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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Trisphee Smilies :D
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:p-smile: Phoenix Smile Phoenix Smile
:p-frown: Phoenix Frown Phoenix Frown
:p-angry: Phoenix Angry Phoenix Angry
:p-ugh: Phoenix Ugh Phoenix Ugh
:p-kittysmile: Phoenix Kitty Smile Phoenix Kitty Smile
:p-cool: Phoenix Cool Phoenix Cool
:p-laugh: Phoenix Laugh Phoenix Laugh
:p-nod: Phoenix Phoenix
:p-dead: Phoenix Phoenix
:p-sweat: Phoenix Phoenix
:p-glance: Phoenix Glance Phoenix Glance
:p-grin: Phoenix Grin Phoenix Grin
:p-wide: Phoenix Wide Eyes Phoenix Wide Eyes
:p-love: Phoenix Love Phoenix Love
:p-cry: Phoenix Cry Phoenix Cry
:p-raspberry: Phoenix Raspberry Phoenix Raspberry
:p-evil: Phoenix Evil Phoenix Evil
:p-blink: Phoenix Blink Phoenix Blink
:p-tongue: Phoenix Tongue Phoenix Tongue
:p-innocent: Phoenix Innocent Phoenix Innocent
:p-confusion: Phoenix Confusion Phoenix Confusion
:p-wink: Phoenix Wink Phoenix Wink
:p-mischievous: Phoenix Mischievous Phoenix Mischievous
:p-cute: Phoenix Cute Phoenix Cute
:s-grin: Sinopa Grin Sinopa Grin
:s-blush: Sinopa Blush Sinopa Blush
:s-kittysmile: Sinopa Kitty Face Sinopa Kitty Face
:s-smug: Sinopa Smug Sinopa Smug
:s-kissface: Sinopa Kiss Face Sinopa Kiss Face
:s-dead: Sinopa Dead Sinopa Dead
:s-excited: Sinopa Excited Sinopa Excited
:s-sweat: Sinopa Sweat Sinopa Sweat
:s-shock: Sinopa Shock Sinopa Shock
:s-glasses: Sinopa Glasses Sinopa Glasses
:s-tongue: Sinopa Tongue Sinopa Tongue
:s-sleep: Sinopa Sleep Sinopa Sleep
:s-megusta: Sinopa Megusta Sinopa Megusta
:s-happy: Sinopa Happy Sinopa Happy
:s-drool: Sinopa Drool Sinopa Drool
:s-ugh: Sinopa Ugh Sinopa Ugh
:s-cry: Sinopa Cry Sinopa Cry
:s-angry: Sinopa Angry Sinopa Angry
:s-laugh: Sinopa Laugh Sinopa Laugh
:s-fancy: Sinopa Fancy Sinopa Fancy
:s-wut: Sinopa Wut Sinopa Wut
:s-shy: Sinopa Shy Sinopa Shy
:s-angel: Sinopa Angel Sinopa Angel
:s-awesome: Sinopa Awesome Sinopa Awesome
:s-yell: Sinopa Yell Sinopa Yell
:s-smile: Sinopa Smile Sinopa Smile
:s-ninja: Sinopa Ninja Sinopa Ninja
:s-joy: Sinopa Joy Sinopa Joy
:s-evil: Sinopa Evil Sinopa Evil
:s-surprise: Sinopa Surprise Sinopa Surprise
:s-wink: Sinopa Wink Sinopa Wink
:s-cool: Sinopa Cool Sinopa Cool
:s-love: Sinopa Love Sinopa Love
:s-glare: Sinopa Glare Sinopa Glare
:s-twitch: Sinopa Twitch Sinopa Twitch
:s-sick: Sinopa Sick Sinopa Sick
:f-raspfft: Furball Raspberry Pfft Furball Raspberry Pfft
:f-interested: Furball Interested Furball Interested
:f-stareright: Furball Stare Right Furball Stare Right
:f-bowtie: Furball Bowtie Furball Bowtie
:f-mew: Furball Mew Furball Mew
:f-tattoo: Furball Tattoo Furball Tattoo
:f-loveyou: Furball ILU Furball ILU
:f-oddsquint: Furball Odd Squint Furball Odd Squint
:f-dull: Furball Dull Furball Dull
:f-wink3: Furball Wink 3 Furball Wink 3
:f-red: Furball Red Furball Red
:f-redglare: Furball Red Glare Furball Red Glare
:f-secret: Furball Secret Furball Secret
:f-happytears: Furball Happy Tears Furball Happy Tears
:f-slow: Furball Slow Furball Slow
:f-eyebrowraise: Furball Eyebrow Raise Furball Eyebrow Raise
:f-squee: Furball Squee Furball Squee
:f-darkrest: Furball Dark Rest Furball Dark Rest
:f-rollinglaugh: Furball Rolling Laugh Furball Rolling Laugh
:f-surpriseddrool: Furball Surprised Drool Furball Surprised Drool
:f-cool: Furball Cool Furball Cool
:f-ninja: Furball Ninja Furball Ninja
:f-unsure: Furball Unsure Furball Unsure
:f-eyespin: Furball Eyespin Furball Eyespin
:f-warning: Furball Warning Furball Warning
:f-pumpkin: Furball Pumpkin Furball Pumpkin
:f-foxy: Furball Foxy Furball Foxy
:f-!: Furball ! Furball !
:f-annoyed: Furball Annoyed Furball Annoyed
:f-innocent: Furball Innocent Furball Innocent
:f-singing: Furball Singing Furball Singing
:f-raspberrywink: Furball Raspberry Wink Furball Raspberry Wink
:f-smile2: Furball Smile 2 Furball Smile 2
:f-beauty: Furball Beauty Mark Furball Beauty Mark
:f-kittysmile: Furball Kitty Smile Furball Kitty Smile
:f-straightface: Furball Straightface Furball Straightface
:f-calm: Furball Calm Furball Calm
:f-mup: Furball Mup Furball Mup
:f-ugh: Furball Ugh Furball Ugh
:f-deprived: Furball Deprived Furball Deprived
:f-please: Furball Please Furball Please
:f-fang: Furball Fang Furball Fang
:f-worry: Furball Worry Furball Worry
:f-redstare: Furball Red Stare Furball Red Stare
:f-glow: Furball Glow Furball Glow
:f-sick: Furball Sick Furball Sick
:f-quest: Furball Quest Furball Quest
:f-heart: Furball Heart Furball Heart
:f-hu: Furball Hu Furball Hu
:f-stareleft: Furball Stare Left Furball Stare Left
:f-embarrassed: Furball Embarrassed Furball Embarrassed
:f-messy: Furball Messy Furball Messy
:f-qq: Furball QQ Furball QQ
:f-crosseye2: Furball Crosseye 2 Furball Crosseye 2
:f-squint: Furball Squint Furball Squint
:f-drool: Furball Drool Furball Drool
:f-wink: Furball Wink Furball Wink
:f-reading: Furball Reading Furball Reading
:f-blueglare: Furball Blue Glare Furball Blue Glare
:f-wink2: Furball Wink 2 Furball Wink 2
:f-veryhappy: Furball Very Happy Furball Very Happy
:f-sleepy: Furball Sleepy Furball Sleepy
:f-raspberry: Furball Raspberry Furball Raspberry
:f-hm: Furball Hm Furball Hm
:f-smiledrool: Furball Smile Drool Furball Smile Drool
:f-blankstare: Furball BlankStare Furball BlankStare
:f-flick: Furball Flick Furball Flick
:f-surprised2: Furball Surprised 2 Furball Surprised 2
:f-cheer: Furball Cheer Furball Cheer
:f-mustache2: Furball Mustache 2 Furball Mustache 2
:f-uneasy: Furball Uneasy Furball Uneasy
:f-dizzy: Furball Dizzy Furball Dizzy
:f-wants: Furball Wants Furball Wants
:f-prettybow: Furball Pretty Bow Furball Pretty Bow
:f-floral: Furball Floral Furball Floral
:f-happysmile: Furball Happy Smile Furball Happy Smile
:f-rest: Furball Rest Furball Rest
:f-grin: Furball Grin Furball Grin
:f-sillysmile: Furball Silly Smile Furball Silly Smile
:f-happywink: Furball Happy Wink Furball Happy Wink
:f-smile: Furball Smile Furball Smile
:f-ack: Furball Ack Furball Ack
:f-invisible: Furball Invisible Furball Invisible
:f-studious: Furball Studious Furball Studious
:f-calico: Furball Calico Furball Calico
:f-mooncharm: Furball Mooncharm Furball Mooncharm
:f-tired: Furball Tired Furball Tired
:f-darkness: Furball Darkness Furball Darkness
:f-onefish: Furball One Fish Furball One Fish
:f-fakesleep: Furball Fakesleep Furball Fakesleep
:f-santa: Furball Santa Furball Santa
:f-redeyes: Furball Red Eyes Furball Red Eyes
:f-glasses: Furball Glasses Furball Glasses
:f-shifty: Furball Shifty Furball Shifty
:f-hat: Furball Hat Furball Hat
:f-evil: Furball Evil Furball Evil
:f-squiggle: Furball Squiggle Furball Squiggle
:f-blush: Furball Blush Furball Blush
:f-mad: Furball Mad Furball Mad
:f-sweat: Furball Sweat Furball Sweat
:f-crosseye: Furball Crosseye Furball Crosseye
:f-furball: Furball Furball
:f-tongue: Furball Tongue Furball Tongue
:f-dressup: Furball Dress Up Furball Dress Up
:f-weep: Furball Weep Furball Weep
:f-?: Furball ? Furball ?
:f-angry: Furball Angry Furball Angry
:f-riddle: Furball Riddle Furball Riddle
:f-happy: Furball Happy Furball Happy
:f-sleepdeprived: Furball Sleep Deprived Furball Sleep Deprived
:f-sad: Furball Sadface Furball Sadface
:f-heart2: Furball Heart 2 Furball Heart 2
:f-smile3: Furball Smile 3 Furball Smile 3
:f-bluestare: Furball Stare Furball Stare
:f-dead: Furball Dead Furball Dead
:f-surprised: Furball Surprised Furball Surprised
:f-missingeye: Furball Missing Eye Furball Missing Eye
:f-mustache: Furball Mustache Furball Mustache
:f-uncertain: Furball Uncertain Furball Uncertain
:f-devious: Furball Devious Furball Devious
:f-plotting: Furball Plotting Furball Plotting
:f-blues: Furball Blues Furball Blues
:f-lightrest: Furball Light Rest Furball Light Rest
:f-redrest: Furball Red Rest Furball Red Rest
:f-goo: Furball Goo Furball Goo
:f-sideglance: Furball Sideglance Furball Sideglance
:f-...: Furball ... Furball ...
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