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Chloe Chloe is offline
Gothic Princess
Default   #17  
*sips tea*

Well, when I was younger, went by the nickname Abby cause I loved the name through my real name isn't Abigail, etc then later on, I was called Twilight or 'Twi' or folks just shortened my username down.. Gov.. lol.. cause my username is GoVoltronForce.. and I have had that username for over 17 years, I was a huge 80s toons fan.. Thunder Kats.. Voltron, etc.

On forum sites/games, it depends really. In the past I have gone under TormentedDoll, Twisted Autumn, Auroraah if I can't get Chloe or Dawn.

Dawn is after my favourite Babysitter's Club char.

And well, for anyone that has rpged with me in the past, Chloe is the name of the one of my OCs. I also had Analeigh as a character on WoW, my college friend was like, your the only one to have 'Anal' in your character's name.. @. .@; hence why most times, her name is shortened to Lei..

I also have Hyoga, Shun, Seiya and Dohko as character names, they are all from the same anime so yea.. XD if anyone wants to take a stab, lol.

Also have Sokka from Atla.

And Eve, lol, everyone on the game just calls me Eve, in the old game - also had Misty (Pokemon), Zoey (Digimon through the spelling is Zoe) and Chloe.

~In Loving Memory:~
To my sister and best friend since Kindergarten - Jenni
To a beautiful soul - Jessica
My Father, Daniel.
To the wise ass on my first day of College - Conor
To the unique bro in law - Eugene
To the one I never got to really know - John

Last edited by Chloe; 08-11-2022 at 08:53 PM.
Old Posted 08-11-2022, 08:40 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   8Nephila8 8Nephila8 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Nephy = Nesshie


LOCH NEPH MOONSTARrrr (How do I show rolling R in english?)
Old Posted 08-12-2022, 08:37 AM Reply With Quote  
Chloe Chloe is offline
Gothic Princess
Default   #19  
Originally Posted by 8Nephila8 View Post
Nephy = Nesshie


LOCH NEPH MOONSTARrrr (How do I show rolling R in english?)
I know some Spanish words, the r rolls but would say it would like Monsterrr or Monstrrrr.. or if you want to be gangsta.. Monstaaaa.. since think the r would stay silent and the e goes to a. XD

I actually have Chessie on another site, that's the Maryland cousin to Nessie, lol. Don't think her old owner knew that till I went, it's Nessie's cousin.. I have to adopt.. *being half Scottish and I lived near Chessie's place of residence, lol.. who else was better to adopt the name?*
Actually have quite a few nice names on there.. Helen, Loreena, Maggie, Eilonwy *Black Cauldron*, Magrat *Discworld*, Kuroe *Japanese for Chloe*, Jenni, Ron *had quite a few folks get upset I nabbed that name, lol*, Sian *Irish for Shawn*, Hyoga *again* and Dohko *again*, Zaki *Nikko's oc* and Mummer.
think my best two adopts were Devil May Cry *Dante is sooo hot, lol* and Skellig *Loreena McKennitt song* I had kept tabs on Skellig for months and one day, he showed up in the pound, assuming the owner finally quit or no longer wanted him.

~In Loving Memory:~
To my sister and best friend since Kindergarten - Jenni
To a beautiful soul - Jessica
My Father, Daniel.
To the wise ass on my first day of College - Conor
To the unique bro in law - Eugene
To the one I never got to really know - John

Last edited by Chloe; 08-12-2022 at 10:18 AM.
Old Posted 08-12-2022, 10:09 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   8Nephila8 8Nephila8 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Originally Posted by Chloe View Post
I know some Spanish words, the r rolls but would say it would like Monsterrr or Monstrrrr.. or if you want to be gangsta.. Monstaaaa.. since think the r would stay silent and the e goes to a. XD

I actually have Chessie on another site, that's the Maryland cousin to Nessie, lol. Don't think her old owner knew that till I went, it's Nessie's cousin.. I have to adopt.. *being half Scottish and I lived near Chessie's place of residence, lol.. who else was better to adopt the name?*
Actually have quite a few nice names on there.. Helen, Loreena, Maggie, Eilonwy *Black Cauldron*, Magrat *Discworld*, Kuroe *Japanese for Chloe*, Jenni, Ron *had quite a few folks get upset I nabbed that name, lol*, Sian *Irish for Shawn*, Hyoga *again* and Dohko *again*, Zaki *Nikko's oc* and Mummer.
think my best two adopts were Devil May Cry *Dante is sooo hot, lol* and Skellig *Loreena McKennitt song* I had kept tabs on Skellig for months and one day, he showed up in the pound, assuming the owner finally quit or no longer wanted him.
Ah! That's cute, we have a few various hidden ones in Canada too. Also Alligator Gar have been starting up big here since they invaded. They get HUGE.

The first peoples tend to have names for a lot of them as well. So I don't feel so odd about talking to Loch'lassi when I go camping/ to my aunts cabin.

I'm like a quarter or something like that Scott. A Germanic term for them may be Wasserwyrm.

Some documented names up here for sea serpents and such.

Champ, Lake Champlain, NY & VT, USA/ QC
Hapyxelor (AKA Hapaxelor, Mussy), Muskrat lake, ON
Igopogo (AKA Kampenfelt Kelly), Lake Simcoe, ON
Lizzie, lake Decaire, QC
Manipogo, Lakes Manitoba, Winnipegosis, Dauphin, MB
Lake Massawippi monster, QC
Metro Maggie, Lake Ontario, ON
Ogopogo, Lake Okanagon, BC
Ponik, Lake Pohenagamook, QC
Powsaswop, Saskatchewan River, SK
Sicopogo (AKA Shuswaggi or Ta-Zum-A), Shuswap Lake, BC
Slimy Caspar, Nith River, ON
Tag, lake Tagai, BC
Tsinquaw, Vancouver Island, BC
Guys with white hair and devil eyes. yup I feel you there. Especially if they have feminine cat shaped faces. hubba hubba.

She has a beautiful voice and her hair is SO fluffy! It's been a while since I listened.

(My cousin's name is Ian, well aware of odd Celtic spellings)

Ahh! getting off topic now. >.< Sorry about that.

Can't think of any of my chars names that I've used off the top of my head. Been in and out of sleep most of the week. Pain killers for ouchie ribs. Hurts to laugh, sneeze or cough.
Old Posted 08-12-2022, 03:48 PM Reply With Quote  
Chloe Chloe is offline
Gothic Princess
Default   #21  
Pretty sure probably heard of a few of those in passing, just Chessie is the most common one besides Nessie through the Kelpies are starting to get big here.

And I am sure they do, it's interesting chatting with Natives about lesser known myths, etc. We had like the bottomless lake, Big Liz and a house with Imps in the Attic through believe recently came across a supposedly haunted bridge/covered bridge up near Baltimore. Know the school house in the town next to us was haunted, lol, use to be an old outhouse on the property but they let it go to ruin. Was sad watching it go cause it was on our daily route and if could of saved it, I would of hauled it back to mine in a heartbeat, wasn't often you came across a still standing outhouse.

There are a lot of species taking over habitats not their own.

That is actually the common way of spelling Ian, know a few guys with the name, I don't know the Celtic/Gaelic spelling for it, probably only other way it's spelt is with an exta n, through possible it's a shortened name like Kristy can be the shortened name for Kristin/Kristen or like my name is another form of Christina/Christine.

and yes, I always wonder how it's so fluffy. I have her on my spotify list, lol.
haha, use to remember when girls swooned for Inuyasha.. not a furry here but he was cute but Dante was just hotter.

Actually do remember another name, when younger, most kids couldn't say my name right so most shortened the name to like Chris or had one person call me Michael like Michael Jackson.

Ouch.. I usually have pain killers for my back.. @. @; it's not fun..

~In Loving Memory:~
To my sister and best friend since Kindergarten - Jenni
To a beautiful soul - Jessica
My Father, Daniel.
To the wise ass on my first day of College - Conor
To the unique bro in law - Eugene
To the one I never got to really know - John

Old Posted 08-12-2022, 11:38 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   8Nephila8 8Nephila8 is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*
Originally Posted by Chloe View Post
haha, use to remember when girls swooned for Inuyasha.. not a furry here but he was cute but Dante was just hotter.
Sessharmaru was more my style. Until I realized he was a groomer.

Why are we both named a variation of Christine. lol.

I'd shorten mine to Chris too. Mostly because I liked playing what the boys were playing more. I'd tuck my hair in my hat or jacket sometimes too.

Dress fancy hair days were the worse days. But then I found Goth and was like... if I gotta wear a dress mom MUHAHAHAHA!
Old Posted 08-13-2022, 12:15 AM Reply With Quote  
Chloe Chloe is offline
Gothic Princess
Default   #23  
Oh I am sure lots of girls were huge on Sess as well and yea, that was a surprise.. him and Rin.. oh boy..

Well, as my mum said today when discussing names, lots of folks like to make their own spellings now. Back in the days, you saw Kristy but not Kirsti, now Kirsti is a name on it's own right or if you don't want the old fashioned spellings - Kristeigh/Kirsteigh, Kristi, Krissy *another nickname I went by*, Krissi, etc.

If I went by Christine/Christina, I spelt it Kristine or Kristina cause I honestly thought the name looked better with the K spelling over the C one and dropped the h. But there's quite a few alternative for lots of names.

I don't remember any of my friends in school going by their birth name - Melinda = Mindy, SuzAnne = Suz, Joseph = Joe, Amanda = Mandy, Jennifer = Jenni.

I was quite a little tomboy in my younger days, I more preferred to be busy over sitting around and chatting. Probably didn't help my parents were so lenient when buying toys, lol. But I remember Jackie from NerdECrafter sitting down and saying she grew up with Ninja Turtles and liked Frogs, etc and she honestly has to be around my age since Ninja Turtles before the reboot was around late 80s to early 90s.

Oh yea, I don't really dress in many dresses, I do have a Gothic style black dress but it's just too hot right now to really wear all black and you can't always get everything black during the Summer. I have a cute baby pink top tank I like to wear and when winter rolls back around, I'll be pulling the goth styles back out.

~In Loving Memory:~
To my sister and best friend since Kindergarten - Jenni
To a beautiful soul - Jessica
My Father, Daniel.
To the wise ass on my first day of College - Conor
To the unique bro in law - Eugene
To the one I never got to really know - John

Old Posted 08-13-2022, 05:39 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #24   Dalhanahue Dalhanahue is offline
Blue Fish
I've had a few different usernames I stick with over the years. It really depends on what I'm signing up for. On avatar sites, sometimes I'm reluctant to change and the other times I roll with if it feel like a different name would be better suited for me. When choosing my name for here I kind poked around through what of the forums I could as a guest and looked at the crowd. Most of the names that looked familiar probably know me as Dalhanahue or Babs so I went with the first and then made a mule with the later.

On avatar sites like this the first name I ever went with was Matron_ofthe_Herd, then Dalhanahue, Babs, and Etherea. I also had a couple mules here and there that only two names really comes to mind were Cordealia and SentiMental. Sometimes I wish I could come up with more a more clever username that's unique and fits my personality but also a play on words or just feels like it fits 100%

In real life I go by the shortened version of my name but also hate other variations of it. Real name is Jessica but I go by Jess and absolutely hate Jessie lol.
Old Posted 08-23-2022, 02:13 PM Reply With Quote  
Jaybird Jaybird is offline
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As far as username goes I've had a few over the years. I think my first one was TheBlackCage which is just... no. What was I thinking.
I then moved on from that foolishness to LittleJinx, which was shortened to Jinx or Jinxy. That seemed to stick pretty well with the people I was hanging out with a lot back then. Some of them still call me Jinxy. I then tried Azure out for a while. It's nice but it's not me.
Aesir was another one I used a lot. That one I feel fits me a little better. But my favourite is AidanFoa. I've had this username on various platforms for a while now and I love it.
Oh I almost forgot the username I have here lol. I barely use it anywhere else so it slipped my mind. But yeah, Jaybird is nice. It works for me but it isn't the best.

As for my real life name I simply shortened it down. My parents named me Jennifer but that name never felt right to me so I changed it to Jenni.
Old Posted 09-13-2022, 09:26 PM Reply With Quote  

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