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Old Posted 08-02-2011, 11:58 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   MuseSick MuseSick is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
It's not a disease it's just inconvient. I'd say that's why people call it that. Because it's something you'd love to get rid of, but something that keeps coming back.
It's kind of like, cancer.
My sister's baseball coach had breast cancer, and it was something of course she couldn't get rid of right away, she couldn't just sit there with a scaple and cut the lump off and be done. People relate addiction to disease because it's something we find incurable, there's always that light at the end of the tunnel, and always a cure, but it's working hard enough to get to that light.
So- she beat it once, and it came back.
Addictions are often things we turn to when sad, lonely, bored, nervous, ect. It`s triggered by our emotions. A smoker, both my parents smoke so I`ve noticed this, and watch you may see it too.
Look at the way they hold things in their hands, they`ve got a smoke on the brain to the point of holding things like a smoke, chewing on the end of pens like they`d pop a smoke in their mouth.
You notice these little ticks. And it's worsened by how the person feels.
But it`s not a disease, I`d say people call it that because it`s hard to over come. Just like Cancer. Not that I should be relating those two, because they're totally different things. Even though one leads to the other.. In man cases, when it comes to drugs.
But addictions in general can be anything, but I'm assuming you're speaking of drug abuse, and alcoholism. Kind of addictions. Not so much- Oh yeah me myself, I'm addicted to guitar, I have to play or at least strum my hand up and down like I'm playing. ONCE a day. Or I go bat shit insane.
"Everyone else is either asleep or having sex. I've been watching cable television and eating jello."

-The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Old Posted 08-06-2011, 01:25 PM Reply With Quote  
Saiyouri Saiyouri is offline
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(。◕‿◕。) I'm not sure what to think of addiction.
I don't really think it's a disease. It might
be more of a habit like everyone has mentioned
so far. Personally I don't really have a opinion
of the subject. I try not to think of it. Even
though my husband is addicted to nicotine. I
know it's not a disease, but a horrible habit
he has gotten since he was 18. I have seen him
try hard to quit but it didn't work out both
times. He did at least get farther the second
time around. According to him he will quit when
our son moves out, since he causes too much
stress for him to handle alone. I know it sounds
like a stupid reason not to quit now, but I
understand why he is saying it and I saw how
hard he tried to quit the second time.

I don't have an addiction even though you could
say that I do have one since I have OCD and I
keep cleaning myself with rubbing alcohol.
But I try not to think about that. It just makes
me more stressed if I think about what's wrong
with me.

Old Posted 08-06-2011, 01:28 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   Shenandoah Shenandoah is offline
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Well, I'm definitely addicted to reading in general. Stories... I have to have stories. Books and books and books. Fanfiction, too. I think so much about stories in general. And I crave them endlessly. Music, too, for I believe the world is a dull place without music or books.

Addiction, though, depending on what it is can range from harmless to (of course) harmful. A harmless addiction (like music) hurts no one and everyone ultimately enjoys it. A harmful one (like kids stealing freon from air conditioning units to get high) can usually wind up being fatal. And that's what is scary. What people will do to get high, that is. Who the hell comes up with the idea of snorting bath salts?

I suppose that's where the gray area comes from, though. Where do you draw the line? And that's where things get difficult. If it's harmless and doesn't have an impact on your life, is it okay to let it go or should you treat it like if you were doing something that could kill you? And that's the problem. You can't exactly lay a line down and say 'this is too far' if the things you could be addicted to are wide ranging from innocent to dangerous.
I am a female. Therefore please use 'she'.

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Old Posted 08-08-2011, 09:10 AM Reply With Quote  
Pharo Pharo is offline
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It depends on how you define "disease".
Addictions are psychological, but they're also physiological.
Any activity that produces a strong endorphin rush can be addiction, although drugs produce this much easier than other things.
If something is highly pleasurable, we try and repeat it. Eventually, this can take priority over other activities, and become harmful.
But it is not a disease in proper sense, since it isn't a harmful outside virus or bacteria or etc. You could call it a disorder, though.
You can call me Pharo or anything you like really as long as I can tell it refers to me.
Old Posted 08-09-2011, 10:59 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   DeadMuse DeadMuse is offline
To me an addiction is when you repetitively go back to something over and over and over just to get that "high" of excitement, happiness, or horror to make you feel better with/about yourself or a situation. Like dealing with people who are depressed and "addicted" to cutting themselves or people who are overweight and "Addicted" to eating certain foods that makes them feel "better". I believe it's more of a decision then a disease but it does borderline look like one if the person subconsciously goes and does that same action without thinking twice about it. Then it may very well be a disease.
I see what you did there.
Old Posted 08-24-2011, 08:24 PM Reply With Quote  
Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
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I have to disagree with you. No one chooses to be an addict. They try something and like it. They keep doing it because they like it. And then they realize...shit...I can't stop. I feel like absolute shit if I stop.

Personally I believe it depends on the person. Like if my internet was taken away, I'd feel socially isolated and anxious and shit like an addicted person would be. Even though technically the internet isn't considered addictive.
Old Posted 08-30-2011, 10:52 PM Reply With Quote  

addiction, echo, life

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