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Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
Default   #961  

Advent watched as she seemed to take his advice and found it strange that she didn't seem to give him to much hassle over it either. "I don't know the books here are already ruined so there is no harm no foul as it's not like they can be read by anyone." he said but shrugged thinking that it was just making sense in his own bizarre way. "Um... Chloe what's a smore and why would I want one?" he asked innocently his head tilting to the side almost instinctively, it was obvious from his facial expression there was no way he was faking the question, he was truly being earnest about it.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 11-11-2012, 05:38 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #962   Reyoki Reyoki is offline
Best thing since cheese-in-a-can!
The Flame Ryuujin hummed in thought for a moment. "If I share what information I have with you, would you be willing to consent to a temporary truce between our factions?" she asked. It would be no use trying to hide her information from Vincent anyway. She knew what the other Ryuujin was capable of, and she didn't want to be on the receiving end of it. "Not that there's a whole lot of my faction left, mind you."

Emperor of Japan*Anonymous Fiend
Nikko, Kaguya, and Toki are my siblings

Reyo has an art thread!
Click the adorable tentacle creature!
Old Posted 11-11-2012, 07:13 PM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #963  
"There might be some books still readable.. and I was taught to respect books.." Chloe pauses, turning her gaze to Advent, "What's a smore?" Her expression was between amusement and shock, "You don't know what a smore is.." she rubs her forehead, "I take it you have never gone camping before? A smore is marshmellow roasted over a open fire than put on a piece of chocolate than crammed between two graham crackers and you eat it.." she remains quiet for a few moments, "Maybe.. when things settle down, I'll take you on a camping trip and you can experience what a smores is.. after all, isn't that what family is for? Sharing your first experiences with?"
For some reason, Chloe felt a small pang of pity for Advent.. for such a smart ass, he sure didn't know alot about the outside world.. Maybe she had been wrong the way she had treated him prior to this or had he finally earned her respect? They never had spent this much time in each other's presence without Zaki before and in a way, Chloe enjoyed his company.. through.. with a slight frown, she punches Advent in the arm, "That's for the 'cut your hair' remark from earlier. We can call it even now."
Last edited by Dawn; 11-12-2012 at 08:34 AM.
Old Posted 11-11-2012, 09:28 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #964   Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll

“After that explosion and fire that’s been plastered on the news nationwide somehow I doubt it, but there might be a few in the debris I guess.” He said scratching his head at the thought of a few books calling out for help almost as if they where people trapped, but considering he heard and seen technology that, that thought wasn’t so far out of the realm of the impossible. “I would respect books, but then I can’t actually read.” He whispered to himself as he lowered his head it wasn’t his fault he knew that but he still felt ashamed of it. “Why would I know what a smore is? Out of the three years we’ve known each other, how many sweet things have you ever seen me eat?” he stated as if it was obvious. Which it was, not once had he ever eaten anything sweet, hearing that the other guessed he’d never he sighed tilting his head. “What’s camping and do I really look like the camping type to you?” he said covering his mouth as he yawned a little “A smore sounds nasty, let’s not and say I did try it” he said gently.

“I will not be allowed to camp Chloe, so don’t worry about it.” He said with a smile “I have responsibilities I can’t just walk away from, besides I need to be around technology and I have a new board to make.” He said leaning back on his elbows, where he was smart he knew he was also innocent on many things people took for granted but was able to hide it behind the mask of a smart-ass clown. She looked to him as his arm was hit wincing but tried to hide it “Well think about it in two ways, one it was your hair or your head and I’m sure you’d prefer losing the hair than your head. Two you can let go of the pain of your mother and start a new” he said looking down knowing such a thing was a sensitive subject but also knew he had a point as one thing that was hard to let go was the past especially when a family member was involved.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 11-15-2012, 05:13 AM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #965  
"You make it sound like I don't have responsibilities myself, Advent and camping? Well, I would cheat and take my technology with me.. and I am sure I could talk your father into releasing you for one night.. You need to have some fun that doesn't involve me wanting to kill your ass or scaring the shit out of Zaki." Chloe grimaces at that, "If she was wanting those codes, I pretty sure I wouldn't of been losing my head anytime soon, not like I can provide the access to those files anyway." she remains quiet for a moment when Advent mentions her mother, "It still hurts a bit.. it's been five years.. since she passed on.. most would of thought I would of viewed it as good thing, she was no longer suffering yet all I felt was anger.." she paused for a moment, shutting her eyes, "Like she had decided to quit way too soon.. I grew accustomed to my hair being kept long, it didn't seem to be that hard of a request to fill.. it made her happy while my father was there even through he kept saying she treated me like a little barbie doll, oh god.. the dresses she made me wear when I was five.. sometimes I felt if I could jump back into time, I would fit in with the Victorian ages. Sometimes, I wish I could be more like you but I know I can't.."
Old Posted 11-17-2012, 07:32 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #966   Trakadon Trakadon is offline
Sweetie Boop Pirate
Akemi stomped the ground in a rage. "Don't remember?! How can the be?! I did so much to make you suffer!" Akemi yelled.

Roland sighed. "I know who she was and what we were but the feeling are not there. So in the end what you did was simply kill your own and failed to do anything else."

Akemi launched herself at Roland but only passed threw his false image. Her anger was apparent on her face. "If I can't make you hurt physically then I'll just have to hurt you emotionally!" she screamed as she raced towards Chloe.

Roland's eyes widened. "Shit!" his technique dissipated and his true form stood just a few feet away from chloe. He quickly grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her with all of his might to move her out of the way and toss her to the side just as Akemi's fist was about to connect. Unfortunately for Roland, Akemi was ready with another attack and launched a powerful kick towards his head and all he had time for was a weak defense. Roland blocked what he could with left arm then tried to spin to try and absorb some of her monstrous power and used the some of the force of her kick against her. As he spun he returned a kick of his own to send Akemi fly back once again, but his arm had paid the price.
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~> Espy Wants me for my Eye-patch <~
I am the Lascivious Knight
~Thank You Kaguya, Dawn, Nikko~

Old Posted 11-21-2012, 08:39 PM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #967  
Having Advent remind her about her mother had made Chloe forget about the on going fight till she felt someone grab her shirt, and before she could really get a jest of what was going on and what sounded like a faint ripping noise, she had landed on her side in the dirt. It only took a moment for her to realize what the ripping sound had been, of all the days she had chosen not to wear bra..

Turning beet red and sending a clearly not amused expression at Roland, not realizing that Akemi had gone after her and that the guy had literally just saved her ass again, Chloe attempts to cover her chest with what was left of her shirt before giving up and wrapping her arms around the area. It only took a moment after that for her to realize what had happened when she saw Roland take quite a kick to his left arm, making her wince, she felt that and watched him send Miss Freaky flying back.

"Why did you..?" she stammered, God, she felt like a right ass now. Here she had been treating him like a pile of...
Old Posted 11-22-2012, 08:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #968   Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Kimiko's curiosity of the below pedestrians had distracted her mind to the point she had completely forgotten where she was, the women leaned in closer looking at the people below but to her misfortune she leaned a bit to far.. Before she knew it Kim felt gravity's embrace pull her down quickly to the street below, out of instinct Kim quickly rolled to her back in mid-air and landed with a thud.. "ow..gotta pay more attention.." It was then she noticed not only did she fall in plain sight, but in front of the man she was just examining.. .... Great now i look like a damned idiot...
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Last edited by Natsunaine; 11-22-2012 at 09:33 PM.
Old Posted 11-22-2012, 08:24 PM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #969  
It had been a few moments from putting the pack of cigs in his pocket to having some girl land in front of him, Jay's eyebrow just arched? He had heard of pennies from heaven but this?

"You okay?" He offers a hand to assist her up.
Old Posted 11-22-2012, 09:14 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #970   Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Kimiko grumbled a bit as she slapped his hand away and stood up holding a skirt down to make sure the man didn't make any 'Accidental glances'. "Im fine I just..." Kim went silent for a few moments trying to think of an idea to get away with falling from what probably seemed to the guy as the sky.. "I was working on the roof and tripped is all.. I don't need any false kindness from some man okay? "She scowled then looked at the mans pocket were she had seen him place the cigarettes. "You know those are bad for you right? Are you trying to get cancer?" She giggled with the mean comment "So whats your deal being randomly nice to me all the sudden.. Your not a hunter are you?" Kim looked the man up and down, he seemed to scrawny to be the likes of a hunter. "Nevermind I take that back you don't look like the type.."
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Old Posted 11-22-2012, 09:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Default   #971  
Jay's eyebrow raise even farther when she slaps his hand away and tries to cover her.. "I have no interest in looking up your skirt.." he replies curtly, with a shake of his head, "False kindness? I was told it was always polite to assist a damsel in distress when in trouble? Or is it custom in Japan to just let your ladies fall on your asses?" he frowns at her comment, "Yes, I know they are bad.. it's a habit that is hard to break and hunter?" he frowns, "I would of thought it would be obvious with my accent that I wasn't a hunter and if I was, your comment would of not been the best one to make." he sighs, not in the mood to be talking to a girl that clearly didn't know when to keep her mouth shut about certain things.
Old Posted 11-22-2012, 09:47 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #972   Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
As the man in front of her called her a 'Damsel in Distress, Kimiko instantly began gritting her teeth the anger was unbearable how dare he address someone like her as that? Kimiko quickly balled her fist and swung her arm at the man connecting with the side of her face at full force. "Whatch who your calling a damsel you damn idiot.. I don't take kind to such disrespect.. " It was then pictures of vinny and kenji popped into her head.. Im gonna hear about this from them.. Damn.. It seems its gonna be hard to be on there good side..
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Last edited by Natsunaine; 11-22-2012 at 10:42 PM.
Old Posted 11-22-2012, 10:04 PM Reply With Quote  
Straywolf Straywolf is offline
A Wandering Soul
Default   #973  
Makoto had been observing everything that had been going on. Roland and the Skull Hunter leader were fighting. From the little conversations they have in between their clashes, it seemed like there was some history between the two. On the other end, Chloe and Advent were talking on their own.

I could use this chance to take out those two Tech Skulls now... Roland's got his hands tied, and the other two aren't paying attention to me.
Old Posted 11-23-2012, 04:34 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #974   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
"You know," Jayden sighed as he rubbed the side of his face where the punched connected, he was getting tired of being a punching bag. Pulling the set of handcuffs from his belt so Kimi could see them as he notes many of the locals had stopped to watch this, "The comment wasn't directed directly at you in the first place so that was really uncalled for and it can be seen as an offense to hit an officer." he frowns studying Kimi a bit more, "And word of advice for the next encounter, don't go jumping the barrel cause appearances can be deceiving.. if I was a hunter, do you think I would tell you out flat? Through, I can simply turn you over to the next hunter I meet if I felt like being a total ass regarding this but since I have work to do, I'll give you a warning this time but next time, I won't be so 'nice', especially to a skull who needs to learn to think before speaking, otherwise you'll put not only yourself but your whole faction in danger."

Shoving the cuffs back where they belonged, Jayden steps around Kimi and continues on his way.
Old Posted 11-24-2012, 07:31 AM Reply With Quote  
Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
Default   #975  
Kimiko giggles covering her mouth at the site of cuffs she quickly speaks up as she watches him walk away. "I have been running all my life a set of handcuffs don't scare me!" She smiles and turns around heading away from the man waving her hand in the air. "See you later Pretty boy" She giggled and walked down the streets fading away in the crowds that had gathered around the scene of the issue.
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Old Posted 11-25-2012, 12:13 PM Reply With Quote  

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