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Saiyouri Saiyouri is offline
It's over 9000!
Default   #2433  
Final Fantasy MMOs, mostly 14 is the one that does that. Never ran into that before though. I swear all the elitists went to 14 to play. Way worse than in 11. 14 is like the MMO you want to stay away from if you like doing your own thing your own way.

Hell one person got to level 100 in World of Warcraft just by gathering herbs. Nothing else on a island that the max level mobs is 17 or 20.
Old Posted 12-23-2016, 06:57 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2434   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
FFXIV is a terrible toxic community. People say WoW is toxic... haha they should go play FF. I played for a while but once you hit end game there is a sudden grind brick wall that smacks you in the face. If you aren't in a good guild who can down content.. forget about seeing it. All the gated content.. Do this to unlock this. Oh you are a returning player? Well you still have to do the last expansion stuff before you can do the new stuff. Oh there is hardly any groups for that stuff? So sorry.

Sad part is the elitists you speak of in that game spread to the RP community as well. You better hope you follow lore by the book (what little lore there is) or that the person you are trying to make a story with agrees with your views. As much as I love my character on that game just form the amount of work I put into her story... I didn't get along with the community as a whole due to being open minded to things not being set in stone because of the lack of lore. I was shunned for being a Ishgardian duskwight commonblood smithy who lived in Limsa to get away from the bitter weather.xP
Old Posted 12-23-2016, 07:38 PM Reply With Quote  
Saiyouri Saiyouri is offline
It's over 9000!
Default   #2435  
Jesus christ Rose that is horrible. The character you had sounds cool to be honest.

Ya people are horrible in 14. My FC I was in did content like with the new books they released. You have to do certain things to get a chance to get a sticker with the lil miq'ote girl. If you are lucky to get a row you have a chance to get one of 3 items.... And the armor at times isn't even for the class you are working on at all. So you'd get a armor for something you would have sit in inventory for who knows how long or toss it. Rather stupid to be honest.

And you are right. DO this to do this.. .Oh wait you have to do this too. It's a never ending cycle that I hate. Got 60 with my blm. Was told by 3 or so people how to do the job. One was nice about it. Asked if I wanted a suggestion to make it easier and get more damage. I followed what he said and it works perfectly. Heck one of my FC memebers told me to remember to do that stupid switch to fire and ice... Right after I already did use it in a burn avatar battle. LOL. I was a bit annoyed and laughed.

And waiting to get into the duties to get old content done with is sometimes hell. I don't mind the noobs. They appreciate it when you are ok with them being slow and mess up a bit here and there. Hell had one with one guy who had max classes and was working on one of his last one and he could of cared less if I made a mistake here and there. New duty I think you are allowed to screw up. Not my fault no one says what to do right before a boss fight and leave you to figure it out yourself.

And some of those boss fights.. Ok all of them. You really have to do certain things or the entire party will wipe big time. Rather sad. You have to memorize every boss for all the duties and they release new ones on top of that. Like hard versions which are completely different from the original ones. New bosses, mobs and specific things you have to do.

They are bringing out a new expansion and seems like they might do a dancer/red mage combo class. By the way the video they showed. Won't find out more til Christmas I guess. Or maybe next year sometime. Forgot. I'm afraid they'd mess up those jobs like they did with summoner. Ugh hate that class in 14. Butchered it big time from 11 where it was a fun job to do. And all this doesn't count the idiots you run into who say they played 11 and how horrible the game was.... Ya ok sure it was horrible. That's why I miss it so darn much. You might of had to do parties but I swear the only hard part of leveling in 11 was making sure you had that buffer when you died so you lost little xp to not delevel. At least you didn't have as bad as elitists in there as you do in 14.

And if WoW was so hard and full of elitists... I would love to run into them. They might be there but you don't run into them as often as 14 for sure.
Old Posted 12-23-2016, 08:53 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2436   Demonskid Demonskid is offline
Pocket Demon Ninja
cool ovo grats on getting it. I haven't been in the mood for gpx for a while =o=

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Old Posted 12-23-2016, 08:54 PM Reply With Quote  
Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Default   #2437  
I love that character I still have her wiki and really i could rework her into another setting or race but ... that requires having a story to go with it or something willing to work with a bit of pre-planning due to the background that character has haha.

I was in a few FC's in FF but eh.. none got anywhere.. the most i did was rp or try to rp and level the other classes. But it all turns into a terrible grind in the end. You never catch up before they release new content. Least wow I can pay for my sub with in game currency. FF costs more and I can't pay for it in game.. haha even if they had it I wouldn't be able to afford it with the low prices being at 1mil plus for some things.

Yeah I heard about the new classes and xpack but I already told the few people I would play with if I went back that I refuse to touch that community again short of switching servers and even that wouldn't fix anything. But they did botch summoner.. =/ I was rather sad but I can't say much. I ran around as a Warrior so I avoided all the new class stuff after I maxed the level on it.

I haven't met any i wow.. i mean some people are bitter but eh.. ignore list. Plus LFG means odds are in favor you'll never see that person in wow again xP
Old Posted 12-23-2016, 10:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2438   mdom mdom is offline
Those games... sound so scary @_@
I'll stick to tetris xDDD
Old Posted 12-23-2016, 10:26 PM Reply With Quote  
Saiyouri Saiyouri is offline
It's over 9000!
Default   #2439  
Totally agree with you Rose. Majority of the FCs I was in ended up dying after like a month... Wow sad that you act all lets help out our new member and then bam... Did they all die or something?

And the prices, holy crap. The good armor... I mean the stuff like 2 stat levels below the good stuff for you level is even hell to save up for. Prices drop so horribly throughout the day it's ridiculous. I put one thing up.. Not even 2 days later it dropped about 100k... I was like no wonder I npc'd everything so frequently before I switched servers.

When I first started. I was so excited for SMN then I started to play it... Dealt with how they did it, but after 50 you got yelled at by the stupid SCH for not putting up bio/miasmas on every mob, but what is the point if by the time you do one mob, it's already dead. You don't have time to put them all up on every single mob. I did the bosses and if we did slow kills then I would put them up on then, but otherwise it was a major waste of time and way too consuming in burn parties.

They announced the Red Mage. They use rapier and are black/white combo dps. Just like 11. Now to see if they are close to it or if they changed it completely. Like those ugly sprites of the damn summons. MY god they look nothing like the full forms you fight in battles to get their mounts or for the storyline.

The ingame purchase of game time is amazing. I even read on FB that if you contact blizzard they might let you log in to make the purchase from the market to get your time. One person said they did that. So at least if you do have a abundance of gold you can spend it on something worthwhile. Unlike selling your organs, blood and soul for one armor piece in 14. I might actually check out the xpack. I want to see how they do RDM. I'm giving them the benefit of doubt... But I know not get too high hopes since it is squenix. Oh and you can swim and dive in Stormblood.
Old Posted 12-23-2016, 10:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2440   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
oh wow it only took them how long to put in swimming haha... I highly doubt I'll be tossing money st them for that game any time soon. The community was terrible to be in (least on my server) and I don't have the time to grind enough to afford anything haha. But you can tell me all about it. XD
Old Posted 12-24-2016, 12:28 AM Reply With Quote  
Tam I am Tam I am is offline
I Am Tam
Default   #2441  
Originally Posted by Demonskid View Post
cool ovo grats on getting it. I haven't been in the mood for gpx for a while =o=
LOL I've never played GPX. This is PFQ.
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Old Posted 12-24-2016, 12:38 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2442   Tam I am Tam I am is offline
I Am Tam
...So my Pirate has a unicorn.

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Old Posted 12-24-2016, 12:45 AM Reply With Quote  
Saiyouri Saiyouri is offline
It's over 9000!
Default   #2443  
Nice Tam. Didn't know they released things like that. Pretty cool.

Rose- Well here's more info. It's a standalone game pretty much. A entire games worth of content, level cap 70. New residental area, The Bend of Time - Omega, Return to Ivalice are new top end raids
diving and swimming will come in Stormblood but will be limited to only certain areas of the game and there is no water combat
Anata is a new Beast Tribe that are Snake Women and worship Lakshmi, Lady of Bliss
new jobs will be discussed at a later time
the level cap will increase to 70
the battle system has been reworked
the Skill System is being overhauled
new areas and primals
new dungeons with new tactics and concepts
new Alliance raids
inventory expansion.
Plus RDM will start at lvl 50.

I just want to check it out at least. Give it a try. Otherwise I won't be too interested in it. You can only do so much grinding and then after awhile you want to blow your own brains out. The quests are nice to help give extra xp but that is only if you save a ton of them for other jobs. And thats not even counting your crafting and gathering. Fishing was the only one I like and enjoyed just standing there and catching fish after fish. The others I hated. Mining seemed to kill me every second I did it lol.

And if they are changing the crafting system I gotta see that. How it is now is the worse thing ever created in a game. Makes you want to kill them for how horrible it is. And the crstals/shards and clusters needed is ridiculous.

But on a side note I got the restless shadeling and now to help the fiance get his hopefully tomorrow. And today the chest on FR better not give me another couple ghost sash's. I got 3 or is it 4. I think I am more than good right now.
Old Posted 12-24-2016, 09:18 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2444   mdom mdom is offline
Now I'm jealous of your pirate...
does trisphee have unicorns?
Old Posted 12-24-2016, 02:01 PM Reply With Quote  
Tam I am Tam I am is offline
I Am Tam
Default   #2445  
Originally Posted by Saiyouri View Post
Nice Tam. Didn't know they released things like that. Pretty cool.
If you see a rider of an astral unicorn from a distance it looks like they're riding nothing. It's like Wonder Woman's invisible plane! And there's a different hoof sound for every surface you ride over.

Originally Posted by mdom View Post
Now I'm jealous of your pirate...
does trisphee have unicorns?
There are a couple unicorn horns (and tails) for avatars to wear. Other than that, there's just Slepy here.
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Old Posted 12-24-2016, 04:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2446   Saiyouri Saiyouri is offline
It's over 9000!
Oh wow Tam that is pretty cool. Nice that they did that.
Old Posted 12-24-2016, 09:02 PM Reply With Quote  
mdom mdom is offline
Default   #2447  
-stealthily tries to get Slepy-
Old Posted 12-25-2016, 02:07 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2448   Demonskid Demonskid is offline
Pocket Demon Ninja
Originally Posted by Tam I am View Post
LOL I've never played GPX. This is PFQ.
ah right oxo I have an account there too >W>,

I have extras of these NOTN Familiars. I need to trade for ones I don't have:

1x Smoldering Sconce
1x Crystal Carrier
1x Timber Tender
1x Spellbound Tome
1x Animated Statue


Vulpine Lamp
Animated Armor
Veiled Vision
Sorcerous Arms
Ball-Jointed Bogsneak
Calculating Candelabra
Axe Mimic

As for the Apparel I have extras of:

x3 Conjurer's Hat
x1 Conjurer's Herb Pouch
x3 Conjurer's Staff
x1 Ghost Flame Cloak


Ghost Flame Candles
Ghost Flame Tail Jewel
Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon

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Last edited by Demonskid; 12-25-2016 at 11:44 AM.
Old Posted 12-25-2016, 08:28 AM Reply With Quote  

dragon, pet

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