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Lucid: Lucid: is offline
The ever amazing cap'n obvious
Default   #17  
thanks for the info, Coda. so is that what you're working to fix right now?

This signature intentionally left blank.

Old Posted 11-23-2010, 05:55 PM  
Default   #18   Coda Coda is online now
Yeah, unfortunately this isn't just a quick fix -- I have to redo a fair chunk of code.
Old Posted 11-23-2010, 09:32 PM  
Duchess Duchess is offline
Self-proclaimed Non-Conversationalist
Default   #19  
I love the theme of this event... which is strange because I do not like war at all. XDDDDD

But its a good premise to bring out my dormant RP side and get me more active here. =D So YEAH!! *thumbs up*

The NPC's all have delicious (yes its food) back stories. nom nom nom. ALL the items are amazing....seriously. Great job to all staff members working on this. Even with the hiccups, I'm still enjoying it greatly. =D

Very wonderful *claps*

[EDIT] YES! More feedback from me.

I hate reading giant walls of text. XDD So the storyline seems painful for me to sit through. @.@ My brain just can't process HUGE paragraphing T_T

But once I did, I was extremely happy that i took the time to. It's very well written to the point that I actually STALK the threads for updates. XDD

Soooo GOOD JOB...again.. 8D

Lucid loves Duchess and takes her signature virginity. <3
Ashy refuses to share Duchess with anyone D:<

Duchess is idol TRASH
Feel free to bully me about it

Last edited by Duchess; 11-23-2010 at 10:21 PM.
Old Posted 11-23-2010, 10:17 PM  
Default   #20   Taiki Taiki is offline
@ Duchess, I tend to feel the same way about walls of text, but I love the story and I'm glad that you took the time to read it. Would you feel better about it if there were pictures in it? I mean, comic form would take way too long to make for this much story but some pictures atleast? O:

Old Posted 11-23-2010, 10:56 PM  
Rem Rem is offline
draws the naughty bits
Default   #21  
Someone way less lazy than me and way more organizational should put together all the stories and happenings to create like .. a war journal or something. An account of the battles! :V
Why yes
someone get on that -3- *snaps finger*

The Corrupt side isn't just plain out -evil- tho, no? They've a reason they're doing what they're doing? I like stories about conflicts where the good guys aren't always pure and the bad guys aren't always evil.

But this made me realize Trisphee's not a planet, is it? It's like, what.. a whole solar system or something like

i won't rot ∙ not this mind and not this heart ∙ i won't rot
Old Posted 11-23-2010, 10:58 PM  
Default   #22   Demonskid Demonskid is offline
Pocket Demon Ninja
A trisphee comic would be kinda cool for events :x and and.. taiki makes comics *clings*

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Old Posted 11-23-2010, 10:59 PM  
Duchess Duchess is offline
Self-proclaimed Non-Conversationalist
Default   #23  
Pictures would break up the paragraphing and give some visual interpretation.. I love pictures. >w< lol. I feel like a little child saying i want books with da pwetty picturez.

It not so much the actually amount of text, as it is how its formatted.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse lobortis ultricies vestibulum. In tellus quam, commodo non ornare et, luctus quis libero. Vivamus hendrerit orci non neque tempus nec placerat mauris molestie. Maecenas ultricies nisi quis magna porta feugiat in at lectus. Duis ut lectus nisi. Proin nec tortor a eros dignissim imperdiet. Donec erat ipsum, sodales sit amet gravida et, congue feugiat orci. Mauris vestibulum, justo id mattis malesuada, turpis risus accumsan orci, eget varius tellus purus sed purus. Curabitur blandit, sem iaculis semper ullamcorper, nunc magna pretium purus, suscipit interdum enim lorem nec urna. Aliquam et enim fringilla mi vestibulum mollis lacinia a odio. Vivamus sed diam ut justo molestie luctus. Aenean hendrerit ullamcorper magna, sed bibendum eros condimentum ac. Quisque vitae pulvinar diam. Mauris et placerat justo. Phasellus vel nibh lorem. Morbi scelerisque iaculis tortor, eu tristique est malesuada in. Quisque dictum, risus vitae molestie iaculis, eros est porta tellus, quis dictum risus nunc a massa.

Would kill me to read...than this:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse lobortis ultricies vestibulum. In tellus quam, commodo non ornare et, luctus quis libero. Vivamus hendrerit orci non neque tempus nec placerat mauris molestie.

Maecenas ultricies nisi quis magna porta feugiat in at lectus. Duis ut lectus nisi. Proin nec tortor a eros dignissim imperdiet. Donec erat ipsum, sodales sit amet gravida et, congue feugiat orci.

Mauris vestibulum, justo id mattis malesuada, turpis risus accumsan orci, eget varius tellus purus sed purus. Curabitur blandit, sem iaculis semper ullamcorper, nunc magna pretium purus, suscipit interdum enim lorem nec urna. Aliquam et enim fringilla mi vestibulum mollis lacinia a odio. Vivamus sed diam ut justo molestie luctus.

Aenean hendrerit ullamcorper magna, sed bibendum eros condimentum ac. Quisque vitae pulvinar diam. Mauris et placerat justo. Phasellus vel nibh lorem. Morbi scelerisque iaculis tortor, eu tristique est malesuada in. Quisque dictum, risus vitae molestie iaculis, eros est porta tellus, quis dictum risus nunc a massa.

It's all psychological. I just feel like I'm reading less when it's the same length. xP

I LOVE reading dialogue and interactions, more than long discriptions on the environment. SO the RP threads are loooooveee <33333333

But this is all just my opinion. I'm sure not everyone feels the same as me.. But to answer you're question in [tl;dr: Pictures will enhance, but not completely necessary] =]

Lucid loves Duchess and takes her signature virginity. <3
Ashy refuses to share Duchess with anyone D:<

Duchess is idol TRASH
Feel free to bully me about it

Old Posted 11-23-2010, 11:04 PM  
Default   #24   Taiki Taiki is offline
@ Rem, Trisphee is the universe the story takes place in. It consists of 3 planets. (tri-sphee = tri sphere). The war is taking place on one of the planets. And I think once all the captains have posted in the storyline threads, there will be a summary of what's been happening story-wise. Don't quote me on that though. XP

@DK, I don't think I'm good enough to make something like that.. haha

@Duchess, I want pictures too. 8D

Old Posted 11-23-2010, 11:08 PM  
Duchess Duchess is offline
Self-proclaimed Non-Conversationalist
Default   #25  
trisphee is three planet...Now I feel silly for not noticing. XP

and pictures are always goood. X3

Lucid loves Duchess and takes her signature virginity. <3
Ashy refuses to share Duchess with anyone D:<

Duchess is idol TRASH
Feel free to bully me about it

Old Posted 11-23-2010, 11:23 PM  
Default   #26   Rem Rem is offline
draws the naughty bits
fuuu I know I want to do art of the NPCs .. or at least some of them (I don't know if I could do the mecha xD) ...<w< >u>; Duchesss you're making me want to do little sceeeenesss xD;
Like in those old fashioned fairtytale books where there's one page of a particular scene going on, etc.

Taiki - Fffuu it would probably behoove me to read those storyline threads, no? XD
and OHHH
Is this a different planet than the soul-gathering event happened on, then? o3o hurm! innerestinggg ..

i won't rot ∙ not this mind and not this heart ∙ i won't rot
Old Posted 11-23-2010, 11:57 PM  
Vox Vox is offline
Pattern Recognizer
Default   #27  
I wish there was some sort of button to press to begin a fight. As the cooldown timer starts, I hop onto another page to type something up, the 2" go by and the next thing I know, I click back to the fight tab only to find that a fight has gone by and I lost because I did not choose anything. Or, the cooldown timer ends, the timer "You have not seen battle in X min" is still going, and three or four minutes can go by, during which time I decide there's no one left to battle, so I start posting again, check the fight tab and lo and behold, I lost another.

So....if there was a cooldown, and THEN a clickable button that puts you back in the fray so you wouldn't get clobbered without realizing it was time to pick a weapon again, that would be cool, seeing as we don't have a warning bell.
Trisphite Map
Questing for horns of the corrupt

Old Posted 11-24-2010, 07:17 AM  
Default   #28   Fenris Fenris is offline
Art Meiser
We can look into that, we would have already, but obvious issues kept that from happening.
The Almighty Fen-God
[8:25:15 PM] Galla: o3o ty for amusing my peen obsession
Married to: Galla, Aurelia, Sei, Demonskid, Arrikanez and Ashy.
Batty is My Girlfriend!
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Old Posted 11-24-2010, 07:20 AM  
Damies Damies is offline
Default   #29  
I love the fact that the plot is done as a written story rather than a comic personally... but I love reading like tons.

_____It might be wise to implement paragraph indents in them though, usually on forums I find out what the background color is and do a simple "invisible underscores" indent since indents don't function on forums like they do in word processing programs. See what I did thar? -points to start of this paragraph-

But that may just be me as a stickler for nice clean and easy to distinguish paragraph formats.
Old Posted 11-24-2010, 08:33 AM  
Default   #30   Jandi Jandi is offline
The event has been alright for me.
I love the items for the event, but I hate the amount of items. There are so many to get, and I know I won't be able to get a complete set because of that. And no one seems to be selling -.-;;

But the items are nice. Some items I'm not exactly fond of how they're colored in. It seems like some went tool-shade crazy > <

but overall, it's been alright for me. :)
nice event XP

Call me Jandi.
- - -
"How did you fall from heaven, you morning star, you son of the dawn;
how did you fall to earth, conqueror of people."

Old Posted 11-24-2010, 06:06 PM  
Cronislee Cronislee is offline
The Infernal Knight
Default   #31  
I think it kicks ass! It gave my Group a chance to be the "bad guys" (semantics!) we claimed to be xD. Plus it's been rather fun playing the rough and tough warriors.
* Shogun *
"Death has a dignity all its own."
The Big Bad Wolf of Trisphee
Designed the O-Yoroi item set
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The Grand Templar

Old Posted 11-24-2010, 06:20 PM  
Default   #32   Silverbleed Silverbleed is offline
Super Artist
It's a pain to get feathers.
Currently: 90 swords/20 feathers D:

Old Posted 11-24-2010, 06:24 PM  

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