:26 AM  
Default   #40   Rem Rem is offline
draws the naughty bits

Well that was certainly better than the serious expression prior and Rem returned the smile with his own slightly lopsided unselfconscious grin. "Oh, thank y'muchly miss, but it wouldn't do fehr me t'make a customer work." He paused and then grinned more. "Unless that customer really -wonts- t'elp. There's towels an' another mop b'ind th' bar, if yeh wont t'start on th' other end...we'll meet in th' middle an' that'll be me noightly moppin' done, then."

Old Posted 11-22-2010, 03:30 AM  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #41  
"No need for that, sirrah."
At Espy's fingertips, a small but bright flame shone, and she held it over the soaked areas, drying them in a few minutes.

Old Posted 11-22-2010, 03:33 AM  
Default   #42   Rem Rem is offline
draws the naughty bits

Rem's eyes widened and he blinked at the flame dancing from the woman's hand. "Cor," he said in awe. "That's bleedin' brilliant, that is..." He paused, glancing at her and stepped closer, his hands clutched around his mop a little tightly. "Are yeh one've those...people...from the other realm, then, miss?" he asked quietly, his brow furrowing as an unreadable expression flickered over his face.

Old Posted 11-22-2010, 03:41 AM  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #43  
"Well, a hybrid I am," breathed Espy. "That in itself doesn't constitute my ability to play with fire and earth. That part...that'd be the achievements of my mother and her family. Alchemists, with a specialty in fire and earth. If I had to transmute water, I would have a draw a circle."

The flame flickered and went out.

"They're long gone by now...along with my father's side. Assassins, all of them. And nobility too. But the officials decided we'd gotten too strong, and set fire to our mansion. I've yet to find my siblings....dead or alive."

Old Posted 11-22-2010, 03:48 AM  
Default   #44   Rem Rem is offline
draws the naughty bits

His eyes reflected his sorrow and he nodding, making an unconscious motion to place a comforting hand on her shoulder, but paused and drew back. "I am truly sorry to hear that," he said sincerely. "These are 'ard toimes for all, 'arder still for some...I do 'ope yeh foind them."

"I am also missing a sibling," he said after a moment's pause. "Though it wos 'is own choice t'leave. After me mother died...we are halfbreeds ourselves, after a nature, I don' know of me father though." He looked down at the mop and pushed it back into the bucket of water. "Well, 'e left to be a fool with other fools. 'e may be dead by now, 'oo knows."

He stopped then a little awkwardly, not sure why he told such private things to a stranger and straightened his shoulders, picking up the bucket. "I thank yeh fehr yehr 'elp, miss," he nodded and took the items back behind the archway.

Old Posted 11-22-2010, 03:55 AM  
Michael Michael is offline
Default   #45  
Michael leaned toward the flames, putting his hands out against the heat as he let it prickle and slide against his skin. Fire..didn't want it when the sun was out, prayed to god you could find tinder when it wasn't. Nevermind what things lurked about snickering to themselves that you can't get it lit- but stay occupied long enough for them to catch a snack. He tilted his head this way and that to look around- place was nice. nicer than he thought he'd be able to stay in long, but the man had said they could work something out..maybe doing dishes. He smirked at the glowing light. Dishes..Oh god if his mother could see him now.

His head came back out of it's little Lala land when he smelled the coffee brewing though, the thick musky scent of it floating through the air like it had a mind of it's own. His glancing brought his eyes toward the woman and the patron, eyebrows going up. Aaah..caster class..he always was better with his hands and feet.

..or teeth, if the cause arose. Never really did though. Eyes tipping up, he wondered if their host was...so persuaded.

Shivering he sat up straighter, turning in his seat to give the fire his back. "I don' wanna be rude 'er nuffin', but I don' s'pose that coffee's close t' bein' done?" He gave his best appologetic smile, inclining his head at the woman in an informal bow of sorts.
Old Posted 11-22-2010, 03:58 AM  
Default   #46   Rem Rem is offline
draws the naughty bits

Rem chuckled at that, having returned quickly, and checked the pot. "Yes, qoite so," he smiled at the male, and poured him a rather generous serving in a smoothly-made ceramic cup, and placed it on a tray along with a few raisin scones he'd brought out. He carried the tray to the stranger, setting it down on a small table he'd pulled over, and along with the coffee and scones set down small containers of cream and sugar. "'ere yeh go sir...on th' 'ouse. If yeh need anyfing else, me name's Rem, just shout it. Or 'Oi, barkeep!' or ''Ey, you wiv th' face!' works just as well." He snickered, straightening back up and moved back behind the bar.

[[man I'd love to get some feathers soon in these popups...eventually..sometime! >3< ffft lol]]
Old Posted 11-22-2010, 04:17 AM  
Michael Michael is offline
Default   #47  
He grinned at the cup as though it were full of liquid sin, taking it between his hands even though it was still hotter than he'd like. Whatever, he'd just been burning his skin off with the fire anyways. "An y'kin call me Michael, Mikey, whatever. I dunno. But sir sounds way better 'n I'm worth." He smirked, adding sugar and cream to the cup with a little laugh in his throat- as though he hadn't seen the stuff in ages. Really...he just liked Caffeine. ..A lot.
Old Posted 11-22-2010, 04:26 AM  
Default   #48   Espy Espy is offline
(Haha, sorry, took a shower.)

After sipping thoughtfully at her drink, Espy sat back, leaning partly on the back of the chair and propping herself up on a nearby pillar. Noticing the other newcomer watching her, she gazed back, hoping her pale eye didn't seem as cold as it often did.

Old Posted 11-22-2010, 04:32 AM  

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