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Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
Default   #1937  
I put expired milk in my coffee this morning. Ew.
Old Posted 06-11-2020, 10:48 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1938   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Uh oh!

Expired milk is yuck. :(

The other day I started to cook some food with coconut oil,
and the coconut oil went bad and it smelled RANK. >:(

And I was mad because I had already put my food in it.
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 06-12-2020, 12:03 AM Reply With Quote  
Coda Coda is offline
Default   #1939  
Wow, that's impressive(ly bad). Coconut oil doesn't go bad very quickly at all.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 06-13-2020, 08:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1940   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Yeah! I never would have thought that it could go bad...
To be fair, I bought it a little over two years ago,
And the climate is very hot here, so it's usually always in liquid state.

I should have expected it was bad because it was rather... curdly and chunky rather than the smooth liquid.

It smelled awful too. :c So I googled, "can coconut oil go bad? And if so, how can you tell?" Apparently if it stinks or has a bad smell that's a clue.

But yeah, it was virgin unrefined and I had it for over two years,
So I guess it should not have come to a surprise to me that it expired.
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 06-15-2020, 06:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #1941  
Time to go have the most sad and pathetic birthday party. Just me and a cheesecake and anime.
Old Posted 06-19-2020, 08:21 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1942   Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
another transmasc purrson fuckin disregarding canonical pronouns on a robot character for DST.

aka: i am so fucking tired of people not understanding that WX-78 uses they/them pronouns exclusively!

admittedly, he is fourteen, but at the same time, he should know better.
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 06-20-2020, 12:12 PM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #1943  

I'll forget about all this in the morning...

^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^

Last edited by Merskelly Metalien; 06-21-2020 at 01:12 AM.
Old Posted 06-21-2020, 01:03 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1944   Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
expected to try and clean up my room this weekend and, like. i love being told that i'm essentially becoming my dad (who tends to hoard things) bc i don't want to get rid of anything, esp stuff from my childhood since it might have some value on a resale.
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 06-23-2020, 09:39 AM Reply With Quote  
Den Den is offline
Tattooed & foul-mouthed
Default   #1945  
prolonged migraine. thank fuck it's going to rain in the next 24 hours.
I use She/Her and They/Them pronouns.

Originally Posted by Gallagher
i'm not being biased, den just speaks my language
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Old Posted 07-07-2020, 10:27 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1946   KittyBeary KittyBeary is offline
Street workers were on our street for the majority of the day. They were rather noisy early in the morning. x(

ty bluebird for the art! :D
Old Posted 07-07-2020, 10:58 PM Reply With Quote  
Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
Default   #1947  
i'm unfortunately too much of a glorious idiot so i have to be nerfed by thinking i'm going to be abandoned if i'm not useful every FIVE GODDAMN MINUTES.
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 07-10-2020, 12:12 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1948   Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Have never wanted to punch the stupid off of someone's face more than the racist old woman I had in the store today. The conversation started off decent enough, but I make a little joke about how she needed to take her card out of the pin pad/machine while we found a coupon so it didn't yell at us. And she commented "oh those are all made in China too you know" and then without batting an eye quickly followed that up with "pretty soon we'll all have slanted eyes". And I swear if she hadn't been on her way out the door already....
I probably wouldn't have done anything anyway for fear of losing my job, but it was just so infuriating.
Old Posted 07-13-2020, 08:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
Default   #1949  
oh jesus christ

also, all old white men are the same. my dad thinks he can have an opinion on BLM. and that africa was uncivilized before we colonized it. (eyeroll)
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 07-15-2020, 01:10 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1950   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Hey all,

I could really, really use some good energies right now, (or prayers if you pray)

Recently, I got into some drama because I was elected new Pool Monitor in my complex because we have to enforce certain pool rules due to COVID. So, there were two men that I caught smoking in a public area in front of the pool. I assumed they were smoking weed because it smelled of weed right after they lit up, and it stopped smelling like weed after they put it out...

So, as the Pool Monitor, my job is to report any behavior that goes against the terms of the lease. I especially did this because the apartment manager had just sent out an email saying that if you smell any weed at all, you should report it. So, I reported these men for smoking.

The next day, I was monitoring the pool again. These same men and one really, big man approached me, asking for the pool monitor, I told them I was and that I needed to see their ID before they could use the pool (as per the rules.) They left, saying that they left their IDs at home, I waited. They came back, and this big guy said he needed to speak to the 'real pool monitor' and I again said that that was me. He then said that someone reported his "guests" for smoking and I confirmed that that was me..

This big (black, sorry, I hate to bring race into this, but I am mentioning this because he later claimed that I was "lying" about him and his "guests" because they were black.... never mind the fact that **I myself** am black) guy got into my face, screaming profanities at me and scaring the shit out of me. I asked him multiple times to back up and get out of my personal space, and he only kept coming closer and closer. I told him that I would have to report to the management and he literally looked like he was going to beat me up, so I left the pool area and THANK X'HAL the manager (who is never in the office!) happened to be in the office at that time and this big, black dude was still threatening me and calling me all of these disgusting names, claiming that I was "racist" and lying about his "guests" and had the nerve to call me a "Karen".... ??? Nevermind the fact that this man doing all this arguing WASN'T EVEN THERE THE DAY THAT I REPORTED THESE BOYS FOR SMOKING.

This man got so aggressive at one point , the manager had to literally get in front of him and hold him back because he was going to charge at me.

After all was said and done, this man said that he would "use the pool every day from now on" and even after this one-sided argument went down, he went back to the pool area and sat there and stared at me. He didn't even swim or use the pool chairs. Literally, just sat there and watched me. The next day, he came back to the pool during the hours he knew was my shift, and when I saw his name on the list, I opted to not watch the pool that day out of fear for my own safety. So this guy called the manager and complained and asked when I would show up.

I told the manager that this man was harassing me and I did not feel safe going down to the pool by myself anymore. To make a long story short, she said "Okay, I'll find another Pool Monitor" COMPLETELY ignoring my concerns about my safety!! I wrote a formal message to her to complain about this because I am honestly afraid to leave my apartment because of this tenant's violent and aggressive behavior. He consistently only shows up to the pool during MY hours and breaks all of the rules, in which case, I can't report to the manager, because she doesn't enforce the rules either ! But then if another tenant saw that I was allowing these rules to be broken, they could report it and it would be on me!

So it's a lose-lose situation.
I told my mom that this man's violent harassment falls under "stalking" and is punishable by law. My mom doesn't want to go to the police if we don't have to, and I agree with her. But this behavior is disgusting, both from the violent tenant as well as on the management. Personal safety should be TOP PRIORITY. And we feel very scared to go anywhere in this complex by ourselves... I'm actually so afraid of walking around MY OWN HOME by myself, that I started looking into buying a taser or pepper spray to carry around when I go to the laundry room or when I go to pick up my mail. This is absolutely ridiculous because I shouldn't have to carry a weapon just to get my laundry done or check my own mailbox, but this very clearly violent man has me worried for my life...

And now our personal business is being spread like gossip because the building manager doesn't seem to understand the difference between RULES and GUIDELINES/SUGGESTIONS... She has broken several health code violations and hasn't complied with ANY of the rules our governor has set to slow the spread of COVID. She literally doesn't seem to care that she's breaking the LAW. And I have no sympathy for any woman who would watch another woman fall and kick her while she's down. We women need to stick together, not trip each other up like this! If this manager gets fired, I won't have any sympathy for her. Even as a mother, (which I am not, bt I imagine being in my mom's shoes) if you see this GIANT man threatening the life of YOUR CHILD, you wouldn't sit back and let this giant man scare your child into never leaving their home! I would think any mother would feel empathy for a mother in that situation... and what's worse, the manager has the power to stop this, but choses not to because she's lazy.

So that's what I am dealing with right now.
I think since we TRIED to work it out with the management and we tried calling the landlord and whoever is in charge of the building, I think our only option now is to call the police. At the very least, I'm hoping for a restraining order against this violent man, and I want the building manager to get reprimanded for not doing her job. She has to learn somehow that RULES and RULES and NOT GUIDELINES. She seems to just do whatever she wants because she doesn't believe that rules have a purpose... and that's fine if that's how she wants to live her own life, but there are other people's lives at stake, and she needs to take that seriously or quit.

So, if you read all of that... Thanks!
And again, I could really use some positive energies, good vibes and prayers (if you pray!)

TL;DR; I could use some prayers, positive energies, good vibes and encouragement...
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 07-20-2020, 11:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #1951  
Sendin' comfort your way Ava.
;-; That sounds really scary and terrible.
I'd be really hesitant even going anywhere if it were me in your shoes.

<_<; Similarly, I am a little nervous about going to work for the second time. I have very little customer experience, and I can't even speak properly when I'm nervous. <x'} I just fall all over my words like I'm buzzed or just waking up from a bad nap.
;_; Oof, not to mention I am going to look like an idiot for asking the same questions that have already been answered for me. I miss things when I am thinking about how much I don't want to be around people and get distracted. <x'}
Ahhhh, whateverrr. At least I can look forward to driving back home by myself...

^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^

Old Posted 07-21-2020, 03:21 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1952   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
My period is making me unreasonable and frustrated. <x{ And it sucks!

I'm growling like a dog at my cramps, and pissed that my headache isn't gone despite it starting to fade. >~< I'm so SAD that I'm living in a CRAZY period of history, and I want no more struggles! ;n; Just snuggles. And water. And food.
<x{ Been feeling delirious since the morning. >-> I didn't even get to write...I've just been relaxing and self-medicating and trying to ignore everything...
ugh. Shark week is a pain, but at least it's not as horrible as a year before. ;-;

^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^

Old Posted 07-25-2020, 04:09 PM Reply With Quote  

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