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Espy Espy is offline
Default   #209  

Kyd stretched and slowly got out from behind the trash can, glancing both ways before fully standing up. But wait. There was someone coming his way. A Tech Skull.


Maybe if he walked casually, she wouldn't suspect a damn thing. Sticking one hand in his pocket and doing his best to avert his eyes, he walked towards the girl and nonchalantly swiped the cellphone from inside her pocket.

Something like that...Wonder if anyone wants to buy some quick info.
Old Posted 05-05-2012, 01:33 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #210   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Chloe had paid little attention to Kyd as he passed her. It was only after she got to one of the more decent internet cafes that still was open and had reached into her pocket to pull her cellphone out to make sure no one had been trying to call her to discover the cellphone was missing.

"Damn it." Chloe says through gritted teeth, thinking at first the cellphone must of fell out of her pocket upon the way.

Scooping her labtop up, Chloe quickly hurries to double check to see if the phone is just laying on the pavement anywhere on her journey. Only after doing a complete check, Chloe realizes what had happened, the phone must of been swiped when Kyd had passed her earlier. And for his sake, he better hope she never ran into him again cause there should surely be hell to pay.
Old Posted 05-05-2012, 06:09 PM Reply With Quote  
Straywolf Straywolf is offline
A Wandering Soul
Default   #211  
Makoto slowly walked towards the end of the alleyway. There was a person standing still, looking quite frustrated. Makoto hid in between two dumpsters, and watched the woman.

Wonder what she's looking for. Makoto rubbed her back, and played with the small wound on her back. If she's a Skull...I don't have to waste bullets on her. She lowered her hand, and began to feel for her knife.

I'll wait and watch for now, I guess.
Old Posted 05-05-2012, 06:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #212   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
There was no point of crying over the lost cellphone, not like there had been much really stored on it to begin with. Anything of real importance was stored under password on the computer under her arm but that wasn't Chloe's main worry. That was the only number the school where her sister attended had in ways of contacting her.

Rummaging in her pocket, Chloe pulls a few coins out and wonders if the owner of the internet cafe she had been in would be willing to give her a lend of his cellphone to contact the school if she offered to pay the cost of the call. She would work on getting a replacement in the morning, if anyone else needed her than they could wait till then, if not, the tech skulls knew where she stayed and knew the rules, no banging on the door after nine at night. Not with a sick child staying there as well.

With a sigh, Chloe begins the walk back to the internet cafe.
Old Posted 05-06-2012, 06:21 PM Reply With Quote  
Reyoki Reyoki is offline
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Default   #213  
Maki glared about at her subordinates, then said, "Sorry, but I don't smoke. It kinda slows you down when you can't fight for lack of breath. I'm sure someone else would be willing to help you out, though." A brief moment passed, then a couple nearly-empty packs of cigarettes were tossed in front of Roland. "So then, you got some other reason for being here? I wouldn't expect someone of your... occupation... to just drop by for pleasantries, although I do appreciate you helping out one of mine."

Lillian gritted her teeth and brought one of her wrist blades up to the bullet wound she'd gotten earlier. She carefully dug into the wound with a finger and the blade and barely managed to dislodge the chunk of metal. "Shit," she swore as she tossed the bullet into a nearby trash can. The wound bled a bit more, and she put pressure on it to stem the flow.

A couple minutes later, she fished around in her pocket for something to cover the wound. Finding nothing, she took a pillowcase off a clothes line overhead and tore it into strips, using it to dress the wound. It was a tad sloppy, but at least she wouldn't have blood trickling down her arm now. She wandered around away from the explosion site, wanting to get as far away from that psycho Skull Hunter as possible.

Emperor of Japan*Anonymous Fiend
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Old Posted 05-07-2012, 08:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #214   Espy Espy is offline

He blinked his eyes open, and after the nausea faded a bit, gingerly felt the bandage wound around his chest and shoulder. Wincing, he gathered his wits -- he was in Maki's lounge. But...how did he get here?

...There was...that man. Um. ...Didn't he look rather familiar? In all his muddled-ness, Hayate was having trouble placing his finger down on it. ...Wait.

He sat up so suddenly that the sofa seemed to threaten to dump him out from its cushions. Hayate clutched at his head for a moment before pushing himself to his feet...then promptly went sprawling across the carpeted floor.

Dammit. In his hurry to get downstairs, he had forgotten about his leg. He glanced down and saw that someone had wound another bandage around the cut, over his pants. His sandals were besides the sofa, but he couldn't be bothered to put them on.

Some few minutes later, panting, he managed to catch the last few of Maki's words, and braced himself against the doorframe. He recognized the policeman as the one who had nearly fought the angry cat a couple days ago.

"Helping? I think you're sorely, sorely mistaken. The only help he gave me was rendering me pain- and consciousness-free for...some time."

He paused, then limped over to Maki and nearly fell again, grabbing her shoulder in an attempt to steady himself. Keeping his voice down, with his hair conveniently draped (when had he lost the hairtie?) down to hide his face, he muttered in Maki's ear, "There are Skull Hunters coming this way. At least, soon."
Old Posted 05-07-2012, 08:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Straywolf Straywolf is offline
A Wandering Soul
Default   #215  
Makoto looked over the dumpster, and noticed the frustrated woman had walked away. She stood up, and began to rush out of the alleyway. She passed by the construction site and a crumbling theater. Her apartment was only a few blocks away.

Makoto walked up the stairs, and entered her apartment. She dropped her jacket on the floor, and sat down on the single chair in front of all of her equipment. She took off her shirt, and unwrapped the bandage around her body. The wound stopped bleeding, but it still hurt Makoto whenever she moved around. She reached for her first aid kit, took out a bottle of medicine, and squeezed out its contents. She gently rubbed the ointment on her back. "Augh...at least it won't hurt as much anymore."

Makoto put her shirt back on, and resupplied her ammunition. She was one gun short, since she left her MP7 back at ground zero. Shit. I don't have another protective vest, and I don't have my other gun. Makoto cocked her handgun and holstered it.

Makoto stood up, grabbed her jacket, and walked out of her apartment.
Old Posted 05-07-2012, 11:16 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #216   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Returning back to the internet cafe which is still pretty much dead, none of the other skull groups, as far as Chloe knew would set foot in here and she never seen a skull hunter or any member of the police force snooping around, Chloe sits the computer on the bar and explains the situation to the owner of the cafe, who lends her his cellphone without charge.

After dealing with the school and handing the cellphone back to the owner, Chloe boots the labtop up and decides to spoil the fun of the cell phone thief. In about twenty minutes, Chloe has managed to hack her cell phone's system and to be a complete ass, has set the password options on all important information with an unbreakable password.

With a smirk, Chloe sits back and thinks, Just let see how much fun you have when you or your buyer try to access any information and find there's no way of gaining access to it.
Old Posted 05-08-2012, 06:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Trakadon Trakadon is offline
Sweetie Boop Pirate
Default   #217  
Roland shifted in his seated position and started to use his feet to rack in the cigarette packs with a cheerful grin on his face. "Well I came here to learn the truth about the explosion." Roland began to stand after some how managing to get a cigarette between his lips. "I also to give you some information depending on what I learn here. Mind you if I don't... I'll have to rid the city of the fire skulls." There was no emotion on Roland's face when he said those words yet it pained him to say it.
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Old Posted 05-09-2012, 05:23 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #218   Reyoki Reyoki is offline
Best thing since cheese-in-a-can!
Maki's eyes burned with rage, and the air about the area rose in temperature with her temper. She held onto Hayate and muttered back, "Thanks for the tip." She evened her gaze at Roland and spat, "Like hell you're here for information. You're just buying time until the Hunters get here, aren't you?!" She shook slightly in fury, legs beginning to twitch rhythmically.

Emperor of Japan*Anonymous Fiend
Nikko, Kaguya, and Toki are my siblings

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Old Posted 05-09-2012, 10:08 AM Reply With Quote  
Straywolf Straywolf is offline
A Wandering Soul
Default   #219  
Makoto traveled back to the area where she and that Punisher Skull faced off. There were bodies from both the Punishers and the Hunters laid out on the floor. She spotted her MP7, picked it up and slung it over her shoulder. She walked over to one of her fallen Hunter, and examined his tactical vest. You don't need this anymore. She gently took off his vest, and put it on herself. Makoto examined the remaining bodies, and began to take off the dog tags from her fallen allies.

Makoto proceeded north, following her lead from the naive Skull. She spent a few hours investigating each of the abandoned office buildings for his hideout. There was nothing there, and most of the buildings were almost too dangerous to live in.

...You bought yourself some time, boy.
Old Posted 05-09-2012, 10:43 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #220   Trakadon Trakadon is offline
Sweetie Boop Pirate
Roland looked around the room briefly. The heat Maki was generating was effecting some of the younger skulls and the looks on their faces made it easy to tell that they were afraid. "I wont lie. I'm pretty sure that the hunters will be here in force soon. And they will kill every last one of you and your families too. The police are no longer allowed to investigate the explosion and the precinct has been taken over by the hunters as well." Roland shook his head. "I came here on a... Personal matter to learn the truth. And you will tell me what I want to know. One way or another. "
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Old Posted 05-11-2012, 05:28 PM Reply With Quote  
NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
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Default   #221  
Vincent blinked some looking out the window his crimson eyes looking over the area. He could hear small whispers and talk with in the group this was not going to fair well for him and or Jubeii this would be a driving point to find out what would be happening. All he knew was everyone will need to be on their guard from the hunters.


Zaki messed with the radio his head phones around his neck green eyes looking intently at the machine before him. "Uhhh man this going to be a pain in my ass." he thought to him self as he was a little worried about getting a visit from other skull members to try and find some info he knew who was around and who would be looking but he didn't think it would be this bad he had already got word that Vincent would be stopping by and that guy scared him some. It wasn't like he was a chicken or anything it just not his style to be around crazy or anything that follows it in the end. Lifting the ear phone back up to see if he could gather up any new info to write down.


Ashton found her way back to the bridge she happen to be sitting on early that day before anything had happened not seeing any other candy skulls around the girl sat down on the bridge leaning on the railing trying to wrap her mind around what was happening. "I wonder what is going to happen now?" she thought to her self.

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Old Posted 05-15-2012, 09:22 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #222   Straywolf Straywolf is offline
A Wandering Soul
Makoto left the abandoned office buildings. Damn it. What a waste of time! If I see that Skull again, I'll cut off his head for sure. She slammed her fist onto the brick wall as she walked past a few shops. I better be prepared for an ambush. His gang's probably ready for an attack by now.

Makoto returned to ground zero. She sat down, and leaned against the wall. Once again, she looked at her fallen allies.

"Huh? What's this?" There was a trail of blood leading into another alleyway. She grinned, and stood up. "Let's see where this leads to."
Old Posted 05-16-2012, 02:44 AM Reply With Quote  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #223  

He turned around slowly, face slightly contorted by an emerging snarl. No matter how much he had wanted to stay out of this...

"And I...seeing that you're a policeman, a protector of the people...I hope you'll do your job to guard these families, right?"

He paused for a second to blow the hair out of his face, and continued, "I might not be much, but do you really think you can force us to tell you anything?!"
Old Posted 05-16-2012, 03:08 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #224   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
After checking around on the web for any new information, Chloe shuts down the labtop and stands up to go.
Outside the cafe, she pauses a few minutes to figure out which direction she wanted to take home, well, if you could call that heap of trash her landlord swear was an apartment a home. The possibility of running into Hunters was probably 50/50 which ever route she decided and more chances of running into the police, they always seemed to be like a swarm of flies. Always buzzing around and in everyone's god damn business.
Finally settling on not taking the way she first came back, Chloe heads east down the stretch of street that the cafe is on. She wouldn't head straight back to the apartment til she was sure there was no other skull members/police or hunters in the area, the last thing she wanted was for some unwelcomed guest to drop in for a visit..
Old Posted 05-16-2012, 06:02 AM Reply With Quote  

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