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Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #3393  
1)I actually already have it on vhs (and like 20 or so others as well). But like 6 or 7 years ago, before I had nabbed a vcr from my dad, I rented it through the Netflix dvd service, shortly before streaming became the big thing. 2)and yeah...it was pretty annoying to find the flow I was so used to in the movie suddenly disrupted by an unfamiliar (and just kind of annoying and not great imo) song.
Old Posted 08-09-2020, 02:38 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #3394   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
:o Attention one and all.
:( Adulthood is a scam.
It's a universal pain, it's dumb, and frankly I don't want any part of it and never wanted any part of it in the first place.
Kindly take it back, it's sort of ruining my happiness and health. ;u;

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Old Posted 08-09-2020, 07:04 PM Reply With Quote  
trystan830 trystan830 is offline
Queen of Typoes
Default   #3395  
Kadrin - 1. come on over anyway? it's more fun watching thingswith friends. 2. yeah, it wasn't that bad, but it might have been better,

Merskelly - you're right, i'm not a fan of this adulting thing either. i hate having to work 7 days in a row (but to be fair i have off this Friday so i can get my car inspected (more adulty things! eep!)... but then i have the last weekend of the month off for my birthday weekend! so there's that.

currently reading: Walking to Mercury by Starhawk (#30) | currently watching: Severance
dragoncave | magistream | ravelry | faenaria | goodreads
snap / insta / discord ~ trystan830 | she / her / hers
"you are some kind of like 20th level string witch" ~Mekatra
"You're the highest level string witch I know too" ~ZenKitty
me... by Glitch!
Old Posted 08-09-2020, 10:15 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #3396   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
CB> Ohhhhh DEAR...I don't think I want that sort of life. Imma disappear into the rural landscape of New Zealand thank you. <x'} And live the rest of my life as a happy hobbit, selling fish and fruit!

Actual shout: So I tried a month long group therapy for trauma survivors. :/ It felt kinda pointless most of the time, and wasn't really benefitting me in the slightest. I'm glad I participated and I'm glad I got to try it at least, buuuut, >.> it's probably not for me...I dunno. I guess I'll stick with one on one therapy...if my doctor ever calls back. ;-;

^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^

Old Posted 08-10-2020, 01:38 PM Reply With Quote  
trystan830 trystan830 is offline
Queen of Typoes
Default   #3397  
Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien View Post
CB> Ohhhhh DEAR...I don't think I want that sort of life. Imma disappear into the rural landscape of New Zealand thank you. <x'} And live the rest of my life as a happy hobbit, selling fish and fruit!
can i join you? :D

currently reading: Walking to Mercury by Starhawk (#30) | currently watching: Severance
dragoncave | magistream | ravelry | faenaria | goodreads
snap / insta / discord ~ trystan830 | she / her / hers
"you are some kind of like 20th level string witch" ~Mekatra
"You're the highest level string witch I know too" ~ZenKitty
me... by Glitch!
Old Posted 08-10-2020, 01:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #3398   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Originally Posted by trystan830 View Post
can i join you? :D
xD I don't see why not!

^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^

Old Posted 08-10-2020, 02:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #3399  
*waves a hand in the air*
Oh ooh! Me and Derpy too?
Old Posted 08-10-2020, 02:17 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #3400   trystan830 trystan830 is offline
Queen of Typoes
yaay! *packs up everything and gets ready to drop off the grid*

currently reading: Walking to Mercury by Starhawk (#30) | currently watching: Severance
dragoncave | magistream | ravelry | faenaria | goodreads
snap / insta / discord ~ trystan830 | she / her / hers
"you are some kind of like 20th level string witch" ~Mekatra
"You're the highest level string witch I know too" ~ZenKitty
me... by Glitch!
Old Posted 08-10-2020, 02:19 PM Reply With Quote  
Derpy McBlueEyes Derpy McBlueEyes is offline
Default   #3401  
Derpy waddles in, pushing a stack of Disney vhs tapes with a small duffel bag stuffed with donuts, cookies, and coffee beans perched on top. "Me too! I wanna go too!"
Kaderin's mule dragon!

^Art by Merskelly Metalien
Check out my Instagram: @derpymcblueeyes

Originally Posted by Witchchylde View Post
Whoa, serious Derpy is Serious! I solemnly swear not to meddle in the affairs of Derpy!
Old Posted 08-10-2020, 05:32 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #3402   Coda Coda is offline
Originally Posted by Kaderin Triste View Post
Recently discovered that Disney has altered a few words/lines in the Pocahontas song, Savages when I picked it up on dvd.
While I understand their reasoning for doing so (the lyrics changed were fairly minor changes like changing "kill" to "get" stuff like that to make it seem less bad/negative and minor changes to the terms used to describe the natives, even though it's literally a scene where the Native Americans and white settlers are arming up to go kill each other), I found it incredibly jarring to be singing along to a song and suddenly the lyrics I grew up singing were different.
You know, I understand the motivation behind changing the lyrics of Savages, but the whole point is to show how bad it is to think like that, so making it more tame kinda messes with the intended impact.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 08-11-2020, 12:34 PM Reply With Quote  
Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Default   #3403  
Okay... so...

I wasn't sure if I should make this its own topic,
But I don't want to seem dramatic..??

If anyone wants to, I can make it its own topic if anyone wanted to discuss anything that is similar that has happened to them also, OR anyone can feel free to DM me about this because I feel strongly about this sort of shit and I HATE that this happens!

tw; abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, etc
Please take caution!

Okay so...
I recently joined a discord server for survivors of abuse and trauma. I was invited by a close friend who noticed I was struggling a lot with abuse at the hands of me on-off boyfriend and he found this server and suggested I try it out.

So, I did that. And things seemed to go pretty well. I felt like I finally found a place where I could talk about what happens/ed to me and I would get encouragement and no judgement for the choices I make/made. Right? Sounds great?

BUT. This random man decided to DM me (I have screenshots and proof of all this shit!) and he said something to the power of, "hey there, talk to me, tell me what's going on". I didn't know who he was, but I did a search and learned that he was from the survivors server. So I asked, "hello, are you from the survivors server?" and he was like, "yes, tell me what is going on, I'll listen". So I shared how I was feeling, yada yada...

***Bear in mind, this guy turned out to be AN ADMIN of this server!

So I told him how I was feeling, that I was feeling terrible because I felt like I can never find another man who would love me like my boyfriend. And this man said, "Show me a picture of yourself"... and me, was like, "um.. ??? what?" But I sent a selfie and he was like, "you're cute, you shouldn't have a problem finding a new man" !!!! WHAT?! And then I told him, "I don't feel unattractive, I feel this way because my boyfriend tells me that I won't find any man who would love me like he does." and this disgusting man said, "You should post your picture on twitter and you'll see how many men will flock to you!" WHAT. THE. FUCK!!!! That's NOT something you tell a woman who has been objectified and assaulted! Telling a girl who feels objectified that she will attract guys because she is pretty is doing the EXACT same shit that the assholes who hurt her have done?!?! HOW THE FUCK DID THIS GUY GET TO BE AN ADMIN OF AN ABUSE SUPPORT SERVER?!

So I told him, "I feel fine about my outer beauty. That's not the issue"...

So me, being the stupid and naive person I am, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I kept telling him about how my boyfriend makes me feel... and this man basically told me that I should move in with him because he and his "friends" would "protect" me. Like, I don't fucking know you, you asshat! How the fuck are you going to talk to a woman you've only just met and tell her that she should move across the goddamn country to live with you because you want to 'help' her??? SERIOUSLY!?!

So I declined, naturally.

I told him that I have family, but disowned my extended family because they are terrible people, and he says, "Oh, so you can disown your own family , but can't leave an abuser?" ... WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK!!! How fucking condescending! And insensitive AS FUCK! It's so clear that this man has never been in an abusive or even a really healthy loving relationship.... or maybe he doesn't understand that family can be shitty. I don't know what he is thinking, but even to say something like that is stupid!

And then a few days later... he starts telling me that I am ruining my boyfriend's life by allowing him to abuse me. He says that I am making my boyfriend hate himself. That if I "really loved him" that I would force him to get help, or I would find him another girl...? That was the straw that broke the camel's back for me and I lost my shit! I told him, like I told him before, I DON'T NEED A HERO. I DON'T NEED A SAVIOR!

So I complained about this on another server, this one actually has staff and mods that care about their members... Turns out, one person in the good server was actually a mod in the shitty one. So I told them what happened and they were immediately like, "oh no, that's horrible, am so sorry this happened! Please tell me who said these things to you" So I sent them my screen shots (Which I am willing to share with anyone else who might want to see) and they replied after seeing my screenshots and said...

"Oh... yeah. This guy was just trying to be helpful and nice. He can come off as an asshole sometimes, but thats just who he is"

It's obvious that this poor mod can't do anything about the situation because they are just a mod, and this creep is an admin. He should NOT be an admin if he feels like he can give unsolicited advice to women who NEVER asked for it. And the mod was like, "he was just trying to help", "he's not wrong in saying your bf needs help"

That's NOT the issue. The issue is that I DID NOT ask him for his opinion, I DID NOT ask him for his judgement. He took it upon his own self to go into my DMs, calling me "love" and "hun" and then having the GALL to tell me that I should move in with him because he'll "protect" me. This is all sorts of FUCKED UP and this shit needs to stop!!

He's an admin, so he's the boss, I get it. But I hope to X'hal that this doesn't happen to any other impressionable and desperate victims. He feels like a predator to me. He has the mods all quiet because he's an admin, and everyone excuses that behavior. It's so obvious that he has never been in an abusive relationship with someone he really loves. And I wasn't going to mention it because I don't know how age, but I know he is an adult and his "girlfriend" is a minor. (She's 16) I'm hoping that he is 18, because any older than that.... He's a fucking creep.

Sorry I went off on a tangent like this,
But this kind os shit needs to stop! People shouldn't abuse their power like this.
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 08-11-2020, 11:09 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #3404   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
@ Coda: I agree.
@ Ava: I recently tried a group therapy thing for trauma victims. It wasn't ANYthing like that! 8C In fact it was all women, and nobody was rushing to find out what's eating you or asking you to talk with them either. >.>; Maybe I know why now...I'm sorry that happened to you Ava. <n> It's really upsetting and likewise kind of sketchy sounding to me. <:/ I hope you find a better more professional and respectful person to talk to in another place. Being in a controlling, abusive, shitty relationship is not ideal, but it isn't easy to get out of either...

Actual shout: <n< Some crazy old dude was talking me to death at work today that I was screaming internally for about a good 3 minutes. It's awful because he wasn't even mean or rude, he was just going off about how he made movies with Elvis and Muhammad Ali and was a retired boxer, and that God is "The Triangle". 8{ Then he compliments me for just telling him about senior discounts, saying I should be employee of the month and do commercials for Michaels because I remind him of the boxing girls he used to train that were small but strong...like,
dude. ;n; Just please buy the fake flowers in your hand, take it up with the cashier, and let me go back to NOT talking to people I can't ever relate to! 8'( I can't stand around and have a conversation I never wanted in the first plaaace!! <x'( Where do these people come from???? Whose batty uncle is this???

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Old Posted 08-11-2020, 11:59 PM Reply With Quote  
Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Default   #3405  
You know what happened... ?

I vented to this mod about what I was experiencing, how I felt.
And you know what? This person actually got this admin removed from the server somehow!
They are gone!

I'm... I'm flabbergasted!
But at the same time, I am incredibly relieved!

I am relieved because for the first time, someone heard my complaints and did something about it! For the first time, I didn't just have to sit back and "deal" because of someone abusing their power! For the first time, I've been HEARD.

X'hal, like... I feel... I feel so relieved! I can't even put it into words how I am feeling right now..
But I know that I am glad that this man will not harm or harass any other women. And hopefully this server will thrive with staff who actually care about their members' wellbeing.

I think you're brave to work in retail! Talking to people and making small talk is super hard. It's definitely a skill that is built up over time, (at least in my opinion O_O ) Do you enjoy Michaels? I used to really want to work with artsy, creative things like at Joann's or Barnes & Noble. ;-;

I have been considering going to a group therapy for survivors after the lockdown ends. I'm likely going to be placed into a schizophrenia group therapy because I can't really afford to see my 1 - 1 therapist anymore, and the only "cheap" or free CBT groups in the area are group therapies. :( I have been in some group therapies for schizophrenia before and they were great, but I was too prideful and I didn't want to be associated with schizophrenia groups. But I've grown since then, and I think I'm ready to allow myself to be helped.


Are you staying safe?
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 08-12-2020, 01:10 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #3406   Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
yeah, no, that man absolutely reeks of predator.

on a separate, server-based note, i've set up a discord server for Don't Starve with separate adult and minor spaces. there's also a space where the both of them can talk.

i'm only in the minor spaces for the purposes of moderation and have them muted, since i'm eighteen.
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 08-12-2020, 08:47 AM Reply With Quote  
Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Default   #3407  
How's your new server coming along, Voidbarker?

My shout!:
So, this disgusting admin who said these shitty things to me was banned on accounts of pedophila... Unfortunately, it has sewn discord between the members in the server. I had left immediately after reporting this creepy man, and even though I am very glad that he was kicked off the server, especially due to the nature of the server, I feel bad that there's been drama and that the situation has gotten more and more apparent since I reported this behavior...

I know I did the right thing. A predator like that should NEVER be allowed to be an admin for a server with sexual assault/abuse survivors, or survivors of any trauma for that matter.

But I guess it has brought up many negative feelings and hard conversations for the staff. But I hope that this only improves the server and makes it a better, safer place for survivors.
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 08-13-2020, 12:03 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #3408   daikokunyo daikokunyo is offline
Online classes are weirding me out and my mind is snowbound in my thesis and I'm also trying to sew and my body is screaming at me to continue doing yoga because I'm not used to being so sedentary and stuck-

Buying Runes.
PM if you're selling?

Originally Posted by Tohopekaliga View Post
Don't be alarmed, we just have a minor case of face hugging adorable monsters. I'm sure it'll blow over eventually.

Old Posted 08-13-2020, 12:12 AM Reply With Quote  

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