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Delicious Nightmare Delicious Nightmare is offline
Even Angels Fall
Default Wits end   #1  
Okay well I warn you this is going to be a lot of whining.

Anyway, I have back issues and I struggle with depression. Last Friday I went to the doctors because I've been fighting a lot of bladder infections and other things. When I got there they had me pee of course. Like they always do for a woman's visit. Anyway they told me i had a lot of sugar in my urine. That of course scared me and well they wanted to look into it. So they did the poke sugar test and it came out as 350. Now for those who don't know sugars should be between 90 and 150. The doctor then tells me that is most likely the cause of all my problems and that i have diabetes. She then tells me that she cant do any thing about it. She is not that type of doctor. So I planed to make another appointment Monday because well that needs to be taken care of. I call in Monday and they tell me there is no openings till November. I'm like noo way so I changed the plan to go in Tuesday (yesterday). I get there and they tell me the same thing that they said on the phone. The reason i did not believe the phone one because its not just for the one office and they kept messing up on me before. November is to far away. The guys says to go to urgent care so i do. I get there and they prick my finger and say its 373. I'm like well crap because i barely ate any thing and its that high. She tells me there is not much she can do for me that i should go to the hospital because the sugars are high and worrying. So I'm freaked out now and very upset. But I go to the hospital. Now i cant pay for a hospital or doctor visits but I need to take care of this. I get the to hospital and once again get told they are not sure what they can do for me. I stay there for 5 hours they gave me insulin and sent me home.
I don't know what to do. I was told that there is state help for diabetes but when i went today to sign up for help the office said they don't have any thing for that. I tried to get on disability (for my back) a while ago and I had no clue what was going on there. So i call them to find out got told my account is still active but its about 11month wait to get a hearing.
I feel like whats the point. My body wont wait 8 more months for that to come through. I cant pay for meds to keep my sugars in control. I just want to live and take care of my self. Im doing what i can but doors keep being shut on me. I need more then just diabetic help but i cant even get that and that's more life threatening. Im loosing hope and will to keep fighting.
Old Posted 09-21-2011, 11:55 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   princeofrose princeofrose is offline
The Rose Prince
All I can say to this is exercise a SHIZ TON eat NO Sugar (only healthy things like fruits and vegetables and meat) Drink LOTS of water. Don't starve yourself, just eat the recommended portion which is the size of your hand, every day
And just make sure you get all the servings you need
All that junk food in the freezer/cabinent whatsoever throw it all out. If you don't throw it ouy you will definitely eat it.
My mom is borderline diabetic-but she doesn't need any medicine or anything because she is extremely healthy-she works out every day and eats huge piles of vegetables so she is very lucky.

All I can say is drink lots water, eat healthily, and exercise a lot.

Your blood sugar may be high but if you can't afford it then you can't afford it. Have you seen yourself with any symptoms of a diabetic? Like are you tired a lot? Thirsty all the time? etc etc?
If it starts to get really bad then you should go to the doctor, if you don't notice any differences then I assume you can wait.
Old Posted 09-22-2011, 12:59 AM Reply With Quote  
Delicious Nightmare Delicious Nightmare is offline
Even Angels Fall
Default   #3  
With my depression being tired it not new. And I already drink a lot so i wouldn't really notice that. I have noticed my eye sight going in and out. I'm assuming that's when my sugars get really high. I also have lost my fast healing. I got bit by a bug and well it still looks new lol and its about a month old.
Old Posted 09-22-2011, 01:50 AM Reply With Quote  

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