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Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #369  
Saw Hazbin Hotel. :/ Very well animated. Looks absolutely professional. Interesting premise and characters. A great joke here and there.
Though it reminded me a ton of my ex friend, <-< (Who honestly would fit right in down in that sort of hell.) and made me mad for some reason. B/
Still, I hope it's creators work on achieving the dream. <:/ I understand a lot of animation artists work in small groups and build companies only to see them die or worse, get picked up by a bigger corporation and completely eaten up, with nothing left but cash-ins and sell-out products. <:c

Anyway, ;U;
I'm so goddamn lonely...and sad. Great to be here!
;n; I think imma cry today...and drink some water...and do my homework or else I'll fail, and if I fail something again I'm gonna shut down. ;n; And when I shut down, I hit dock bottom again. Q-Q|||

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Old Posted 09-07-2020, 01:42 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #370   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Happy Halloween season, friends!

I'm super excited. This year I found a Butterbeer drink at my local Whole Foods and I'm super excited to try it!!

I was going to buy some last time I was there, but I decided against it at the time because I want to limit my sugar. =u=
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 09-21-2020, 11:22 PM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #371  
<:) What will you be doing for Halloween, Ava?

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Old Posted 09-22-2020, 01:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #372   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
I'm not too sure yet. :(
I am hoping that some comic book stores are going to be open on Halloween so I can at least spend the holiday with some likeminded nerds. >n<

Otherwise, I will hope that I can have a group chat or face chat with some friends on Halloween and we can still dress up in costumes. Kinda like a Halloween party... but Zoom version, I guess?

I just don't want to spend Halloween by myself. ;-;

How about you, Merskelly?? Any plans? :D
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 09-22-2020, 06:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #373  
.U.; Me?

Imma watch my favorite scary movies and probably like wear my horns around, or do face paint, eat a cinnamon pumpkin cookie, and dress weird all day. :/ Probably alone...might walk outside for a bit, just to see the moon. That is unless I'm invited to a video party or something by any of my old friends. *SHRUG* <x} But I doubt it.

<:/ Halloween has become very boring to me as of late. <:c I still like it, but it's lonelier now.

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Old Posted 09-22-2020, 07:07 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #374   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Ooo! You like scary movies? I know so many people lately who love scary movies!

Do you have a favorite Halloween movie?

I think my favorite is Twitches. C:
The Disney channel movie haha..

Halloween is still fun to me, but definitely less so than when I was a kid. :(
It's not as fun anymore also since my bunny passed away. Halloween was her favorite she liked answering the door and getting pets from the kids. And the kids enjoyed it too, I think. They'd always say, "This is the house that has the bunny instead of a cat".

Beans used to wear a bumblebee costume each year.
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 09-22-2020, 11:07 PM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #375  
.u. I like ssssome scary movies! ^-^; I'm still a bit skittish around most slasher flicks, but I have seen some real screaming scary films before. Like the Exorcist, and Pet Semetary. o_o; I don't like stuff with too much blood and gore, (which is surprising because I like Tarantino flicks.) but I DO like stuff with creative monsters and creepy scares instead of jump scares. 8O

Awwwwh! <8'o That sounds really really adorable! <3 The last time I answered the door with my horns on, a couple kids thought I was a goat lady. =U-; I was supposed to be a demon, but I didn't have a tail or wings, just the horns, so, of course there was misunderstanding. But, on the other hand, being an Aries, >.> I technically AM a goat. <XD Or rather the goat sign. lol!

It's also not too well known, but I've witnessed rabbits to have such personality! <x)

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Old Posted 09-23-2020, 02:11 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #376   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
The most recent "scary" movie I have watched that surprisingly didn't scare me or spook me was Carrie. The new one with Chloe Moretz. I was the "weird" kid in school myself up until I started online high school. So I guess I felt like I could relate to her in some ways? I'm not really sure why it didn't scare me. But I wasn't scared of Kill Bill, but I got really spooked and nauseated by The Hateful Eight. >n<

Hahah! Goat lady sounds like a really fun costume idea! At the very least, it would probably be a fun costume for a RenFaire.

Beans' first Halloween, I wanted to put her in a bumblebee costume because she was a black rabbit and I thought it would be cute. But the first year, she was too small for most of the costumes the store had, so I put her in a Wonderwoman costume meant for small puppies. It was cute, but I think the bumblebee costume was much cuter! OWO I was so happy when I was able to find one in her size!

Bunnies have such funny personalities! Beans was always so naughty around me and my family, but was always a perfect little angel around anyone else.
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 09-23-2020, 05:09 PM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #377  
<:T Awwh, yeah. Carrie is easy to sympathize for, so it's less scary and more like, <X'( "This is what you all get for being mean to Carrie!" xD
I've only seen the original, but the original is pretty much the same premise. :) She was innocent and unassuming and just bullied for being plain and shy, poor thing... ;_; I was like that in High School, but I just wasn't bullied for it because I forced myself to be friendlier and likable. I was always the weird kid too, <u<; Who thought she was a velociraptor instead of a boy or girl, hehe. Luckily, I wasn't the only weird kid for a little while and made a couple friends.. but I find I'm still weird, ;-; and sad now, because I can't relate to the normie folks. <x'C I can't even relate to the nerds and geeks around me even though I like a lot of the same things, booo.

But a fun Halloween thing I like to watch is old Halloween cartoons. :D I always watch Mickey's house of Villains every Halloween if you've seen it. ^-^ It's funny to remember that Jafar played a round of magic baseball with Mickey at one point. x'D

Awwww! Preshhh! <x'D <3 Haha! That's quite the trait! >W< Cheeky little bratty bunny. My friend had a rabbit that would always stay around her, unless you had anything that looked leafy or springy in your hand, then he'd totally leave her and come over to you and be your best friend instead as long as you fed or played or pet him. X'D His name was Oreo.

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Old Posted 09-23-2020, 08:06 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #378   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
My dad is a fan of those old horror movies, so he thought that the original was much better than the remake.
I was never truly "bullied" in school, and definitely not to the power that Carrie endured, but I was a really "weird" kid, so many people often avoided me. I used to get to school early and just sit in the classroom because no one was there, so I'd sit there by myself so no one would see me sitting all alone. Sometimes I even ate my breakfast in the classroom before anyone got there.
Awwh! :( Why can't you relate to the nerds and geeks? :<

Ooo! I don't think I've seen that one. :D I love the Disney villains! c: I am going to put together a list of the Halloween movies I want to watch on Halloween this year. They are all Disney Channel specials, though .=u=

Aww! Beans was that way sometimes too! She could be anywhere in the house, but when she heard the fridge door open, she'd come running to the person who opened the fridge. She especially loved my mom because my mom likes to juice and she'd give Beans some of the veggie scraps. Sometimes she'd make some juice for Beans and put it in a little dish and Beans would drink her juice with the rest of us. xD

I think bunnies are so underrated! People don't realize how precious and loving they can be. <3
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 09-24-2020, 02:47 PM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #379  
*nodnod* -u- Some originals still hold up when compared to the remake. Though horror movie SEQUELS are their on their whole other plane of existence. >_>; I never understood those sequels...like, it's the same thing, but happening to someone else, somewhere else...=~=; It's redundant. Though I DID enjoy The Evil Dead and thought the Evil Dead 2 was so much better. :D

<x} I was the weird but outspoken kid. I was bullied for being annoying as hell. ;U; And also because I was a girl that liked boy things, so the boys wouldn't play with me for very long since I didn't understand their rules and the girls pretty much condemned me from ever being included in anything. >3> Bah! I didn't care. I wasn't girly anyway.
<:/ But I feel ya with the sitting in the classroom alone all the time. I usually spent my recesses that way, just snacking and sitting and maybe drawing on a piece of paper, while everyone pretty much ignored me. ;U; Sometimes, if I was quiet enough and hidden well, the teachers would forget I was there and left the room with me inside...where I'd wait until everyone came back in...</3 good times.

<X) I can't fit in anywhere, which is why I picked the alien aesthetic, since I feel like I'm from another planet. :/ Wish I could relate to nerds and geeks but, I don't DnD, I don't read any comics, I am not at least 78% familiar with most nerdy shows and movies and therefore cannot contribute to geeky conversations featuring them primarily. ;u; I don't like enough anime to be a weeb, and I don't like enough Star Trek to be a Trekkie. I'd belong with the Literature geeks, BUT I haven't read anything they have, and they read a LOT! 8( And I don't. <x]
Can't belong with the math nerds or science nerds because I gave up understanding those subjects to make room in my brain for dumb jokes. ;u; And I don't know how to play any instruments so I can't chill with the band geeks. >n< As much as I play video games, I can't fit in with the video game geeks either, since I haven't even played HALF of any of the must-plays they ALWAYS recommend to me. Q-Q And I got no gaming skills whatsoever compared to them...Doesn't help that ontop of all of that, my friends belong more with the geeks and nerds than I do. I just can't very well articulate how out of place it feels.

<:/ It's like being the only one with a joke cosplay at a convention full of people with complete cosplay outfits, and nobody gets the joke cosplay you're wearing, because it's just a just 2 pieces of toast taped to the front and back of your t-shirt. ;_; And people ask what you're supposed to be, and you have to keep explaining that you're a narrative representation of the universe, how it's end and beginning are one in the same at different points in time and space, and the matter in between has a set time to live and die, therefore you represent intelligent life's existence which does not go past the end, nor before the beginning, and we are all destined to return to our original compositions at the end of our mortal coil....but instead you say, "I'm an idiot sandwich." Because you are so desperate to keep your mouth shut. <x')

Ah but anyways, I think you'd like that one. ^U^ It's short but has variety and spooky Halloween themes!

But wow! :D I didn't think bunnies liked veggie juice! That's cute! <xD haha, I'll bet she was excited because of all the fresh things to eat in a fridge and someone to open it for her and give her nibbles to snack on. x}
Rabbits are quiet, and a little unconventional, but they are great pets if you know how to take care of them. :) They're also super cute and soft. <xD <3

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Last edited by Merskelly Metalien; 09-25-2020 at 05:38 PM.
Old Posted 09-25-2020, 05:34 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #380   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Eeeee! When I think of sequels of horror movies... I think of.... Human Centipede 2. O_O Who would have been so sick enough to even think of the first one... but let alone make a sequel!?!?! >A<

Oh, yeah. I remember those days in school. :( I remember when I was a kid in middle school, when the girls had to change clothes in the locker room, there was one girl who really didn't give a shit if anyone saw her body. The other girls called her a lesbian because they thought that all girls should be self conscious. I remember people spreading rumors about me and my girlfriends because we used to hold hands everywhere. Kids were so ignorant back then, I swear!

Ohhh. That is understandable. :( I tend to have very obscure fandoms too. It's difficult to see so many people having fun with their fandoms, and you sit there by yourself because your fandom is so small. ;A; In those situations, I wish I was more of a content creator so I could make more content for the fandoms I am that don't have much content. >n< I used to draw a lot, but lately I've lost my enjoyment from it. I have only gotten back into writing fan fiction more recently, but I'm nowhere near good enough that I would write fanfics for the obscure fandoms I am a part of. ;n;

I LOVE those really creative cosplays. I feel like there's always hundreds of Jokers and Harley Quinns. It's nice to see something more creative at a convention. :) It's especially nice seeing more homemade ones rather than the ones people buy. c:

I'm definitely going to check it out! I LOVE almost everything Disney. xD

Yeah! Beans always loved the veggie juices. My mom used to give her scraps from the juicer also, like if an apple didn't get completely blended, she'd give it to Beans, or if some kale got stuck. Beans was always hungry for a treat. She LOOOVED bananas too. I should have named her Banana. I think if more people knew how sweet and loving bunnies could be, they'd be less of them in foster care and in shelters. <3 My heart goes out to bunnies because it seems like so many people think that they are just giant hamsters and they don't realize how to care for them.
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 09-26-2020, 12:30 AM Reply With Quote  

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