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Scintilla Scintilla is offline
Unquenchable Voracity
Default   #161  
Hearing an abrupt voice, Nura instantly assumed a battle position, her needles concealed cleverly in her sleeves, " I am...Whoever you choose me to be," she replied casually, smirking a little, " And who are you, miss Archer?"

In this situation, Nura had chosen to be unemotional, and stoic, but slightly teasing in a manner. She wouldn't showcase her power yet though, it was far too early for that. After all, who knows if the person across from her was stronger or not? Nura had decided to gauge the power and strength of her opponent before attacking. She would be on the defense for now.
Old Posted 10-19-2012, 12:30 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #162   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Not really caring what Lucien's plans were, Lei made her presence known, stepping out of the bush and leaning against a tree, her eyes resting on Jace, the knife resting against her thigh, a smirk on her face, "Heathenish witch? I could take that as a form of a compliment. But than I have been called worse, much worse." she brings the knife up to her hand and with the blade, opens a small slash in her finger, drawing blood, her expression never changing, "But than, I really don't have the time or cares to waste my breath on little toads like you." Using the bark on the tree, Lei's finger writes out the runes with the fresh blood, her smile growing darker, "I hope your not scared of the dark." As the last rune was wrote, the ground near Lei began to rumble, "Or things that go 'bump in the dark'."
Old Posted 10-19-2012, 09:01 AM Reply With Quote  
Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Default   #163  
Jace smiled evilly the at the remark the women made about the dark a small chuckle escaped his throat as he moved his hand from his side upwards with his palm facing the ground. "Quite the contrary dear I love the shadows. I call upon the power of the Darkest of the dragons those who cherished the power of the shadows and used them as there own.. Shadows embrace.." As the words 'Shadows Embrace' Escape his mouth the shadows and dark spots around Jace turned into spear like sharpened tentacles and flew at Lei, if they all hit it would pierce through all her vital organs and kill her, if even one hit Jace would be able to spread the shadow throughout the area of the body of which it hits in a small radius and numb/paralyze the effected area. "Now Die abomination.."
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Last edited by Natsunaine; 10-19-2012 at 11:30 AM.
Old Posted 10-19-2012, 09:12 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #164   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
He controls shadows? Lei hadn't expected this and barely managed to get out of the way of the shadow like spears, grimacing as one pierced through the flesh of her leg. Dammit, this one of my favorite skirts.

Sensing the demon that her spell called upon had finally surfaced and making a motion for the demon to stand down at the moment, she turns her attention back to Jace, her eyes narrowing, "Abomination? That's a new one, I grew up hearing Gypsy used as in a bad word but I guess I graduated from being viewed past my traditions finally."
Last edited by Dawn; 10-20-2012 at 04:38 PM.
Old Posted 10-19-2012, 04:02 PM Reply With Quote  
Ookami-onea-chan91 Ookami-onea-chan91 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Default   #165  
Mairi frowned slightly as she heard the woman speak from across the short distance. "Hmm.... What do you mean by that?" Growling slightly, her ears perking forward as she attempted to try and focus in on the pale face. "A person whom speaks so easily like that.... Those kinds of words only fall so easily from the lips of someone that hides things." Speaking as she slowly let some of the tension off of the bow string.

Lowering the target of the bow from the woman's chest, she only held it on a spot of the ground near her feet. Although it wouldn't be that hard to flick it back up and let the arrow fly. "So then... If you're not my enemy, then tell this soul why you're lurking in this forest? Tis you be hunting for keys to the throne victory? Or some other hidden reason?" Eyes narrowed curiously, she examined what she could see of her. The way the shadows allowed her clothes to nearly blend in with the forest was not being kind on her sight, making her uneasy.

Brows raising at the way Jace controlled shadows, he was very intrigued by this ability. "Interesting.... Yes very intersting." Smiling now, lips curling as he realized that again he was doing what Makani was always calling his Cheshire grin. Fingers playing over the gem stone like buttons that held his thick coat shut around his thin body, the elf considered his new opinions about hiring the dragoon.

"Yes... Yes this was definitely a good idea after all." Murmuring to himself as he gave himself a moment and to glance at the fox kin that he had taken in so long ago. The way the young man was watching the pair before them, he seemed to be lost in thought.

Ears flicking slightly, Makani listened intently. "Wow..." The word slipped out in a hushed whisper, tongue darting out to moisten his lips as he attempted to stay calm and think rationally at all the amazing things he was getting a glimpse of thanks to the man in armor.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, the fox boy was wishing for a little light so that he could get a better look at this person whom Jace was talking so badly about. Hands shaking slightly, his mind was racing as he watched the way the shadows moved with the grace of water under the control of Jace. "This is amazing...." Pausing when he heard the words uttered by the woman, golden eyes going wide a gasp escaped him. "Oh my! You're a gypsy!?" Squeaking and yelping as he realized that he had said it aloud, slipping over to halfway stand behind Jokull. "Sorry...."
-looks cautiously- Re-entering the trisphee dimension. Need rpg's in my life again.
Last edited by Ookami-onea-chan91; 10-19-2012 at 10:41 PM.
Old Posted 10-19-2012, 10:27 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #166   Scintilla Scintilla is offline
Unquenchable Voracity
" I?" Nura asked, raising an eyebrow, " What am I doing here?" Smirking, she replied, " Does one have to have a reason for wandering in these woods? I myself do not know...Perhaps I am looking for an adventure, or a challenge. However, this proves to be very boring for me, very boring indeed..."

She laughed, " Are you still on your guard? Do you believe me to be a threat to you? I'm very bored right now, so I might as well waste some time doing this. Let's see if you provide a nice enough challenge for me, hmm?"

While saying this, Nura had posed her hand in a 'gun' like fashion, pointer finger towards the woman across from her, thumb facing up. With a single motion, Nura whispered, " Boom. "

A hot blue flame appeared at the tip of her second finger, just flickering there, waiting for Nura's command.
Old Posted 10-20-2012, 01:02 AM Reply With Quote  
Ookami-onea-chan91 Ookami-onea-chan91 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Default   #167  
She narrowed her eyes slightly and shook her head as she watched the woman to see what she was doing. At the appearance of the flame, Mairi squeaked loudly in surprise. "Oh....WOW! That is amazing!" She squeaked and dropped the arrow into her quiver.

Slinging the bow over her shoulders she darted in and started to look at the way the fire hung easily at her finger tip. "Oh my gosh... That is... What kind of magic is this? How did you learn to do that? Does the fire burn you? Or is it cool to the touch for you?" Rambling out her questions easily and giggling happily as she attempted to try and keep a little bit of her curiosity under control.
-looks cautiously- Re-entering the trisphee dimension. Need rpg's in my life again.
Old Posted 10-20-2012, 04:02 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #168   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Kanon followed nodded some still following and holding on to Kate's shirt as they walked on, watched seeing all kinds of people going after such things it was so strange and odd that so many people wanted this map, more or less to rule this land? She didn't understand it so well, but whatever she would follow the other since this was all so new to the youth and it was better she went with someone who was kind then the latter of world.

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 10-20-2012, 05:24 PM Reply With Quote  
Scintilla Scintilla is offline
Unquenchable Voracity
Default   #169  
As soon as the girl's bubbly side came out, Nura frowned and the flame disappeared. The girl, whatever her name was, irked her. How could she act as if nothing was wrong when she displayed this power? One moment she was aiming to injure Nura, and the next, she completely let her guard down.

After a brief pause, only one word came out of Nura's mouth, "...boring. "

Tossing the girl a defiant glare, she began to walk away, " Trusting someone this easily isn't something you'd do if you were smart. As you are now, you're boring. "
Old Posted 10-20-2012, 08:38 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #170   Ookami-onea-chan91 Ookami-onea-chan91 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Her ears drooped quickly and Mairi frowned slightly. "I can't help it... Just the way I am... The side that loves fire can't resist a new skill and the need to question it." Frowning as she turned back to her little wood pile of a fire pit.

Huffing slightly, she settled down on the ground and quickly got the fire started. "If only I could find another of my kin that could explain this problem." Grumbling to herself as she wished the woman of fire hadn't left.
-looks cautiously- Re-entering the trisphee dimension. Need rpg's in my life again.
Old Posted 10-20-2012, 09:29 PM Reply With Quote  
Scintilla Scintilla is offline
Unquenchable Voracity
Default   #171  
She kept walking through the forest, muttering to herself, " The hell was with that idiotic girl who trusted people too much? Nura didn't know, and didn't want to find out. All of her actions were going to eventually set her up for betrayal. Trusting someone because of curiousity? And just plain letting Nura walk away! She couldn't understand it.

It had gotten dark, and Nura was forced to call upon her power once more. With a mere flick of her fingers, she lit a small blue flame. It would be easy to notice out here in the dark, but if anyone came, Nura was confident she would be able to defend herself.
Old Posted 10-21-2012, 12:45 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #172   Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Jace smirked as the Shadow pierced the leg of the blood mage in front of her the sight of her pain made his skin crawl in enjoyment. The shadows quickly withdrew and retracted to this side Jace stood completely still looking at the women, His blood boiling in anger the more he though about the magic she was foolish enough to use. "People like you.. People like you Deserve the Templars wrath, All of you should be burned from this land never to feel the embrace of life again.."

Jace gripped his hand tight still keeping a watchful eye out for the women, then all at once a sigh escaped his breathe and a joyful carefree smile ran across his face. "But that doesn't matter now, My Shadows toxin has invaded your leg and it will be that much easier for me to kill an insect like you." Jace raised his palm in the air the tendrils like shadows following in the same direction rising from the ground then pointing towards Lei. "Feel, the embrace of the shadows you have hidden within your careless soul." He quickly swung his palm down the tips of his finger spreading out and pointing to different vital spots as the quickly lunged forward at her once more the tendrils heading to where his fingers had pointed.

Lucien smiled as he stood up, it was obvious the strangers were too busy admiring the foolish dragoon to see that he was behind them, a sick twisted manic smile appear across the mans face as he drew the sword he had out, red sparks of electricity dance acrossed the blade forming into a dragon like shape, Lucien slammed his opposing hand into the ground as an electric pulse ran threw the ground as it approached the strangers it circled around their feet creating evil like runic writing as the writing finish it quickly jolted upwards towards them both, if hitting them the electricity would course through all the major muscle groups and cause spasming of the muscles as well as possible paralysis. "Don't worry you foolish men, There is still hope look on the bright side, You will look lovely laying by my bed as war Trophies."

Kate looked upon the setting sun yawning and stretching out her arms, she looked down at Kanon, her eyes then ventured between the Setting sun, Kanon and the beacon of light "Well, its getting dark and im sure the maps will still be there in the morning" Kate giggled placing her hand against her mouth, then pointing off to a hut in the distance. "I rented a small place down that way for the night, I think im going to hit the hay.. You are welcome to come with me there is an extra bed" Kate smiled and ruffled Kanon's hair, then her eyes ventured toward the place where she had met Kanon. "Or you can go back to your home if you would like it up to you" Kate smiled and made her way towards the place she had pointed looking over her shoulder to see what the other would do.
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Last edited by Natsunaine; 10-22-2012 at 03:31 PM.
Old Posted 10-21-2012, 09:46 PM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #173  
Hearing Makani's comment, Lei looks at the one that spoke, hidden behind the other person, "Yes, I'm a Gypsy, you have a problem with that?" her tone was ice cold before going back to Jace, hearing him mention something about a toxin and her leg.
Shit.. there's no way I can go against him without calling out the darker powers.. and if what he says about my leg is true.. Seeing Jace call up another set of shadows, Lei grits her teeth, there was no way she could keep dodging. Using the demon that had been idle to intercept Jace's newest attack, Lei could feel her leg was going a bit numb, telling her she had to get the fuck out of there now.
"I'm afraid I have no desires to be squashed today as much as an annoying little twerp like you wants to do the honors. I have places to see and things to do." With a crooked smirk, Lei uses the blade of the knife to cut her finger again and slashing runes into the dirt around her feet, incase Jace sent another shadow attack at her while she was trying to retreat, the spell she was casting would null it. Finishing the last rune, Lei straightened up and laughed, "As much as I would like to say it has been fun, I would be lying." before turning and with a limp, headed back into the bushes, Lucien, I hope you know what your doing. she pauses to think when she put enough distance for her to stop and pull her skirt up off of her leg, grimacing at the wound...
Old Posted 10-21-2012, 10:05 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #174   Scintilla Scintilla is offline
Unquenchable Voracity
She had been watching the fight for a few minutes, hiding herself in the trees, waiting for the perfect moment to jump into this fight. Nura had walked for two or so minutes, then heard fighting sounds and yells over to her left.

Nura licked her lips, " Interesting...." she murmured to herself, as she ran up into the tree.

That had been a few minutes ago, and now, Nura was ready to fight. She smirked, jumping into the midst of the battle. Some woman had just scribbled runes onto the ground, and was clutching her leg. Another man seemed to be controlling what looked like shadows.

" This will be fun," Nura commented, looking at the people, " So let's play."

Again, a hot blue flame appeared on her fingertips, and Nura grinned.
Last edited by Scintilla; 10-22-2012 at 01:12 AM.
Old Posted 10-22-2012, 01:06 AM Reply With Quote  
Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Default   #175  
Post closed.
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Last edited by Natsunaine; 10-22-2012 at 03:36 PM.
Old Posted 10-22-2012, 09:50 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #176   Ookami-onea-chan91 Ookami-onea-chan91 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Makani frowned as he heard that she sounded offended, but he would have said something, unfortunately he caught the sound of something from behind them. Glancing back Makani gasped lightly as he saw the pulse coming for them. Turning quickly he pushed Jokull hard to attempt getting him out of the way.As the electric pulse came up out of the ground, his legs collapsed and he couldn't believe how much pain the spell could cause one person.

His attention had been on Jace, but he was shocked when the fox boy pushed him from behind. "What the-" As he hit the ground, eyes went wide as he felt the edge of the spell that had grazed him. "Where?" Turning his attention to the dark forest behind them. "Come out and show yourself like a true man." Being in the dark forest was a disadvantage for his lack of night vision.

Sitting up, ears twitching as she heard the sounds of fighting in the distance Mairi frowned. "Not good... I better get moving if I want to find the crown pieces..." Mumbling softly as she stomped out the tiny fire she'd had going.
Making sure that the fire was out, she hurried off through the trees and walked wide around the opening where it seemed to be coming from.
-looks cautiously- Re-entering the trisphee dimension. Need rpg's in my life again.
Last edited by Ookami-onea-chan91; 10-22-2012 at 03:37 PM.
Old Posted 10-22-2012, 09:57 AM Reply With Quote  

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