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Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #369  
Faye began to think about everything but it as hard for her. But it took a bit until she finally remembered most of what happened. Oh, I remember now! Yeah, I saw that family, Elizabeth, her children and even Lucien! They held him in place and gave e the strength to kill him. I must have blacked out after that. But it's weird, I saw them, like they were actually there. And I still can't see you or anyone else normally. Maybe it's related somehow? She still didn't remember the darkness that enveloped her. Are we back home now? She asked. She only smelled their scents along with her brother so it must have been home. Not being able to see was getting to her, if this continued, she would never see her children's face.

Oh so they know? Oh great, that's not good. Well, at least we have allies, that's the main thing. It took her a few moments to realize that Isaac was a wolf, she nuzzled into him. You're a wolf. I just realized that. I hope it's not as painful as before. It does get better believe me. Faye yawned and shut her eyes.
Old Posted 05-12-2016, 05:08 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #370   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Isaac nuzzles Faye, happy that the family didn't blame them and was willing to help them end an evil that could start a whole new war. The sight you have might be, yes, its the only thing I can think of. Maybe your sigh will become something better than what it was? I'm honestly not certain.

He sighs mentally as he remembers what occurred, Yes, that's a good thing at least. And its not as painful as the first time, but still hurts. Once I'm able to shift on my own I'll be doing that as often as possible to make you more comfortable my love. Affectionately he licks Faye's mouth, as if he's trying to kiss her. Also, I told Micah about you being pregnant, he doesn't like me still but is happy for you at least.

Old Posted 05-13-2016, 10:40 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #371  
I wouldn't mind being able to see things like this as so long as I can see the rest of the world. I want to be able to see your face, I really miss it! She giggled mentally. Faye was shocked that Isaac had told her brother about her pregnancy but at least he wasn't throwing a fit about it, she thought that he would be screaming and yelling but no, he wasn't. Well just be glad he's not running you off to where you would never see the child or children. He might come around to liking you sooner or later so don't worry about it ok? She licked him back and nuzzled closely into him and then yawned. If you need to feed, you can go ahead and take some of my blood. I know you must be too tired to go hunt. I know I'm really tired. With her eyes closed, she drifted off to sleep quickly.

As Faye began to dream, she was having horrible nightmares. She was dreaming of herself killing everyone, Isaac, Micah, Roselle, Arden and Alice, literally everyone. She kept jerking around and whimpering all night long.
Old Posted 05-16-2016, 12:38 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #372   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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I'm fine my love, though I'm going to go out for a moment to get some blood. I'll be back as soon as I can you then you can have some of my blood. I won't take blood from you, not while you're with child. Giving her a quick nuzzle he commands most of the familiars that he has, including the vampire ones, to watch over Faye. He didn't want anything to happen to her.

He doesn't go far from his home, only going deep enough into the woods to catch a few rabbits, warily eating them as he keeps an eye out for anything unusual. After what happened at the meeting he half expects someone to jump out and attack him.

Roselle finishes drinking what she needs from the human woman before her, licking the bite to heal it and then releasing her. The woman is a little woozy, but doesn't seem to mind that Roselle has drank her blood, but nor did she seem happy. She pouts a bit as she addresses the woman, "Do you detest me for drinking your blood?" The woman looks at her, surprised that Roselle has spoken to her.

"You're not as bad as the others, but how would you feel having your life sucked from you? You probably wanted to be a vampire."

"No, I didn't, it was done to save my life. I couldn't return to my family, I'd rather have died then strain my family even more with another mouth to feed. I know you were one of the humans that suffered at the hand of the others, which is why I made you and some of the others my person source. Besides drinking what I need of you without causing great harm, I don't plan to hurt any of you. I just want to live peacefully along side humans, I cannot help that I survive the way I do. Though there has been one of our kind that did find another way to survive without drinking human blood."

"Oh? I'll believe it when I see it." The woman sneers at her before leaving. Saddened Roselle leaves, wondering out into the woods with her sketch book. She finds a clearing with some deer, who wearily watch her but doesn't see her coming near as she draws them in the book.

Old Posted 05-16-2016, 10:53 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #373  
Faye wasn't thinking, she couldn't be giving her blood out because she had to care for her child which would most likely be a vampire and a werewolf mix. She knew that Isaac left his familiars without him telling her that he did, he was just so protective and really meant a lot to her that he cared so much about her.

Micah was out looking for deer to drink from. It was a while before he saw two of them out in a clearing. He went to stalk them until a female caught his attention. She was really pretty. He walked over to her and stood behind her to look at what she was drawing, it was the two two he planned on killing. "You're really good at drawing miss." He told her as she continued to draw.
Old Posted 05-23-2016, 11:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #374   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Roselle was so engrossed in drawing that she hadn't realized that Micah was there, her eyes going wide in surprise as she turns to look at him. Seeing who it is, she relaxes, smiling at him, "Thank you, I make a living with my art, but drawing and painting people can get tiresome so I come out here from time to time." She can feel herself blushing, not entirely sure as to way. But this person before her was extremely handsome, causing some weird sensation in her body. She had seen this man at Issac's house several times, but mostly as a wolf, so she never really got a good look at him.

"I'll come out here and draw flowers or the wildlife, its also soothing because I'm out of the city and all of the hustle and bustle there." Finishing her drawing she hands the book to him for him to look through, "I have other drawings in here if you'd like to look."

Old Posted 05-26-2016, 03:36 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #375  
Micah felt drawn to this female vampire. There was something that drew him to her, it was such a weird feeling. "A vampire blushing, now that's something I never seen before." He chuckled. He sat down beside her and looked around. He should feed but that could wait. "You're not like most vampires I have met before." He said as he stared at her. He could feel himself get excited for no reason which made a light blush appear until he scowled and looked away utterly embarrassed at how he was acting.

"I usually stay out in the wilderness. I grew up out here most of my life after I was taken and turned into a werewolf. He always told me to hate my sister and vampires. That my sister left me for dead. I know she didn't, we were both so young, me younger than her but still. How could she take on a huge wolf at a young age? What was she suppose to do as a tiny little girl?" He shook his head. "Now look at me. I'm some freak wolf vampire hybrid thanks to Isaac. Never like the guy."
Old Posted 06-01-2016, 12:55 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #376   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Roselle blushes a bit more, "That's because I still hold onto what I was before becoming a vampire. My family taught me to always appreciate what we have. So you could say that I'm just more respectful of others than most vampires."

Hearing what Micah said about his past she can't help but to feel sad, "Well, vampires don't always end up being as nice as me, but it could also have to do with how they were treated when the first of our kind came to be. A lot of them were scorned by their own blood families since they were born from humans, but were a superior race of beings. The vampire that turned me is one of them, her lover being another. There's always a pair, if not then there is no balance and the other will go crazy. My sire's lover did something horrible, and that was consume another like himself and made their partner go crazy, which ignited the war between werewolves and vampires." She looks away in shame from her races past, but continues. "That vampire was Lilith, and from what I heard about Gabriel he wasn't much different from her. They both lost loved ones that pushed them over the edge and caused them to do horrible things. Though it was a good thing Issac consumed her, its made things settle down, if still touchy, between werewolves and vampires."

She kept getting strange urges from being so near him, it was like her body was on fire, but it was still a long way off until the sun rose. Getting annoyed by her hair, she pulls it back, her pale skin gleaming in the moonlight. Her head pounds as she feels her pulse quickening, if she didn't know any better she'd have that she might be craving his blood even though she's never drank it before. This then makes her wonder what caused Issac to change, but it was getting harder to focus on that as her craving grow stronger.

Old Posted 06-02-2016, 12:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #377  
Micah looked down. "Well, I guess you and I aren't too different. I still try to remember that I used to be human but with my sister now being a vampire werewolf hybrid, it's hard. And it's hard to believe that I am also one. I am also a werewolf vampire hybrid, but I will always be a werewolf first.

"Yeah, I know that. And I think Isaac is one of those evil bastards but y sister is in love with him. Why I don't know but if he ever hurts her, I will kill him. I will torture hi and make him go through a slow agonizing painful death. She's been hurt enough and being hurt by someone she loves and trusted will hurt her even more." He listened to Roselle tell her story. He even paid attention. "There's always a pair, sounds like us werewolves. Though I never heard of them going crazy if they don't find their mate. Not that they won't go crazy but not everyone will find their mate. But if you loose a mate, that's worse than never finding one. When you loose that mate, it's hard to recover, if they recover at all." He explained. "No, I don't think they are different at all. And I think we will still be on edge with the other race for a while but maybe me, Mila, and even Isaac will be able to bring peace between them all like I have heard. And with her child, it will be the first born of its kind."

He stared at her neck as his hunger was increasing but he didn't dare ask her if he could drink her blood. But yet, he had this strange urge to...kiss her? And he even desired her blood, he could smell it and it had such a wonderful scent to it. He could feel his throat tightening as his saliva became too thick to swallow from this hunger for blood. He hated it deeply. But he noticed that she was looking hungry also. He moved his head to the side for her to suck his blood. "If you need to feed go ahead. Don't need you attacking me because you get to hungry."
Old Posted 06-12-2016, 12:00 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #378   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Roselle's face becomes crimson with embarrassment, she was hoping he wouldn't have noticed her sudden hunger. Closing her sketchbook, she sets it aside, then sheepishly approaches Micah. Putting one hand behind his back, and the other caresses his cheek on the side he didn't expose of his neck before holding his head steady as she bites into his neck. His blood tastes like wild herbs and spices, making her moan in pleasure as she drinks from him. Unconsciously she presses herself against him, quivering as fire builds in her abdomen, loosing herself in the taste of his blood as she continues to drink. She can feel his energy beginning to slip, removing her teeth and then licking the bite.

Her face is flush as she pulls back her dress so that her shoulder is exposed, "I drank a bit much from you, you can have some of mine as an apology." She watches him, actually really eager and wanting him to drink her blood, hoping it would end this weird feeling she's been having since they've met.

Last edited by ml1201; 06-13-2016 at 10:23 AM.
Old Posted 06-13-2016, 10:15 AM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #379  
Micah felt this burning desire deep within him as Roselle drank his blood. It was a fiery passion burning from within that felt like it would make him explode into millions of pieces. He desired her blood now more than ever. Feeling weak from the amount of blood she drank, he couldn't stop himself the second she offered her blood to him. Her scent was so enticing, he couldn't help himself even if he wanted to. Without saying another word, with his eyes glowing red, his teeth which were already long, sharp, and pointed being a werewolf, he bit deep within. The second hr blood was felt and tasted on his lips, he wanted to howl with excitement. Maybe he would once he was done. The burning desire within him never went away, it only intensified for him. Pulling back reluctantly, he stared at her with golden eyes. He had his fill and he was very reluctant to even stop feeding from her but he pulled himself together a bit and stopped. "D-did you feel anything...weird?" He asked her curiously.
Old Posted 06-14-2016, 02:39 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #380   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Holding back from yelling in pleasure, Roselle holds onto Micah as fire courses her body, beating against her body like waves on a beach. Her eyes are clouded with pleasure as he pulls away, pouting a bit as he does so.

"You mean like this really weird burning sensation that only gets stronger when we drink each other's blood? I get that and I also have a throbbing in my admen. It gets stronger the more I'm near you." While she's talking Roselle snuggles against Micah, gently scraping her fangs along his jawline. "But this burning feels so good, I don't ever want it to stop."

Old Posted 06-14-2016, 07:42 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #381  
Micah just looked at Roselle unsure of what to say. She was a vampire, he wasn't too keen on them but she was different from the others that he had met. She didn't even hate him because of what he was like the others, not that he ran into many of them but still, the ones he did run into hated him and what he was. Of course he felt the same way towards them so the feeling was mutual. "So I'm just going to be like my sister then and be with a vampire? I may not like what you are but I can make an exception with you. I don't mind it in the least. You're different. Plus, I'm kinda one now so I basically hate myself if I hate a vampire. And that would mean I hate my sister which I don't so... But your clan members, or whatever they are called, won't they hate they fact that you're with a werewolf? Or worse yet, a werewolf vampire hybrid? One of the only three in existence as we know of." He asked. Though there could actually be more just in hiding but he seriously doubted that for some reason. If there was there would have been a good chance that they would have been discovered or at least rumored to have existed. But all he's ever heard was how it would be impossible for that to have ever happen. Guess it wasn't as impossible as they thought it was.

Micah admittedly was craving more of her but he didn't want to say that to her as it would be rude to go far beyond exchanging blood with one another. His body was aching for something more pleasurable but he just tried to keep it hidden. "I think before we do anything we regret, we should get to know each other before we make this official, even if I really want to right now." He said with a slight blush on his face.
Old Posted 06-22-2016, 03:48 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #382   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Pulling back from him, Roselle looks down, spacing out more than looking at anything in particular. After a moment she looks back up at him, "Knowing them they will probably think about attacking me, but they wouldn't be able to beat me if they were to try. Like other vampires I do have familiars to help prevent people from sneaking up on me, but I also have a power they fear..." She walks back over to where she dropped the sketch book, opening it up to a blank page she begins drawing Micah. When she's finished she holds her hand over the paper and shadows bellow up from the paper until another Micah stands before her. "When having to fight oneself in order to defeat someone, they are then at a disadvantage because their opponent knows all their weaknesses. This is one of the reasons why I'm the leader of the clan, and I believe Morgana, the one who sired me, would support me in my choice. Her partner blames himself for the war having begun between the two races since he was the one that killed Lilith's partner, which then drove her crazy." Looking away a bit in shame, she didn't want to scare Micah, but she also didn't want to keep such a power hidden from him either.

"Anyways, I'll probably have to teach the three of you about the clans. To try and avoid some conflict anyways if possible. There will be those who don't accept your kind yet, and some may never, but that's just the nature of some people and they cannot be made to see things they don't want to see. Like with Issac, I never would have thought to try drinking animal blood, I had thought only human blood could nourish my kind."

Old Posted 06-22-2016, 10:17 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #383  
Micah watched with great shock. He didn't know what to think but he wasn't afraid since he knew that she wouldn't use it on him. They barely knew each other and yet, he felt like he could trust her. Was this because they were suppose to be mates? Was this what Faye feels when she's around Isaac? No wonder she's so in love with him, it's hard to resist the temptation of drinking her blood and ripping her clothes off to make sweet passion love with her. Micah was unaware of how wild his eyes looked, and not the dangerous type of wild looking but more like he wanted to "wrestle" type of look. "Well, loosing someone who's precious to you must be heartbreaking. I am not surprised he blames himself but unless he saw the future, it's not really his fault now is it?" He told her. "But your power, it's really interesting. With you by my side, if I ever wanted to be alpha, nothing would stop me. But I'm more of a lone wolf if you will." He told her.

"Yeah, avoiding conflict right now would be best. I don't think it would be good if your clan tells the others about us. I think it would be very dangerous at this moment if we were discovered." He agreed with her on that. Avoiding conflict was best right now. "Well, to be fair, animal blood has nothing on your blood or humans, but your blood tastes the best to me.
Old Posted 06-30-2016, 09:27 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #384   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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She lets out a sigh of relief when Micah doesn't seem frightened of her powers, dismissing the duplicate she made. "I've always wondered why he'd let his temper flare like that, even more so against another Adam. Lilith's Adam had only wanted to try revealing themselves to the humans. Sadly there are too many vampires who are abusive towards humans."

Roselle smiles happily when he tells her that, "I'm glad to hear that, your blood tastes better than human blood to me as well, though human blood has more nourishment." Unable to resist anymore, she leans in close to his ear, whispering to him that she's still a maiden before wrapping her arms around his neck. Nibbling at his lips she tries to get him to kiss her, wanting to explore his mouth with her own.

Old Posted 07-04-2016, 09:14 AM Reply With Quote  

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