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Viridis Aureus Viridis Aureus is offline

Two Fish

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Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 44
  1. 's Avatar
    05-04-2013 10:53 PM
    Im back<3
  2. 's Avatar
    05-04-2013 10:28 PM
    Hey I gtg for a bit ono
    ill be back in like 20? Maybe 30?
  3. 's Avatar
    05-04-2013 09:59 PM
    Yeah ^_^
    hehe sorry ive bee. A little slowi was sending swapnotes
  4. 's Avatar
    05-04-2013 09:49 PM
    Woot! X)
  5. 's Avatar
    05-04-2013 09:35 PM
    Same here even though I only got a few hours of sleep
    me and my bro are staying up x'D
    You're at 187 -----> look over that way in the top box
    that says mini statistics
  6. 's Avatar
    05-04-2013 09:32 PM
    Lets aim for 300
  7. 's Avatar
    05-04-2013 05:16 PM
    This is asamis mule
    You'll be getting a trade from me c:
  8. 's Avatar
    05-04-2013 12:57 AM
    Indeed I do cometh from the lands of zantarni ^^
  9. 's Avatar
    05-03-2013 07:36 PM
    Viridis Aureus
    I don't know what I'm going to do XD. I've bought a couple of items already, a pair of lips and this hair, from my list because I wanted them for my avatar. I'll probably go by colour though.
  10. 's Avatar
    05-03-2013 07:30 PM
    Id say get a color at a time ^^
    But don't limit yourself to one set
    Maybe limit yourself to one color? Or just jump around but make sure to delete what color you picked from your quest o3o


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  • Total Posts: 448
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  • Last Activity: 03-15-2015 01:20 AM
  • Join Date: 04-29-2013
  • Referrals: 0


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