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Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
Default   #17  
Having items in a RIG and in the event shop was thought up especially to annoy you, Illu.

I see as little point in having multiple RIGs to collect items from as you do having a RIG and shop set, unfortunately.

Adding rarely colored versions of old items isn't a terrible thought. Could be fun, and I'm a sucker for more options.

Coda, I already ran selling back event items by Toho, and he said it was fine. Can you talk to him about it if you think it can be an issue? Because I don't know what all y'all have to deal with behind the curtain.

Old Posted 10-06-2015, 03:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Originally Posted by Gallagher View Post
Having items in a RIG and in the event shop was thought up especially to annoy you, Illu.

I see as little point in having multiple RIGs to collect items from as you do having a RIG and shop set, unfortunately.

Adding rarely colored versions of old items isn't a terrible thought. Could be fun, and I'm a sucker for more options.

Coda, I already ran selling back event items by Toho, and he said it was fine. Can you talk to him about it if you think it can be an issue? Because I don't know what all y'all have to deal with behind the curtain.
Multiple RIGS, more expensive ones (or maybe just make them rewards randomly given) = better chance at a rarer RIG item. The goal is to make people post more to try and attempt to get the item they want, not getting a item = more posts = more attempts to get said item. The only problem is not having enough of said item in the system, but just bring it back in a future event, or at request but keep it rare. (We need to keep people here and interested to come back/questing/working for something.)

If people can just buy the item they want, they will post a little, get the item, stop. <-- This hasn't been effective method in our past events. The only reason it was ever effective was because items we're rarer or their was a lot of items = a lot of posts needed. But even then people went for the items they wanted and stopped. We need to drive up activity more than anything right now, and throwing all items in a event RIG would do just that. Everyone has equal chance for a item, and if the event ends and people didn't get the item they want. Oh look there is reason to go back to the marketplace and trade and sell for that item.

I put a lot of thought into this one and all the positives and negatives. Positives outweigh the negatives in a long run.

Last edited by Illusion; 10-06-2015 at 03:33 PM.
Old Posted 10-06-2015, 03:27 PM Reply With Quote  
Coda Coda is offline
Default   #19  
With all due respect to Toho, I know the code better than he does, and I've spent more time thinking about the implications. :P I wrote it, after all.

Yes, it wouldn't be that hard to make the existing sellback function give you a few aurum if you sell back an event item (in other words, a step above just throwing the item away), but if you want it to give you back event currency then we have the mess of making sure that you can't sell back event items for a currency that you're not supposed to be able to have! And the list of currencies you can have changes over time, based on what events are currently running, and even then you have problems if we decide to reuse items from a previous event. (For example, if you hoarded before, you might be able to get more event currency than we intended to have in circulation; worse, if we're not using the same currency we were using before...) And not every event item should be able to be sold back, so we'd have to go make sure that we mark the existing event items as sellable or not-sellable. (I've actually done the groundwork to support THIS part, but no one has wanted to do the work of actually updating the tens of thousands of items in the system.)

Like I said, nothing here is actually insurmountable, but it has to be done carefully and thoughtfully.

That said, I wouldn't be opposed to something like Pokemon's Wonder Trade, where you throw an item into the pool and get in return something someone else had given away.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 10-06-2015, 03:40 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Originally Posted by Coda View Post
That said, I wouldn't be opposed to something like Pokemon's Wonder Trade, where you throw an item into the pool and get in return something someone else had given away.
I like the idea, but the problem with Wonder trade is that everyone trades Weedles expecting a Mewtwo in return. LOL

Old Posted 10-06-2015, 03:42 PM Reply With Quote  
Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
Default   #21  
The item set purchasable in the event shop is a different set than the items in the rig, so no, people can't just buy the item they want, they can only buy extra chances at the item, which I think is fair.

I'm slightly hesitant to fill the rig in with commons and other such things, if only because I've heard horror stories of chance and millions of boats and billions of socks. If a super beefy rig is agreed on, however, I'm not going to stand in the way of it. Winter does have other work besides event items to do, so I don't want her making things for this for all eternity. I suppose that means I'd be willing to double up on recolor work to help pad things up.

How would y'all feel about different versions of the event items with different color combinations?

Coda, it seems like a very large oversight for nothing like this to have been put into the code before now, honestly. I can understand avoiding it up to a point, but even if it's never actually used, it seems like a very large hole in what should be a pretty fundamental system. I, for one, have never even heard about this work needed to mark sellable and not-sellable items, otherwise I would have been willing to put time into getting that done. I'm not sure how I was supposed to help with an issue I never heard about.

Wonder trade does seem pretty cool, if this issue can't be overcome at this time.

Old Posted 10-06-2015, 03:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Originally Posted by Gallagher View Post
The item set purchasable in the event shop is a different set than the items in the rig, so no, people can't just buy the item they want, they can only buy extra chances at the item, which I think is fair.

I'm slightly hesitant to fill the rig in with commons and other such things, if only because I've heard horror stories of chance and millions of boats and billions of socks. If a super beefy rig is agreed on, however, I'm not going to stand in the way of it. Winter does have other work besides event items to do, so I don't want her making things for this for all eternity. I suppose that means I'd be willing to double up on recolor work to help pad things up.

How would y'all feel about different versions of the event items with different color combinations?

Rad different color combinations = Awesome.

Oh a different set on the side along with the RIG? Okay, I still think it's a better idea to just throw them in the RIG. Unless you make the RIG an annual thing, and the separate item set is the one exclusive to said event? (Which works too and keeps event exclusive items, which isn't a bad thought either.)

But yes, no common items in the RIG, maybe Aurum as the worst prize you can get. Lol. (After thinking about it, probably not. Granted we have enough Aurum dumps to keep an economy balanced. Thinking...)

Also! If you have a RIG and then sold the items for event currency, that wouldn't work out and would conflict with each other. I'd prefer a dumpster dive over a wonder trade because a dumpster dive means you can trash items cluttering your inventory you can't sell, and a wonder trade is hoping there is someone online and one that will have something worth trading with. <-- A wonder trade would work better if there was a lot of people on.

The whole reason why people wanted cheaper event items we're so their we're multiples of them to give to newer members. Allowing us to sell those items just limits that pool. :/ *shrugs*

Last edited by Illusion; 10-06-2015 at 04:06 PM.
Old Posted 10-06-2015, 04:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Coda Coda is offline
Default   #23  
Galla, you did hear about it before, and you volunteered to tag items when it came up in the past. :P But honestly the issue of dealing with currencies that aren't always in circulation is the biggest issue, and that's less of a technical question and more of an administrative one.

Edit: Also, we'd seed the wonder trade pool with some items in it already, and I wouldn't be opposed to having the option to donate to the wonder trade pool without expecting to get anything back from it. I just think that REQUIRING that you put an item into it is a good way of keeping it balanced so that there's always stuff for people to get and one person can't just go hoard everything.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 10-06-2015, 04:12 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #24   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
Alright, lots of colors is a definite can-do.

I'm not sure if the RIG will be annual or not. I'm not against it, and it's not like it'll be taken out of the system once the event is over. It really depends on how everything goes, y'know? Next year is sort of way farther off than I've thought about at this point.

I think, if you really want more copies to give to newer users, you should... uhm... not sell your extras? None of the percentages for grants have been worked out or anything, so I don't know how many extras we'd be looking at on average. I was thinking about doing another raffle, which could be a currency dump, too. (honestly, i don't know how the raffle actually works. i know it's been explained to me, but for some reason, it never sticks.) I definitely do see where that would be a worry, though. I don't want the market to be left devoid of spares to circulate, but I don't really want people to get stuck with 20 copies of the one item they hate either?

CODA I DON'T REMEMBER THAT AT ALL. I do remember wanting to help with tagging when we were going to have more organization/search options in the inventory and avi editor. Were those part of the same discussion?

If it's an administrative question, then maybe we should get that discussion going. I mean, the site has been at such a standstill, I would kill to get any of the systems working as well as I'd like them to be, even if I can only get change through little battles like "I want this for an event". It's really disheartening for me to see how little gets done elsewhere when I'm puttering about messing with items for hours and hours. Not that I expect things to magically happen, but it's gotten a lot less fun than it used to be, I'll tell you that much. There are a lot of things we keep saying we want to do that never happen that I have no possible way of helping with. I have high hopes as far as items and events go with Winter and Salone around now, but even then, we can only do so much.

Old Posted 10-06-2015, 04:22 PM Reply With Quote  
Coda Coda is offline
Default   #25  
Raffles are nothing fancy. It literally picks a random copy of the raffle ticket out of the system and tells you who owns it, then destroys the ticket so it can't win again. :P The numbers are totally arbitrary, just for show. Raffle prizes are decided upon by the admin running it, not automated. I think our first raffle was stocked by the rare items out of banned users' inventories. >.>

Marking items as sellable/non-sellable was farther back than the discussion you recall, I think. It didn't see a very big discussion at the time. The code is in place and active to support it for items that cost aurum, but it's mostly only used to allow destroying items that are both free and common and to prevent selling ADIs.

Let's move the administrative discussion into the administrative section. I'm willing to put some more work into the site, but most of the things that have been blocking me have been beyond my control.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 10-06-2015, 04:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #26   Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Originally Posted by Gallagher View Post

I think, if you really want more copies to give to newer users, you should... uhm... not sell your extras? None of the percentages for grants have been worked out or anything, so I don't know how many extras we'd be looking at on average. I was thinking about doing another raffle, which could be a currency dump, too. (honestly, i don't know how the raffle actually works. i know it's been explained to me, but for some reason, it never sticks.) I definitely do see where that would be a worry, though. I don't want the market to be left devoid of spares to circulate, but I don't really want people to get stuck with 20 copies of the one item they hate either?

That's why I suggest a dump, the problem with just giving copies to a new user in general is that if it's sellable, that item could just be sold by another user and destroyed for good. Never able to come back. :/ That and if I could just sell an item for money why donate?

It's still probably better in the long run to have a dumpster/charity system like this, especially when activity is low. That are you could have a NPC run it and I know just how much the staff love the Shopkeepers. /Bad joke

Old Posted 10-06-2015, 05:06 PM Reply With Quote  
Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
Default   #27  
In an ideal world, the items would only be able to be sold for event currency during the course of the event, and after it was over, they wouldn't be resellable at all. It's apparent that Toho may have been hasty when he agreed to work on things for the event, but that was my intention when this thread was created. Regardless, we may have had a misunderstanding on how that system would work from the start, so I can definitely see your concerns with the whole idea. That's not how I wanted it to work, so I hope this clarified things.

What we actually do in the end is up for grabs, I suppose. Without the code to make anything happen either which way, all I can do is put things in the shops and make bundles or rigs. I pretty much can only do things with items, and sometimes edit the front page or achievements. I can't even implement new currencies for events or switch the event shop on. So, I mean, I can only work with what I have.

A dumpster system would be cool. An easier way to donate items to other users would be cool, too. But a dumpster/wonder trade I think would be maximum cool as a feature in our games tab rather than an event specific thing, so I guess I don't really have much to say about it in this thread.

Old Posted 10-06-2015, 05:26 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #28   Den Den is offline
Tattooed & foul-mouthed
My main concern is that I really do have a whole lot of last year's items, and I haven't been able to get rid of them. If we had a way to gamesell them, even for 1-5 aurum, or a place to dump them for deletion after the event was over, that'd go a long way toward cleaning up the inventories, and might be helpful for users. Say you've gotten enough of one (common-ish) item to do the background or outfit you're wanting to do, and then you start to get more and more when you don't need them. Right now, we can't get rid of them and I know it's frustrating as heck for me, if not for other people. If we had a way to clear them from our inventories, I think that'd make players happier. But I'm weird. I don't hoard things.
I use She/Her and They/Them pronouns.

Originally Posted by Gallagher
i'm not being biased, den just speaks my language
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Old Posted 10-06-2015, 06:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Lawtan Lawtan is offline
Dragon Storm
Default   #29  
*Huggles the Story, Art, Avatar, and Murder Mystery ideas*
My precious...precious...

I can open up the upper story of the Library for the event. (Translation: make a thread). Already working on Drawloween and trying to write more, so I can guide it to the Trisphee Nocturnalis!

(I don't know about you guys, but for me the friends and events sort of are what attract me, so this is great :3)
Lawtan: A chaotic dragoness with issues.

��s ofer�ode, �isses sw� m�g.


Science, horror, folklore, and cuteness incoming!
Old Posted 10-06-2015, 06:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #30   Glitch Glitch is offline
You can give all of last years event items to me~ since I missed it.

Just sayin.


Vote for art contest! Although I think it should be creativity based rather than based on who draws the best picture or makes the best sculpture or what have you. It could be like "I made an NPC out of cake - here's a picture" and then we all laugh . . .

I'm rambling.

Old Posted 10-06-2015, 07:11 PM Reply With Quote  
Salone Salone is offline
Problem to the Solution
Default   #31  
Originally Posted by Winter View Post
You can give all of last years event items to me~ since I missed it.

Just sayin.


Vote for art contest! Although I think it should be creativity based rather than based on who draws the best picture or makes the best sculpture or what have you. It could be like "I made an NPC out of cake - here's a picture" and then we all laugh . . .

I'm rambling.
*heavy breathing*

I heard cake. You may...proceed.
Old Posted 10-06-2015, 07:19 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #32   Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Originally Posted by Gallagher View Post
But a dumpster/wonder trade I think would be maximum cool as a feature in our games tab rather than an event specific thing, so I guess I don't really have much to say about it in this thread.
Well that's what I mean... Put it in the games tab and then have it done during or after the event. (Well assuming it's easy to code for and it's not a big problem with Coda or anyone else time-wise.)

*Hears about cake*
Ca.. Cake?

Old Posted 10-06-2015, 07:56 PM Reply With Quote  

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