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Jessibuns Jessibuns is offline

On in to the future

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 146
  1. 's Avatar
    03-05-2022 11:18 PM
    Oh hey. I know you from Pantheon! Your avi here is pretty! <3
  2. 's Avatar
    10-03-2021 01:34 PM
    Sure sure
  3. 's Avatar
    12-20-2017 11:30 PM
    Ah yea, it's not always the most active around here, but I think we do okay.
  4. 's Avatar
    12-20-2017 11:10 PM
    I tried to go back on there but there's next to zero activity so I went back on semi-permanent hiatus. Thanks for the other item, I'm sorry it's not working out for you here.
  5. 's Avatar
    12-20-2017 10:59 PM
    OH HEY! I remember you! Aww now you're leaving. :( Thank you for the item
  6. 's Avatar
    12-20-2017 10:57 PM
    Indeed I was, did we know each other there?
  7. 's Avatar
    12-20-2017 10:57 PM
    Claire Bear
    wow! thank you! very much my style!!! how did you know!!!
  8. 's Avatar
    10-27-2016 01:00 PM
    cool, thankyou<3 i offer you the same invitation~
  9. 's Avatar
    10-27-2016 12:51 PM
    -nods- btw there is a new cranegame item too!~
  10. 's Avatar
    10-27-2016 12:48 PM
    are you liking the event?

About Me

  • About Jessibuns
    Over there. In that glove shaped thing.
    Poetry. Music. Writing. Video games. LGBT. Slinkies. Avatar sites
  • Signature
    I'm Jessi.
    non binary, pansexual.
    she/her they/them.
    I age regress. signs I’m regressin- when I say haihai (or just hai) when I use cute emotes like -
    o u o. sometimes I like txt talk too, it’s like me slipping out of “adult speak”

    I NEED posting currency, I have 90 runes to sell.


Total Posts
  • Total Posts: 2,537
  • Posts Per Day: 0.48
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: Yesterday 01:48 PM
  • Join Date: 09-16-2010
  • Referrals: 3


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