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Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #193  
Faye was a bit scared that Lilith would become a part of her, she wouldn't be a familiar. But she had already made up her mind and didn't want to disappoint Lilith since she really wanted her to do this. Taking in a deep breathing, she felt Lilith near her and she pulled her closer and bit deeply into her neck. She hoped that only good would come of this and this she wouldn't later regret this decision.

Her brother Micah was just starting to wake up and before he could stop her, Faye had already drained Lilith. "No...Faye, what have you done?! You shouldn't have don'e that!" He stated. Glaring over at Isaac, he marched over to him. "Why did you let my sister drink fro her?! She HATES werewolves! She killed so many of them! Gabriel told me all about her and you let my sister let Lilith become a part of her?!" His eyes were red from hunger and from his anger. He made a fist and went to punch Isaac hard in his face for what he allowed his sister to do.
Old Posted 02-21-2016, 11:01 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #194   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Isaac doesn't try to avoid the punch, not really happy with what Faye did either, so he doesn't blame Micah for being mad. Lilith slowly turns into a shadow before finally fading into a ghost like form, "Anyone would go into a bloody rage if their soulmate was taken from them, I just hope I can make up for all the wrong I've been in this life." Hovering in front of Isaac, she kisses him on the forehead, then becomes a ball of silver light, going into Faye and disappearing.

"Micah, please calm down, even though things might turn out badly, we won't really know until then. And if I had of tried to stop Faye she probably would have gotten mad at me again, and I'd rather not have that to be honest. Now come, you need to drink, it seems the turning was a success for you, you're now part vampire." Using his fangs he tears open his wrist, then presents it to Micah, "With this you won't be bound to obey me, you will be your own person."

Old Posted 02-22-2016, 12:24 AM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #195  
Micah glared at Isaac and shook his head. "I don't want it." He stated. He wasn't about to drink his blood, he was too pissed at what he had let his sister do. He could have stopped it and get did nothing because she would be mad at him. But hearing that he wouldn't be bound to him, all he did was swipe his finger to get a little bit of the blood and licked it just to break the so called bound. He wanted more but he controlled himself because he really didn't like Isaac. If it wasn't for his sister, he would try to kill the guy.

Faye heard how her brother was talking to Isaac, and it made her upset. Isaac just saved his life and that was how he was going to repay him?! "Micah! Stop acting like that! Isaac didn't have to save you you know! You could be dead without his help!" She stated and then went to hug Isaac, she used his scent as a guide to where he was. "I would have done that even if Isaac tried to stop me so don't blame him ok?" She stated.

"You don't care that he killed mom and dad? He killed them right in front of you!" He stated harshly. "Gabriel told me and he might have lied about certain things, I know he hasn't lied about Isaac. I know everything." He continue to glare angrily at Isaac. "If it wasn't for him, I don't know if I would even be alive! Mother and father both held me responsible for your supposed death. I killed their baby boy in their eyes. They never wanted me, thy just wanted a boy, they wanted you. Isaac saved me from them. Isaac protected me while you tried to kill me. He would have no hesitation to kill you knowing that you were the one who hurt me if you hadn't shown guilt. If you hadn't revealed that you weren't trying to kill me, that it was Gabriel. I love Isaac and if you want to stay here, you need to show your gratitude. I don't mean for you to become instant best friends, but please, I don't want to loose you and I don't want to choose between you or Isaac. So please, for me, gt along with him." She begged, a stream of tears were coming out on either side of her cheeks.

Micah raked his hand through his hair and huffed. "Fine. For you and only because of you." He had this burning desire to drink something, and that something was no doubt blood but he didn't want to feed off of Isaac. He left the house in search for his own meal.
Old Posted 02-22-2016, 01:18 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #196   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Wrapping his arms around her, Isaac holds Faye tightly to him, kissing her eyes a few times since he knows its tough for her, what with not being able to see and having made the decision she did. He hums softly to her for a bit, trying to calm her down, "Faye, would you like to go up and see Elizabeth and the children? I know Elizabeth is probably worried about you, though how I'm going to explain to them what happened to their 'dog' Faye is going to be hard. They don't know anything about what we are, nor does Elizabeth's husband. Here, take my hand and I'll help you get upstairs, unless you'd rather I carry you?" Nuzzling against her neck he takes in her scent, unable to get enough of her intoxicating smell. He's hungry, but not so much that it will give away who he is, so luring wildlife to the house again is easy enough to do, and he can lure something over for Faye to drink as well.

Old Posted 02-22-2016, 02:02 AM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #197  
Faye smiled as she kissed Isaac. "I don't know if now will be a good time for me to socialize with humans. Lilith is part of me now, I don't know what's going to change about me, if anything. But she had no mercy for humans or for werewolves. I don't want to attack them and ruin their lives." She explained. "Oh but I do have to go out and feed...And I need some familiars...Can I have a kitty for a familiar? I love cats but I don't think they will love me too much. And maybe I should gt a real strong wolf to be my protector! But I want to become stronger, or well, more skillful. I want to be able to hold my own in a fight even without my eyes. Maybe I can use my other senses to help me? And I think w should assess in what changed after having Lilith become a part of me. I wonder how much it has affected me. What exactly does that mean? Am I going to have her memories?" She asked. She was curious about herself. She was just so confused about this whole situation, she dove right in without earning much of anything except becoming one with Lilith and that she would become an Eve.
Old Posted 02-22-2016, 07:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #198   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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"You're right, its probably best just in case not to go near anyone for the time being. I can lure some of the wild life here, there are bob cats and the occasional cougar around here, and of course wolves. You'll have to drain them completely, and your wolf half will probably eat what's left of the animal in the end. As for what's changed about you I honestly can't say, but I would think since you completely consumed Lilith you'd have access to all her powers, but not her memories since she wasn't your familiar. I actually can't bring up any of her memories anymore to be honest. She's completely gone now, all that remains of her are my memories and your memories of her. I don't even know if what she said is even true or not to be honest, I never delved into her past, just the knowledge that she possessed. But I can teach you how to use your powers. For now let's get some food." Motioning with his hand he lures over some bobcats, one for each of them. Isaac drinks from his, letting it go after having his fill of it. Since they are under the influence of his powers he makes it so that they don't feel any pain, even the one Faye drinks from.

In the treeline outside of the garden Isaac notices that just off the property a vampire is sitting in a tree, watching them with a solemn face, she jumps down and disappears into thin air. It resembles the one from before that talked to him in town that was asking about his clan. His eyes narrow in thought, knowing that something was going to happen, and hoped it was not going to be as bad as he had suspected.

"Let's head back down into the lab, I'll let Elizabeth know how you're doing and then I can get to work on finishing the bed." He leads her back down, bringing her to the bed so that she can sit on it while waiting for him.

Old Posted 02-22-2016, 09:05 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #199  
Faye was rather excited to have a big cat as a familiar, she was thinking that she would treat them like a pet more so than servants. That was her only justification for killing them. And instead of thinking like she was killing them, she tried to think of it like she was just giving them a new life, even though thy would be dead but still. Her heart would feel so much guilt if she didn't justify killing them. "Please don't be mad at me." She whispered to the bob cat and then proceeded to puncture its neck with her fangs to drink its blood. It was awful. Being used to Isaac's blood, this was just so bad but her thirst was what made her keep drinking, that and she wanted a familiar. She pet the animal hoping to appease it. She tried to drain it as fast as possible so that it would be as humane as possible, even if it couldn't feel pain because of Isaac's influence. Once the heartbeat had stopped, she stopped. It was a good thing she couldn't see or else it would have hurt her more to know what her victim looked like. "The cat is dead so does that mean it's my familiar now?" She asked as she petted the dead carcass. "I just hope it doesn't hat me. Do you think the cat hates me?" She asked.

"Ok." She said and held onto Isaac as he helped her get back downstairs. "I think there is something different about me. I always have a hard time controlling myself. I loos my mind and think of nothing but getting more blood but I didn't think like that this time. I was just thinking of the animal." She informed him. It put a smile on her face to know that she had more control. Either it was because she was an eve now or because it was just she herself who was able to control it on her own, but either way, sh was happy that she didn't loose herself in the desire.

Elizabeth was laying on the couch as the children played, she didn't look good at all. She was rather pale and held her hand to her stomach as though she were in pain. "Oh children, mommy loves you!" She tried to stay cheerful for them so that thy wouldn't be worried.
Old Posted 02-22-2016, 10:46 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #200   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Once she's seated on the bed, Isaac kisses her forehead, "They would only think like that if you hurt them during the process, which is why I made it so that they wouldn't feel anything. That's why normally when I did it to a creature it was normally one that was already dying, not a healthy one. As for your control, it could be either because you're an Eve or because you've gotten more used to the thirst and don't let it control you. Now I'll be back, I do hope you're brother will come back soon." Taking a lock of hair, he sniffs it, taking in her scent, then heads back upstairs.

Looking around he sees Elizabeth on a couch in the sitting room with the children, and is not happy with her complexion. He tries not to make it seem like he's upset, but he makes his way to her, smiling and waving hello to the children. When he's next to her he kneels and whispers to her, "You don't look too good, when was the last time you ate something? Are you in any pain?" Taking her wrist in her hand he checks her blood pressure with the pocket watch he has.

Old Posted 02-22-2016, 11:19 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #201  
"Y-yes, I'm in pain and I-I made a snack just a little bit ago, mostly for the children. But that's not what's wrong. It's something...something more serious I think. I think there's something wrong with the baby." She tried her best to hide the pain so that she wouldn't scare her children. She pressed her hand against her stomach as she felt a hard kick. "The baby has been kicking harder than normal. I-I don't understand...None of my pregnancies felt like this before!" She winced at the pain. "Go tend to Faye, I will be fine. I'm just going to go to the doctors and get some help." She told him. She slowly sat up and slowly made her way to the stroller she had for her youngest but luckily there was enough room for both of them. She had a larger stroller for this very reason. "Come on children, we're going for a walk." She told them. With excitement in their eyes, they got up and rushed over to the stroller. She placed them in slowly one by one. After taking in a few breaths, she was slowly making her way to the door but stopped once she got there. Even though it wasn't far, she was still feeling incredibly weak. She was determined to make it there in fear of loosing the baby.
Old Posted 02-22-2016, 11:54 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #202   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Now Isaac is annoyed by this, but watches a moment before stepping in, "Elizabeth, you seem to be forgetting that I'm a doctor myself, and I know how to deliver babies, I just preferred not to before because I didn't make sure I was not taking proper care of myself. The problem though would be someone watching the children while I examine you. And with being in such pain its probably worse that you're trying to walk. Children, why don't you go to your bedroom and play there for a bit instead. Your mom shouldn't really be leaving to see another doctor when I'm here after all." He easily lifts the children out of the stroller, then gently picks up Elizabeth and effortlessly carries her upstairs to her bedroom, the one that used to be his.

Wanting to make sure Faye knows he sends one of his vampire familiars down to Faye, this way if she wants to come up for something while Isaac helps Elizabeth the familiar can help her. The vampire that Isaac had first consumed the other day takes form in their bedroom, standing in front of Faye with her hand on her hips.

"So, he's into mutts and befriends humans, so that's why he went nuts the other day and consumed us. All because he wanted to hold onto his humanity, how pathetic. And what's even more pathetic is you, the mutt he's so infatuated with that he'll kill anyone that gets in his way to get to you. Even that ancient werewolf, no clue who he is though since we don't pay attention to those flee bitten curs."

Old Posted 02-23-2016, 12:17 AM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #203  
"I know you're a doctor but I didn't know you knew anything about babies and pregnancies." She explained. Elizabeth was more than happy to ave him take care of her, she didn't relish the thought of dragging her children all the way to the doctors. It was a far walk especially with the amount of pain she was in. "Besides, I really didn't want to trouble you at all. I don't feel right about it." She explained. "But I think there's something seriously wrong. The baby was always so active but now the kicks are harder and less frequent. I just know something's wrong!" She insisted. She rubbed her stomach just hoping that it was her imagination, that maybe it was because she was getting ill that the baby was acting this way.

Faye was getting furious with how the familiar was talking to her. She stood up and crossed her arms. "You better show respect to me. After all, I am an Eve. And I have Lilith's power. And I can get Isaac to make you shut up. You do have to obey him whereas I am free to do as I please." She smirked feeling as though she won. "And I wasn't always like this. I used to be a human. I was forced into this life. And Isaac bit me because he thought I was going to die. But honestly, your insults don't bother me because you are a lowly sub species to hate someone who's not just like like you."
Old Posted 02-23-2016, 12:45 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #204   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Isaac eases Elizabeth down onto the bed, trying to make her as comfortable as possible, "I'm just going to try and fell around externally to see if I can identify the problem until one of my familiars comes back with some gloves for me." Gently, he feels different areas around her belly, pushing in at certain spots, looking for indications of the baby's condition. As he finishes a dog familiar comes into the room with a sterile pair of surgical gloves,which Isaac takes and puts on.

"It seems like the cord is wrapped around the babies neck. I'm sorry Elizabeth, this might hurt a bit, but I have to check and fix the cord if that's the case. I'm going to use my abilities to make it easier on you though so it shouldn't be as bad." Taking a deep breath he places one hand on her belly, using his powers to numb her a bit there and make it easier for him to reach in to help the baby. With the other hand he feels around and can tell the cord is indeed around her neck. He manages to get the cord out from around the neck without harming it, but he's still not easy since the heartbeat is very faint.

"I got the cord out from around the baby, but only time will tell if it will survive. If we had of checked any later though the baby probably would have died, and you might have died too. I'm going to get you something to drink, it might taste awful but it will be good for you, giving you back some strength. Would you like for me to have someone get Lucien?" After taking off the gloves her burns them with shadowy fire to dispose of them.

The vampire woman sneers at Faye. "Eve or not, I don't take orders from you. Familiars can be defeated but not killed since we're already dead, its just our souls stuck here. And of course, he was still wanting to hold onto his humanity like I said. Anyways, that murder sent me down here in case you wanted to go upstairs. Apparently that mother to be is having trouble with her baby and Isaac is tending to her."

Old Posted 02-23-2016, 01:21 AM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #205  
Elizabeth felt nothing but fear at the news about her baby. Tears stream down her eyes "No, don't bother, he wouldn't come anyway. Work is too important. Unless the baby dies or I die, don't bother trying to get a hold of him. And even then, I don't know if he would come back since he still needs to make money for the children. Money is the most important thing to him. He says he will save up to buy a house while we live her but that could take a long time. But I don't know if we can last that long. I know its shameful to divorce but I never see him. I love him to death but money is the first thing he loves." She looked down and rubbed her stomach. "I'm just so happy that you were able to help. If anything happened to this child, I don't know what I would do." She smiled weakly. She closed her eyes and just relaxed but without falling asleep. Her dress was pulled up a bit which showed her ankles and they were swelled badly. Her feet could barely fit into the shoe she was wearing.

"Yes, your soul is still here which means that technically, you're alive. You may not have your body, but you have your full range of emotions and you have your mind intact. I would make your eternal life a living hell." She warned. "And Isaac will have no problems in making you obey. So you better watch what you say around this mutt." She snarled. Faye wasn't about to take her harsh words. She ma not see but she didn't need to to defend herself with words. She really wished that she could force her to obey her so much and hated the thought of having to rely on Isaac for that but she was his familiar. "Take me to him NOW!" She demanded. This was probably the only time she could order her around since Isaac told her to do it in the first place.
Old Posted 02-23-2016, 01:39 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #206   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Rolling her eyes, the vampire familiar takes hold of Faye's hand and leads her upstairs and into the kitchen where Isaac is working with a knife and an unusual mortar and pestle. Hearing them come in he looks up, putting down the knife as he walks over Faye to give her a hug. Resting his chin on her shoulder he whispers to her, "Elizabeth is having trouble with the baby, her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck. I was able to remove it but I don't know how the baby will fair, nor Elizabeth. It's a good thing I caught it now otherwise both of them probably would soon be dead. I'm making up a medicinal drink right now for her to help her get some energy back and help the baby recover. I want them both to make it through, I don't want anything to happen to either one of them." Releasing her he kisses her on the forehead and returns to making the drink.

After crushing the herbs and different vegetables for the nutrients he mixes in some milk to make it more like a liquid than a paste. Isaac takes Faye's hand in his, squeezing t gently, "Would you like to come upstairs and see her? It would probably make her feel better since it will be the first time she'll see you like this after all."

Old Posted 02-23-2016, 02:16 AM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #207  
Faye was horrified with the news. She hoped that Elizabeth and the baby would both be alright. She hugged Isaac back tightly. "I would love to go see her. You are right about that." She kissed his cheek. "Do I look presentable?" She asked as she tried to straighten herself out. "What about my ears, shouldn't I cover them? Especially if the children are there? Or if not, then what if they come bursting in?" She asked as she touched them. She let out a sigh. Sh wasn't about to bring up his familiar with everything going on, it would be very rude of her, or so she felt. Sniffing towards where he was making the milk and what not and made a face. "That doesn't smell good." She walked closer. "What is that? Is it medicine for her? Will that make Elizabeth healthy again?" Sh asked in concern for the sick lady.
Old Posted 02-23-2016, 09:06 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #208   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Isaac laughs nervously, knowing full well that the concoction smells awful, "It won't make her healthy again, but it will help to make her healthy. She needs energy and nutrients, both of which this has. As for the children, I think I'll just make sure they are in their room, bring you and the drink to Elizabeth and keep an eye on the children until you're done seeing her. Once you're done I'll get you to bring you back downstairs and then let the children know that they can see their mom." He pours the mixture into a glass, then takes Faye's hand to leaf her upstairs. Though if the children were to come running out right now to see their mother he's not sure how he's explain Faye to them if they saw her.

Old Posted 02-23-2016, 10:17 PM Reply With Quote  

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