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Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #17  
Mila nodded as she went to sit down though it felt awkward because of her tail, it made her unable to get comfortable because she had to sit on it. That area was rather sore, like it had ripped out of her insides and through her skin to come out. Her head was tender also,the towel just hurt her even more and her mouth was hurting also. Like every place that was different was now hurting her. Tears made their way to the surface.

As Gabriel came back, she wiped way her tears an grabbed the cup. "Thank you." She said lowly. She sniffed the cup and noticed a different smell that she never smelt before. Gabe, what's in this? It doesn't smell like just coffee. She continued to smell it but couldn't determine what she was smelling. But trusting her guardian, she took a drink and felt relief from her thirst. She down the cup within a few gulps. Her eyes were turning red. "More, I want more. But I just want the stuff in the coffee, nothing that that ingredient you used. I-I need more..." She told Gabriel Mila was starting to look like a junkie, her pupils were dilated and she was a bit twitchy.

She remembered certain parts about last night but nothing about Gabriel biting her. She pulled the blanket closer around her. Then she realized she had to go to school. Her eyes lit up in surprise. "Oh no, I have to go to class! Crap! I'm late!" She took schooling seriously and despite last night's events, she didn't want to miss. Until she noticed her head. She couldn't go out with freaky ears and a tail. Humans don't have that!
Old Posted 01-22-2016, 03:28 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   Doctor Gabriel Doctor Gabriel is offline
Gabriel moved so quickly most people wouldn’t have been able to see it. One second the blonde beatnick was sitting his arm around Mila, the next he was standing over her with one hand gently but very, very firmly placed on her shoulder. It wasn’t a grip to hurt her, but it’s message was clear.

“Kiddo,” he smiled softly despite the force he was exerting on her, “you’re taking a mental health day.”

He looked her straight in the eyes as he spoke. It wasn’t a request or a suggestion like any good father should give his daughter, that was very, very clearly an order from a veteran to novice.

Satisfied he’d gotten his message across he gently took the mug Mila was sniffing and went to the kitchen. He washed out the remnants of coffee and sugar before making sure the blood in the packet was still hot and refilling it.

She wants it pure, I’ll give it to her pure.
I just hope she can contain herself once she’s tasted it undiluted.

“I’ll write you a note or something you can give your professor if it’ll make you feel better, but we have a whole hell of a lot to talk about and I’m not even sure you should be walking around during the day anymore. Besides…”

He gripped the counter behind him, making it seem he was just leaning against it casually when, in truth, his entire body was tensed in anticipation. He’d dealt with newborn Fledglings before and it wasn’t enjoyable or remotely easy to keep them from immediately giving into The Beast and going on a feeding frenzy across the whole damn city. But Mila was something else and the way she’d taken to the drink earlier made him wary. He despised the fact that he had to be so damn cautious around his own daughter, but if he wasn’t she’d probably wind up getting the both of them killed.

Body wound like a spring and ready to act as fast as he could, he held up the mug to her with as smug a smile as he could manage in his state of unease.

“Didn’t you want another cup?”
Old Posted 01-23-2016, 07:17 AM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #19  
Mila was shocked at the sudden appearance of Gabriel. she lowered her eyes and sighed. She could tell that he wasn't about to take no for an answer and she really didn't want to test him out on that. But she stared at him with anger in her eyes. "I'm not going to stay here forever if that's what you're thinking! I have my own life I want to live, I can't stay here twenty four seven with you! Besides, even if you write a note, that won't do a damn thing! This isn't like high school! They just deduct points from my overall grade. If I fail ANY class, I'm blaming you! Its going to be your fault!" She snapped as she pushed his hand await from her.

"Why would I want it now? You're ruining my life! You're suffocating me! I need my own space, my own time away from you!" She let out a growl slip through her mouth and the second she realized it, her face turned red as she looked away and went to go back to her room. She now had no desire for that cup after being worked p like that. She couldn't believe that she just growled! What kind of human growls? Especially one that truly sounded like an animal? She became more depressed as she was left alone with her own thoughts. She didn't understand her emotions, it was like going through puberty again.

"What's happening to me? I was normal until just last night Why did this all change?" She cried. She reached over to her white bunny and hugged it for comfort as she cried.
Old Posted 01-23-2016, 10:19 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   Doctor Gabriel Doctor Gabriel is offline
"Because a mangy piece of shit named Claudius decided you looked appetizing so he took a big of bite out of your neck," the sound of a steaming mug fillies with an unnamed donor's blood and the weighted feeling of the mattress as he sat tiredly on the edge of her bed accompanied Gabriel's words, "By the time you wandered back in here, you had lost too much blood for a hospital have helped, not that'd you'd survive the trip to begin with. So I did the only thing I could to save you: I Sired you."

He'd made sure to sit on the opposite side of the bed she was facing and talk to his feet. The last thing he wanted to do was see her face as he told her all this. He was relieved she hadn't attacked him, but dealing with her going through a second puberty of sorts was not something he was excited about.

"I'm not trying to lock you up here like some princess in a castle. I'll miss you like crazy, Mon Petit Ange, but I won't stop you from going," his gaze shifted to the wall now and his voice was strained at having to tell her what he was like this, "But you need to understand what you've become and what that means. Because I went through it once too and I know what it's like to be confused and angry and hungry and scared out of your goddamn mind all at once."

He did his best to hide his tears as he spoke. He hated the idea of being alone once again after these past few, wonderful years, but more than anything he couldn't stand the guilt he felt for what he'd done to her.

Maybe he should have just let her die after all.
Then she could be with her real family again...
Not the monster who massacred them.

"You can hate me all you want and you probably should," he muttered doing everything in his power to keep the tears out of his voice, "but you will, definitely, get someone or yourself killed if you don't let me teach you how to live with this. Just let me do that and then you can go wherever you want. I promise I won't follow."
Old Posted 01-23-2016, 02:23 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #21  
Mila stared at Gabriel shocked that he actually knew what happened to her. He knew that she was different. But his words hurt her as he called the one who did this to her a mangy mutt. Did he think the same about her? "Do you hate me now then? Is that why you want me to leave? You don't want to deal with me, so now you want me gone?" She asked as she removed the towel and took her tail out to be more comfortable. It was such a relief to her to do that because they were already sore and tender in the first place. "Am I a mutt too?" She asked.

"W-what do you mean you sired me? I-isn't that like what..." Her face went even more pale than what it was now as she realized who or rather what he was. "Y-you're...Y-you're a vampire?" Moving closer, she opened up his mouth wide enough for her to see all of his teeth. When she saw the fangs, she moved back but curiosity made her reach in to touch them while being careful not to touch the tip so she wouldn't get hurt. "So...that "coffee"...t-that wasn't coffee?" he asked though she already knew the answer. "Because of my illness, the extra blood you would take out, was that for you to drink?" She asked him.

Grabbing the cup, she looked into it and saw the red liquid and was utterly shocked and disgusted. She had already drank blood. But the smell was getting to her as she really started to want the blood again and couldn't control herself as she downed the whole cup quickly. Blood dripped on the side of her mouth and as she went to put it down, she burst into tears.
Old Posted 01-23-2016, 02:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   Doctor Gabriel Doctor Gabriel is offline
Gabriel was confused by the sudden shift in her mood and words. But his paternal instincts kicked in too quickly to dwell on it.

He wiped his eyes and moved to hold his adopted daughter tightly, unable to warm her as he had not heat in him to begin with. None the less he stroked her hair, which was a rather new experience for him as he had to do so between her newly formed fluffy ears.

“I could never hate you, Mila” he whispered, doing his best to contain his tears, “I thought you wanted to leave. I don’t want to kick you out, I just want you to be happy and live your life how you want to, whether than means moving out or staying with me. I’ll always be here when you need me. I could never forgive myself if I abandoned you. I swear that as long as you want me to, I’ll be here for you.”

“And of course you’re not a mutt, Mon Petit Ange,” he held her tighter as he spoke these words with the kind of unconditional and overwhelming love of a parent. It didn’t hurt that they had a lot more in common now, making it easier to feel a connection between them, “Claudius and I have a… complicated history. Basically I try not to hurt anyone when I feed and he enjoys roaming the streets and goring whoever happens to be in the vicinity. So to summarize, we hate eachother’s guts.”

She pushed away as from him as she finally seemed to grasp what the other part of his explanation meant. He was caught off guard when she pried open his mouth, but if it would help her understand and accept what he was, as far as he was concerned, that was probably the least uncomfortable of a long list of options.

“To be fair, there was coffee in it. And yes, you’ve pretty much got the idea. The act of one vampire embracing another is called Siring,” he said, rubbing his jaw after her dental examination, “At least that’s what I call it. I’m a bit old fashion like that. When I was Sired, there was an entire civilization that coexisted with humanity. We fed, but didn’t kill as it would draw too much attention to ourselves. We simply had enough to keep us well fed and made sure the victim wound up somewhere safe afterwards. But that civilized society of Kindred, which was what we called ourselves, is ancient history. The Hunters and the Forsaken, which was what we called the werewolves of the time, saw to that. I’m one of the only relics still around from then.”

He put a reassuring hand on her shoulder when she brought up her condition.

“If you’re worried about that,” he consoled in a quiet voice, a little bit of smile creeping onto his lips, “I didn’t give you your own blood. Most of the time I… Obtain blood packs from various clinics and hospitals. They’re almost all donations and I only have one pack of your’s left. I’ve only ever drunk your’s when they didn’t have enough extra for me to take without them noticing or when I wanted to better understand your illness. And every time I drank it I felt so ashamed and guilty I could barely stand it.”

His explanation finished he watch her eye the mug on her night stand with disgust, then empty the entire thing. And then she started crying.

“Hey now, kiddo,” he spoke again as her father in more ways than one now as he held her tightly once more and wiped the corners of her mouth with his thumb, “it’s alright. Everything’s going to be alright. You’re still the same old Mila, you’ve just gotten a little more complicated. But that’s a good thing. I’ve never once her of someone becoming both Kindred and Forsaken, so it’ll be a new experience for both of us.”

He gently pushed himself away from her to look her in the eyes as he spoke and wipe away her tears, no longer caring that doing so meant she’d definitely notice his own that he’d tried to hide.

“So you’re not alone,” we told her, smiling through the tears, “we’ll figure out what you need to stay happy and healthy and I’ll be there every step of the way to make sure you can adapt. I’ve been around long enough to know that nothing, not even people, stay the same together. We all learn to keep living, well in a manner of speaking in my case, no matter what the world throws our way. It’s why I’m still around and it’s why you’re going to be okay. We just need to figure things out one step at a time."
Old Posted 01-24-2016, 04:30 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #23  
Well, it was good that Gabriel didn't hate her, she wouldn't want him to suffer in her presence if that was the case, even if she needed him now more than ever. "I wouldn't have been upset if you drank my blood. What would I even do with my extra blood anyway? It's not like I wanted to drink it, even now I don't want to drink it." She giggled. "So please don't feel guilty about drinking any of the blood you got from me ok? If it helped you, then great. Besides, it had to get out of my body one way or another so you weren't really stealing from me."

Mila shook her head. "N-no, I AM alone. You're a vampire. You're not a mix of the Forsaken and the Kindred. You're just a Kindred. You can't possibly understand what this is like. You only understand half of me, not the other half! I either side knows that I'm a mix between the two, both would want NOTHING to do with me. You're the only one who would ever put up with me." She sniffled. She was rather tired of all this crying but she couldn't help it. Her life had been turned upside down and it was very emotional for her to be going through this without anyone ever understanding it. "Then I will stay here with you. You are the only one who's closest to knowing how I feel since I am half vampire." She felt comforted being in his arms like she was.

Mila placed her head on his shoulder and left it there as she just wanted to feel his comfort. He didn't have warmth to him, but she always knew that. The only reason she had warmth left was because of her wolf side. "I'm sorry if I am annoying you, I just have so many different feelings at once. I don't know how to control them." She explained.
Old Posted 01-24-2016, 07:24 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #24   Doctor Gabriel Doctor Gabriel is offline
“You’re not annoying, Mila” he whispered as he cradled her, slowly rocking back and forth, “And I know I can’t possibly know everything you’re going through. But that doesn’t change the fact you’re my daughter and I love you.”

He kissed her on the forehead and gently rose.

“But for now you should just work on getting your strength back,” he smiled softly at her, I’ll leave some blood on the counter, but you may be able to eat normal things too. I know Forsaken love meat, so don’t feel guilty about helping yourself to anything in the fridge.”

He chuckled.

“Guess I don’t have to keep pretending to eat half of it,” the warm eyes of a long dead man turned toward as he reached the door, “Just take it easy for now. Rest, take a long bathe, whatever it takes to calm you down and relax. I need to go make a few calls to see if I can’t find out more about what’s going on with you and I’ve got an errand to run tonight, so don’t be scared if I’m not here when you wake up later.”

With a final goodbye, he shut the door and returned to his room.
He hoped she’d be okay for a while on her own.
He had something very important to take care of...
Old Posted 01-27-2016, 04:05 AM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #25  
Mila looked at Gabriel and wrapped her arms around him. "Ok, I believe you." She told him. She gave him a hug before he finally got up, though she really wanted Gabriel to stay with her in her time of need. She felt so alone and with him gone, she would feel even lonelier. She didn't know what to expect from her new body. She just wanted this terrible day to end, she wanted all of this to end and hopefully she could wake up being a normal human. That sounded perfect but realistically that would never happen. She would never be human again.

"No. But could you? Its just too much for me to take in. I want something to remain the same." She requested. "Even if you don't eat it, just have it out in front of you ok?" She requested. "Ok, please come back soon." She begged as she watched him leave the room. There she was, all alone. She laid down to get some sleep but she really couldn't sleep. She was wide awake.

Getting up, she got dressed and decided to go out. She made sure to cover up her skin, ears and tail and used sunglasses. Mila quietly made her way out of the house and went to a club that was rather popular and constantly had a lot of people in it no matter the time of day.

Once there, using her own speed that she now had, she entered and took off her jacket but ade sure to keep her tail and ears covered to where no one would be able to see them. The music was thumping loudly and was making her head bust in pain from how loud it was.

"You look like you could use a drink." A man sat beside her and offered her a drink. Mila smiled. "Sure, thanks!" She shouldn't be in here, she was underage but she had a fake ID and they weren't really strict on it either unless police were there. Otherwise, they would ID everyone. o really the fake was just in case type moments. She was never really a bad girl, but when she would sometimes want to break the rules and party.She was soon loosening up and began to dance with the man and was finally able to relax and have fun and forgot about her troubles for once.
Old Posted 02-01-2016, 12:19 AM Reply With Quote  

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