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M e w M e w is offline
Local Weirdo
Default Hell On Earth [Mew & Shen] -M-   #1  
Mature warning for potential violence, language, etc. It's gonna get bloody up in hurr.

Name; Selena Young

Gender; Female

Age; 21

Appearance; Height - 5'7" Weight - 122 lbs
Hair color - Bright Orange, Eye Color - Bright Turquoise
Selena has an athletic but thin build, appearing like a typical, somewhat frail girl but capable of more strength than most women and some men. She has pale, rosy skin and is quite beautiful, often causing men to be lured to her. Her bright hair and eyes make her stand out even more among the usual graying people around her. Her attire is usually composed of ratty jeans, T-shirts, and tank tops, but she also wears skin-tight, armored body-suits when she is knowingly moving into an area inhabited by demons. Always with her are her weapons, her favorites being firearms. While she uses many types of guns her top favorites include a large sniper rifle and a smaller, compact assault rifle. A hunting knife is always sheathed at her thigh and she sometimes carries other firearms such as pistols.
Quick sketch of Selena.

Personality; Blunt is really the best way to describe Selena. She doesn't beat around the bush and she tells it like it is. Growing up in an apocalyptic land made her that way and she does what she needs to in order to survive. She can seem cold-hearted at times since she has little to no qualms about taking life. The only time she shows any real emotion or feeling is when she is around someone for a little while. She is hardened from a life of fighting but the personality she had when she was a girl, always smiling and deeply passionate, will peek through if someone stays in her life long enough.

Background; Growing up, Selena lived a privileged life and she never went without. Even though her family was considered somewhat rich, she never became stuck-up or gained a feeling like she was better than anybody else. She constantly had a smile on her face and made friends easily, the only people who disliked her were those who were jealous of her. Her life was one that many people would desire, and she was as happy as she could possibly be.
When the demons began pouring into the world her family was able to last a little while because of their wealth, but soon everyone she cared about fell victim to the demons. Selena was able to scavenge about and when she picked up a pistol for the first time she knew that she would fight against the monsters instead of hiding from them and turning into a despicable being like the people around her.
Now her life is dedicated to exorcising the demons and she aims to be able to help shut the gate that allows them to access the world.

Name; Spencer Wilde

Gender; Male

Age; 17

Appearance; Height - 5'9" Weight - 146 lbs
Hair Color - Dirty Blond, Eye Color - Dark Blue
He's a pretty average size, but he is still growing. His body is fit but nothing overly impressive. His hair is actually a brighter blond color but it always looks more dirty blond because of the constant grim and dirt in it. The style is wild and spiky, his bangs falling in front of his eyes and the length falling to his shoulders. Because he either doesn't want to or isn't able to shower or bathe he is pretty dirty most of the time, a layer of dirt over his skin making it appear darker than it really is. Along with the dirt covering his body he is also covered in bruises, scars, and wounds from fighting and scraping for his needs. His hands are especially torn up since he does most of his fighting with them, his knuckles always ragged and raw since they never have time to heal. Surprisingly, the crazy smile almost always stretched across his face is bright white, not showing the grime that the rest of his body does. His attire consists of ragged scraps of clothing that are just as dirty as he is. He frequently goes barefoot but when he does wear shoes they are well-worn running shoes. As stated earlier, he mostly fights with his hands, but he does carry a random assortment of weapons to better fight off demons, including knives, explosives, and the occasional handgun he may pick up.

Personality; His personality borders on insanity. Since he was only about 7 years old when the apocalypse started, he barely remembers a life without constant chaos and bloodshed. This fact has more or less given him his maniacal personality. The grin always plastered to his face can be quite scary, especially in the middle of a bloody battle. While he can be hard to handle and tends to frighten away most people, he loves to talk to people and be around others. As he never really grew up he tends to act like a child though he is far from innocent. His favorite things in life include fighting, killing, and... bodily pleasures. Even though he is only 17 he never misses an opportunity to hit on women and try to suade them into indulging in such activities with him and he never feels anything past that level for women.

Background; Spencer has grown up fighting, and early on decided he would help in the fight to get rid of the demons. Since he barely remembers his family, his main reasoning behind being an exorcist is because he finds it enjoyable. He was easily preyed upon when he was younger but those experiences turned him into the lunatic his is and now he allows nobody to prey on him.
Last edited by M e w; 02-14-2011 at 11:37 PM.
Old Posted 02-13-2011, 05:01 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Shenandoah Shenandoah is offline
Crowned Morning Sun
Lane Arpegius
Semi-Automatic Handgun, Glock.
He is a friendly, open man... or rather, he was before his family was brutally murdered and consumed by the demons. Since then, he has been a somewhat heavy drinker. He is still friendly... even so far as willing to chat to a rock when in the mood. He absolutely hates demons, though, and has been an active hunter since his beloved family died.
Faith (He is Christian)
Can Aim from the Hip (capable of aiming in an instant)
Agility (almost Acrobatic)
Alcohol (specifically Whiskey)
Family (the subject is touchy)
Physical Strength (not great as he is not typically a close range combatant)
Always wears a cross, a memento of a time forgotten.

Izabel McGaughey (pronounced "McGoy")
Clerical Abilities, Super Soaker, Lighter
She is eccentric and tends to try her hand at most anything, which is how she fell into learning how to exorcise demons due to her teacher, Father Maxwell. Unfortunately, with her eclectic tendencies comes her klepto tendencies, her pyro tendencies, and her tendency to bless random bodies of water and reserves of gasoline when she can find it. She doesn't remember anything before the apocalypse, having lost her memories as well as her family. Her second family named her before they, too, died.
Cheerful (Almost Manic) Attitude
Nimble (both Fingers and Feet)
Very Perceptive
Hates Being Alone
Incessantly Curious
She carries a lighter in her pocket to burn things.
I am a female. Therefore please use 'she'.

Go Aggies!
Last edited by Shenandoah; 02-14-2011 at 02:11 PM.
Old Posted 02-14-2011, 02:01 PM Reply With Quote  
M e w M e w is offline
Local Weirdo
Default   #3  
The wasteland around her looked dead and wrecked. The smell of rotten meat filled the air and Selena inhaled the scent with a deep breath, letting it fester and build before she exhaled. Those sorts of smells were commonplace and one would have to get used to them or else they would be gagging and hurling at every intake of breath.
The dust-filled air whipped up, ruffling her bright hair and sending the foul smells away for just a moment. It seemed to be a good omen, and Selena sighed softly in response to that thought.
Not a mile in front of her laid one of the largest sanctified areas on this side of the world; the Washington National Cathedral. Here she could rest and regain her strength before continuing on to the hellish land of New York, where the demons ran rampant and survival was almost at zero.

Even from this distance she could see the high fences that guarded the area, could feel the faint crackle of energy that rose off of them from the electricity that charged through the metal links. Many of the sanctified enclosures consisted of a mere church, the only protection from demons being the crumbling walls and a weak force of holy energy.
A place where she could actually take a relaxed breath gave her a shot of anticipation, and she started walking forward again towards the safety of those fences.

When she arrived at the entry station several armed guards swarmed her and, after checking that she was human and not an enemy, let her into the encampment. As she walked through the initial courtyard, which once must have been beautiful and awe-inspiring, she felt the reassuring weight of her sniper rifle against her back and assault rifle against her hip and thigh. In some ways, owning such weapons was a sign of status. They showed that you were a part of the clergy and that you were one of the few brave enough to take on the hideous monsters that had invaded this world and torn it to shreds ten years ago. People would look at you in reverence when you walked past and would sometimes even bow their heads in respect. Selena didn't care about these things however, the only reason she became an exorcist was so that she could eradicate the world of the scum demons that now ruled it.

Even though she did not look at herself as more privileged or worthy, she did enjoy the accommodations that exorcists received. Instead of finding a spot on the ground outside like a typical newcomer would be forced to, she could enjoy a lumpy mattress and flat pillow under a shabby roof.
Last edited by M e w; 02-15-2011 at 12:06 AM.
Old Posted 02-15-2011, 12:04 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Shenandoah Shenandoah is offline
Crowned Morning Sun
The devastation of the one-time capital of the former free world was very apparent to Izzy from her chosen location on high in one of the dilapidated (though from what she could tell, still structurally sound) towers. She didn't know what they were called. Truthfully, she didn't care at the moment. What had her attention was the effect she was having upon the guy that was begging her to come down from the ledge she was currently dancing around on. It was actually really funny to see him so flustered.

Of course, she knew where he was coming from. She was an exorcist that had gained holy powers to go with her chosen weapons. Most people thought that her 'weapon' of a Super Soaker was something that was stupid. She knew better and it usually convinced people she was far younger than she really was. Of course, she always loudly proclaimed her age. She giggled at the thought.

"Please get down, Lady!" begged the guy and she finally felt a touch of pity for him, hopping down from the ledge. She didn't lose her smile, though, and instead grinned at him. "Sure, whatever. Bye!" At that point, she scurried back down the crumbling steps leading up to the tower thing and back down into the sanctuary.

Personally, Izzy would have much rather been in one of the green places, especially the one which held the secret graves of her parents... Or rather, her second parents, though she didn't remember that. It was what she was told, however. And she'd love it if she could find Father Maxwell again. He was fun. But she suspected he was dead.

Once Izzy had gotten to the ground floor (minus any mishaps she could have had along the way), the red haired cleric saw another red head enter the sanctuary. With her water gun strapped to her back, she bounced up to what was obviously another exorcist with equally obvious enthusiasm, looking like a hyperactive teenager rather than a full-grown woman.

"Hello!" she chirped with her slightly manic grin. "How are you? What's your name? And where are you from? Are you an exorcist?" Her questions came out in a rush, words falling over each other as she hastily spoke like a child on a sugar rush. "Cuz I was wondering, how much work do you do to keep bullets and stuff? Aren't they rare? Aren't they hard to find? And how hard is a gun to shoot? It it anything like my Super Soaker?"
I am a female. Therefore please use 'she'.

Go Aggies!
Old Posted 02-15-2011, 02:28 PM Reply With Quote  

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